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Prediction of the evolution of the stress field of polycrystals undergoing elastic-plastic deformation with a hybrid neural network model

Machine Learning: Science and Technology

Frankel, Ari L.; Tachida, Kousuke K.; Jones, Reese E.

Crystal plasticity theory is often employed to predict the mesoscopic states of polycrystalline metals, and is well-known to be costly to simulate. Using a neural network with convolutional layers encoding correlations in time and space, we were able to predict the evolution of the dominant component of the stress field given only the initial microstructure and external loading. In comparison to our recent work, we were able to predict not only the spatial average of the stress response but the evolution of the field itself. We show that the stress fields and their rates are in good agreement with the two dimensional crystal plasticity data and have no visible artifacts. Furthermore the distribution of stress throughout the elastic to fully plastic transition match the truth provided by held out crystal plasticity data. Lastly we demonstrate the efficacy of the trained model in material characterization and optimization tasks.

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Uncertainty Quantification of Microstructural Material Variability Effects

Jones, Reese E.; Boyce, Brad B.; Frankel, Ari L.; Heckman, Nathan H.; Khalil, Mohammad K.; Ostien, Jakob O.; Rizzi, Francesco N.; Tachida, Kousuke K.; Teichert, Gregory H.; Templeton, Jeremy A.

This project has developed models of variability of performance to enable robust design and certification. Material variability originating from microstructure has significant effects on component behavior and creates uncertainty in material response. The outcomes of this project are uncertainty quantification (UQ) enabled analysis of material variability effects on performance and methods to evaluate the consequences of microstructural variability on material response in general. Material variability originating from heterogeneous microstructural features, such as grain and pore morphologies, has significant effects on component behavior and creates uncertainty around performance. Current engineering material models typically do not incorporate microstructural variability explicitly, rather functional forms are chosen based on intuition and parameters are selected to reflect mean behavior. Conversely, mesoscale models that capture the microstructural physics, and inherent variability, are impractical to utilize at the engineering scale. Therefore, current efforts ignore physical characteristics of systems that may be the predominant factors for quantifying system reliability. To address this gap we have developed explicit connections between models of microstructural variability and component/system performance. Our focus on variability of mechanical response due to grain and pore distributions enabled us to fully probe these influences on performance and develop a methodology to propagate input variability to output performance. This project is at the forefront of data-science and material modeling. We adapted and innovated from progressive techniques in machine learning and uncertainty quantification to develop a new, physically-based methodology to address the core issues of the Engineering Materials Reliability (EMR) research challenge in modeling constitutive response of materials with significant inherent variability and length-scales.

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4 Results
4 Results