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AirNet-SNL: End-to-end training of iterative reconstruction and deep neural network regularization for sparse-data XPCI CT

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Lee, Dennis J.; Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk, Johnathan M.; Jimenez, Edward S.; West, Roger D.; Goodner, Ryan; Epstein, Collin E.; Thompson, Kyle R.; Dagel, Amber L.

We present a deep learning image reconstruction method called AirNet-SNL for sparse view computed tomography. It combines iterative reconstruction and convolutional neural networks with end-to-end training. Our model reduces streak artifacts from filtered back-projection with limited data, and it trains on randomly generated shapes. This work shows promise to generalize learning image reconstruction.

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Influence of Data Acquisition Algorithms on X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging Computed Tomography

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems

Epstein, Collin E.; Goodner, Ryan N.; West, Roger D.; Thompson, Kyle R.; Dagel, Amber L.

X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) is a nondestructive evaluation technique that enables high-contrast detection of low-attenuation materials that are largely transparent in traditional radiography. Extending a grating-based Talbot-Lau XPCI system to three-dimensional imaging with computed tomography (CT) imposes two motion requirements: the analyzer grating must translate transverse to the optical axis to capture image sets for XPCI reconstruction, and the sample must rotate to capture angular data for CT reconstruction. The acquisition algorithm choice determines the order of movement and positioning of the two stages. The choice of the image acquisition algorithm for XPCI CT is instrumental to collecting high fidelity data for reconstruction. We investigate how data acquisition influences XPCI CT by comparing two simple data acquisition algorithms and determine that capturing a full phase-stepping image set for a CT projection before rotating the sample results in higher quality data.

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Optimization of hardware and image processing for improved image quality in X-ray phase contrast imaging

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Dagel, Amber L.; West, Roger D.; Goodner, Ryan N.; Grover, Steven M.; Epstein, Collin E.; Thompson, Kyle R.

High-quality image products in an X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCI) system can be produced with proper system hardware and data acquisition. However, it may be possible to further increase the quality of the image products by addressing subtleties and imperfections in both hardware and the data acquisition process. Noting that addressing these issues entirely in hardware and data acquisition may not be practical, a more prudent approach is to determine the balance of how the apparatus may reasonably be improved and what can be accomplished with image post-processing techniques. Given a proper signal model for XPCI data, image processing techniques can be developed to compensate for many of the image quality degradations associated with higher-order hardware and data acquisition imperfections. However, processing techniques also have limitations and cannot entirely compensate for sub-par hardware or inaccurate data acquisition practices. Understanding system and image processing technique limitations enables balancing between hardware, data acquisition, and image post-processing. In this paper, we present some of the higher-order image degradation effects we have found associated with subtle imperfections in both hardware and data acquisition. We also discuss and demonstrate how a combination of hardware, data acquisition processes, and image processing techniques can increase the quality of XPCI image products. Finally, we assess the requirements for high-quality XPCI images and propose reasonable system hardware modifications and the limits of certain image processing techniques.

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Results 1–25 of 100
Results 1–25 of 100