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Cluster-based approach to a multi-GPU CT reconstruction algorithm

2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014

Orr, Laurel J.; Jimenez, Edward S.; Thompson, Kyle R.

Conventional CPU-based algorithms for Computed Tomography reconstruction lack the computational efficiency necessary to process large, industrial datasets in a reasonable amount of time. Specifically, processing time for a single-pass, trillion volumetric pixel (voxel) reconstruction requires months to reconstruct using a high performance CPU-based workstation. An optimized, single workstation multi-GPU approach has shown performance increases by 2-3 orders-of-magnitude; however, reconstruction of future-size, trillion voxel datasets can still take an entire day to complete. This paper details an approach that further decreases runtime and allows for more diverse workstation environments by using a cluster of GPU-capable workstations. Due to the irregularity of the reconstruction tasks throughout the volume, using a cluster of multi-GPU nodes requires inventive topological structuring and data partitioning to avoid network bottlenecks and achieve optimal GPU utilization. This paper covers the cluster layout and non-linear weighting scheme used in this high-performance multi-GPU CT reconstruction algorithm and presents experimental results from reconstructing two large-scale datasets to evaluate this approach's performance and applicability to future-size datasets. Specifically, our approach yields up to a 20 percent improvement for large-scale data.

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Object composition identification via mediated-reality supplemented radiographs

2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014

Jimenez, Edward S.; Orr, Laurel J.; Thompson, Kyle R.

This exploratory work investigates the feasibility of extracting linear attenuation functions with respect to energy from a multi-channel radiograph of an object of interest composed of a homogeneous material by simulating the entire imaging system combined with a digital phantom of the object of interest and leveraging this information along with the acquired multi-channel image. This synergistic combination of information allows for improved estimates on not only the attenuation for an effective energy, but for the entire spectrum of energy that is coincident with the detector elements. Material composition identification from radiographs would have wide applications in both medicine and industry. This work will focus on industrial radiography applications and will analyse a range of materials that vary in attenuative properties. This work shows that using iterative solvers holds encouraging potential to fully solve for the linear attenuation profile for the object and material of interest when the imaging system is characterized with respect to initial source x-ray energy spectrum, scan geometry, and accurate digital phantom.

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Exploring mediated reality to approximate X-ray attenuation coefficients from radiographs

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Jimenez, Edward S.; Orr, Laurel J.; Morgan, Megan L.; Thompson, Kyle R.

Estimation of the x-ray attenuation properties of an object with respect to the energy emitted from the source is a challenging task for traditional Bremsstrahlung sources. This exploratory work attempts to estimate the x-ray attenuation profile for the energy range of a given Bremsstrahlung profile. Previous work has shown that calculating a single effective attenuation value for a polychromatic source is not accurate due to the non-linearities associated with the image formation process. Instead, we completely characterize the imaging system virtually and utilize an iterative search method/constrained optimization technique to approximate the attenuation profile of the object of interest. This work presents preliminary results from various approaches that were investigated. The early results illustrate the challenges associated with these techniques and the potential for obtaining an accurate estimate of the attenuation profile for objects composed of homogeneous materials.

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Irregular large-scale computed tomography on multiple graphics processors improves energy-efficiency metrics for industrial applications

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Jimenez, Edward S.; Goodman, Eric G.; Park, Ryeojin; Orr, Laurel J.; Thompson, Kyle R.

This paper will investigate energy-efficiency for various real-world industrial computed-tomography reconstruction algorithms, both CPU- and GPU-based implementations. This work shows that the energy required for a given reconstruction is based on performance and problem size. There are many ways to describe performance and energy efficiency, thus this work will investigate multiple metrics including performance-per-watt, energy-delay product, and energy consumption. This work found that irregular GPU-based approaches1 realized tremendous savings in energy consumption when compared to CPU implementations while also significantly improving the performanceper- watt and energy-delay product metrics. Additional energy savings and other metric improvement was realized on the GPU-based reconstructions by improving storage I/O by implementing a parallel MIMD-like modularization of the compute and I/O tasks.

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High performance graphics processor based computed tomography reconstruction algorithms for nuclear and other large scale applications

Jimenez, Edward S.; Orr, Laurel J.; Thompson, Kyle R.

The goal of this work is to develop a fast computed tomography (CT) reconstruction algorithm based on graphics processing units (GPU) that achieves significant improvement over traditional central processing unit (CPU) based implementations. The main challenge in developing a CT algorithm that is capable of handling very large datasets is parallelizing the algorithm in such a way that data transfer does not hinder performance of the reconstruction algorithm. General Purpose Graphics Processing (GPGPU) is a new technology that the Science and Technology (S&T) community is starting to adopt in many fields where CPU-based computing is the norm. GPGPU programming requires a new approach to algorithm development that utilizes massively multi-threaded environments. Multi-threaded algorithms in general are difficult to optimize since performance bottlenecks occur that are non-existent in single-threaded algorithms such as memory latencies. If an efficient GPU-based CT reconstruction algorithm can be developed; computational times could be improved by a factor of 20. Additionally, cost benefits will be realized as commodity graphics hardware could potentially replace expensive supercomputers and high-end workstations. This project will take advantage of the CUDA programming environment and attempt to parallelize the task in such a way that multiple slices of the reconstruction volume are computed simultaneously. This work will also take advantage of the GPU memory by utilizing asynchronous memory transfers, GPU texture memory, and (when possible) pinned host memory so that the memory transfer bottleneck inherent to GPGPU is amortized. Additionally, this work will take advantage of GPU-specific hardware (i.e. fast texture memory, pixel-pipelines, hardware interpolators, and varying memory hierarchy) that will allow for additional performance improvements.

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26 Results
26 Results