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Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Ignition Behavior of OME


Wiesmann, Frederik W.; Strauss, Lukas S.; Riess, Sebastian R.; Manin, Julien L.; Wan, Kevin W.; Lauer, Thomas L.

On the path towards climate-neutral future mobility, the usage of synthetic fuels derived from renewable power sources, so-called e-fuels, will be necessary. Oxygenated e-fuels, which contain oxygen in their chemical structure, not only have the potential to realize a climate-neutral powertrain, but also to burn more cleanly in terms of soot formation. Polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODE or OMEs) are a frequently discussed representative of such combustibles. However, to operate compression ignition engines with these fuels achieving maximum efficiency and minimum emissions, the physical-chemical behavior of OMEs needs to be understood and quantified. Especially the detailed characterization of physical and chemical properties of the spray is of utmost importance for the optimization of the injection and the mixture formation process. The presented work aimed to develop a comprehensive CFD model to specify the differences between OMEs and dodecane, which served as a reference diesel-like fuel, with regards to spray atomization, mixing and auto-ignition for single- and multi-injection patterns. The simulation results were validated against experimental data from a high-temperature and high-pressure combustion vessel. The sprays’ liquid and vapor phase penetration were measured with Mie-scattering and schlieren-imaging as well as diffuse back illumination and Rayleigh-scattering for both fuels. To characterize the ignition process and the flame propagation, measurements of the OH* chemiluminescence of the flame were carried out. Significant differences in the ignition behavior between OMEs and dodecane could be identified in both experiments and CFD simulations. Liquid penetration as well as flame lift-off length are shown to be consistently longer for OMEs. Zones of high reaction activity differ substantially for the two fuels: Along the spray center axis for OMEs and at the shear boundary layers of fuel and ambient air for dodecane. Additionally, the transient behavior of high temperature reactions for OME is predicted to be much faster.

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Soot and PAH formation in high pressure spray pyrolysis of gasoline and diesel fuels

Combustion and Flame

Wan, Kevin W.; Manin, Julien L.; Sim, Hyung S.; Karathanassis, Ioannis

Time-resolved soot and PAH formation from gasoline and diesel spray pyrolysis are visualized and quantified using diffuse back illumination (DBI) and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) at 355 nm, respectively, in a constant-volume vessel at 60 bar from 1400 to 1700 K for up to 30 ms. The delay, maximum formation rate, and yield of soot and PAHs are compared across fuels and temperatures and correlated with the yield sooting indices on either the mass or mole basis. The delays generally decrease with increasing temperature, and the formation rates of both PAHs and soot generally increase with temperature. The apparent PAH-LIF yield may decrease with temperature due to PAH growth and conversion into larger species, signal trapping, and thermal quneching. Soot yield generally increases with temperature. The mass-based YSI correlates reasonably well with soot delay, but YSI does not correlate well with soot yield. The mass-based YSI is a more appropriate predictor of sooting propensity than the mole-based YSI.

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3 Results
3 Results