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Time-series machine-learning error models for approximate solutions to parameterized dynamical systems

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Parish, Eric J.; Carlberg, Kevin T.

This work proposes a machine-learning framework for modeling the error incurred by approximate solutions to parameterized dynamical systems. In particular, we extend the machine-learning error models (MLEM) framework proposed in Ref. Freno and Carlberg (2019) to dynamical systems. The proposed Time-Series Machine-Learning Error Modeling (T-MLEM) method constructs a regression model that maps features – which comprise error indicators that are derived from standard a posteriori error-quantification techniques – to a random variable for the approximate-solution error at each time instance. The proposed framework considers a wide range of candidate features, regression methods, and additive noise models. We consider primarily recursive regression techniques developed for time-series modeling, including both classical time-series models (e.g., autoregressive models) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), but also analyze standard non-recursive regression techniques (e.g., feed-forward neural networks) for comparative purposes. Numerical experiments conducted on multiple benchmark problems illustrate that the long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network, which is a type of RNN, outperforms other methods and yields substantial improvements in error predictions over traditional approaches.

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Online adaptive basis refinement and compression for reduced-order models via vector-space sieving

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Etter, Philip A.; Carlberg, Kevin T.

In many applications, projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs) have demonstrated the ability to provide rapid approximate solutions to high-fidelity full-order models (FOMs). However, there is no a priori assurance that these approximate solutions are accurate; their accuracy depends on the ability of the low-dimensional trial basis to represent the FOM solution. As a result, ROMs can generate inaccurate approximate solutions, e.g., when the FOM solution at the online prediction point is not well represented by training data used to construct the trial basis. To address this fundamental deficiency of standard model-reduction approaches, this work proposes a novel online-adaptive mechanism for efficiently enriching the trial basis in a manner that ensures convergence of the ROM to the FOM, yet does not incur any FOM solves. The mechanism is based on the previously proposed adaptive h-refinement method for ROMs (carlberg, 2015), but improves upon this work in two crucial ways. First, the proposed method enables basis refinement with respect to any orthogonal basis (not just the Kronecker basis), thereby generalizing the refinement mechanism and enabling it to be tailored to the physics characterizing the problem at hand. Second, the proposed method provides a fast online algorithm for periodically compressing the enriched basis via an efficient proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method, which does not incur any operations that scale with the FOM dimension. These two features allow the proposed method to serve as (1) a failsafe mechanism for ROMs, as the method enables the ROM to satisfy any prescribed error tolerance online (even in the case of inadequate training), and (2) an efficient online basis-adaptation mechanism, as the combination of basis enrichment and compression enables the basis to adapt online while controlling its dimension.

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Propagating uncertainties in large-scale hemodynamics models via network uncertainty quantification and reduced-order modeling

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Guzzetti, S.; Mansilla Alvarez, L.A.; Blanco, P.J.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Veneziani, A.

Numerical simulations of the cardiovascular system are affected by uncertainties arising from a substantial lack of data related to the boundary conditions and the physical parameters of the mathematical models. Quantifying the impact of this uncertainty on the numerical results along the circulatory network is challenged by the complexity of both the morphology of the domain and the local dynamics. In this paper, we propose to integrate (i) the Transverse Enriched Pipe Element Methods (TEPEM) as a reduced-order model for effectively computing the 3D local hemodynamics; and (ii) a combination of uncertainty quantification via Polynomial Chaos Expansion and classical relaxation methods – called network uncertainty quantification (NetUQ) – for effectively propagating random variables that encode uncertainties throughout the networks. The results demonstrate the computational effectiveness of computing the propagation of uncertainties in networks with nontrivial topology, including portions of the cerebral and the coronary systems.

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Recovering missing CFD data for high-order discretizations using deep neural networks and dynamics learning

Journal of Computational Physics

Carlberg, Kevin T.; Jameson, Antony; Kochenderfer, Mykel J.; Morton, Jeremy; Peng, Liqian; Witherden, Freddie D.

Data I/O poses a significant bottleneck in large-scale CFD simulations; thus, practitioners would like to significantly reduce the number of times the solution is saved to disk, yet retain the ability to recover any field quantity (at any time instance) a posteriori. The objective of this work is therefore to accurately recover missing CFD data a posteriori at any time instance, given that the solution has been written to disk at only a relatively small number of time instances. We consider in particular high-order discretizations (e.g., discontinuous Galerkin), as such techniques are becoming increasingly popular for the simulation of highly separated flows. To satisfy this objective, this work proposes a methodology consisting of two stages: 1) dimensionality reduction and 2) dynamics learning. For dimensionality reduction, we propose a novel hierarchical approach. First, the method reduces the number of degrees of freedom within each element of the high-order discretization by applying autoencoders from deep learning. Second, the methodology applies principal component analysis to compress the global vector of encodings. This leads to a low-dimensional state, which associates with a nonlinear embedding of the original CFD data. For dynamics learning, we propose to apply regression techniques (e.g., kernel methods) to learn the discrete-time velocity characterizing the time evolution of this low-dimensional state. A numerical example on a large-scale CFD example characterized by nearly 13 million degrees of freedom illustrates the suitability of the proposed method in an industrial setting.

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An efficient, globally convergent method for optimization under uncertainty using adaptive model reduction and sparse grids

SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

Zahr, Matthew J.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Kouri, Drew P.

This work introduces a new method to efficiently solve optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain coefficients. The method leverages two sources of inexactness that trade accuracy for speed: (1) stochastic collocation based on dimension-Adaptive sparse grids (SGs), which approximates the stochastic objective function with a limited number of quadrature nodes, and (2) projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs), which generate efficient approximations to PDE solutions. These two sources of inexactness lead to inexact objective function and gradient evaluations, which are managed by a trust-region method that guarantees global convergence by adaptively refining the SG and ROM until a proposed error indicator drops below a tolerance specified by trust-region convergence theory. A key feature of the proposed method is that the error indicator|which accounts for errors incurred by both the SG and ROM|must be only an asymptotic error bound, i.e., a bound that holds up to an arbitrary constant that need not be computed. This enables the method to be applicable to a wide range of problems, including those where sharp, computable error bounds are not available; this distinguishes the proposed method from previous works. Numerical experiments performed on a model problem from optimal ow control under uncertainty verify global convergence of the method and demonstrate the method's ability to outperform previously proposed alternatives.

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Rapid high-fidelity aerothermal responses with quantified uncertainties via reduced-order modeling

Carlberg, Kevin T.; Howard, Micah A.; Freno, Brian A.

This project will enable high-fidelity aerothermal simulations of hypersonic vehicles to be employed (1) to generate large databases with quantified uncertainties and (2) for rapid interactive simulation. The databases will increase the volume/quality of A4H data; rapid interactive simulation can enable arbitrary conditions/designs to be simulated on demand. We will achieve this by applying reduced-order-modeling techniques to aerothermal simulations.

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Unsupervised Learning Through Randomized Algorithms for High-Volume High-Velocity Data (ULTRA-HV)

Pinar, Ali P.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Ballard, Grey B.; Mahoney, Michael M.

Through long-term investments in computing, algorithms, facilities, and instrumentation, DOE is an established leader in massive-scale, high-fidelity simulations, as well as science-leading experimentation. In both cases, DOE is generating more data than it can analyze and the problem is intensifying quickly. The need for advanced algorithms that can automatically convert the abundance of data into a wealth of useful information by discovering hidden structures is well recognized. Such efforts however, are hindered by the massive volume of the data and its high velocity. Here, the challenge is developing unsupervised learning methods to discover hidden structure in high-volume, high-velocity data.

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Stochastic least-squares petrov-galerkin method for parameterized linear system

SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

Lee, Kookjin; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Elman, Howard C.

We consider the numerical solution of parameterized linear systems where the system matrix, the solution, and the right-hand side are parameterized by a set of uncertain input parameters. We explore spectral methods in which the solutions are approximated in a chosen finite-dimensional subspace. It has been shown that the stochastic Galerkin projection technique fails to minimize any measure of the solution error [A. Mugler and H.-J. Starkloff, ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 47 (2013), pp. 1237-1263]. As a remedy for this, we propose a novel stochatic least-squares Petrov-Galerkin (LSPG) method. The proposed method is optimal in the sense that it produces the solution that minimizes a weighted2-norm of the residual over all solutions in a given finite-dimensional subspace. Moreover, the method can be adapted to minimize the solution error in different weighted2-norms by simply applying a weighting function within the least-squares formulation. In addition, a goal-oriented seminorm induced by an output quantity of interest can be minimized by defining a weighting function as a linear functional of the solution. We establish optimality and error bounds for the proposed method, and extensive numerical experiments show that the weighted LSPG method outperforms other spectral methods in minimizing corresponding target weighted norms.

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Error modeling for surrogates of dynamical systems using machine learning

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Trehan, Sumeet; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Durlofsky, Louis J.

A machine learning–based framework for modeling the error introduced by surrogate models of parameterized dynamical systems is proposed. The framework entails the use of high-dimensional regression techniques (eg, random forests, and LASSO) to map a large set of inexpensively computed “error indicators” (ie, features) produced by the surrogate model at a given time instance to a prediction of the surrogate-model error in a quantity of interest (QoI). This eliminates the need for the user to hand-select a small number of informative features. The methodology requires a training set of parameter instances at which the time-dependent surrogate-model error is computed by simulating both the high-fidelity and surrogate models. Using these training data, the method first determines regression-model locality (via classification or clustering) and subsequently constructs a “local” regression model to predict the time-instantaneous error within each identified region of feature space. We consider 2 uses for the resulting error model: (1) as a correction to the surrogate-model QoI prediction at each time instance and (2) as a way to statistically model arbitrary functions of the time-dependent surrogate-model error (eg, time-integrated errors). We apply the proposed framework to model errors in reduced-order models of nonlinear oil-water subsurface flow simulations, with time-varying well-control (bottom-hole pressure) parameters. The reduced-order models used in this work entail application of trajectory piecewise linearization in conjunction with proper orthogonal decomposition. When the first use of the method is considered, numerical experiments demonstrate consistent improvement in accuracy in the time-instantaneous QoI prediction relative to the original surrogate model, across a large number of test cases. When the second use is considered, results show that the proposed method provides accurate statistical predictions of the time- and well-averaged errors.

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Accelerated Solution of Discrete Ordinates Approximation to the Boltzmann Transport Equation for a Gray Absorbing-Emitting Medium Via Model Reduction

Journal of Heat Transfer

Tencer, John T.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Larsen, Marvin E.; Hogan, Roy E.

This work applies a projection-based model-reduction approach to make high-order quadrature (HOQ) computationally feasible for the discrete ordinates approximation of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) for purely absorbing applications. In contrast to traditional discrete ordinates variants, the proposed method provides easily evaluated error estimates associated with the angular discretization as well as an efficient approach for reducing this error to an arbitrary level. In particular, the proposed approach constructs a reduced basis from (high-fidelity) solutions of the radiative intensity computed at a relatively small number of ordinate directions. Then, the method computes inexpensive approximations of the radiative intensity at the (remaining) quadrature points of a high-order quadrature using a reduced-order model (ROM) constructed from this reduced basis. This strategy results in a much more accurate solution than might have been achieved using only the ordinate directions used to construct the reduced basis. One- and three-dimensional test problems highlight the efficiency of the proposed method.

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Advanced Fluid Reduced Order Models for Compressible Flow

Kalashnikova, Irina; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Barone, Matthew F.; Maddix, Danielle M.; Mussoni, Erin E.; Balajewicz, Maciej B.

This report summarizes fiscal year (FY) 2017 progress towards developing and implementing within the SPARC in-house finite volume flow solver advanced fluid reduced order models (ROMs) for compressible captive-carriage flow problems of interest to Sandia National Laboratories for the design and qualification of nuclear weapons components. The proposed projection-based model order reduction (MOR) approach, known as the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)/Least- Squares Petrov-Galerkin (LSPG) method, can substantially reduce the CPU-time requirement for these simulations, thereby enabling advanced analyses such as uncertainty quantification and de- sign optimization. Following a description of the project objectives and FY17 targets, we overview briefly the POD/LSPG approach to model reduction implemented within SPARC . We then study the viability of these ROMs for long-time predictive simulations in the context of a two-dimensional viscous laminar cavity problem, and describe some FY17 enhancements to the proposed model reduction methodology that led to ROMs with improved predictive capabilities. Also described in this report are some FY17 efforts pursued in parallel to the primary objective of determining whether the ROMs in SPARC are viable for the targeted application. These include the implemen- tation and verification of some higher-order finite volume discretization methods within SPARC (towards using the code to study the viability of ROMs on three-dimensional cavity problems) and a novel structure-preserving constrained POD/LSPG formulation that can improve the accuracy of projection-based reduced order models. We conclude the report by summarizing the key takeaways from our FY17 findings, and providing some perspectives for future work.

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Results 1–50 of 83
Results 1–50 of 83