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Shock response of dry sand

Reinhart, William D.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.; Vogler, Tracy V.

The dynamic compaction of sand was investigated experimentally and computationally to stresses of 1.8 GPa. Experiments have been performed in the powder's partial compaction regime at impact velocities of approximately 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 km/s. The experiments utilized multiple velocity interferometry probes on the rear surface of a stepped target for an accurate measurement of shock velocity, and an impedance matching technique was used to deduce the shock Hugoniot state. Wave profiles were further examined for estimates of reshock states. Experimental results were used to fit parameters to the P-Lambda model for porous materials. For simple 1-D simulations, the P-Lambda model seems to capture some of the physics behind the compaction process very well, typically predicting the Hugoniot state to within 3%.

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Advanced diagnostics for impact-flash spectroscopy on light-gas guns

Chhabildas, Lalit C.; Brown, Justin L.

This study is best characterized as new technology development for implementing new sensors to investigate the optical characteristics of a rapidly expanding debris cloud resulting from hypervelocity impact regimes of 7 to 11 km/s. Our gas guns constitute a unique test bed that match operational conditions relevant to hypervelocity impact encountered in space engagements. We have demonstrated the use of (1) terahertz sensors, (2) silicon diodes for visible regimes, (3) germanium and InGaAs sensors for the near infrared regimes, and (4) the Sandia lightning detectors which are similar to the silicon diodes described in 2. The combination and complementary use of all these techniques has the strong potential of ''thermally'' characterizing the time dependent behavior of the radiating debris cloud. Complementary spectroscopic measurements provide temperature estimates of the impact generated debris by fitting its spectrum to a blackbody radiation function. This debris is time-dependent as its transport/expansion behavior is changing with time. The rapid expansion behavior of the debris cools the cloud rapidly, changing its thermal/temperature characteristics with time. A variety of sensors that span over a wide spectrum, varying from visible regime to THz frequencies, now gives us the potential to cover the impact over a broader temporal regime starting from high pressures (Mbar) high-temperatures (eV) to low pressures (mbar) low temperatures (less than room temperature) as the debris expands and cools.

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Hypervelocity impact flash at 6, 11, and 25 KM/S

AIP Conference Proceedings

Lawrence, R.J.; Reinhart, William D.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.; Thornhill, T.F.

Impact-flash phenomenology has been known for decades, and is now being considered for missile-defense applications, in particular for remote engagement diagnostics. To technically establish this capability, we have conducted a series of experiments at impact velocities of ∼6, ∼11, and ∼25 km/s. Two- and three-stage light-gas guns were used for the lower two velocities, and magnetically-driven flyers on the Sandia Z machine achieved the higher velocity. Spectrally- and temporally-resolved flash output addressed data reproducibility, material identification, and target configuration analysis. Usable data were obtained at visible and infrared wavelengths. Standard atomic spectral databases were used to identify strong lines from all principal materials used in the study. The data were unique to the individual materials over the wide range of velocities and conditions examined. The time-varying nature of the signals offered the potential for correlation of the measurements with various aspects of the target configuration. Integrating the records over wavelength helped to clarify those time variations. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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Response to unloading and reloading of shock compressed polymethyl methacrylate

AIP Conference Proceedings

Reinhart, William D.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.

Shock properties of polymeric materials have been investigated at low stresses for use as windows for velocity interferometry, binder phases for polymer-bonded explosives, and as adhesives. The shock Hugoniot for many other polymeric materials may also exist. There are distinct advantages in using a low-impedance polymer for impactors on shock experiments, however the loading structure from reshock or release has not been determined at these high stresses. In this study polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) is shocked to approximately 45 GPa and recompressed up to 130 GPa as well as unloaded from the shocked state. Reloading and unloading wave speeds have been determined from this initial stress level of approximately 45 GPa. The results from these tests not only characterize PMMA at these stress states, but will be valuable when PMMA is used as a standard material to study strength and phase transformation behavior in other materials. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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Survey of the hypervelocity impact technology and applications

Chhabildas, Lalit C.

HVIS 2005 was a clear success. The Symposium brought together nearly two hundred active researchers and students from thirteen countries around the world. The 84 papers presented at HVIS 2005 constitute an ''update'' on current research and the state-of-the-art of hypervelocity science. Combined with the over 7000 pages of technical papers from the eight previous Symposia, beginning in 1986, all published in the International Journal of Impact Engineering, the papers from HVIS 2005 add to the growing body of knowledge and the progressing state-of-the-art of hypervelocity science. It is encouraging to report that even with the limited funding resources compared to two decades ago, creativity and ingenuity in hypervelocity science are alive and well. There is considerable overlap in different disciplines that allows researchers to leverage. Experimentally, higher velocities are now available in the laboratory and are ideally suited for space applications that can be tied to both civilian (NASA) and DoD military applications. Computationally, there is considerable advancement both in computer and modeling technologies. Higher computing speeds and techniques such as parallel processing allow system level type applications to be addressed directly today, much in contrast to the situation only a few years ago. Needless to say, both experimentally and computationally, the ultimate utility will depend on the curiosity and the probing questions that will be incumbent upon the individual researcher. It is quite satisfying that over two dozen students attended the symposium. Hopefully this is indicative of a good pool of future researchers that will be needed both in the government and civilian industries. It is also gratifying to note that novel thrust areas exploring different and new material phenomenology relevant to hypervelocity impact, but a number of other applications as well, are being pursued. In conclusion, considerable progress is still being made that is beneficial for continuous development of hypervelocity impact technology and applications even with the relatively limited resources that are being directed in this field.

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Dynamic response of shock-loaded multi-component glasses

Alexander, Charles S.; Vogler, Tracy V.; Reinhart, William D.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.

Glass, in various formulations, may be useful as a transparent armor material. Fused quartz (SiO{sub 2}), modified with either B{sub 2}O{sub 3} (13 % wt.) or Na{sub 2}O (15 % wt.), was studied to determine the effect on the dynamic response of the material. Utilizing powder and two-stage light gas guns, plate impact experiments were conducted to determine the effect on strength properties, including the elastic limits and plastic deformation response. Further, the effect of glass modification on known transitions to higher density phases in fused quartz was evaluated. Results of these experiments will be presented and discussed.

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Hugoniot and strength behavior of silicon carbide

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Vogler, Tracy V.; Reinhart, William D.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.

The shock behavior of two varieties of the ceramic silicon carbide was investigated through a series of time-resolved plate impact experiments reaching stresses of over 140 GPa. The Hugoniot data obtained are consistent for the two varieties tested as well as with most data from the literature. Through the use of reshock and release configurations, reloading and unloading responses for the material were found. Analysis of these responses provides a measure of the ceramic's strength behavior as quantified by the shear stress and the strength in the Hugoniot state. While previous strength measurements were limited to stresses of 20-25 GPa, measurements were made to 105 GPa in the current study. The initial unloading response is found to be elastic to stresses as high as 105 GPa, the level at which a solid-to-solid phase transformation is observed. While the unloading response lies significantly below the Hugoniot, the reloading response essentially follows it. This differs significantly from previous results for B{sub 4}C and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The strength of the material increases by about 50% at stresses of 50-75 GPa before falling off somewhat as the phase transformation is approached. Thus, the strength behavior of SiC in planar impact experiments could be characterized as metal-like in character. The previously reported phase transformation at {approx}105 GPa was readily detected by the reshock technique, but it initially eluded detection with traditional shock experiments. This illustrates the utility of the reshock technique for identifying phase transformations. The transformation in SiC was found to occur at about 104 GPa with an associated volume change of about 9%.

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Variability in dynamic properties of tantalum : spall, attenuation and load/unload

Reinhart, William D.; Trott, Wayne T.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.; Vogler, Tracy V.

A suite of impact experiments was conducted to assess spatial and shot-to-shot variability in dynamic properties of tantalum. Samples had a uniform refined {approx}20 micron grain structure with a strong axisymmetric [111] crystallographic texture. Two experiments performed with sapphire windows (stresses of approximately 7 and 12 GPa) clearly showed elastic-plastic loading and slightly hysteretic unloading behavior. An HEL amplitude of 2.8 GPa (corresponding to Y 1.5 GPa) was observed. Free-surface spall experiments showed clear wave attenuation and spallation phenomena. Here, loading stresses were {approx} 12.5 GPa and various ratios of impactor to target thicknesses were used. Spatial and shot-to-shot variability of the spall strength was {+-} 20%, and of the HEL, {+-} 10%. Experiments conducted with smaller diameter flyer plates clearly showed edge effects in the line and point VISAR records, indicating lateral release speeds of roughly 5 km/s.

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Results 1–25 of 43
Results 1–25 of 43