Energy dispersive x-ray diffraction of luminescent powders: A complement to visible phosphor thermometry
Journal of Applied Physics
Energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction of thermographic phosphors has been explored as a complementary temperature diagnostic to visible phosphor thermometry in environments where the temperature-dependent optical luminescence of the phosphors is occluded. Powder phosphor samples were heated from ambient to 300°C in incremental steps and probed with polychromatic synchrotron x rays; scattered photons were collected at a fixed diffraction angle of 3.9°. Crystal structure, lattice parameters, and coefficients of thermal expansion were calculated from the diffraction data. Finally, of the several phosphors surveyed, YAG:Dy, ZnO:Ga, and GOS:Tb were found to be excellent candidates for diffraction thermometry due to their strong, distinct diffraction peaks that shift in a repeatable and linear manner with temperature.