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The CPAT 2.0.2 Domain Model - How CPAT 2.0.2 "Thinks" From an Analyst Perspective

Waddell, Lucas W.; Muldoon, Frank M.; Melander, Darryl J.; Backlund, Peter B.; Henry, Stephen M.; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Nelson, April M.; Lawton, Craig R.; Rice, Roy E.

To help effectively plan the management and modernization of their large and diverse fleets of vehicles, the Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS) and the Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS &CSS) commissioned the development of a large - scale portfolio planning optimization tool. This software, the Capability Portfolio Analysis Tool (CPAT), creates a detailed schedule that optimally prioritizes the modernization or replacement of vehicles within the fleet - respecting numerous business rules associated with fleet structure, budgets, industrial base, research and testing, etc., while maximizing overall fleet performance through time. This report contains a description of the organizational fleet structure and a thorough explanation of the business rules that the CPAT formulation follows involving performance, scheduling, production, and budgets. This report, which is an update to the original CPAT domain model published in 2015 (SAND2015 - 4009), covers important new CPAT features. This page intentionally left blank

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The Capability Portfolio Analysis Tool (CPAT): A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Fleet Modernization Analysis (Version 2.0.2)

Waddell, Lucas W.; Muldoon, Frank M.; Henry, Stephen M.; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Nelson, April M.; Backlund, Peter B.; Melander, Darryl J.; Lawton, Craig R.; Rice, Roy E.

In order to effectively plan the management and modernization of their large and diverse fleets of vehicles, Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS) and Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS&CSS) commis- sioned the development of a large-scale portfolio planning optimization tool. This software, the Capability Portfolio Analysis Tool (CPAT), creates a detailed schedule that optimally prioritizes the modernization or replacement of vehicles within the fleet - respecting numerous business rules associated with fleet structure, budgets, industrial base, research and testing, etc., while maximizing overall fleet performance through time. This paper contains a thor- ough documentation of the terminology, parameters, variables, and constraints that comprise the fleet management mixed integer linear programming (MILP) mathematical formulation. This paper, which is an update to the original CPAT formulation document published in 2015 (SAND2015-3487), covers the formulation of important new CPAT features.

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INFORMS Section on Location Analysis Dissertation Award Submission

Waddell, Lucas W.

This research effort can be summarized by two main thrusts, each of which has a chapter of the dissertation dedicated to it. First, I pose a novel polyhedral approach for identifying polynomially solvable in- stances of the QAP based on an application of the reformulation-linearization technique (RLT), a general procedure for constructing mixed 0-1 linear reformulations of 0-1 pro- grams. The feasible region to the continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT form is a polytope having a highly specialized structure. Every binary solution to the QAP is associated with an extreme point of this polytope, and the objective function value is preserved at each such point. However, there exist extreme points that do not correspond to binary solutions. The key insight is a previously unnoticed and unexpected relationship between the polyhedral structure of the continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT representation and various classes of readily solvable instances. Specifically, we show that a variety of apparently unrelated solvable cases of the QAP can all be categorized in the following sense: each such case has an objective function which ensures that an optimal solution to the continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT form occurs at a binary extreme point. Interestingly, there exist instances that are solvable by the level-1 RLT form which do not satisfy the conditions of these cases, so that the level-1 form theoretically identifies a richer family of solvable instances. Second, I focus on instances of the QAP known in the literature as linearizable. An instance of the QAP is defined to be linearizable if and only if the problem can be equivalently written as a linear assignment problem that preserves the objective function value at all feasible solutions. I provide an entirely new polyheral-based perspective on the concept of linearizable by showing that an instance of the QAP is linearizable if and only if a relaxed version of the continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT form is bounded. We also shows that the level-1 RLT form can identify a richer family of solvable instances than those deemed linearizable by demonstrating that the continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT form can have an optimal binary solution for instances that are not linearizable. As a byproduct, I use this theoretical framework to explicity, in closed form, characterize the dimensions of the level-1 RLT form and various other problem relaxations.

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A Complex Systems Approach to More Resilient Multi-Layered Security Systems

Jones, Katherine A.; Bandlow, Alisa B.; Waddell, Lucas W.; Nozick, Linda K.; Levin, Drew L.; Brown, Nathanael J.

In July 2012, protestors cut through security fences and gained access to the Y-12 National Security Complex. This was believed to be a highly reliable, multi-layered security system. This report documents the results of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project that created a consistent, robust mathematical framework using complex systems analysis algorithms and techniques to better understand the emergent behavior, vulnerabilities and resiliency of multi-layered security systems subject to budget constraints and competing security priorities. Because there are several dimensions to security system performance and a range of attacks that might occur, the framework is multi-objective for a performance frontier to be estimated. This research explicitly uses probability of intruder interruption given detection (PI) as the primary resilience metric. We demonstrate the utility of this framework with both notional as well as real-world examples of Physical Protection Systems (PPSs) and validate using a well-established force-on-force simulation tool, Umbra.

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14 Results
14 Results