
67 Results
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Evolution of 316L stainless steel feedstock due to laser powder bed fusion process

Additive Manufacturing

Heiden, Michael J.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Rodelas, Jeffrey R.; Koepke, Joshua R.; Tung, Daniel J.; Saiz, David J.; Jared, Bradley H.

Some of the primary barriers to widespread adoption of metal additive manufacturing (AM) are persistent defect formation in built components, high material costs, and lack of consistency in powder feedstock. To generate more reliable, complex-shaped metal parts, it is crucial to understand how feedstock properties change with reuse and how that affects build mechanical performance. Powder particles interacting with the energy source, yet not consolidated into an AM part can undergo a range of dynamic thermal interactions, resulting in variable particle behavior if reused. In this work, we present a systematic study of 316L powder properties from the virgin state through thirty powder reuses in the laser powder bed fusion process. Thirteen powder characteristics and the resulting AM build mechanical properties were investigated for both powder states. Results show greater variability in part ductility for the virgin state. The feedstock exhibited minor changes to size distribution, bulk composition, and hardness with reuse, but significant changes to particle morphology, microstructure, magnetic properties, surface composition, and oxide thickness. Additionally, sieved powder, along with resulting fume/condensate and recoil ejecta (spatter) properties were characterized. Formation mechanisms are proposed. It was discovered that spatter leads to formation of single crystal ferrite through large degrees of supercooling and massive solidification. Ferrite content and consequently magnetic susceptibility of the powder also increases with reuse, suggesting potential for magnetic separation as a refining technique for altered feedstock.

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Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing and Powder Feedstock on Porosity, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Melted AlSi10Mg

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

Finfrock, Christopher B.; Exil, Andrea; Carroll, Jay D.; Deibler, Lisa A.

AlSi10Mg tensile bars were additively manufactured using the powder-bed selective laser melting process. Samples were subjected to stress relief annealing and hot isostatic pressing. Tensile samples built using fresh, stored, and reused powder feedstock were characterized for microstructure, porosity, and mechanical properties. Fresh powder exhibited the best mechanical properties and lowest porosity while stored and reused powder exhibited inferior mechanical properties and higher porosity. The microstructure of stress relieved samples was fine and exhibited (001) texture in the z-build direction. Microstructure for hot isostatic pressed samples was coarsened with fainter (001) texture. To investigate surface and interior defects, scanning electron microscopy, optical fractography, and laser scanning microscopy techniques were employed. Hot isostatic pressing eliminated internal pores and reduced the size of surface porosity associated with the selective laser melting process. Hot isostatic pressing tended to increase ductility at the expense of decreasing strength. However, scatter in ductility of hot isostatic pressed parts suggests that the presence of unclosed surface porosity facilitated fracture with crack propagation inward from the surface of the part.

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Effect of thermal annealing on microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of an additive manufactured AlSi10Mg part

Journal of Materials Research

Yang, Pin Y.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Griego, James J.M.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Allen, Amy A.; Stefan, Daniel K.

The powder-bed laser additive manufacturing (AM) process is widely used in the fabrication of three-dimensional metallic parts with intricate structures, where kinetically controlled diffusion and microstructure ripening can be hindered by fast melting and rapid solidification. Therefore, the microstructure and physical properties of parts made by this process will be significantly different from their counterparts produced by conventional methods. This work investigates the microstructure evolution for an AM fabricated AlSi10Mg part from its nonequilibrium state toward equilibrium state. Special attention is placed on silicon dissolution, precipitate formation, collapsing of a divorced eutectic cellular structure, and microstructure ripening in the thermal annealing process. These events alter the size, morphology, length scale, and distribution of the beta silicon phase in the primary aluminum, and changes associated with elastic properties and microhardness are reported. The relationship between residual stress and silicon dissolution due to changes in lattice spacing is also investigated and discussed.

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Experiments and Modeling to Characterize Microstructure and Hardness in 304L

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

Deibler, Lisa A.; Brown, Arthur B.; Puskar, J.D.

Drawn 304L stainless steel tubing was subjected to 42 different annealing heat treatments with the goal of initializing a microstructural model to select a heat treatment to soften the tubing from a hardness of 305 Knoop to 225–275 Knoop. The amount of recrystallization and grain size caused by 18 heat treatments were analyzed via optical microscopy and image analysis, revealing the full range of recrystallization from 0 to 100%. The formation of carbides during the longer duration and higher-temperature heat treatments was monitored via transmission electron microscope evaluation. The experimental results informed a model which includes recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth to predict microstructure and hardness. After initialization of the model, it was able to predict hardness with a R2 value of 0.95 and recrystallization with an R2 value of 0.99. The model was then utilized in the design and testing of a heat treatment to soften the tubing.

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Investigation of grain-scale microstructural variability in tantalum using crystal plasticity-finite element simulations

Computational Materials Science

Lim, Hojun L.; Dingreville, Rémi; Deibler, Lisa A.; Buchheit, Thomas E.; Battaile, Corbett C.

In this work, a crystal plasticity-finite element (CP-FE) model is used to investigate the effects of microstructural variability at a notch tip in tantalum single crystals and polycrystals. It is shown that at the macroscopic scale, the mechanical response of single crystals is sensitive to the crystallographic orientation while the response of polycrystals shows relatively small susceptibility to it. However, at the microscopic scale, the local stress and strain fields in the vicinity of the crack tip are completely determined by the local crystallographic orientation at the crack tip for both single and polycrystalline specimens with similar mechanical field distributions. Variability in the local metrics used (maximum von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain at 3% deformation) for 100 different realizations of polycrystals fluctuates by up to a factor of 2-7 depending on the local crystallographic texture. Comparison with experimental data shows that the CP model captures variability in stress-strain response of polycrystals that can be attributed to the grain-scale microstructural variability. This work provides a convenient approach to investigate fluctuations in the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline materials induced by grain morphology and crystallographic orientations.

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Process modeling and experiments for forging and welding

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Brown, Arthur B.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Beghini, Lauren L.; Kostka, Timothy D.; Antoun, Bonnie R.

We are developing the capability to track material changes through numerous possible steps of the manufacturing process, such as forging, machining, and welding. In this work, experimental and modeling results are presented for a multiple-step process in which an ingot of stainless steel 304L is forged at high temperature, then machined into a thin slice, and finally subjected to an autogenous GTA weld. The predictions of temperature, yield stress, and recrystallized volume fraction are compared to experimental results.

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Room temperature creep in metals and alloys

Deibler, Lisa A.

Time dependent deformation in the form of creep and stress relaxation is not often considered a factor when designing structural alloy parts for use at room temperature. However, creep and stress relaxation do occur at room temperature (0.09-0.21 Tm for alloys in this report) in structural alloys. This report will summarize the available literature on room temperature creep, present creep data collected on various structural alloys, and finally compare the acquired data to equations used in the literature to model creep behavior. Based on evidence from the literature and fitting of various equations, the mechanism which causes room temperature creep is found to include dislocation generation as well as exhaustion.

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Characterization of Tri-lab Tantalum Plate

Buchheit, Thomas E.; Cerreta, Ellen K.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Chen, Shu-Rong C.; Michael, Joseph R.

This report provides a detailed characterization Tri-lab Tantalum (Ta) plate jointly purchased from HCStark Inc. by Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. Data in this report was compiled from series of material and properties characterization experiments carried out at Sandia (SNL) and Los Alamos (LANL) Laboratories through a leveraged effort funded by the C2 campaign. Results include microstructure characterization detailing the crystallographic texture of the material and an increase in grain size near the end of the rolled plate. Mechanical properties evaluations include, compression cylinder, sub-scale tension specimen, micohardness and instrumented indentation testing. The plate was found to have vastly superior uniformity when compare with previously characterized wrought Ta material. Small but measurable variations in microstructure and properties were noted at the end, and at the top and bottom edges of the plate.

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67 Results
67 Results