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Ab initio molecular dynamics free energy study of enhanced copper (II) dimerization on mineral surfaces

Communications Chemistry

Leung, Kevin L.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

Understanding the adsorption of isolated metal cations from water on to mineral surfaces is critical for toxic waste retention and cleanup in the environment. Heterogeneous nucleation of metal oxyhydroxides and other minerals on material surfaces is key to crystal growth and dissolution. The link connecting these two areas, namely cation dimerization and polymerization, is far less understood. In this work we apply ab initio molecular dynamics calculations to examine the coordination structure of hydroxide-bridged Cu(II) dimers, and the free energy changes associated with Cu(II) dimerization on silica surfaces. The dimer dissociation pathway involves sequential breaking of two Cu2+-OH− bonds, yielding three local minima in the free energy profiles associated with 0-2 OH− bridges between the metal cations, and requires the design of a (to our knowledge) novel reaction coordinate for the simulations. Cu(II) adsorbed on silica surfaces are found to exhibit stronger tendency towards dimerization than when residing in water. Cluster-plus-implicit-solvent methods yield incorrect trends if OH− hydration is not correctly depicted. The predicted free energy landscapes are consistent with fast equilibrium times (seconds) among adsorbed structures, and favor Cu2+ dimer formation on silica surfaces over monomer adsorption.

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Role of Coatings as Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphases on Lithium Metal Self-Discharge

Journal of Physical Chemistry. C

Merrill, Laura C.; Long, Daniel M.; Small, Kathryn A.; Jungjohann, Katherine L.; Leung, Kevin L.; Bassett, Kimberly L.; Harrison, Katharine L.

Artificial solid electrolyte interphases have provided a path to improved cycle life for high energy density, next-generation anodes like lithium metal. Although long cycle life is necessary for widespread implementation, understanding and mitigating the effects of aging and self-discharge are also required. In this report we investigate several coating materials and their role in calendar life aging of lithium. We find that the oxide coatings are electronically passivating whereas the LiF coating slows charge transfer kinetics. Furthermore, the Coulombic loss during self-discharge measurements improves with the oxide layers and worsens with the LiF layer. It is found that none of the coatings create a continuous conformal, electronically passivating layer on top of the deposited lithium nor are they likely to distribute evenly through a porous deposit, suggesting that none of the materials are acting as an artificial solid electrolyte interphase. Instead, they likely alter performance through modulating lithium nucleation and growth.

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First Principles Determination of the Potential-of-Zero-Charge in an Alumina-Coated Aluminum/Water Interface Model for Corrosion Applications

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Leung, Kevin L.

The surfaces of most metals immersed in aqueous electrolytes have a several-nanometer-thick oxide/hydroxide surface layer. This gives rise to the existence of both metal|oxide and oxide|liquid electrotlyte interfaces, and makes it challenging to correlate atomic length-scale structures with electrochemical properties such the potential-of-zero-charge (PZC). The PZC has been shown to be correlated the onset potential for pitting corrosion. Here, we conduct large-scale Density Functional Theory and ab initio molecular dynamics to calculate the PZC of a Al(111)|γ-Al2O3(110)| water double-interface model within the context of aluminum corrosion. By partitioning the multiple interfaces involved into binary components with additive contributions to the overall work function and voltage, we predict the PZC to be -1.53 V vs SHE for this model. Furthermore, we calculate the orbital energy levels of defects like oxygen vacancies in the oxide, which are critical parameters in theories associated with pitting corrosion. We predict that the Fermi level at the PZC lies above the impurity defect levels of the oxygen vacancies, which are therefore uncharged at the PZC. From the PZC estimate, we predict the voltage needed to create oxygen vacancies with net positive charges within a flatband approximation.

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Interplay of physically different properties leading to challenges in separating lanthanide cations - anab initiomolecular dynamics and experimental study

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Leung, Kevin L.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Criscenti, Louise J.

Lanthanide elements have well-documented similarities in their chemical behavior, which make the valuable trivalent lanthanide cations (Ln3+) particularly difficult to separate from each other in water. In this work, we applyab initiomolecular dynamics simulations to compare the free energies (ΔGads) associated with the adsorption of lanthanide cations to silica surfaces at a pH condition where SiO−groups are present. The predicted ΔGadsfor lutetium (Lu3+) and europium (Eu3+) are similar within statistical uncertainties; this is in qualitative agreement with our batch adsorption measurements on silica. This finding is remarkable because the two cations exhibit hydration free energies (ΔGhyd) that differ by >2 eV, different hydration numbers, and different hydrolysis behavior far from silica surfaces. We observe that the similarity in Lu3+and Eu3+ΔGadsis the result of a delicate cancellation between the difference in Eu3+and Lu3+hydration (ΔGhyd), and their difference in binding energies to silica. We propose that disrupting this cancellation at the two end points, either for adsorbed or completely desorbed lanthanides (e.g.,viananoconfinment or mixed solvents), will lead to effective Ln3+separation.

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Edge-Propagation Discharge Mechanism in CFxBatteries - A First-Principles and Experimental Study

Chemistry of Materials

Leung, Kevin L.; Schorr, Noah B.; Mayer, Matthew; Lambert, Timothy N.; Meng, Y.S.; Harrison, Katharine L.

Graphite fluoride (CFx) cathodes coupled with lithium anodes yield one of the highest theoretical specific capacities (>860 mAh/g) among primary batteries. In practice, the observed discharge voltage (∼2.5 V) is significantly lower than thermodynamic limits (>4.5 V), the discharge rate is low, and so far Li/CFx has only been used in primary batteries. Understanding the discharge mechanism at atomic length scales will improve practical CFx energy density, rate capability, and rechargeability. So far, purely experimental techniques have not identified the correct discharge mechanism or explained the discharge voltage. We apply density functional theory calculations to demonstrate that a CFx-edge propagation discharge mechanism based on lithium insertion at the CF/C boundary in partially discharged CFx exhibits a voltage range of 2.5 to 2.9 V - depending on whether solvent molecules are involved. The voltages and solvent dependence agree with our discharge and galvanostatic intermittent titration technique measurements. The predicted discharge kinetics are consistent with CFx operations. Finally, we predict some Li/CFx rechargeability under the application of high potentials, along a charging pathway different from that of discharge. Our work represents a general, quasi-kinetic framework to understand the discharge of conversion cathodes, circumventing the widely used phase diagram approach which most likely does not apply to Li/CFx because equilibrium conditions are not attained in this system.

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Elucidating Hydrogen Reaction-Induced Water Desorption from Oxide-Passivated Metal Surfaces for Plasma Applications

Cochrane, Kyle C.; Goeke, Ronald G.; Wilson, Alex &.; Leung, Kevin L.

Elucidating the mechanisms responsible for sub-microsecond desorption of water and other impurities from electrode surfaces at high heating rates is crucial for understanding pulsed power behavior. Ionization of desorbed impurities in the vacuum regions causes power or current loss; devising methods to limit such desorption during the short time scale of pulsed power is needed to improve corresponding applications. Previous molecular modeling studies have strongly suggested that, under high vacuum conditions, the amount of water impurity desorbing from oxide surfaces on metal electrodes is at a sub-monolayer level at room temperature, which appears insufficient to explain observed pulsed power energy losses at high current densities. In this work, we apply Density Functional Theory (DFT) techniques to show that hydrogen trapped inside iron metal can diffuse into hematite (α-Fe2O3) on the metal surface, ultimately reacting with the oxide to form Fe(II) and H2O. The latter desorbs at elevated temperature and may explain the anomalous amount of desorbed impurity inferred from pulsed-power experiments. We also apply a suite of characterization techniques to demonstrate that when iron metal is heated to 650 °C, the dominant surface oxide component becomes α-Fe2O3. The oxide facets exposed are found to be a mixture of (0001), (10-10), and others, in agreement with the DFT models used.

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Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report)

Laity, George R.; Robinson, Allen C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Alam, Mary K.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Bennett, Nichelle L.; Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Cyr, Eric C.; De Zetter, Karen J.; Drake, Richard R.; Evstatiev, Evstati G.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Gardiner, Thomas A.; Glines, Forrest W.; Goeke, Ronald S.; Hamlin, Nathaniel D.; Hooper, Russell H.; Koski, Jason K.; Lane, James M.; Larson, Steven R.; Leung, Kevin L.; McGregor, Duncan A.; Miller, Philip R.; Miller, Sean M.; Ossareh, Susan J.; Phillips, Edward G.; Simpson, Sean S.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Smith, Thomas M.; Swan, Matthew S.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Tranchida, Julien G.; Bortz-Johnson, Asa J.; Welch, Dale R.; Russell, Alex M.; Watson, Eric D.; Rose, David V.; McBride, Ryan D.

This report describes the high-level accomplishments from the Plasma Science and Engineering Grand Challenge LDRD at Sandia National Laboratories. The Laboratory has a need to demonstrate predictive capabilities to model plasma phenomena in order to rapidly accelerate engineering development in several mission areas. The purpose of this Grand Challenge LDRD was to advance the fundamental models, methods, and algorithms along with supporting electrode science foundation to enable a revolutionary shift towards predictive plasma engineering design principles. This project integrated the SNL knowledge base in computer science, plasma physics, materials science, applied mathematics, and relevant application engineering to establish new cross-laboratory collaborations on these topics. As an initial exemplar, this project focused efforts on improving multi-scale modeling capabilities that are utilized to predict the electrical power delivery on large-scale pulsed power accelerators. Specifically, this LDRD was structured into three primary research thrusts that, when integrated, enable complex simulations of these devices: (1) the exploration of multi-scale models describing the desorption of contaminants from pulsed power electrodes, (2) the development of improved algorithms and code technologies to treat the multi-physics phenomena required to predict device performance, and (3) the creation of a rigorous verification and validation infrastructure to evaluate the codes and models across a range of challenge problems. These components were integrated into initial demonstrations of the largest simulations of multi-level vacuum power flow completed to-date, executed on the leading HPC computing machines available in the NNSA complex today. These preliminary studies indicate relevant pulsed power engineering design simulations can now be completed in (of order) several days, a significant improvement over pre-LDRD levels of performance.

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Quasi-equilibrium predictions of water desorption kinetics from rapidly-heated metal oxide surfaces

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter

Leung, Kevin L.; Criscenti, Louise J.; Robinson, Allen C.

Controlling sub-microsecond desorption of water and other impurities from electrode surfaces at high heating rates is crucial for pulsed power applications. Despite the short time scales involved, quasi-equilibrium ideas based on transition state theory (TST) and Arrhenius temperature dependence have been widely applied to fit desorption activation free energies. In this work, we apply molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in conjunction with equilibrium potential-of-mean-force (PMF) techniques to directly compute the activation free energies (ΔG∗) associated with desorption of intact water molecules from Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 (0001) surfaces. The desorption free energy profiles are diffuse, without maxima, and have substantial dependences on temperature and surface water coverage. Incorporating the predicted ΔG∗ into an analytical form gives rate equations that are in reasonable agreement with non-equilibrium molecular dynamics desorption simulations. We also show that different ΔG∗ analytical functional forms which give similar predictions at a particular heating rate can yield desorption times that differ by up to a factor of four or more when the ramp rate is extrapolated by 8 orders of magnitude. This highlights the importance of constructing a physically-motivated ΔG∗ functional form to predict fast desorption kinetics.

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DFT modelling of explicit solid-solid interfaces in batteries: Methods and challenges

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Leung, Kevin L.

Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of electrode material properties in high energy density storage devices like lithium batteries have been standard practice for decades. In contrast, DFT modelling of explicit interfaces in batteries arguably lacks universally adopted methodology and needs further conceptual development. In this paper, we focus on solid-solid interfaces, which are ubiquitous not just in all-solid state batteries; liquid-electrolyte-based batteries often rely on thin, solid passivating films on electrode surfaces to function. We use metal anode calculations to illustrate that explicit interface models are critical for elucidating contact potentials, electric fields at interfaces, and kinetic stability with respect to parasitic reactions. The examples emphasize three key challenges: (1) the "dirty" nature of most battery electrode surfaces; (2) voltage calibration and control; and (3) the fact that interfacial structures are governed by kinetics, not thermodynamics. To meet these challenges, developing new computational techniques and importing insights from other electrochemical disciplines will be beneficial.

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Concerted Metal Cation Desorption and Proton Transfer on Deprotonated Silica Surfaces

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Leung, Kevin L.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Knight, Andrew W.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Ho, Tuan A.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

The adsorption equilibrium constants of monovalent and divalent cations to material surfaces in aqueous media are central to many technological, natural, and geochemical processes. Cation adsorption-desorption is often proposed to occur in concert with proton transfer on hydroxyl-covered mineral surfaces, but to date this cooperative effect has been inferred indirectly. This work applies density functional theory-based molecular dynamics simulations of explicit liquid water/mineral interfaces to calculate metal ion desorption free energies. Monodentate adsorption of Na+, Mg2+, and Cu2+ on partially deprotonated silica surfaces are considered. Na+ is predicted to be unbound, while Cu2+ exhibits binding free energies to surface SiO- groups that are larger than those of Mg2+. The predicted trends agree with competitive adsorption measurements on fumed silica surfaces. As desorption proceeds, Cu2+ dissociates one of the H2O molecules in its first solvation shell, turning into Cu2+(OH-)(H2O)3, while Mg remains Mg2+(H2O)6. The protonation state of the SiO- group at the initial binding site does not vary monotonically with cation desorption.

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Kinetics-Controlled Degradation Reactions at Crystalline LiPON/LixCoO2 and Crystalline LiPON/Li-Metal Interfaces


Leung, Kevin L.; Pearse, Alexander J.; Talin, A.A.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Rubloff, Gary W.; Modine, N.A.

Detailed understanding of solid–solid interface structure–function relationships is critical for the improvement and wide deployment of all-solid-state batteries. The interfaces between lithium phosphorous oxynitride (LiPON) solid electrolyte material and lithium metal anode, and between LiPON and LixCoO2 cathode, have been reported to generate solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI)-like products and/or disordered regions. Using electronic structure calculations and crystalline LiPON models, we predict that LiPON models with purely P−N−P backbones are kinetically inert towards lithium at room temperature. In contrast, transfer of oxygen atoms from low-energy LixCoO2(104) surfaces to LiPON is much faster under ambient conditions. The mechanisms of the primary reaction steps, LiPON structural motifs that readily reacts with lithium metal, experimental results on amorphous LiPON to partially corroborate these predictions, and possible mitigation strategies to reduce degradations are discussed. LiPON interfaces are found to be useful case studies for highlighting the importance of kinetics-controlled processes during battery assembly at moderate processing temperatures.

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Spatial Heterogeneities and Onset of Passivation Breakdown at Lithium Anode Interfaces

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Leung, Kevin L.; Jungjohann, Katherine L.

Effective passivation of lithium metal surfaces, and prevention of battery-shorting lithium dendrite growth, are critical for implementing lithium metal anodes for batteries with increased power densities. Nanoscale surface heterogeneities can be "hot spots" where anode passivation breaks down. Motivated by the observation of lithium dendrites in pores and grain boundaries in all-solid batteries, we examine lithium metal surfaces covered with Li2O and/or LiF thin films with grain boundaries in them. Electronic structure calculations show that at >0.25 V computed equilibrium overpotential Li2O grain boundaries with sufficiently large pores can accommodate Li0 atoms which aid e- leakage and passivation breakdown. Strain often accompanies Li insertion; applying an ∼1.7% strain already lowers the computed overpotential to 0.1 V. Lithium metal nanostructures as thin as 12 Å are thermodynamically favored inside cracks in Li2O films, becoming "incipient lithium filaments". LiF films are more resistant to lithium metal growth. The models used herein should in turn inform passivating strategies in all-solid-state batteries.

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Lead and selenite adsorption at water-goethite interfaces from first principles

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter

Leung, Kevin L.; Criscenti, Louise C.

The complexation of toxic and/or radioactive ions on to mineral surfaces is an important topic in geochemistry. We apply periodic-boundary-conditions density functional theory (DFT) molecular dynamics simulations to examine the coordination of Pb(II), SeO2-3, and their contact ion pairs to goethite (1 0 1) and (2 1 0) surfaces. The multitude of Pb(II) adsorption sites and possibility of Pb(II)-induced FeOH deprotonation make this a complex problem. At surface sites where Pb(II) is coordinated to three FeO and/or FeOH groups, and with judicious choices of FeOH surface group protonation states, the predicted Fe-Pb distances are in good agreement with EXAFS measurements. Trajectories where Pb(II) is in part coordinated to only two surface Fe-O groups exhibit larger fluctuations in Pb-O distances. Pb(II)/ SeO2-3 contact ion pairs are at least metastable on goethite (2 1 0) surfaces if the SeO2-3has a monodentate Se-O-Fe bond. Our DFT-based molecular dynamics calculations are a prerequisite for calculations of finite temperature equilibrium binding constants of Pb(II) and Pb(II)/ ion pairs to goethite adsorption sites.

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First-Principles Modeling of Mn(II) Migration above and Dissolution from LixMn2O4 (001) Surfaces

Chemistry of Materials

Leung, Kevin L.

Density functional theory and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are applied to investigate the migration of Mn(II) ions to above-surface sites on spinel LixMn2O4 (001) surfaces, the subsequent Mn dissolution into the organic liquid electrolyte, and the detrimental effects on graphite anode solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) passivating films after Mn(II) ions diffuse through the separator. The dissolution mechanism proves complex; the much-quoted Hunter disproportionation of Mn(III) to form Mn(II) is far from sufficient. Key steps that facilitate Mn(II) loss include concerted liquid/solid-state motions; proton-induced weakening of Mn-O bonds forming mobile OH- surface groups; and chemical reactions of adsorbed decomposed organic fragments. Mn(II) lodged between the inorganic Li2CO3 and organic lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC) anode SEI components facilitate electrochemical reduction and decomposition of LEDC. These findings help inform future design of protective coatings, electrolytes, additives, and interfaces.

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Computational Exploration of the Li-Electrode|Electrolyte Interface in the Presence of a Nanometer Thick Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Layer

Accounts of Chemical Research

Li, Yunsong; Leung, Kevin L.; Qi, Yue

ConspectusA nanometer thick passivation layer will spontaneously form on Li-metal in battery applications due to electrolyte reduction reactions. This passivation layer in rechargeable batteries must have "selective" transport properties: blocking electrons from attacking the electrolytes, while allowing Li+ ion to pass through so the electrochemical reactions can continue. The classical description of the electrochemical reaction, Li+ + e → Li0, occurring at the Li-metal|electrolyte interface is now complicated by the passivation layer and will reply on the coupling of electronic and ionic degrees of freedom in the layer. This passivation layer is called "solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)" and is considered as "the most important but the least understood in rechargeable Li-ion batteries," partly due to the lack of understanding of its structure-property relationship. Predictive modeling, starting from the ab initio level, becomes an important tool to understand the nanoscale processes and materials properties governing the interfacial charge transfer reaction at the Li-metal|SEI|electrolyte interface.Here, we demonstrate pristine Li-metal surfaces indeed dissolve in organic carbonate electrolytes without the SEI layer. Based on joint modeling and experimental results, we point out that the well-known two-layer structure of SEI also exhibits two different Li+ ion transport mechanisms. The SEI has a porous (organic) outer layer permeable to both Li+ and anions (dissolved in electrolyte), and a dense (inorganic) inner layer facilitate only Li+ transport. This two-layer/two-mechanism diffusion model suggests only the dense inorganic layer is effective at protecting Li-metal in electrolytes. This model suggests a strategy to deconvolute the structure-property relationships of the SEI by analyzing an idealized SEI composed of major components, such as Li2CO3, LiF, Li2O, and their mixtures. After sorting out the Li+ ion diffusion carriers and their diffusion pathways, we design methods to accelerate the Li+ ion conductivity by doping and by using heterogonous structure designs. We will predict the electron tunneling barriers and connect them with measurable first cycle irreversible capacity loss. Finally, we note that the SEI not only affects Li+ and e- transport, but it can also impose a potential drop near the Li-metal|SEI interface. Our challenge is to fully describe the electrochemical reactions at the Li-metal|SEI|electrolyte interface. This will be the subject of ongoing efforts.

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Complexation and Phase Evolution at Dimethylformamide-Ag(111) Interfaces

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Song, Wentao; Leung, Kevin L.; Shao, Qian; Gaskell, Karen J.; Reutt-Robey, Janice E.

The interaction of solvent molecules with metallic surfaces impacts many interfacial chemical processes. We investigate the chemical and structure evolution that follows adsorption of the polar solvent dimethylformamide (DMF) on Ag(111). An Ag(DMF)2 coordination complex forms spontaneously by DMF etching of Ag(111), yielding mixed films of the complexes and DMF. Utilizing ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM), in combination with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory (DFT) computations, we map monolayer phases from the 2-D gas regime, consisting of a binary mixture of DMF and Ag(DMF)2, through the saturation monolayer limit, in which these two chemical species phase separate into ordered islands. Structural models for the near-square DMF phase and the chain-like Ag(DMF)2 phase are presented and supported by DFT computation. Interface evolution is summarized in a surface pressure-composition phase diagram, which allows structure prediction over arbitrary experimental conditions. This work reveals new surface coordination chemistry for an important electrolyte-electrode system and illustrates how surface pressure can be used to tune monolayer phases.

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Spontaneous aggregation of lithium ion coordination polymers in fluorinated electrolytes for high-voltage batteries

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Malliakas, Christos D.; Leung, Kevin L.; Pupek, Krzysztof Z.; Shkrob, Ilya A.; Abraham, Daniel P.

Fluorinated carbonates are pursued as liquid electrolyte solvents for high-voltage Li-ion batteries. Here we report aggregation of [Li+(FEC)3]n polymer species in fluoroethylene carbonate containing electrolytes and scrutinize the causes for this behavior.

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Connecting the irreversible capacity loss in Li-ion batteries with the electronic insulating properties of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) components

Journal of Power Sources

Lin, Yu X.; Liu, Zhe; Leung, Kevin L.; Chen, Long Q.; Lu, Peng; Qi, Yue

The formation and continuous growth of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer are responsible for the irreversible capacity loss of batteries in the initial and subsequent cycles, respectively. In this article, the electron tunneling barriers from Li metal through three insulating SEI components, namely Li2CO3, LiF and Li3PO4, are computed by density function theory (DFT) approaches. Based on electron tunneling theory, it is estimated that sufficient to block electron tunneling. It is also found that the band gap decreases under tension while the work function remains the same, and thus the tunneling barrier decreases under tension and increases under compression. A new parameter, η, characterizing the average distances between anions, is proposed to unify the variation of band gap with strain under different loading conditions into a single linear function of η. An analytical model based on the tunneling results is developed to connect the irreversible capacity loss, due to the Li ions consumed in forming these SEI component layers on the surface of negative electrodes. The agreement between the model predictions and experimental results suggests that only the initial irreversible capacity loss is due to the self-limiting electron tunneling property of the SEI.

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Organosilicon-Based Electrolytes for Long-Life Lithium Primary Batteries

Fenton, Kyle R.; Nagasubramanian, Ganesan N.; Staiger, Chad S.; Pratt, Harry P.; Rempe, Susan R.; Leung, Kevin L.; Chaudhari, Mangesh I.; Anderson, Travis M.

This report describes advances in electrolytes for lithium primary battery systems. Electrolytes were synthesized that utilize organosilane materials that include anion binding agent functionality. Numerous materials were synthesized and tested in lithium carbon monofluoride battery systems for conductivity, impedance, and capacity. Resulting electrolytes were shown to be completely non-flammable and showed promise as co-solvents for electrolyte systems, due to low dielectric strength.

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How voltage drops are manifested by lithium ion configurations at interfaces and in thin films on battery electrodes

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Leung, Kevin L.; Leenheer, Andrew J.

Battery electrode surfaces are generally coated with electronically insulating solid films of thickness 1-50 nm. Both electrons and Li+ can move at the electrode-surface film interface in response to the voltage, which adds complexity to the "electric double layer" (EDL). We apply Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate how the applied voltage is manifested as changes in the EDL at atomic length scales, including charge separation and interfacial dipole moments. Illustrating examples include Li3PO4, Li2CO3, and LixMn2O4 thin films on Au(111) surfaces under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Adsorbed organic solvent molecules can strongly reduce voltages predicted in vacuum. We propose that manipulating surface dipoles, seldom discussed in battery studies, may be a viable strategy to improve electrode passivation. We also distinguish the computed potential governing electrons, which is the actual or instantaneous voltage, and the "lithium cohesive energy"-based voltage governing Li content widely reported in DFT calculations, which is a slower-responding self-consistency criterion at interfaces. This distinction is critical for a comprehensive description of electrochemical activities on electrode surfaces, including Li+ insertion dynamics, parasitic electrolyte decomposition, and electrodeposition at overpotentials.

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The Science of Battery Degradation

Sullivan, John P.; Fenton, Kyle R.; El Gabaly Marquez, Farid E.; Harris, Charles T.; Hayden, Carl C.; Hudak, Nicholas H.; Jungjohann, Katherine L.; Kliewer, Christopher J.; Leung, Kevin L.; McDaniel, Anthony H.; Nagasubramanian, Ganesan N.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Talin, A.A.; Tenney, Craig M.; Zavadil, Kevin R.

This report documents work that was performed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development project, Science of Battery Degradation. The focus of this work was on the creation of new experimental and theoretical approaches to understand atomistic mechanisms of degradation in battery electrodes that result in loss of electrical energy storage capacity. Several unique approaches were developed during the course of the project, including the invention of a technique based on ultramicrotoming to cross-section commercial scale battery electrodes, the demonstration of scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) to probe lithium transport mechanisms within Li-ion battery electrodes, the creation of in-situ liquid cells to observe electrochemical reactions in real-time using both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and STXM, the creation of an in-situ optical cell utilizing Raman spectroscopy and the application of the cell for analyzing redox flow batteries, the invention of an approach for performing ab initio simulation of electrochemical reactions under potential control and its application for the study of electrolyte degradation, and the development of an electrochemical entropy technique combined with x-ray based structural measurements for understanding origins of battery degradation. These approaches led to a number of scientific discoveries. Using STXM we learned that lithium iron phosphate battery cathodes display unexpected behavior during lithiation wherein lithium transport is controlled by nucleation of a lithiated phase, leading to high heterogeneity in lithium content at each particle and a surprising invariance of local current density with the overall electrode charging current. We discovered using in-situ transmission electron microscopy that there is a size limit to lithiation of silicon anode particles above which particle fracture controls electrode degradation. From electrochemical entropy measurements, we discovered that entropy changes little with degradation but the origin of degradation in cathodes is kinetic in nature, i.e. lower rate cycling recovers lost capacity. Finally, our modeling of electrode-electrolyte interfaces revealed that electrolyte degradation may occur by either a single or double electron transfer process depending on thickness of the solid-electrolyte-interphase layer, and this cross-over can be modeled and predicted.

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Density functional theory and conductivity studies of boron-based anion receptors

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Leung, Kevin L.; Chaudhari, Mangesh I.; Rempe, Susan R.; Fenton, Kyle R.; Pratt, Harry D.; Staiger, Chad L.; Nagasubramanian, Ganesan N.

Anion receptors that bind strongly to fluoride anions in organic solvents can help dissolve the lithium fluoride discharge products of primary carbon monofluoride (CFx) batteries, thereby preventing the clogging of cathode surfaces and improving ion conductivity. The receptors are also potentially beneficial to rechargeable lithium ion and lithium air batteries.We apply Density Functional Theory (DFT) to show that an oxalate-based pentafluorophenyl-boron anion receptor binds as strongly, or more strongly, to fluoride anions than many phenyl-boron anion receptors proposed in the literature. Experimental data shows marked improvement in electrolyte conductivity when this oxalate anion receptor is present. The receptor is sufficiently electrophilic that organic solvent molecules compete with F- for boron-site binding, and specific solvent effects must be considered when predicting its F- affinity. To further illustrate the last point, we also perform computational studies on a geometrically constrained boron ester that exhibits much stronger gas-phase affinity for both F- and organic solvent molecules. After accounting for specific solvent effects, however, its net F- affinity is about the same as the simple oxalate-based anion receptor. Finally, we propose that LiF dissolution in cyclic carbonate organic solvents, in the absence of anion receptors, is due mostly to the formation of ionic aggregates, not isolated F- ions.

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Toward First Principles Prediction of Voltage Dependences of Electrolyte/Electrolyte Interfacial Processes in Lithium Ion Batteries

Journal of Physical Chemistry. C

Leung, Kevin L.; Tenney, Craig M.

In lithium ion batteries, Li+ intercalation into electrodes is induced by applied voltages, which are in turn associated with free energy changes of Li+ transfer (ΔGt) between the solid and liquid phases. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) and thermodynamic integration techniques, we compute ΔGt for the virtual transfer of a Li+ from a LiC6 anode slab, with pristine basal planes exposed, to liquid ethylene carbonate confined in a nanogap. The onset of delithiation, at ΔGt = 0, is found to occur on LiC6 anodes with negatively charged basal surfaces. These negative surface charges are evidently needed to retain Li+ inside the electrode and should affect passivation (“SEI”) film formation processes. Fast electrolyte decomposition is observed at even larger electron surface densities. By assigning the experimentally known voltage (0.1 V vs Li+/Li metal) to the predicted delithiation onset, an absolute potential scale is obtained. This enables voltage calibrations in simulation cells used in AIMD studies and paves the way for future prediction of voltage dependences in interfacial processes in batteries.

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Real-time studies of battery electrochemical reactions inside a transmission electron microscope

Sullivan, John P.; Huang, Jian Y.; Leung, Kevin L.; Fan, Hongyou F.; Liu, Xiaohua L.; Hudak, Nicholas H.

We report the development of new experimental capabilities and ab initio modeling for real-time studies of Li-ion battery electrochemical reactions. We developed three capabilities for in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies: a capability that uses a nanomanipulator inside the TEM to assemble electrochemical cells with ionic liquid or solid state electrolytes, a capability that uses on-chip assembly of battery components on to TEM-compatible multi-electrode arrays, and a capability that uses a TEM-compatible sealed electrochemical cell that we developed for performing in-situ TEM using volatile battery electrolytes. These capabilities were used to understand lithiation mechanisms in nanoscale battery materials, including SnO{sub 2}, Si, Ge, Al, ZnO, and MnO{sub 2}. The modeling approaches used ab initio molecular dynamics to understand early stages of ethylene carbonate reduction on lithiated-graphite and lithium surfaces and constrained density functional theory to understand ethylene carbonate reduction on passivated electrode surfaces.

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Computational and experimental platform for understanding and optimizing water flux and salt rejection in nanoporous membranes

Rogers, David M.; Leung, Kevin L.; Brinker, C.J.; Singh, Seema S.; Merson, John A.

Affordable clean water is both a global and a national security issue as lack of it can cause death, disease, and international tension. Furthermore, efficient water filtration reduces the demand for energy, another national issue. The best current solution to clean water lies in reverse osmosis (RO) membranes that remove salts from water with applied pressure, but widely used polymeric membrane technology is energy intensive and produces water depleted in useful electrolytes. Furthermore incremental improvements, based on engineering solutions rather than new materials, have yielded only modest gains in performance over the last 25 years. We have pursued a creative and innovative new approach to membrane design and development for cheap desalination membranes by approaching the problem at the molecular level of pore design. Our inspiration comes from natural biological channels, which permit faster water transport than current reverse osmosis membranes and selectively pass healthy ions. Aiming for an order-of-magnitude improvement over mature polymer technology carries significant inherent risks. The success of our fundamental research effort lies in our exploiting, extending, and integrating recent advances by our team in theory, modeling, nano-fabrication and platform development. A combined theoretical and experimental platform has been developed to understand the interplay between water flux and ion rejection in precisely-defined nano-channels. Our innovative functionalization of solid state nanoporous membranes with organic protein-mimetic polymers achieves 3-fold improvement in water flux over commercial RO membranes and has yielded a pending patent and industrial interest. Our success has generated useful contributions to energy storage, nanoscience, and membrane technology research and development important for national health and prosperity.

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Improving electronic structure methods to predict nano-optoelectronics and nano-catalyst functions

Leung, Kevin L.; Shelnutt, John A.

This report focuses on quantum chemistry and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculations applied to elucidate the mechanism of the multi-step, 2-electron, electrochemical reduction of the green house gas molecule carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) to carbon monoxide (CO) in aqueous media. When combined with H{sub 2} gas to form synthesis ('syn') gas, CO becomes a key precursor to methane, methanol, and other useful hydrocarbon products. To elucidate the mechanism of this reaction, we apply computational electrochemistry which is a fledgling, important area of basic science critical to energy storage. This report highlights several approaches, including the calculation of redox potentials, the explicit depiction of liquid water environments using AIMD, and free energy methods. While costly, these pioneering calculations reveal the key role of hydration- and protonation-stabilization of reaction intermediates, and may inform the design of CO{sub 2}-capture materials as well as its electrochemical reduction. In the course of this work, we have also dealt with the challenges of identifying and applying electronic structure methods which are sufficiently accurate to deal with transition metal ion complex-based catalyst. Such electronic structure methods are also pertinent to the accurate modeling of actinide materials and therefore to nuclear energy research. Our multi-pronged effort towards achieving this titular goal of the LDRD is discussed.

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Room temperature synthesis of Ni-based alloy nanoparticles by radiolysis

Leung, Kevin L.; Hanson, Donald J.; Stumpf, Roland R.; Huang, Jian Y.; Robinson, David R.; Lu, Ping L.; Provencio, P.N.; Jacobs, Benjamin J.

Room temperature radiolysis, density functional theory, and various nanoscale characterization methods were used to synthesize and fully describe Ni-based alloy nanoparticles (NPs) that were synthesized at room temperature. These complementary methods provide a strong basis in understanding and describing metastable phase regimes of alloy NPs whose reaction formation is determined by kinetic rather than thermodynamic reaction processes. Four series of NPs, (Ag-Ni, Pd-Ni, Co-Ni, and W-Ni) were analyzed and characterized by a variety of methods, including UV-vis, TEM/HRTEM, HAADF-STEM and EFTEM mapping. In the first focus of research, AgNi and PdNi were studied. Different ratios of Ag{sub x}- Ni{sub 1-x} alloy NPs and Pd{sub 0.5}- Ni{sub 0.5} alloy NP were prepared using a high dose rate from gamma irradiation. Images from high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) show that the Ag-Ni NPs are not core-shell structure but are homogeneous alloys in composition. Energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) maps show the homogeneity of the metals in each alloy NP. Of particular interest are the normally immiscible Ag-Ni NPs. All evidence confirmed that homogeneous Ag-Ni and Pd-Ni alloy NPs presented here were successfully synthesized by high dose rate radiolytic methodology. A mechanism is provided to explain the homogeneous formation of the alloy NPs. Furthermore, studies of Pd-Ni NPs by in situ TEM (with heated stage) shows the ability to sinter these NPs at temperatures below 800 C. In the second set of work, CoNi and WNi superalloy NPs were attempted at 50/50 concentration ratios using high dose rates from gamma irradiation. Preliminary results on synthesis and characterization have been completed and are presented. As with the earlier alloy NPs, no evidence of core-shell NP formation occurs. Microscopy results seem to indicate alloying occurred with the CoNi alloys. However, there appears to be incomplete reduction of the Na{sub 2}WO{sub 4} to form the W{sup 2+} ion in solution; the predominance of WO{sup +} appears to have resulted in a W-O-Ni complex that has not yet been fully characterized.

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Capturing CO2 via reactions in nanopores

Leung, Kevin L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Criscenti, Louise C.

This one-year exploratory LDRD aims to provide fundamental understanding of the mechanism of CO2 scrubbing platforms that will reduce green house gas emission and mitigate the effect of climate change. The project builds on the team members expertise developed in previous LDRD projects to study the capture or preferential retention of CO2 in nanoporous membranes and on metal oxide surfaces. We apply Density Functional Theory and ab initio molecular dynamics techniques to model the binding of CO2 on MgO and CaO (100) surfaces and inside water-filled, amine group functionalized silica nanopores. The results elucidate the mechanisms of CO2 trapping and clarify some confusion in the literature. Our work identifies key future calculations that will have the greatest impact on CO2 capture technologies, and provides guidance to science-based design of platforms that can separate the green house gas CO2 from power plant exhaust or even from the atmosphere. Experimentally, we modify commercial MFI zeolite membranes and find that they preferentially transmit H2 over CO2 by a factor of 34. Since zeolite has potential catalytic capability to crack hydrocarbons into CO2 and H2, this finding paves the way for zeolite membranes that can convert biofuel into H2 and separate the products all in one step.

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Exploiting interfacial water properties for desalination and purification applications

Cygan, Randall T.; Jiang, Ying B.; Alam, Todd M.; Brinker, C.J.; Bunker, B.C.; Leung, Kevin L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Nyman, M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Rempe, Susan R.; Singh, Seema S.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Stevens, Mark J.; Thurmer, Konrad T.; Van Swol, Frank; Varma, Sameer V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Houston, Jack E.; Huber, Dale L.

A molecular-scale interpretation of interfacial processes is often downplayed in the analysis of traditional water treatment methods. However, such an approach is critical for the development of enhanced performance in traditional desalination and water treatments. Water confined between surfaces, within channels, or in pores is ubiquitous in technology and nature. Its physical and chemical properties in such environments are unpredictably different from bulk water. As a result, advances in water desalination and purification methods may be accomplished through an improved analysis of water behavior in these challenging environments using state-of-the-art microscopy, spectroscopy, experimental, and computational methods.

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Final report : LDRD project 79824 carbon nanotube sorting via DNA-directed self-assembly

Leung, Kevin L.; Robinson, David R.; Rempe, Susan R.

Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have shown great promise in novel applications in molecular electronics, biohazard detection, and composite materials. Commercially synthesized nanotubes exhibit a wide dispersion of geometries and conductivities, and tend to aggregate. Hence the key to using these materials is the ability to solubilize and sort carbon nanotubes according to their geometric/electronic properties. One of the most effective dispersants is single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), but there are many outstanding questions regarding the interaction between nucleic acids and SWNTs. In this work we focus on the interactions of SWNTs with single monomers of nucleic acids, as a first step to answering these outstanding questions. We use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the binding energy of six different nucleotide monophosphates (NMPs) to a (6,0) single-wall carbon nanotube in aqueous solution. We find that the binding energies are generally favorable, of the order of a few kcal/mol. The binding energies of the different NMPs were very similar in salt solution, whereas we found a range of binding energies for NMPs in pure water. The binding energies are sensitive to the details of the association of the sodium ions with the phosphate groups and also to the average conformations of the nucleotides. We use electronic structure (Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Moller-Plesset second order perturbation to uncorrelated Hartree Fock theory (MP2)) methods to complement the classical force field study. With judicious choices of DFT exchange correlation functionals, we find that DFT, MP2, and classical force field predictions are in qualitative and even quantitative agreement; all three methods should give reliable and valid predictions. However, in one important case, the interactions between ions and metallic carbon nanotubes--the SWNT polarization-induced affinity for ions, neglected in most classical force field studies, is found to be extremely large (on the order of electron volts) and may have important consequences for various SWNT applications. Finally, the adsorption of NMPs onto single-walled carbon nanotubes were studied experimentally. The nanotubes were sonicated in the presence of the nucleotides at various weight fractions and centrifuged before examining the ultraviolet absorbance of the resulting supernatant. A distinct Langmuir adsorption isotherm was obtained for each nucleotide. All of the nucleotides differ in their saturation value as well as their initial slope, which we attribute to differences both in nucleotide structure and in the binding ability of different types or clusters of tubes. Results from this simple system provide insights toward development of dispersion and separation methods for nanotubes: strongly binding nucleotides are likely to help disperse, whereas weaker ones may provide selectivity that may be beneficial to a separation process.

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Fuel traps: mapping stability via water association

Sabo, Dubravko S.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Leung, Kevin L.; Cygan, Randall T.; Alam, Todd M.; Varma, Sameer V.; Martin, Marcus G.

Hydrogen storage is a key enabling technology required for attaining a hydrogen-based economy. Fundamental research can reveal the underlying principles controlling hydrogen uptake and release by storage materials, and also aid in characterizing and designing novel storage materials. New ideas for hydrogen storage materials come from exploiting the properties of hydrophobic hydration, which refers to water s ability to stabilize, by its mode of association, specific structures under specific conditions. Although hydrogen was always considered too small to support the formation of solid clathrate hydrate structures, exciting new experiments show that water traps hydrogen molecules at conditions of low temperatures and moderate pressures. Hydrogen release is accomplished by simple warming. While these experiments lend credibility to the idea that water could form an environmentally attractive alternative storage compound for hydrogen fuel, which would advance our nation s goals of attaining a hydrogen-based economy, much work is yet required to understand and realize the full potential of clathrate hydrates for hydrogen storage. Here we undertake theoretical studies of hydrogen in water to establish a firm foundation for predictive work on clathrate hydrate H{sub 2} storage capabilities. Using molecular simulation and statistical mechanical theories based in part on quantum mechanical descriptions of molecular interactions, we characterize the interactions between hydrogen and liquid water in terms of structural and thermodynamic properties. In the process we validate classical force field models of hydrogen in water and discover new features of hydrophobic hydration that impact problems in both energy technology and biology. Finally, we predict hydrogen occupancy in the small and large cages of hydrogen clathrate hydrates, a property unresolved by previous experimental and theoretical work.

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Ab initio molecular dynamics study of the hydration of the formohydroxamate anion

Biophysical Chemistry

Leung, Kevin L.

We apply ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) to study the hydration structures and electronic properties of the formohydroxamate anion in liquid water. We consider the cis- nitrogen-deprotonated, cis- oxygen-deprotonated, and trans- oxygen-deprotonated formohydroxamate tautomers. They form an average of 6.3, 6.9, and 6.0 hydrogen bonds with water molecules, respectively. The predicted pair correlation functions and time dependence of the hydration numbers suggest that water is highly structured around the nominally negatively charged oxime oxygen in O-deprotonated tautomers but significantly less so around the nitrogen atom in the N-deprotonated species. Wannier function analysis suggests that, in the O-deprotonated anions, the negative charge is concentrated on the oxime oxygen, while in the N-deprotonated case, it is partially delocalized between the nitrogen and the adjoining oxime oxygen atom. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Membranes for H2 generation from nuclear powered thermochemical cycles

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Garino, Terry J.; Leung, Kevin L.

In an effort to produce hydrogen without the unwanted greenhouse gas byproducts, high-temperature thermochemical cycles driven by heat from solar energy or next-generation nuclear power plants are being explored. The process being developed is the thermochemical production of Hydrogen. The Sulfur-Iodide (SI) cycle was deemed to be one of the most promising cycles to explore. The first step of the SI cycle involves the decomposition of H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} into O{sub 2}, SO{sub 2}, and H{sub 2}O at temperatures around 850 C. In-situ removal of O{sub 2} from this reaction pushes the equilibrium towards dissociation, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the decomposition reaction. A membrane is required for this oxygen separation step that is capable of withstanding the high temperatures and corrosive conditions inherent in this process. Mixed ionic-electronic perovskites and perovskite-related structures are potential materials for oxygen separation membranes owing to their robustness, ability to form dense ceramics, capacity to stabilize oxygen nonstoichiometry, and mixed ionic/electronic conductivity. Two oxide families with promising results were studied: the double-substituted perovskite A{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}Co{sub 1-y}B{sub y}O{sub 3-{delta}} (A=La, Y; B=Cr-Ni), in particular the family La{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}Co{sub 1-y}Mn{sub y}O{sub 3-{delta}} (LSCM), and doped La{sub 2}Ni{sub 1-x}M{sub x}O{sub 4} (M = Cu, Zn). Materials and membranes were synthesized by solid state methods and characterized by X-ray and neutron diffraction, SEM, thermal analyses, calorimetry and conductivity. Furthermore, we were able to leverage our program with a DOE/NE sponsored H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} decomposition reactor study (at Sandia), in which our membranes were tested in the actual H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} decomposition step.

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Dynamics of capillary evaporation. II. Free energy barriers

Journal of Chemical Physics

Leung, Kevin L.; Luzar, Alenka

The free energy barriers of vapor tube formed in a metastable liquid confined between hydrophobic walls is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations, the transition state theory and constrained umbrella sampling techniques are performed to estimate the free energy barrier for vapor tube formation. Transmission coefficients calculated for the liquid layer show that capillary evaporation are also described from the size of a vapor pocket formed between the walls.

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Dynamics of capillary evaporation. I. Effect of morphology of hydrophobic surfaces

Journal of Chemical Physics

Luzar, Alenka; Leung, Kevin L.

The capillary evaporation (cavitation) of water confined between two hydrophobic surfaces in close proximity is analyzed. The water is replaced by vapor due to the presence of bulk energetics and surface energetics. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to determine the effect of water confinement on the dynamics of surface-induced phase transitions. To relate the simulation rates to the experimental data, the mass-conserving Kawasaki algorithms are also performed.

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First principles study of substituents in KTaO{sub 3}

Physical Review B

Leung, Kevin L.

The structural properties, energetics, and dynamics of Ca{sup 2+} and Mn{sup 2+} substituents in KTaO{sub 3} are investigated from first principles. It is found that Ca substitutes for both K and Ta ions. Oxygen vacancies bind to isolated Ca ions residing at Ta-sites, causing off-center Ca displacement and forming large dipoles. There is also evidence that oppositely charged defects may cluster together. The calculations predict that the activation energy for dipole reorientation via oxygen vacancy hopping within the first neighbor shell of Ta-substituting Ca or Mn exceeds 2 eV. On the other hand, Mn{sup 2+} substituting at the K-site displaces off center along the (100) direction, also forming a dipole. This dipole can reorient via Mn hopping motion with an activation energy of {approximately} 0.18 eV, in reasonable agreement with experiments. The authors argue that, in general, metal ion hopping at the A-site, not oxygen vacancy hopping, is responsible for the small activation energies found in experiments.

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