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HedgeHOGS: A Rapid Nuclear Hedge Sizing and Analysis Tool

Reynolds, Adam F.; Steinfeldt, Bradley A.; Lafleur, Jarret M.; Hawley, Marilyn F.; Shannon, Lisa M.

The U.S. nuclear stockpile hedge is an inventory of non-deployed nuclear warheads and a force structure capable of deploying those warheads. Current guidance is to retain this hedge to mitigate the risk associated with the technical failure of any single warhead type or adverse geopolitical developments that could require augmentation of the force. The necessary size of the hedge depends on the composition of the nuclear stockpile and assumed constraints. Knowing the theoretical minimum hedge given certain constraints is useful when considering future weapons policy. HedgeHOGS, an Excel-based tool, was developed to enable rapid calculation of the minimum hedge size associated with varying active stockpile composition and hedging strategies.

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