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Prospects and Limitations of Predicting Fuel Ignition Properties from Low-Temperature Speciation Data

Energy and Fuels

Buras, Zachary; Hansen, Nils H.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Using chemical kinetic modeling and statistical analysis, we investigate the possibility of correlating key chemical "markers"-typically small molecules-formed during very lean (φ ∼0.001) oxidation experiments with near-stoichiometric (φ ∼1) fuel ignition properties. One goal of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of designing a fuel-screening platform, based on small laboratory reactors that operate at low temperatures and use minimal fuel volume. Buras et al. [Combust. Flame 2020, 216, 472-484] have shown that convolutional neural net (CNN) fitting can be used to correlate first-stage ignition delay times (IDTs) with OH/HO2measurements during very lean oxidation in low-T flow reactors with better than factor-of-2 accuracy. In this work, we test the limits of applying this correlation-based approach to predict the low-temperature heat release (LTHR) and total IDT, including the sensitivity of total IDT to the equivalence ratio, φ. We demonstrate that first-stage IDT can be reliably correlated with very lean oxidation measurements using compressed sensing (CS), which is simpler to implement than CNN fitting. LTHR can also be predicted via CS analysis, although the correlation quality is somewhat lower than for first-stage IDT. In contrast, the accuracy of total IDT prediction at φ = 1 is significantly lower (within a factor of 4 or worse). These results can be rationalized by the fact that the first-stage IDT and LTHR are primarily determined by low-temperature chemistry, whereas total IDT depends on low-, intermediate-, and high-temperature chemistry. Oxidation reactions are most important at low temperatures, and therefore, measurements of universal molecular markers of oxidation do not capture the full chemical complexity required to accurately predict the total IDT even at a single equivalence ratio. As a result, we find that φ-sensitivity of ignition delay cannot be predicted at all using solely correlation with lean low-T chemical speciation measurements.

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Table-Top High Photon Energy Sources for Chemical Dynamics Investigations

Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Tross, Jan T.; Schrader, Paul E.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Au, Kendrew

Time-resolved spectroscopies using high-energy photons in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to the X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum, have proven to be powerful probes of chemical dynamics. These high-energy photons can access valence and core orbitals of molecules and materials, providing key information on molecular and electronic structure and their time evolution. This report details the development of table-top sources of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and VUV pulses at Sandia National Laboratories for use in studies of gas phase chemical dynamics. Femtosecond duration XUV pulses are produced using laser-driven high harmonic generation and their detected range span ~40-140 eV photon energies. These pulses are used in conjunction with ultraviolet pulses in a pump-probe scheme to study excited state dynamics of gas phase molecules. VUV pulses at 7.75 eV are generated using a four-wave-mixing scheme driven by 800 nm and 266 nm pulses in an argon-filled hollow-core fiber.

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A New Approach to Fundamental Mechanism Discovery in Polymer Upcycling

Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Hansen, Nils H.

We present a new experimental methodology for detailed experimental investigations of depolymerization reactions over solid catalysts. This project aims to address a critical need in fundamental research on chemical upcycling of polymers – the lack of rapid, sensitive, isomerselective probing techniques for the detection of reaction intermediates and products. Our method combines a heterogeneous catalysis reactor for the study of multiphase (gas/polymer melt/solid) systems, coupled to a vacuum UV photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer. This apparatus draws on our expertise in probing complex gas-phase chemistry and enables highthroughput, detailed chemical speciation measurements of the gas phase above the catalyst, providing valuable information on the heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Using this approach, we investigated the depolymerization of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) over Ir-doped zeolite catalysts. We showed that the product distribution was dominated by low-molecular weight alkenes with terminal C=C double bonds and revealed the presence of many methyl-substituted alkenes and alkanes, suggesting extensive methyl radical chemistry. In addition, we investigated the fundamental reactivity of model oligomer molecules n-butane and isobutane over ZSM-5 zeolites. We demonstrated the first direct detection of methyl radical intermediates, confirming the key role of methyl in zeolite-catalyzed activation of alkanes. Our results show the potential of this experimental method to achieve deep insight into the complex depolymerization reactions and pave the way for detailed mechanistic studies, leading to increased fundamental understanding of key processes in chemical upcycling of polymers.

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Quantitative Detection of Products and Radical Intermediates in Low-Temperature Oxidation of Cyclopentane

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Sheps, Leonid S.; Dewyer, Amanda L.; Demireva, Maria; Zador, Judit Z.

We present a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the autoignition chemistry of a prototypical cyclic hydrocarbon, cyclopentane. Experiments using a high-pressure photolysis reactor coupled to time-resolved synchrotron VUV photoionization mass spectrometry directly probe the short-lived radical intermediates and products in cyclopentane oxidation reactions. We detect key peroxy radical intermediates ROO and OOQOOH, as well as several hydroperoxides, formed by second O2 addition. Automated quantum chemical calculations map out the R + O2 + O2 reaction channels and demonstrate that the detected intermediates belong to the dominant radical chain-branching pathway: ROO (+ O2) → γ-QOOH + O2 → γ-OOQOOH → products. ROO, OOQOOH, and hydroperoxide products of second-O2 addition undergo extensive dissociative ionization, making their experimental assignment challenging. We use photoionization dynamics calculations to aid in their characterization and report the absolute photoionization spectra of isomerically pure ROO and γ-OOQOOH. A global statistical fit of the observed kinetics enables reliable quantification of the time-resolved concentrations of these elusive, yet critical species, paving the way for detailed comparisons with theoretical predictions from master-equation-based models.

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Reaction mechanisms of a cyclic ether intermediate: Ethyloxirane

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics

Christianson, Matthew G.; Doner, Anna C.; Davis, Matthew M.; Koritzke, Alanna L.; Turney, Justin M.; Schaefer, Henry F.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Rotavera, Brandon

Oxiranes are a class of cyclic ethers formed in abundance during low-temperature combustion of hydrocarbons and biofuels, either via chain-propagating steps that occur from unimolecular decomposition of β-hydroperoxyalkyl radicals (β-̇QOOH) or from reactions of HOȮ with alkenes. Ethyloxirane is one of four alkyl-substituted cyclic ether isomers produced as an intermediate from n-butane oxidation. While rate coefficients for β-̇QOOH → ethyloxirane + ȮH are reported extensively, subsequent reaction mechanisms of the cyclic ether are not. As a result, chemical kinetics mechanisms commonly adopt simplified chemistry to describe ethyloxirane consumption by convoluting several elementary reactions into a single step, which may introduce mechanism truncation error—uncertainty derived from missing or incomplete chemistry. The present work provides fundamental insight on reaction mechanisms of ethyloxirane in support of ongoing efforts to minimize mechanism truncation error. Reaction mechanisms are inferred from the detection of products during chlorine atom-initiated oxidation experiments using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry conducted at 10 Torr and temperatures of 650 K and 800 K. To complement the experiments, calculations of stationary point energies were conducted using the ccCA-PS3 composite method on ̇R + O2 potential energy surfaces for the four ethyloxiranyl radical isomers, which produced barrier heights for 24 reaction pathways. In addition to products from ̇QOOH → cyclic ether + ȮH and ̇R + O2 → conjugate alkene + HOȮ, both of which were significant pathways and are prototypical to alkane oxidation, other species were identified from ring-opening of both ethyloxiranyl and ̇QOOH radicals. The latter occurs when the unpaired electron is localized on the ether group, causing the initial ̇QOOH structure to ring-open and form a resonance-stabilized ketohydroperoxide-type radical. The present work provides the first analysis of ethyloxirane oxidation chemistry, which reveals that consumption pathways are complex and may require an expansion of submechanisms to increase the fidelity of chemical kinetics mechanisms.

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The impact of the third O2addition reaction network on ignition delay times of neo-pentane

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Hansen, Nils H.; Kukkadapu, G.; Chen, B.; Dong, S.; Curran, H.J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Eskola, A.J.; Osborn, D.L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Pitz, W.J.; Moshammer, K.; Jasper, A.W.; Chen, W.; Yang, J.; Wang, Z.

The oxidation of neo-pentane was studied by combining experiments, theoretical calculations, and mechanistic developments to elucidate the impact of the 3rd O2 addition reaction network on ignition delay time predictions. The experiments were based on photoionization mass spectrometry in jet-stirred and time-resolved flow reactors allowing for sensitive detection of the keto-hydroperoxide (KHP) and keto-dihydroperoxide (KDHP) intermediates. With neo-pentane exhibiting a unique symmetric molecular structure, which consequently results only in single KHP and KDHP isomers, theoretical calculations of ionization and fragment appearance energies and of absolute photoionization cross sections enabled the unambiguous identification and quantification of the KHP intermediate. Its temperature and time-resolved profiles together with calculated and experimentally observed KHP-to-KDHP signal ratios were compared to simulation results based on a newly developed mechanism that describes the 3rd O2 addition reaction network. A satisfactory agreement was observed between the experimental data points and the simulation results, adding confidence to the model’s overall performance.

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Direct time-resolved detection and quantification of key reactive intermediates in diethyl ether oxidation at: T = 450-600 K

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Demireva, Maria; Au, Kendrew; Sheps, Leonid S.

High-pressure multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS) with tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) ionization radiation from the Lawrence Berkeley Labs Advanced Light Source is used to investigate the oxidation of diethyl ether (DEE). Kinetics and photoionization (PI) spectra are simultaneously measured for the species formed. Several stable products from DEE oxidation are identified and quantified using reference PI cross-sections. In addition, we directly detect and quantify three key chemical intermediates: peroxy (ROO), hydroperoxyalkyl peroxy (OOQOOH), and ketohydroperoxide (HOOPO, KHP). These intermediates undergo dissociative ionization (DI) into smaller fragments, making their identification by mass spectrometry challenging. With the aid of quantum chemical calculations, we identify the DI channels of these key chemical species and quantify their time-resolved concentrations from the overall carbon atom balance at T = 450 K and P = 7500 torr. This allows the determination of the absolute PI cross-sections of ROO, OOQOOH, and KHP into each DI channel directly from experiment. The PI cross-sections in turn enable the quantification of ROO, OOQOOH, and KHP from DEE oxidation over a range of experimental conditions that reveal the effects of pressure, O2 concentration, and temperature on the competition among radical decomposition and second O2 addition pathways.

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Simulated production of OH, HO2, CH2O, and CO2 during dilute fuel oxidation can predict 1st-stage ignition delays

Combustion and Flame

Buras, Zachary B.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Zador, Judit Z.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Chemical kinetics simulations are used to explore whether detailed measurements of relevant chemical species during the oxidation of very dilute fuels (less than 1 Torr partial pressure) in a high-pressure plug flow reactor (PFR) can predict autoignition propensity. We find that for many fuels the timescale for the onset of spontaneous oxidation in dilute fuel/air mixtures in a simple PFR is similar to the 1st-stage ignition delay time (IDT) at stoichiometric engine-relevant conditions. For those fuels that deviate from this simple trend, the deviation is closely related to the peak rate of production of OH, HO2, CH2O, and CO2 formed during oxidation. We use these insights to show that an accurate correlation between simulated profiles of these species in a PFR and 1st-stage IDT can be developed using convolutional neural networks. Our simulations suggest that the accuracy of such a correlation is 10–50%, which is appropriate for rapid fuel screening and may be sufficient for predictive fuel performance modeling.

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Sensitive Mass Spectrometer for Time-Resolved Gas-Phase Chemistry Studies at High Pressures

Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, and General Theory

Sheps, Leonid S.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Au, Kendrew

Here, we report the construction of a new experimental apparatus for direct time-resolved probing of high-pressure gas-phase chemical reactions by photoionization mass spectrometry. The apparatus uses a laser photolysis slow-flow reactor, capable of operating at P = 0.3 — 100 bar and T = 300 — 1000 K. In this report, we initiate reactions in homogeneous gas mixtures by the photolysis of appropriate radical precursor using laser pulses at repetition rates of 1 — 10 Hz. The reacting mixture is continuously sampled into a vacuum chamber, ionized by VUV photons from laboratory-based discharge lamps or from a synchrotron beamline, and analyzed by a custom-designed mass spectrometer. Soft near-threshold ionization by tunable synchrotron radiation enables spectroscopic quantification of many key intermediates and products of chemical reactions. A novel ionization scheme in the high-density region of the sample gas jet increases the experimental sensitivity 100-fold, compared with existing instruments, without compromising mass resolution. A 40-kHz pulsed reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer in the orthogonal acceleration geometry achieves simultaneous detection of all ionized species with 25-μs time resolution. We show the power of this apparatus by investigating the ethyl radical oxidation reaction using very dilute (<1012 molecules • cm-3) ethyl concentrations at pressures up to 25 bar.

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To Boldly Look Where No One Has Looked Before: Identifying the Primary Photoproducts of Acetylacetone

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Antonov, Ivan; Voronova, Krisztina; Chen, Ming W.; Sztáray, Bálint; Hemberger, Patrick; Bodi, Andras; Osborn, David L.; Sheps, Leonid S.

We investigate the gas-phase photochemistry of the enolone tautomer of acetylacetone (pentane-2,4-dione) following S2(ππ∗) → S0 excitation at λ = 266 and 248 nm, using three complementary time-resolved spectroscopic methods. Contrary to earlier reports, which claimed to study one-photon excitation of acetylacetone and found OH and CH3 as the only important gas-phase products, we detect 15 unique primary photoproducts and demonstrate that five of them, including OH and CH3, arise solely by multiphoton excitation. We assign the one-photon products to six photochemical channels and show that the most significant pathway is phototautomerization to the diketone form, which is likely an intermediate in several of the other product channels. Furthermore, we measure the equilibrium constant of the tautomerization of the enolone to diketone on S0 from 320 to 600 K and extract ΔH = 4.1 ± 0.3 kcal·mol-1 and ΔS = 6.8 ± 0.5 cal·mol-1·K-1 using a van't Hoff analysis. We correct the C-OH bond dissociation energy in acetylacetone, previously determined as 90 kcal·mol-1 by theory and experiment, to a new value of 121.7 kcal·mol-1. Our experiments and electronic structure calculations provide evidence that some of the product channels, including phototautomerization, occur on S0, while others likely occur on excited triplet surfaces. Although the large oscillator strength of the S2 → S0 transition results from the (ππ∗) excitation of the C=C - C=O backbone, similar to conjugated polyenes, the participation of triplets in the dissociation pathways of acetylacetone appears to have more in common with ketone photochemistry.

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The reaction of hydroxyl and methylperoxy radicals is not a major source of atmospheric methanol

Nature Communications

Caravan, Rebecca L.; Khan, M.A.; Zador, Judit Z.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Rotavera, Brandon; Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Au, Kendrew; Chen, Ming W.; Rösch, Daniel; Osborn, David L.; Fittschen, Christa; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Duncianu, Marius; Grira, Asma; Dusanter, Sebastien; Tomas, Alexandre; Percival, Carl J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Methanol is a benchmark for understanding tropospheric oxidation, but is underpredicted by up to 100% in atmospheric models. Recent work has suggested this discrepancy can be reconciled by the rapid reaction of hydroxyl and methylperoxy radicals with a methanol branching fraction of 30%. However, for fractions below 15%, methanol underprediction is exacerbated. Theoretical investigations of this reaction are challenging because of intersystem crossing between singlet and triplet surfaces – ∼45% of reaction products are obtained via intersystem crossing of a pre-product complex – which demands experimental determinations of product branching. Here we report direct measurements of methanol from this reaction. A branching fraction below 15% is established, consequently highlighting a large gap in the understanding of global methanol sources. These results support the recent high-level theoretical work and substantially reduce its uncertainties.

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Unimolecular decomposition kinetics of the stabilised Criegee intermediates CH2OO and CD2OO

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Stone, Daniel; Au, Kendrew; Sime, Samantha; Medeiros, Diogo J.; Blitz, Mark; Seakins, Paul W.; Decker, Zachary; Sheps, Leonid S.

Decomposition kinetics of stabilised CH2OO and CD2OO Criegee intermediates have been investigated as a function of temperature (450-650 K) and pressure (2-350 Torr) using flash photolysis coupled with time-resolved cavity-enhanced broadband UV absorption spectroscopy. Decomposition of CD2OO was observed to be faster than CH2OO under equivalent conditions. Production of OH radicals following CH2OO decomposition was also monitored using flash photolysis with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), with results indicating direct production of OH in the v = 0 and v = 1 states in low yields. Master equation calculations performed using the Master Equation Solver for Multi-Energy well Reactions (MESMER) enabled fitting of the barriers for the decomposition of CH2OO and CD2OO to the experimental data. Parameterisations of the decomposition rate coefficients, calculated by MESMER, are provided for use in atmospheric models and implications of the results are discussed. For CH2OO, the MESMER fits require an increase in the calculated barrier height from 78.2 kJ mol-1 to 81.8 kJ mol-1 using a temperature-dependent exponential down model for collisional energy transfer with 〈ΔE〉down = 32.6(T/298 K)1.7 cm-1 in He. The low- and high-pressure limit rate coefficients are k1,0 = 3.2 × 10-4(T/298)-5.81exp(-12770/T) cm3 s-1 and k1,∞ = 1.4 × 1013(T/298)0.06exp(-10010/T) s-1, with median uncertainty of ∼12% over the range of experimental conditions used here. Extrapolation to atmospheric conditions yields k1(298 K, 760 Torr) = 1.1+1.5-1.1 × 10-3 s-1. For CD2OO, MESMER calculations result in 〈ΔE〉down = 39.6(T/298 K)1.3 cm-1 in He and a small decrease in the calculated barrier to decomposition from 81.0 kJ mol-1 to 80.1 kJ mol-1. The fitted rate coefficients for CD2OO are k2,0 = 5.2 × 10-5(T/298)-5.28exp(-11610/T) cm3 s-1 and k2,∞ = 1.2 × 1013(T/298)0.06exp(-9800/T) s-1, with overall error of ∼6% over the present range of temperature and pressure. The extrapolated k2(298 K, 760 Torr) = 5.5+9.2-5.5 × 10-3 s-1. The master equation calculations for CH2OO indicate decomposition yields of 63.7% for H2 + CO2, 36.0% for H2O + CO and 0.3% for OH + HCO with no significant dependence on temperature between 400 and 1200 K or pressure between 1 and 3000 Torr.

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Seasonality of Formic Acid (HCOOH) in London during the ClearfLo Campaign

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Bannan, Thomas J.; Murray Booth, A.; Le Breton, Michael; Bacak, Asan; Muller, Jennifer B.A.; Leather, Kimberley E.; Khan, M.A.; Lee, James D.; Dunmore, Rachel E.; Hopkins, James R.; Fleming, Zoë L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Percival, Carl J.

Following measurements in the winter of 2012, formic acid (HCOOH) and nitric acid (HNO3) were measured using a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) during the Summer Clean Air for London (ClearfLo) campaign in London, 2012. Consequently, the seasonal dependence of formic acid sources could be better understood. A mean formic acid concentration of 1.3 ppb and a maximum of 12.7 ppb was measured which is significantly greater than that measured during the winter campaign (0.63 ppb and 6.7 ppb, respectively). Daily calibrations of formic acid during the summer campaign gave sensitivities of 1.2 ion counts s−1 parts per trillion (ppt) by volume−1 and a limit of detection of 34 ppt. During the summer campaign, there was no correlation between formic acid and anthropogenic emissions such as NOx and CO or peaks associated with the rush hour as was identified in the winter. Rather, peaks in formic acid were observed that correlated with solar irradiance. Analysis using a photochemical trajectory model has been conducted to determine the source of this formic acid. The contribution of formic acid formation through ozonolysis of alkenes is important but the secondary production from biogenic VOCs could be the most dominant source of formic acid at this measurement site during the summer.

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The Reaction between CH3O2 and OH Radicals: Product Yields and Atmospheric Implications

Environmental Science and Technology

Assaf, Emmanuel; Sheps, Leonid S.; Whalley, Lisa; Heard, Dwayne; Tomas, Alexandre; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Fittschen, Christa

The reaction between CH3O2 and OH radicals has been shown to be fast and to play an appreciable role for the removal of CH3O2 radials in remote environments such as the marine boundary layer. Two different experimental techniques have been used here to determine the products of this reaction. The HO2 yield has been obtained from simultaneous time-resolved measurements of the absolute concentration of CH3O2, OH, and HO2 radicals by cw-CRDS. The possible formation of a Criegee intermediate has been measured by broadband cavity enhanced UV absorption. A yield of ηHO2 = (0.8 ± 0.2) and an upper limit for ηCriegee = 0.05 has been determined for this reaction, suggesting a minor yield of methanol or stabilized trioxide as a product. The impact of this reaction on the composition of the remote marine boundary layer has been determined by implementing these findings into a box model utilizing the Master Chemical Mechanism v3.2, and constraining the model for conditions found at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory in the remote tropical Atlantic Ocean. Inclusion of the CH3O2+OH reaction into the model results in up to 30% decrease in the CH3O2 radical concentration while the HO2 concentration increased by up to 20%. Production and destruction of O3 are also influenced by these changes, and the model indicates that taking into account the reaction between CH3O2 and OH leads to a 6% decrease of O3.

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Direct experimental probing and theoretical analysis of the reaction between the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO and isoprene

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Decker, Z.C.J.; Au, K.; Vereecken, L.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Recent advances in the spectroscopy of Criegee intermediates (CI) have enabled direct kinetic studies of these highly reactive chemical species. The impact of CI chemistry is currently being incorporated into atmospheric models, including their reactions with trace organic and inorganic compounds. Isoprene, C5H8, is a doubly-unsaturated hydrocarbon that accounts for the largest share of all biogenic emissions around the globe and is also a building block of larger volatile organic compounds. We report direct measurements of the reaction of the simplest CI (CH2OO) with isoprene, using time-resolved cavity-enhanced UV absorption spectroscopy. We find the reaction to be pressure-independent between 15-100 Torr, with a rate coefficient that varies from (1.5 ± 0.1) × 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at room temperature to (23 ± 2) × 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 540 K. Quantum chemical and transition-state theory calculations of 16 unique channels for CH2OO + isoprene somewhat underpredict the observed T-dependence of the total reaction rate coefficient, but are overall in good agreement with the experimental measurements. This reaction is broadly similar to those with smaller alkenes, proceeding by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to one of the two conjugated double bonds of isoprene.

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Influence of oxygenation in cyclic hydrocarbons on chain-termination reactions from R + O2: Tetrahydropyran and cyclohexane

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Savee, John D.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Zador, Judit Z.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Lignocellulosic-derived biofuels represent an important part of sustainable transportation en- ergy and often contain oxygenated functional groups due to the mono- and polysaccharide content in cellulose and hemicellulose. The yields of conjugate alkene + HO2 formation in low-temperature tetrahydropyran oxidation were studied and the influence of oxygen heteroatoms in cyclic hydrocarbons on the associated chain-termination pathways stemming from R + O2 were examined. Relative to the initial radical concentration the trend in conjugate alkene branching fraction showed monotonic positive temperature dependence in both cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran except for tetrahydropyran at 10 torr where increasing the temperature to 700 K caused a decrease. Conjugate alkene branching fractions measured at 1520 torr for cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran followed monotonic positive temperature dependence. In contrast to the results at higher temperature where ring-opening of tetrahydropyranyl radicals interrupted R + O2chemistry and reduces the formation of conjugate alkenes branching fractions measured below 700 K were higher in tetrahydropyran compared to cyclohexane at 10 torr.

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The reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with water dimer: Primary products and atmospheric impact

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Sheps, Leonid S.; Rotavera, Brandon; Eskola, Arkke J.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Au, Kendrew; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Khan, M.A.; Percival, Carl J.

The rapid reaction of the smallest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, with water dimers is the dominant removal mechanism for CH2OO in the Earth's atmosphere, but its products are not well understood. This reaction was recently suggested as a significant source of the most abundant tropospheric organic acid, formic acid (HCOOH), which is consistently underpredicted by atmospheric models. However, using time-resolved measurements of reaction kinetics by UV absorption and product analysis by photoionization mass spectrometry, we show that the primary products of this reaction are formaldehyde and hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HMHP), with direct HCOOH yields of less than 10%. Incorporating our results into a global chemistry-transport model further reduces HCOOH levels by 10-90%, relative to previous modeling assumptions, which indicates that the reaction CH2OO + water dimer by itself cannot resolve the discrepancy between the measured and predicted HCOOH levels.

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Resonance stabilization effects on ketone autoxidation: Isomer-Specific cyclic ether and ketohydroperoxide formation in the low-Temperature (400−625 k) oxidation of diethyl ketone

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Scheer, Adam M.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Osborn, David L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The pulsed photolytic chlorine-initiated oxidation of diethyl ketone [DEK; (CH3CH2)2CO], 2,2,4,4-d4-DEK [d4-DEK; (CH3CD2)2CO], and 1,1,1,5,5,5-d6-DEK [d6-DEK; (CD3CH2)2CO] is studied at 8 torr and 1−2 atm and from 400−625 K. Cl atoms produced by laser photolysis react with diethyl ketone to form either primary (3-pentan-on-1-yl, RP) or secondary (3-pentan-on-2-yl, RS) radicals, which in turn react with O2. Multiplexed time-of-flight mass spectrometry, coupled to either a hydrogen discharge lamp or tunable synchrotron photoionizing radiation, is used to detect products as a function of mass, time, and photon energy. At 8 torr, the nature of the chain propagating cyclic ether + OH channel changes as a function of temperature. At 450 K, the production of OH is mainly in conjunction with formation of 2,4-dimethyloxetan-3-one, resulting from reaction of the resonance-stabilized secondary RS with O2. In contrast, at 550 K and 8 torr, 2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-3-one, originating from oxidation of the primary radical (RP), is observed as the dominant cyclic ether product. Formation of both of these cyclic ether production channels proceeds via a resonance-stabilized hydroperoxy alkyl (QOOH) intermediate. Little or no ketohydroperoxide (KHP) is observed under the low-pressure conditions. At higher O2 concentrations and higher pressures (1−2 atm), a strong KHP signal appears as the temperature is increased above 450 K. Definitive isomeric identification from measurements on the deuterated DEK isotopologues indicates the favored pathway produces a γ-KHP via resonance-stabilized alkyl, QOOH, and HOOPOOH radicals. Time-resolved measurements reveal the KHP formation becomes faster and signal more intense upon increasing temperature from 450 to 575 K before intensity drops significantly at 625 K. The KHP time profile also shows a peak followed by a gradual depletion for the extent of experiment. Several tertiary products exhibit a slow accumulation in coincidence with the observed KHP decay. These products can be associated with decomposition of KHP by β-scission pathways or via isomerization of a γ-KHP into a cyclic peroxide intermediate (Korcek mechanism). The oxidation of d4-DEK, where kinetic isotope effects disfavor γ-KHP formation, shows greatly reduced KHP formation and associated signatures from KHP decomposition products.

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Pressure-dependent competition among reaction pathways from first- and second-O2 additions in the low-temperature oxidation of tetrahydrofuran

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Antonov, Ivan O.; Zador, Judit Z.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Papajak, Ewa P.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Sheps, Leonid S.

We report a combined experimental and quantum chemistry study of the initial reactions in low-temperature oxidation of tetrahydrofuran (THF). Using synchrotron-based time-resolved VUV photoionization mass spectrometry, we probe numerous transient intermediates and products at P = 10-2000 Torr and T = 400-700 K. A key reaction sequence, revealed by our experiments, is the conversion of THF-yl peroxy to hydroperoxy-THF-yl radicals (QOOH), followed by a second O2 addition and subsequent decomposition to dihydrofuranyl hydroperoxide + HO2 or to γ-butyrolactone hydroperoxide + OH. The competition between these two pathways affects the degree of radical chain-branching and is likely of central importance in modeling the autoignition of THF. We interpret our data with the aid of quantum chemical calculations of the THF-yl + O2 and QOOH + O2 potential energy surfaces. On the basis of our results, we propose a simplified THF oxidation mechanism below 700 K, which involves the competition among unimolecular decomposition and oxidation pathways of QOOH.

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New Insights into Low-Temperature Oxidation of Propane from Synchrotron Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Multiscale Informatics Modeling

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Welz, Oliver; Burke, Michael P.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Goldsmith, C.F.; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Klippenstein, Stephen J.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Low-temperature propane oxidation was studied at P = 4 Torr and T = 530, 600, and 670 K by time-resolved multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS), which probes the reactants, intermediates, and products with isomeric selectivity using tunable synchrotron vacuum UV ionizing radiation. The oxidation is initiated by pulsed laser photolysis of oxalyl chloride, (COCl)2, at 248 nm, which rapidly generates a ∼1:1 mixture of 1-propyl (n-propyl) and 2-propyl (i-propyl) radicals via the fast Cl + propane reaction. At all three temperatures, the major stable product species is propene, formed in the propyl + O2 reactions by direct HO2 elimination from both n- and i-propyl peroxy radicals. The experimentally derived propene yields relative to the initial concentration of Cl atoms are (20 ± 4)% at 530 K, (55 ± 11)% at 600 K, and (86 ± 17)% at 670 K at a reaction time of 20 ms. The lower yield of propene at low temperature reflects substantial formation of propyl peroxy radicals, which do not completely decompose on the experimental time scale. In addition, C3H6O isomers methyloxirane, oxetane, acetone, and propanal are detected as minor products. Our measured yields of oxetane and methyloxirane, which are coproducts of OH radicals, suggest a revision of the OH formation pathways in models of low-temperature propane oxidation. The experimental results are modeled and interpreted using a multiscale informatics approach, presented in detail in a separate publication (Burke, M. P.; Goldsmith, C. F.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Welz, O.; Huang H.; Antonov I. O.; Savee J. D.; Osborn D. L.; Zádor, J.; Taatjes, C. A.; Sheps, L. Multiscale Informatics for Low-Temperature Propane Oxidation: Further Complexities in Studies of Complex Reactions. J. Phys. Chem A. 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b01003). The model predicts the time profiles and yields of the experimentally observed primary products well, and shows satisfactory agreement for products formed mostly via secondary radical-radical reactions.

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Direct observation and kinetics of a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (QOOH)


Savee, John D.; Papajak, Ewa P.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Huang, Haifeng; Eskola, Arkke J.; Welz, Oliver; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Zador, Judit Z.; Osborn, David L.

Oxidation of organic compounds in combustion and in Earth's troposphere is mediated by reactive species formed by the addition of molecular oxygen (O2) to organic radicals. Among the most crucial and elusive of these intermediates are hydroperoxyalkyl radicals, often denoted "QOOH." These species and their reactions with O2 are responsible for the radical chain branching that sustains autoignition and are implicated in tropospheric autoxidation that can form low-volatility, highly oxygenated organic aerosol precursors. We report direct observation and kinetics measurements of a QOOH intermediate in the oxidation of 1,3-cycloheptadiene, a molecule that offers insight into both resonance-stabilized and nonstabilized radical intermediates. The results establish that resonance stabilization dramatically changes QOOH reactivity and, hence, that oxidation of unsaturated organics can produce exceptionally long-lived QOOH intermediates.

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UV absorption probing of the conformer-dependent reactivity of a Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Sheps, Leonid S.; Scully, Ashley M.; Au, Kendrew

We measure the UV absorption spectrum of a Criegee intermediate acetaldehyde oxide, CH3CHOO, using time-resolved broadband cavity-enhanced spectrometry. We separate the spectra of the two possible structural isomers, syn- and anti-CH3CHOO, based on their different reactivity towards H2O and SO2. Despite significant overlap, the spectra of the two conformers are sufficiently separated to allow direct conformer-specific probing of the reactions of CH3CHOO with other important tropospheric species. © the Owner Societies.

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Photoionization mass spectrometric measurements of initial reaction pathways in low-temperature oxidation of 2,5-dimethylhexane

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Zador, Judit Z.; Welz, Oliver; Sheps, Leonid S.; Scheer, Adam M.; Savee, John D.; Akbar Ali, Mohamad; Lee, Taek S.; Simmons, Blake S.; Osborn, David L.; Violi, Angela; Taatjes, Craig A.

Product formation from R + O2 reactions relevant to low-temperature autoignition chemistry was studied for 2,5-dimethylhexane, a symmetrically branched octane isomer, at 550 and 650 K using Cl-atom initiated oxidation and multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS). Interpretation of time- and photon-energy-resolved mass spectra led to three specific results important to characterizing the initial oxidation steps: (1) quantified isomer-resolved branching ratios for HO2 + alkene channels; (2) 2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran is formed in substantial yield from addition of O2 to tertiary 2,5-dimethylhex-2-yl followed by isomerization of the resulting ROO adduct to tertiary hydroperoxyalkyl (QOOH) and exhibits a positive dependence on temperature over the range covered leading to a higher flux relative to aggregate cyclic ether yield. The higher relative flux is explained by a 1,5-hydrogen atom shift reaction that converts the initial primary alkyl radical (2,5-dimethylhex-1-yl) to the tertiary alkyl radical 2,5-dimethylhex-2-yl, providing an additional source of tertiary alkyl radicals. Quantum-chemical and master-equation calculations of the unimolecular decomposition of the primary alkyl radical reveal that isomerization to the tertiary alkyl radical is the most favorable pathway, and is favored over O2-addition at 650 K under the conditions herein. The isomerization pathway to tertiary alkyl radicals therefore contributes an additional mechanism to 2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran formation; (3) carbonyl species (acetone, propanal, and methylpropanal) consistent with β-scission of QOOH radicals were formed in significant yield, indicating unimolecular QOOH decomposition into carbonyl + alkene + OH. (Chemical Equation Pesented).

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Time-resolved broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for chemical kinetics

Sheps, Leonid S.; Chandler, D.W.

Experimental measurements of elementary reaction rate coefficients and product branching ratios are essential to our understanding of many fundamentally important processes in Combustion Chemistry. However, such measurements are often impossible because of a lack of adequate detection techniques. Some of the largest gaps in our knowledge concern some of the most important radical species, because their short lifetimes and low steady-state concentrations make them particularly difficult to detect. To address this challenge, we propose a novel general detection method for gas-phase chemical kinetics: time-resolved broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (TR-BB-CEAS). This all-optical, non-intrusive, multiplexed method enables sensitive direct probing of transient reaction intermediates in a simple, inexpensive, and robust experimental package.

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Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: Pathways in the low-temperature (550-700 K) oxidation chemistry of isobutanol and tert-butanol

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Welz, Oliver W.; Savee, John D.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Butanol isomers are promising next-generation biofuels. Their use in internal combustion applications, especially those relying on low-temperature autoignition, requires an understanding of their low-temperature combustion chemistry. Whereas the high-temperature oxidation chemistry of all four butanol isomers has been the subject of substantial experimental and theoretical efforts, their low-temperature oxidation chemistry remains underexplored. In this work we report an experimental study on the fundamental low-temperature oxidation chemistry of two butanol isomers, tert-butanol and isobutanol, in low-pressure (4-5.1 Torr) experiments at 550 and 700 K. We use pulsed-photolytic chlorine atom initiation to generate hydroxyalkyl radicals derived from tert-butanol and isobutanol, and probe the chemistry of these radicals in the presence of an excess of O2 by multiplexed time-resolved tunable synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry. Isomer-resolved yields of stable products are determined, providing insight into the chemistry of the different hydroxyalkyl radicals. In isobutanol oxidation, we find that the reaction of the a-hydroxyalkyl radical with O2 is predominantly linked to chain-terminating formation of HO2. The Waddington mechanism, associated with chain-propagating formation of OH, is the main product channel in the reactions of O2 with b-hydroxyalkyl radicals derived from both tert-butanol and isobutanol. In the tert-butanol case, direct HO2 elimination is not possible in the b-hydroxyalkyl + O2 reaction because of the absence of a beta C-H bond; this channel is available in the b-hydroxyalkyl + O2 reaction for isobutanol, but we find that it is strongly suppressed. Observed evolution of the main products from 550 to 700 K can be qualitatively explained by an increasing role of hydroxyalkyl radical decomposition at 700 K. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: Pathways in the initial low-temperature (550 K-750 K) oxidation chemistry of isopentanol

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Welz, Oliver W.; Zador, Judit Z.; Savee, John D.; Ng, Martin Y.; Meloni, Giovanni; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Simmons, Blake S.; Lee, Taek S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The branched C 5 alcohol isopentanol (3-methylbutan-1-ol) has shown promise as a potential biofuel both because of new advanced biochemical routes for its production and because of its combustion characteristics, in particular as a fuel for homogeneous-charge compression ignition (HCCI) or related strategies. In the present work, the fundamental autoignition chemistry of isopentanol is investigated by using the technique of pulsed-photolytic Cl-initiated oxidation and by analyzing the reacting mixture by time-resolved tunable synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry in low-pressure (8 Torr) experiments in the 550-750 K temperature range. The mass-spectrometric experiments reveal a rich chemistry for the initial steps of isopentanol oxidation and give new insight into the low-temperature oxidation mechanism of medium-chain alcohols. Formation of isopentanal (3-methylbutanal) and unsaturated alcohols (including enols) associated with HO 2 production was observed. Cyclic ether channels are not observed, although such channels dominate OH formation in alkane oxidation. Rather, products are observed that correspond to formation of OH via β-C-C bond fission pathways of QOOH species derived from β- and γ-hydroxyisopentylperoxy (RO 2) radicals. In these pathways, internal hydrogen abstraction in the RO 2 QOOH isomerization reaction takes place from either the -OH group or the C-H bond in α-position to the -OH group. These pathways should be broadly characteristic for longer-chain alcohol oxidation. Isomer-resolved branching ratios are deduced, showing evolution of the main products from 550 to 750 K, which can be qualitatively explained by the dominance of RO 2 chemistry at lower temperature and hydroxyisopentyl decomposition at higher temperature. © 2012 The Owner Societies.

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72 Results