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Material properties of ceramic slurries for applications in additive manufacturing using stereolithography

Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018

Maines, Erin M.; Bell, Nelson S.; Evans, Lindsey E.; Roach, Matthew R.; Tsui, Lok K.; Lavin, Judith M.; Keicher, David M.

Stereolithography (SL) is a process that uses photosensitive polymer solutions to create 3D parts in a layer by layer approach. Sandia National Labs is interested in using SL for the printing of ceramic loaded resins, namely alumina, that we are formulating here at the labs. One of the most important aspects for SL printing of ceramics is the properties of the slurry itself. The work presented here will focus on the use of a novel commercially available low viscosity resin provided by Colorado Photopolymer Solutions, CPS 2030, and a Hypermer KD1 dispersant from Croda. Two types of a commercially available alumina powder, Almatis A16 SG and Almatis A15 SG, are compared to determine the effects that the size and the distribution of the powder have on the loading of the solution using rheology. The choice of a low viscosity resin allows for a high particle loading, which is necessary for the printing of high density parts using a commercial SL printer. The Krieger-Dougherty equation was used to evaluate the maximum particle loading for the system. This study found that a bimodal distribution of micron sized powder (A15 SG) reduced the shear thickening effects caused by hydroclusters, and allows for the highest alumina powder loading. A final sintered density of 90% of the theoretical density of alumina was achieved based on the optimized formulation and printing conditions.

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Additive manufacturing of alumina components by extrusion of in-situ UV-cured pastes

Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018

Tsui, Lok K.; Maines, Erin M.; Evans, Lindsey E.; Keicher, David; Lavin, Judith M.

Additive manufacturing of ceramic materials is an attractive technique for rapid prototyping of components at small scales and low cost. We have investigated the printing of alumina pastes loaded at 70-81.5 wt% solids in a UV curable resin. These can be deposited by extrusion from a syringe head on a Hyrel System 30M printer. The print head is equipped with an array of UV LEDs, which solidify the paste without the need for any applied heating. Parameters optimized include print speed, layer height, applied force, and deposition rate. Using A15 alumina and submicron A16 powder precursors, we can achieve bulk densities of 91% and 96% of theoretical density respectively. The influence of dispersants and surfactants added to the powder on the rheology of the pastes, the print process parameters, and the quality of the final components are also investigated.

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Additively manufactured mixed potential electrochemical sensors for NOx, C3H8, and NH3 detection

Progress in Additive Manufacturing

Tsui, Lok K.; Benavidez, Angelica; Evans, Lindsey E.; Garzon, Fernando

Additive manufacturing of mixed potential electrochemical sensors opens the possibility to perform rapid prototyping of electrode and electrolyte materials. We report for the first time the use of this technique for the fabrication of solid-state electrochemical gas sensors of the mixed potential type and assessment of variability in the manufacturing process. La0.87Sr0.13CrO3 (LSCO) and Pt electrodes bridged with a porous yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) have been deposited on YSZ substrates by direct-write extrusion of pastes and inks. The sensors are evaluated for their sensitivity to 200 ppm of NOx, C3H8, and NH3. There is a need to understand how variations in intrinsic materials parameters during manufacturing such as differences in porosity affect the gas sensing of additively manufactured sensors to guide optimization of their performance and serve as quality control techniques. Further characterizations of these devices include electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and an aqueous electrochemical assessment of the electrode surface area and diffusion through the porous layer. We find a correlation of increased sensitivity with larger gas reaction impedance, higher Pt electrode surface area, and slower diffusion.

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Quantitative decoding of the response a ceramic mixed potential sensor array for engine emissions control and diagnostics

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical

Tsui, Lok k.; Benavidez, Angelica; Palanisamy, Ponnusamy; Evans, Lindsey E.; Garzon, Fernando

The development of on-board sensors for emissions monitoring is necessary for continuous monitoring of the performance of catalytic systems in automobiles. We have fabricated mixed potential electrochemical gas sensing devices with Pt, La0.8Sr0.2CrO3 (LSCO), and Au/Pd alloy electrodes and a porous yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte. The three-electrode design takes advantage of the preferential selectivity of the Pt + Au/Pd and Pt + LSCO pairs towards different species of gases and has additional tunable selectivity achieved by applying a current bias to the latter pair. Voltages were recorded in single, binary, and ternary gas streams of NO, NO2, C3H8, and CO. We have trained artificial neural networks to examine the voltage output from sensors in biased and unbiased modes to both identify which single test gas or binary mixture of two test gases is present in a gas stream as well as extract concentration values. We are able to identify single and binary mixtures of these gases with accuracy of at least 98%. For determining concentration, the peak in the error distribution for binary mixtures was 5% and 80% of test data fell under <12% error. The sensor stability was also evaluated over the course of over 100 days and the ability to retrain ANNs with a small dataset was demonstrated.

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Characterization of electrochemical surface area and porosity of zirconia sensors

ECS Transactions

Tsui, Lok K.; Benavidez, Angelica; Evans, Lindsey E.; Garzon, Fernando

Solid-state zirconia sensors are used in a wide variety of applications including controlling the air to fuel ratio in combustion engines and pollution monitoring. These sensors use either a layer of zirconia as a solid-state ionic electrolyte or a gasporous ceramic as a protective layer. There is a need for quantitative methods to assess the tortuosity of these porous layers and the size of the electrode area exposed which can be performed on completed sensor devices. We demonstrate using electrochemical double layer capacitance and transport studies in aqueous potassium ferri/ferro-cyanide electrolytes that these parameters can be readily measured. The technique is demonstrated on sensors procured from ESL ElectroScience as well as sensors produced in-house using additive manufacturing. The processes that we develop can be applied as quality control to ensure sample-to-sample reproducibility of the porous layer.

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A three electrode mixed potential sensor for gas detection and discrimination

ECS Transactions

Tsui, Lok K.; Benavidez, Angelica; Palanisamy, Ponnusamy; Evans, Lindsey E.; Garzon, Fernando

A major goal for sensors in the automotive exhaust emissions control and monitoring field is the development of a single sensor to monitor NOx, NH3, CO, and hydrocarbons. Mixed potential electrochemical sensors can be readily tuned to be selective towards different gas mixtures by changing the composition of their electrode or applying a voltage or current bias. We have developed a three-electrode sensor comprised of Pt, La0.8Sr0.2CrO3 (LSCO), and Au0.5Pd0.5 electrodes with a porous yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte which can detect single and binary gas mixtures of NO, C3H8, and CO. The sensitivity of the electrode pairs was investigated and it was found that Au/Pd+Pt was most sensitive to CO while LSCO+Pt is best at detecting C3H8. From the sensor responses, we have trained artificial neural networks to use the voltage responses to recover the gas concentrations and classify the gas mixtures.

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New composite separator pellet to increase power density and reduce size of thermal batteries

Mondy, L.A.; Evans, Lindsey E.; Roberts, Christine C.; Grillet, Anne M.; Soehnel, Melissa M.; Barringer, David A.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Chavez, Tom C.; Ingersoll, David I.; Hughes, Lindsey G.

We show that it is possible to manufacture strong macroporous ceramic films that can be backfilled with electrolyte to form rigid separator pellets suitable for use in thermal batteries. Several new ceramic manufacturing processes are developed to produce sintered magnesium oxide foams with connected porosities of over 80% by volume and with sufficient strength to withstand the battery manufacturing steps. The effects of processing parameters are quantified, and methods to imbibe electrolyte into the ceramic scaffold demonstrated. Preliminary single cell battery testing show that some of our first generation pellets exhibit longer voltage life with comparable resistance at the critical early times to that exhibited by a traditional pressed pellets. Although more development work is needed to optimize the processes to create these rigid separator pellets, the results indicate the potential of such ceramic separator pellets to be equal, if not superior to, current pressed pellets. Furthermore, they could be a replacement for critical material that is no longer available, as well as improving battery separator strength, decreasing production costs, and leading to shorter battery stacks for long-life batteries.

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Batch Microreactor Studies of Lignin Depolymerization by Bases. 1. Alcohol Solvents

Evans, Lindsey E.; Trudell, Daniel E.

Biomass feedstocks contain roughly 10-30% lignin, a substance that can not be converted to fermentable sugars. Hence, most schemes for producing biofuels (ethanol) assume that the lignin coproduct will be utilized as boiler fuel to provide heat and power to the process. However, the chemical structure of lignin suggests that it will make an excellent high value fuel additive, if it can be broken down into smaller molecular units. From fiscal year 1997 through fiscal year 2001, Sandia National Laboratories was a participant in a cooperative effort with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Utah to develop and scale a base catalyzed depolymerization (BCD) process for lignin conversion. SNL's primary role in the effort was to utilize rapidly heated batch microreactors to perform kinetic studies, examine the reaction chemistry, and to develop alternate catalyst systems for the BCD process. This report summarizes the work performed at Sandia during FY97 and FY98 with alcohol based systems. More recent work with aqueous based systems will be summarized in a second report.

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Batch Microreactor Studies of Lignin Depolymerization by Bases. 2. Aqueous Solvents

Evans, Lindsey E.; Mudd, Jason E.

Biomass feedstocks contain roughly 15-30% lignin, a substance that can not be converted to fermentable sugars. Hence, most schemes for producing biofuels assume that the lignin coproduct will be utilized as boiler fuel. Yet, the chemical structure of lignin suggests that it will make an excellent high value fuel additive, if it can be broken down into smaller compounds. From Fiscal year 1997 through Fiscal year 2001, Sandia National Laboratories participated in a cooperative effort with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Utah to develop and scale a base catalyzed depolymerization (BCD) process for lignin conversion. SNL's primary role in the effort was to perform kinetic studies, examine the reaction chemistry, and to develop alternate BCD catalyst systems. This report summarizes the work performed at Sandia during Fiscal Year 1999 through Fiscal Year 2001 with aqueous systems. Work with alcohol based systems is summarized in part 1 of this report. Our study of lignin depolymerization by aqueous NaOH showed that the primary factor governing the extent of lignin conversion is the NaOH:lignin ratio. NaOH concentration is at best a secondary issue. The maximum lignin conversion is achieved at NaOH:lignin mole ratios of 1.5-2. This is consistent with acidic compounds in the depolymerized lignin neutralizing the base catalyst. The addition of CaO to NaOH improves the reaction kinetics, but not the degree of lignin conversion. The combination of Na{sub 2}CO{sub 3} and CaO offers a cost saving alternative to NaOH that performs identically to NaOH on a per Na basis. A process where CaO is regenerated from CaCO{sub 3} could offer further advantages, as could recovering the Na as Na{sub 2}CO{sub 3} or NaHCO{sub 3} by neutralization of the product solution with CO2. Model compound studies show that two types of reactions involving methoxy substituents on the aromatic ring occur: methyl group migration between phenolic groups (making and breaking ether bonds) and the loss of methyl/methoxy groups from the aromatic ring (destruction of ether linkages). The migration reactions are significantly faster than the demethylation reactions, but ultimately demethylation processes predominates.

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Sweeping Gas Membrane Desalination Using Commercial Hydrophobic Hollow Fiber Membranes

Evans, Lindsey E.

Water shortages affect 88 developing countries that are home to half of the world's population. In these places, 80-90% of all diseases and 30% of all deaths result from poor water quality. Furthermore, over the next 25 years, the number of people affected by severe water shortages is expected to increase fourfold. Low cost methods of purifying freshwater, and desalting seawater are required to contend with this destabilizing trend. Membrane distillation (MD) is an emerging technology for separations that are traditionally accomplished via conventional distillation or reverse osmosis. As applied to desalination, MD involves the transport of water vapor from a saline solution through the pores of a hydrophobic membrane. In sweeping gas MD, a flowing gas stream is used to flush the water vapor from the permeate side of the membrane, thereby maintaining the vapor pressure gradient necessary for mass transfer. Since liquid does not penetrate the hydrophobic membrane, dissolved ions are completely rejected by the membrane. MD has a number of potential advantages over conventional desalination including low temperature and pressure operation, reduced membrane strength requirements, compact size, and 100% rejection of non-volatiles. The present work evaluated the suitability of commercially available technology for sweeping gas membrane desalination. Evaluations were conducted with Celgard Liqui-Cel{reg_sign} Extra-Flow 2.5X8 membrane contactors with X-30 and X-40 hydrophobic hollow fiber membranes. Our results show that sweeping gas membrane desalination systems are capable of producing low total dissolved solids (TDS) water, typically 10 ppm or less, from seawater, using low grade heat. However, there are several barriers that currently prevent sweeping gas MD from being a viable desalination technology. The primary problem is that large air flows are required to achieve significant water yields, and the costs associated with transporting this air are prohibitive. To overcome this barrier, at least two improvements are required. First, new and different contactor geometries are necessary to achieve efficient contact with an extremely low pressure drop. Second, the temperature limits of the membranes must be increased. In the absence of these improvements, sweeping gas MD will not be economically competitive. However, the membranes may still find use in hybrid desalination systems.

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23 Results
23 Results