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High-Speed X-Ray Stereo Digital Image Correlation in a Shock Tube

Experimental Techniques

James, J.W.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Quintana, Enrico C.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Halls, B.R.; Wagner, Justin W.

X-ray stereo digital image correlation (DIC) measurements were performed at 10 kHz on the internal surface of a jointed structure in a shock tube at a shock Mach number of 1.42 and compared with optical stereo DIC measurements on the outer, visible surface of the structure. The shock tube environment introduces temperature and density gradients in the gas through which the structure was imaged, resulting in spatial and temporal index of refraction variations. These variations cause bias errors in optical DIC measurements due to beam-steering but have minimal influence on x-ray DIC measurements. These results demonstrate the utility of time-resolved x-ray DIC measurements in complicated environments where optical measurements suffer severe errors and/or are precluded by lack of optical access.

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High-Speed Diagnostic and Simulation Capabilities for Reacting Hypersonic Reentry Flows (LDRD Final Report)

Kearney, S.P.; Jans, E.R.; Wagner, Justin W.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Daniel, Kyle; Downing, Charley R.; Armstrong, Darrell J.; Wagnild, Ross M.; DeChant, Lawrence J.; Maeng, Jungyeoul B.; Echo, Zakari S.

High-enthalpy hypersonic flight represents an application space of significant concern within the current national-security landscape. The hypersonic environment is characterized by high-speed compressible fluid mechanics and complex reacting flow physics, which may present both thermal and chemical nonequilibrium effects. We report on the results of a three-year LDRD effort, funded by the Engineering Sciences Research Foundation (ESRF) investment area, which has been focused on the development and deployment of new high-speed thermochemical diagnostics capabilities for measurements in the high-enthalpy hypersonic environment posed by Sandia's free-piston shock tunnel. The project has additionally sponsored model development efforts, which have added thermal nonequilibrium modeling capabilities to Sandia codes for subsequent design of many of our shock-tunnel experiments. We have cultivated high-speed, chemically specific, laser-diagnostic approaches that are uniquely co-located with Sandia's high-enthalpy hypersonic test facilities. These tools include picosecond and nanosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering at 100-kHz rates for time-resolved thermometry, including thermal nonequilibrium conditions, and 100-kHz planar laser-induced fluorescence of nitric oxide for chemically specific imaging and velocimetry. Key results from this LDRD project have been documented in a number of journal submissions and conference proceedings, which are cited here. The body of this report is, therefore, concise and summarizes the key results of the project. The reader is directed toward these reference materials and appendices for more detailed discussions of the project results and findings.

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Aero-Optics of Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers

Lynch, Kyle P.; Miller, Nathan M.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Butler, Luke B.; Gordeyev, Stanislav G.; Castillo, Pedro G.; Gross, Andreas G.; Wang, Gwendolyn T.; Mazumdar, Yi C.

Aero-optics refers to optical distortions due to index-of-refraction gradients that are induced by aerodynamic density gradients. At hypersonic flow conditions, the bulk velocity is many times the speed of sound and density gradients may originate from shock waves, compressible turbulent structures, acoustic waves, thermal variations, etc. Due to the combination of these factors, aero-optic distortions are expected to differ from those common to sub-sonic and lower super-sonic speeds. This report summarizes the results from a 2019-2022 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project led by Sandia National Laboratories in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame, New Mexico State University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Efforts extended experimental and simulation methodologies for the study of turbulent hypersonic boundary layers. Notable experimental advancements include development of spectral de-aliasing techniques for highspeed wavefront measurements, a Spatially Selective Wavefront Sensor (SSWFS) technique, new experimental data at Mach 8 and 14, a Quadrature Fringe Imaging Interferometer (QFII) technique for time-resolved index-of-refraction measures, and application of QFII to shock-heated air. At the same time, model advancements include aero-optic analysis of several Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) datasets from Mach 0.5 to 14 and development of wall-modeled Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques for aero-optic predictions. At Mach 8 measured and predicted root mean square Optical Path Differences agree within confidence bounds but are higher than semi-empirical trends extrapolated from lower Mach conditions. Overall, results show that aero-optic effects in the hypersonic flow regime are not simple extensions from prior knowledge at lower speeds and instead reflect the added complexity of compressible hypersonic flow physics.

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Design and Characterization of the Sandia Free-Piston Reflected Shock Tunnel

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

Lynch, Kyle P.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Farias, Paul A.; Daniel, Kyle; Spillers, Russell W.; Downing, Charley R.; Wagner, Justin W.

A new reflected shock tunnel has been commissioned at Sandia capable of generating hypersonic environments at realistic flight enthalpies. The tunnel uses an existing free-piston driver and shock tube coupled to a conical nozzle to accelerate the flow to approximately Mach 9. The facility design process is outlined and compared to other ground test facilities. A representative flight enthalpy condition is designed using an in-house state-to-state solver and piston dynamics model and evaluated using quasi-1D modeling with the University of Queensland L1d code. This condition is demonstrated using canonical models and a calibration rake. A 25 cm core flow with 4.6 MJ/kg total enthalpy is achieved over an approximately 1 millisecond test time. Analysis shows that increasing piston mass should extend test time by a factor of 2-3.

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Aero-optical distortions of turbulent boundary layers: Hypersonic dns

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

Miller, Nathan M.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Gordeyev, Stanislov; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Duan, Lian; Wagnild, Ross M.

Four Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) datasets covering effective freestream Mach numbers of 8 through 14 are used to investigate the behavior of turbulence-induced aero-optical distortions in hypersonic boundary layers. The datasets include two from simulations of flat plate boundary layers (Mach 8 and 14) and two from simulations of flow over a sharp cone (Mach 8 and 14). Instantaneous three-dimensional fields of density from each DNS are converted to refraction index and integrated to produce distributions of the Optical Path Differences (OPD) caused by turbulence. These values are then compared to experimental data from the literature and to an existing model for the root-mean-square of the OPD. Although the model was originally developed for flows with Mach ≤ 5, it provides a basis to which we compare the hypersonic data.

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Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Mach 8 Turbulent Boundary Layer and Computation of Aero-Optical Distortions

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

Castillo, Pedro; Gross, Andreas; Miller, Nathan M.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Lynch, Kyle P.

Compressible wall modeled large-eddy simulations of a Mach eight turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate were carried out for the conditions of the Hypersonic Wind Tunnel at Sandia National Laboratories. Overall good agreement of the velocity and temperature profiles is obtained with reference data from a direct numerical simulation and a theoretical relationship. Profiles of the resolved root-mean-square velocity fluctuations are in adequate agreement with the reference data. The refractive index is calculated from the density field and integrated along an expected beam path to calculate the optical path length. Then, by subtracting a bilinear fit of the instantaneous optical path length, the optical path difference is obtained. The computed aero-optical path difference shows a similar dependence on the aperture size as in the literature. The normalized root-mean-square optical path difference from the present wall-modeled large-eddy simulations and a reference direct numerical simulation and experiment are in good agreement. The optical path distortion is slightly above the value predicted by a semi-analytical relationship from the literature. Finally, instantaneous snapshots of the flow are analyzed via proper orthogonal decomposition and the optical path distortion is computed from subsets of the modes. The optical path distortion converges quickly with increasing number of modes which suggests that the main contribution comes from large energetic flow structures.

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Pulse-burst spontaneous Raman thermometry of unsteady wave phenomena in a shock tube

Optics Letters

Winters, Caroline W.; Haller, Timothy; Kearney, S.P.; Varghese, Philip; Lynch, Kyle P.; Daniel, Kyle; Wagner, Justin W.

A high-speed temperature diagnostic based on spontaneous Raman scattering (SRS) was demonstrated using a pulse-burst laser. The technique was first benchmarked in near-adiabatic H2-air flames at a data-acquisition rate of 5 kHz using an integrated pulse energy of 1.0 J per realization. Both the measurement precision and accuracy in the flame were within 3% of adiabatic predictions. This technique was then evaluated in a challenging free-piston shock tube environment operated at a shock Mach number of 3.5. SRS thermometry resolved the temperature in post-incident and post-reflected shock flows at a repetition rate of 3 kHz and clearly showed cooling associated with driver expansion waves. Collectively, this Letter represents a major advancement for SRS in impulsive facilities, which had previously been limited to steady state regions or single-shot acquisition.

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Aero-Optical Measurements of a Mach 8 Boundary Layer

AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021

Lynch, Kyle P.; Spillers, Russell W.; Miller, Nathan M.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Gordeyev, Stanislav

Measurements are presented of the aero-optic distortion produced by a Mach 8 turbulent boundary layer in the Sandia Hypersonic Wind Tunnel. Flat optical inserts installed in the test section walls enabled a double-pass arrangement of a collimated laser beam. The distortion of this beam was imaged by a high-speed Shack-Hartmann sensor at a sampling rate of up to 1 MHz. Analysis is performed using two processing methods to extract the aero-optic distortion from the data. A novel de-aliasing algorithm is proposed to extract convective-only spectra and is demonstrated to correctly quantify the physical spectra even in case of relatively low sampling rates. The results are compared with an existing theoretical model, and it is shown that this model under-predicts the experimentally measured distortions regardless of the processing method used. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are presented. The presented results represent to-date the highest Mach number for which aero-optic boundary layer distortion measurements are available.

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Aero-Optical Distortions of Turbulent Boundary Layers: DNS up to Mach 8

AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021

Miller, Nathan M.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Lynch, Kyle P.

The character of aero-optical distortions produced by turbulence is investigated for subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic boundary layers. Data from four Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of boundary layers with nominal Mach numbers ranging from 0.5 to 8 are used. The DNS data for the subsonic and supersonic boundary layers are of flow over flat plates. Two hypersonic boundary layers are both from flows with a Mach 8 inlet condition, one of which is flow over a flat plate while the other is a boundary layer on a sharp cone. Density fields from these datasets are converted to index-of-refraction fields which are integrated along an expected beam path to determine the effective Optical Path Lengths that a beam would experience while passing through the refractions of the turbulent field. By then accounting for the mean path length and tip/tilt issues related to bulk boundary layer effects, the distribution of Optical Path Differences (OPD s) is determined. Comparisons of the root-mean-squares of the OPDs are made to an existing model. The OPDr m s values determined from the subsonic and supersonic data were found to match the existing model well. As could be expected, the hypersonic data does not match as well due to assumptions like the Strong Reynold Analogy that were made in the derivation of the model. Until now, the model has never been compared to flows with Mach numbers as high as included herein or to flow over a sharp cone geometry.

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Development of a Spatially Filtered Wavefront Sensor as an Aero-Optical Measurement Technique

AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021

Butler, Luke; Gordeyev, Stanislav; Lynch, Kyle P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

This paper validates the concept of a spatially filtered wavefront sensor, which uses a convergent-divergent beam to reduce sensitivity to aero-optical distortions near the focal point while retaining sensitivity at large beam diameters. This sensor was used to perform wavefront measurements in a cavity flow test section. The focal point was traversed to various spanwise locations across the test section, and the overall OPDRMS levels and aperture-averaged spectra of wavefronts were computed. It was demonstrated that the sensor was able to effectively suppress the stronger aero-optical signal from the cavity flow and recover the aero-optical signal from the boundary layer when the focal point was placed inside the shear region of the cavity flow. To model these measured quantities, additional collimated beam wavefronts were taken at various subsonic speeds in a wind tunnel test section with two turbulent boundary layers, and then in the cavity flow test section, where the signal from the cavity was dominant. The results from the experimental model agree with the measured convergent-divergent beam results, confirming that the spatial filtering properties of the proposed sensor are due to attenuating effects at small apertures.

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Burst-mode spontaneous raman thermometry in a free-piston shock tube

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum

Winters, Caroline W.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Kearney, S.P.; Daniel, Kyle; Wagner, Justin W.; Haller, Timothy; Varghese, Philip

A high-speed thermometry diagnostic based on spontaneous Raman scattering (SRS) was demonstrated using a pulse-burst laser at a 3-kHz data acquisition rate, with a pulse duration of 200 ns and wavelength of 532 nm. The technique was evaluated in a challenging free-piston shock tube environment operated at conditions up to 1653 K and 112 bar following an incident shock Mach number of 3.5 and a reflected shock Mach number of 2.2. The SRS thermometry resolved the temperature in post-incident and post-reflected shock flows and clearly showed cooling associated with driver expansion waves. A detailed spectral physics model inferred temperatures within 1% of the predicted post-shock temperatures, when SNR was greater than 2.0. This was a significant advancement of spontaneous Raman vibrational thermometry.

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Scaling of Reflected Shock Bifurcation at High Incident Mach Number

AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021

Daniel, Kyle; Lynch, Kyle P.; Downing, Charley R.; Wagner, Justin W.

Measurements of bifurcated reflected shocks over a wide range of incident shock Mach numbers, 2.9 < Ms < 9.4, are carried out in Sandia’s high temperature shock tube. The size of the non-uniform flow region associated with the bifurcation is measured using high speed schlieren imaging. Measurements of the bifurcation height are compared to historical data from the literature. A correlation for the bifurcation height from Petersen et al. [1] is examined and found to over estimate the bifurcation height for Ms > 6. An improved correlation is introduced that can predict the bifurcation height over the range 2.15 < Ms < 9.4. The time required for the non-uniform flow region to pass over a stationary sensor is also examined. A non-dimensional time related to the induced velocity behind the shock and the distance to the endwall is introduced. This non-dimensional time collapses the data and yields a new correlation that predicts the temporal duration of the bifurcation.

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A cfd validation challenge for transonic, shock-induced separated flow: Approach and metrics

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Beresh, Steven J.; Barone, Matthew F.; Dowding, Kevin J.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Miller, Nathan M.; Lance, Blake L.

A blind CFD validation challenge is being organized for the unsteady transonic shock motion induced by the Sandia Axisymmetric Transonic Hump, which echoes the Bachalo-Johnson configuration. The wind tunnel and model geometry will be released at the start of the validation challenge along with flow boundary conditions. Primary data concerning the unsteady separation region will be released at the conclusion of the challenge after computational entrants have been submitted. This paper details the organization of the challenge, its schedule, and the metrics of comparison by which the models will be assessed.

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High-speed x-ray stereo digital image correlation for fluid-structure interactions in a shock tube

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

James, Jeremy W.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Quintana, Enrico C.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Wagner, Justin W.

X-ray stereo digital image correlation (DIC) measurements were performed at 10 kHz on a jointed-structure in a shock tube at a shock Mach number of 1.42. The X-ray results were compared to optical DIC using visible light. In the X-ray measurements, an internal surface with a tantalum-epoxy DIC pattern was imaged, whereas the optical DIC imaged an external surface. The environment within the shock tube caused temperature and density gradients in the gas through which the structure was imaged, therefore leading to spatial and temporal index of refraction variations. These variations caused beam-steering effects that resulted in bias error in optical DIC measurements. X-rays were used to mitigate the effects of beam-steering caused by the shock tube environment. Beam displacements measured using X-ray DIC followed similar trends (slopes, oscillations amplitudes and frequencies) as optical DIC data while ignoring beam-steering effects. Power spectral densities of both measurements showed peaks at the natural frequencies of the structure. X-ray DIC also has the advantage of being able to image internal structural responses, whereas optical DIC is only capable of measurements on the outer surface of objects.

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Results 1–25 of 49
Results 1–25 of 49