Estimating the Value of Automation for Concentrating Solar Power Industry Operations
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This report summarizes findings from a small, mixed-method research study examining industry perspectives on the potential for new forms of automation to invigorate the concentrating solar power (CSP) industry. In Fall 2021, the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) funded Sandia National Laboratories to elicit industry stakeholder perspectives on the potential role of automated systems in CSP operations. We interviewed eleven CSP professionals from five countries, using a combination of structured and open comment response modes. Respondents indicated a preference for automated systems that support heliostat manufacturing and installation, calibration, and responsiveness to shifting weather conditions. This pilot study demonstrates the importance of engaging industry stakeholders in discussions of technology research and development, to promote adoptable, useful innovation.
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This three-year Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project aimed at developing a developed prototype data collection system and analysis techniques to enable the measurement and analysis of user-driven dynamic workflows. Over 3 years, our team developed software, algorithms, and analysis technique to explore the feasibility of capturing and automatically associating eye tracking data with geospatial content, in a user-directed, dynamic visual search task. Although this was a small LDRD, we demonstrated the feasibility of automatically capturing, associating, and expressing gaze events in terms of geospatial image coordinates, even as the human "analyst" is given complete freedom to manipulate the stimulus image during a visual search task. This report describes the problem under examination, our approach, the techniques and software we developed, key achievements, ideas that did not work as we had hoped, and unsolved problems we hope to tackle in future projects.
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With the rise of electronic and high-dimensional data, new and innovative feature detection and statistical methods are required to perform accurate and meaningful statistical analysis of these datasets that provide unique statistical challenges. In the area of feature detection, much of the recent feature detection research in the computer vision community has focused on deep learning methods, which require large amounts of labeled training data. However, in many application areas, training data is very limited and often difficult to obtain. We develop methods for fast, unsupervised, precise feature detection for video data based on optical flows, edge detection, and clustering methods. We also use pretrained neural networks and interpretable linear models to extract features using very limited training data. In the area of statistics, while high-dimensional data analysis has been a main focus of recent statistical methodological research, much focus has been on populations of high-dimensional vectors, rather than populations of high-dimensional tensors, which are three- dimensional arrays that can be used to model dependent images, such as images taken of the same person or ripped video frames. Our feature detection method is a non-model-based method that fusses information from dense optical flow, raw image pixels, and frame differences to generate detections. Our hypothesis testing methods are based on the assumption that dependent images are concatenated into a tensor that follows a tensor normal distribution, and from this assumption, we derive likelihood-ratio, score, and regression-based tests for one- and multiple-sample testing problems. Our methods will be illustrated on simulated and real datasets. We conclude this report with comments on the relationship between feature detection and hypothesis testing methods. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Sandia National Laboratories Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) pro- gram.
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Even as remote sensing technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past decade∗the remote sensing community lacks interfaces and interaction models that facilitate effective human operation of our sensor platforms. Interfaces that make great sense to electrical engineers and flight test crews can be anxiety-inducing to operational users who lack professional experience in the design and testing of sophisticated remote sensing platforms. In this paper, we reflect on an 18-month collaboration which our Sandia National Laboratory research team partnered with an industry software team to identify and fix critical issues in a widely-used sensor interface. Drawing on basic principles from cognitive and perceptual psychology and interaction design, we provide simple, easily learned guidance for minimizing common barriers to system learnability, memorability, and user engagement.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
In this paper, we address the needed components to create usable engineering and operational user interfaces (UIs) for airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems. As airborne SAR technology gains wider acceptance in the remote sensing and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) communities, the need for effective and appropriate UIs to command and control these sensors has also increased. However, despite the growing demand for SAR in operational environments, the technology still faces an adoption roadblock, in large part due to the lack of effective UIs. It is common to find operational interfaces that have barely grown beyond the disparate tools engineers and technologists developed to demonstrate an initial concept or system. While sensor usability and utility are common requirements to engineers and operators, their objectives for interacting with the sensor are different. As such, the amount and type of information presented ought to be tailored to the specific application.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, are engaged in the empirical study of human-information interaction in high-consequence national security environments. This focus emerged from our longstanding interactions with military and civilian intelligence analysts working across a broad array of domains, from signals intelligence to cybersecurity to geospatial imagery analysis. In this paper, we discuss how several years’ of work with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery analysts revealed the limitations of eye tracking systems for capturing gaze events in the dynamic, user-driven problem-solving strategies characteristic of geospatial analytic workflows. We also explain the need for eye tracking systems capable of supporting inductive study of dynamic, user-driven problem-solving strategies characteristic of geospatial analytic workflows. We then discuss an ongoing project in which we are leveraging some of the unique properties of SAR image products to develop a prototype eyetracking data collection and analysis system that will support inductive studies of visual workflows in SAR image analysis environments.
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In the context of text-based analysis workflows, we propose that an effective analytic tool facilitates triage by a) enabling users to identify and set aside irrelevant content (i.e., reduce the complexity of information in a dataset) and b) develop a working mental model of which items are most relevant to the question at hand. This LDRD funded research developed a dataset that is enabling this team to evaluate propose normalized compression distance (NCD) as a task, user, and context-insensitive measure of categorization outcomes (Shannon entropy is reduced as order is imposed). Effective analytics tools help people impose order, reducing complexity in measurable ways. Our concept and research was documented in a paper accepted to the ACM conference Beyond Time and Error: Novel Methods in Information Visualization Evaluation , part of the IEEE VisWeek Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 16-21, 2016. The paper is included as an appendix to this report.
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
The evolution of exquisitely sensitive Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems is positioning this technology for use in time-critical environments, such as search-and-rescue missions and improvised explosive device (IED) detection. SAR systems should be playing a keystone role in the United States' Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance activities. Yet many in the SAR community see missed opportunities for incorporating SAR into existing remote sensing data collection and analysis challenges. Drawing on several years' of field research with SAR engineering and operational teams, this paper examines the human and organizational factors that mitigate against the adoption and use of SAR for tactical ISR and operational support. We suggest that SAR has a design problem, and that context-sensitive, human and organizational design frameworks are required if the community is to realize SAR's tactical potential.
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories are integrating qualitative and quantitative methods from anthropology, human factors and cognitive psychology in the study of military and civilian intelligence analyst workflows in the United States’ national security community. Researchers who study human work processes often use qualitative theory and methods, including grounded theory, cognitive work analysis, and ethnography, to generate rich descriptive models of human behavior in context. In contrast, experimental psychologists typically do not receive training in qualitative induction, nor are they likely to practice ethnographic methods in their work, since experimental psychology tends to emphasize generalizability and quantitative hypothesis testing over qualitative description. However, qualitative frameworks and methods from anthropology, sociology, and human factors can play an important role in enhancing the ecological validity of experimental research designs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Vision is one of the dominant human senses and most human-computer interfaces rely heavily on the capabilities of the human visual system. An enormous amount of effort is devoted to finding ways to visualize information so that humans can understand and make sense of it. By studying how professionals engage in these visual search tasks, we can develop insights into their cognitive processes and the influence of experience on those processes. This can advance our understanding of visual cognition in addition to providing information that can be applied to designing improved data visualizations or training new analysts. In this study, we investigated the role of expertise on performance in a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) target detection task. SAR imagery differs substantially from optical imagery, making it a useful domain for investigating expert-novice differences. The participants in this study included professional SAR imagery analysts, radar engineers with experience working with SAR imagery, and novices who had little or no prior exposure to SAR imagery. Participants from all three groups completed a domain-specific visual search task in which they searched for targets within pairs of SAR images. They also completed a battery of domain-general visual search and cognitive tasks that measured factors such as mental rotation ability, spatial working memory, and useful field of view. The results revealed marked differences between the professional imagery analysts and the other groups, both for the domain-specific task and for some domain-general tasks. These results indicate that experience with visual search in non-optical imagery can influence performance on other domains.
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