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Performance Evaluation of a Prototype Moving Packed-Bed Particle/sCO2 Heat Exchanger

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Bowen, Christopher P.; Ho, Clifford K.

Particle heat exchangers are a critical enabling technology for next generation concentrating solar power (CSP) plants that use supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) as a working fluid. This report covers the design, manufacturing and testing of a prototype particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger targeting thermal performance levels required to meet commercial scale cost targets. In addition, the the design and assembly of integrated particle and sCO2 flow loops for heat exchanger performance testing are detailed. The prototype heat exchanger was tested to particle inlet temperatures of 500 °C at 17 MPa which resulted in overall heat transfer coefficients of approximately 300 W/m2-K at the design point and cases using high approach temperature with peak values as high as 400 W/m2-K

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Technoeconomics of Particle-based CSP Featuring Falling Particle Receivers with and without Active Heliostat Control

Mills, Brantley M.; Lee, Samuel L.; gonzalez-portillo, luis g.; Ho, Clifford K.; Albrecht, Kevin J.

This report documents the results and conclusions of a recent project to understand the technoeconomics of utility-scale, particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) facilities leveraging unique operational strategies. This project included two primary objectives. The first project objective was to build confidence in the modeling approaches applied to falling particle receivers (FPRs) including the effect s of wind. The second project objective was to create the necessary modeling capability to adequately predict and maximize the annual performance of utility-scale, particle-based CSP plants under anticipated conditions with and without active heliostat control. Results of an extensive model validation study provided the strongest evidence to date for the modeling strategies typically applied to FPRs, albeit at smaller receiver scales. This modeling strategy was then applied in a parametric study of candidate utility-scale FPRs, including both free-falling and multistage FPR concepts, to develop reduced order models for predicting the receiver thermal efficiency under anticipated environmental and operating conditions. Multistage FPRs were found to significantly improve receiver performance at utility-scales. These reduced order models were then leveraged in a sophisticated technoeconomic analysis to optimize utility-scale , particle-based CSP plants considering the potential of active heliostat control. In summary, active heliostat control did not show significant performance benefits to future utility-scale CSP systems though some benefit may still be realized in FPR designs with wide acceptance angles and/or with lower concentration ratios. Using the latest FPR technologies available, the levelized-cost of electricity was quantified for particle-based CSP facilities with nominal powers ranging from 5 MWe up to 100 MWe with many viable designs having costs < 0.06 $/kWh and local minimums occurring between ~25–35 MWe.

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Design considerations for commercial scale particle-based thermal energy storage systems

AIP Conference Proceedings

Sment, Jeremy N.; Harvey, Timothy; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Davidson, Murphy; Lambert, Matthew; Bateman, Bradley

Particle-based heat transfer materials used in concentrating solar power systems benefit from gravity-fed arrangements such as vertically integrated components inside the receiver tower which can eliminate the need for conveyance machinery. However, the amount of particles required for commercial scale systems near 100 MWe can require towers with very thick walls that must be built with high-strength concrete. Cost models for particle-based receiver towers with internal particle storage are being developed in this work and compared to well-established cost models that have been used to estimate tower costs for molten salt systems with external storage tanks. New cost models were developed to accommodate the high-temperature applications required for CSP. Further research is needed to directly compare costs between tower-integrated and external storage. For now, a method is proposed to superimpose increased storage costs with existing molten salt CSP towers. For instances where suitable materials are unavailable or do not meet the structural requirements, ground based storage bins must be used in concert with mechanical conveyance systems. Ground based storage vessels have been shown to be consistent with low thermal energy storage cost and heat loss goals. Ground based storage vessels are well-established in industry.

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Design and Technoeconomic Analysis of High-Temperature Particle Conveyance Components for a 100 MWe Concentrating Solar Power Plant

Sment, Jeremy N.; Magaldi, Mario M.; D'Agostino, Umberto D.; Bassetti, Fulvio B.; Repole, Kenzo R.; González-Portillo, Luis F.; Schroeder, Nathan; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Levelized costs of electricity (LCOE) approaching the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office 2030 goal of 0.05 $/kWh may be achievable using Brayton power cycles that use supercritical CO2 as the working fluid and flowing solid particles with temperatures >700° C as the heat transfer media. The handling and conveyance of bulk solid particles at these temperatures in an insulated environment is a critical technical challenge that must be solved for this approach to be used. A design study was conducted at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, with the objective of identifying the technical readiness level, performance limits, capital and O&M costs, and expected thermal losses of particle handling and conveyance components in a particle-based CSP plant. Key findings indicated that chutes can be a low-cost option for particle handling but uncertainties in tower costs make it difficult to know whether they can be cost effective in areas above the receiver if tower heights must then be increased. Skips and high temperature particle conveyance technology are available for moving particles up to 640° C. This limits the use of mechanical conveyance above the heat exchanger and suggests vertical integration of the hot storage bin and heat exchanger to facilitate direct gravity fed handling of particles.

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Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) -- High-Temperature Particle System for Concentrating Solar Power (Phases 1 and 2)

Ho, Clifford K.; Sment, Jeremy N.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Mills, Brantley M.; Schroeder, Nathan

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office initiated the Generation 3 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) program to achieve higher operating temperatures (>700 °C) to enable next-generation CSP high-temperature power cycles such as the supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Brayton Cycle. Three teams were selected to pursue high-temperature gas, liquid, and solid pathways for the heat-transfer media. Phases 1 and 2, which lasted from 2018 – 2020, consisted of design, modeling, and testing activities to further de-risk each of the technologies and develop a design for construction, commissioning, and operation of a pilot-scale facility in Phase 3 (2021 – 2024). This report summarizes the activities in Phases 1 and 2 for the solid-particle pathway led by Sandia National Laboratories. In Phases 1 and 2, Sandia successfully de-risked key elements of the proposed Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) by improving the design, operation, and performance of key particle component technologies including the receiver, storage bins, particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger, particle lift, and data acquisition and controls. Modeling and testing of critical components have led to optimized designs that meet desired performance metrics. Detailed drawings, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and process flow diagrams were generated for the integrated system, and structural analyses of the assembled tower structure were performed to demonstrate compliance with relevant codes and standards. Instrumentation and control systems of key subsystems were also demonstrated. Together with Bridgers & Paxton, Bohannan Huston, and Sandia Facilities, we have completed a 100% G3P3 tower design package with stamped engineering drawings suitable for construction bid in Phase 3.

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Assesment of particle candidates for falling particle receiver applications through irradiance and thermal cycling

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Schroeder, Nathan; Albrecht, Kevin J.

Falling particle receiver (FPR) systems are a rapidly developing technology for concentrating solar power applications. Solid particles are used as both the heat transfer fluid and system thermal energy storage media. Through the direct irradiation of the solid particles, flux and temperature limitations of tube-bundle receives can be overcome, leading to higher operating temperatures and energy conversion efficiencies. Candidate particles for FPR systems must be resistant to changes in optical properties during long term exposure to high temperatures and thermal cycling using highly concentrated solar irradiance. Five candidate particles, CARBOBEAD HSP 40/70, CARBOBEAD CP 40/100, including three novel particles, CARBOBEAD MAX HD 35, CARBOBEAD HD 350, and WanLi Diamond Black, were tested using simulated solar flux cycling and tube furnace thermal aging. Each particle candidate was exposed for 10 000 cycles (simulating the exposure of a 30-year lifetime) using a shutter to attenuate the solar simulator flux. Feedback from a pyrometer temperature measurement of the irradiated particle surface was used to control the maximum temperatures of 775 °C and 975 °C. Particle solar-weighted absorptivity and emissivity were measured at 2000 cycle intervals. Particle thermal degradation was also studied by heating particles to 800 °C, 900 °C, and 1000 °C for 300 hours in a tube furnace purged with bottled unpurified air. Here particle absorptivity and emissivity were measured at 100-hour intervals. Measurements taken after irradiance cycling and thermal aging were compared to measurements taken from as-received particles. WanLi Diamond Black particles had the highest initial value for solar weighted absorptance, 96%, but degraded up to 4% in irradiance cycling and 6% in thermal aging. CARBOBEAD HSP 40/70 particles currently in use in the prototype FPR at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility had an initial value of 95% solar absorptance with up to a 1% drop after irradiance cycling and 4% drop after 1000 °C thermal aging.

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Application methods for refractory insulation in hot particle storage bins

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Sment, Jeremy N.; Lambert, Matthew; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Davidson, Murphy

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories is conducting research on a Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) that uses falling sandlike particles as the heat transfer medium. G3P3 proposes a system with 6 MWh of thermal energy storage in cylindrical bins made of steel that will be insulated internally using multiple layers of refractory materials[1]. The refractory materials can be applied by stacking pre-cast panels in a cylindrical arrangement or by spraying refractory slurry to the walls (shotcrete). A study on the two methods determined that shotcrete would be the preferred method in order to minimize geometric tolerance issues in the pre-cast panels, improve repairability, and to more closely resemble commercial-scale construction methods. Testing and analysis was conducted which showed shotcrete refractories could be applied with minimal damage and acceptable heat loss.

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Development and testing of a 20 KW moving packed-bed particle-to-SCO2 heat exchanger and test facility

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Carlson, Matthew D.; Ho, Clifford K.

This paper describes the development of a facility for evaluating the performance of small-scale particle-to-sCO2 heat exchangers, which includes an isobaric sCO2 flow loop and an electrically heated particle flow loop. The particle flow loop is capable of delivering up to 60 kW of heat at a temperature of 600°C and flow rate of 0.4 kg/s. The loop was developed to facilitate long duration off-sun testing of small prototype heat exchangers to produce model validation data at steady-state operating conditions. Lessons learned on instrumentation, control, and system integration from prior testing of larger heat exchangers with solar thermal input were used to guide the design of the test facility. In addition, the development and testing of a novel 20-kWt moving packed-bed particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger using the integrated flow loops is reported. The prototype heat exchanger implements many novel features for increasing thermal performance and reducing pressure drop which include integral porting of the sCO2 flow, unique bond/braze manufacturing, narrow plate spacing, and pure counter-flow arrangement. The experimental data collected for the prototype heat exchanger was compared to model predictions to verify the sizing, thermal performance, and pressure drop which will be extended to multi-megawatt heat exchanger designs in the future.

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Overview and design basis for the gen 3 particle pilot plant (G3P3)

AIP Conference Proceedings

Ho, Clifford K.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Yue, Lindsey; Mills, Brantley M.; Sment, Jeremy; Christian, Joshua M.; Carlson, Matthew D.

This paper provides an overview of a next-generation particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) system. The Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) will heat particles to over 700 °C for use in high-temperature air or supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles with 6 hours of storage. The particles, which are inert, non-corrosive, durable, and inexpensive, are used as both the heat-transfer and storage media. Details of the operation, requirements, and design basis for the G3P3 system are presented, including a description of expected operational states and major components. Operational states include start-up, transients, steady-state operation, off-design conditions, and idling. The key components include the particle receiver, storage bins, heat exchanger, lift, and tower structure subsystems. Design bases and innovative features of each component are presented that will aid in achieving the desired cost and performance metrics.

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High-Temperature Particle Heat Exchanger for sCO2 Power Cycles [Award 30342]

Carlson, Matthew D.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Alvarez, Francisco

This report describes the design, development, and testing of a prototype 100 kWt particle-to-supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger. An analytic hierarchy process was implemented to compare and evaluate alternative heat-exchanger designs (fluidized bed, shell-and-plate moving packed bed, and shell-and-tube moving packed bed) that could meet the high pressure (≥ 20 MPa) and high temperature (≥ 700 °C) operational requirements associated with sCO2 power cycles. Cost, heat-transfer coefficient, structural reliability, manufacturability, parasitics and heat losses, scalability, compatibility, erosion and corrosion, transient operation, and inspection ease were considered in the evaluation. A 100 kWt shell-and-plate design was selected for construction and integration with Sandia’s falling particle receiver system that heats the particles using concentrated sunlight. Sandia worked with industry to design and construct the moving packed-bed shell-and-plate heat exchanger. Tests were performed to evaluate its performance using both electrical heating and concentrated sunlight to heat the particles. Overall heat transfer coefficients at off-design conditions (reduced operating temperatures and only three stainless steel banks in the counter-crossflow heat exchanger) were measured to be approximately ~25 - 70 W/m2-K, significantly lower than simulated values of >100 W/m2-K. Tests using the falling particle receiver to heat the particles with concentrated sunlight yielded overall heat transfer coefficients of ~35 – 80 W/m2-K with four banks (including a nickel-alloy bank above the three stainless steel banks). The overall heat transfer coefficient was observed to decrease with increasing particle inlet temperatures, which contrasted the results of simulations that showed an increase in heat transfer coefficient with temperature due to increased effective particle-bed thermal conductivity from radiation. The likely cause of the discrepancy was particle-flow maldistributions and funnel flow within the heat exchanger caused by internal ledges and cross-bracing, which could have been exacerbated by increased particle-wall friction at higher temperatures. Additional heat loss at higher temperatures may also contribute to a lower overall heat-transfer coefficient. Design challenges including pressure drop, particle and sCO2 flow maldistribution, and reduced heat transfer coefficient are discussed with approaches for mitigation in future designs. Lessons learned regarding instrumentation, performance characterization, and operation of particle components and sCO2 flow loops are also discussed. Finally, a 200 MWt commercial-scale shell-and-plate heat-exchanger design based on the concepts investigated in this report is proposed.

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Testing and simulations of spatial and temporal temperature variations in a particle-based thermal energy storage bin

ASME 2020 14th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2020

Sment, Jeremy N.; Martinez, Mario J.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories is conducting research on a Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) that uses falling sand-like particles as the heat transfer medium. The system will include a thermal energy storage (TES) bin with a capacity of 6 MWht¬ requiring ~120,000 kg of flowing particles. Testing and modeling were conducted to develop a validated modeling tool to understand temporal and spatial temperature distributions within the storage bin as it charges and discharges. Flow and energy transport in funnel-flow was modeled using volume averaged conservation equations coupled with level set interface tracking equations that prescribe the dynamic geometry of particle flow within the storage bin. A thin layer of particles on top of the particle bed was allowed to flow toward the center and into the flow channel above the outlet. Model results were validated using particle discharge temperatures taken from thermocouples mounted throughout a small steel bin. The model was then used to predict heat loss during charging, storing, and discharging operational modes at the G3P3 scale. Comparative results from the modeling and testing of the small bin indicate that the model captures many of the salient features of the transient particle outlet temperature over time.

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High-temperature particle flow testing in parallel plates for particle-to-supercritical Co2 heat exchanger applications

ASME 2020 14th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2020

Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Realizing cost-effective, dispatchable, renewable energy production using concentrated solar power (CSP) relies on reaching high process temperatures to increase the thermal-to-electrical efficiency. Ceramic based particles used as both the energy storage medium and heat transfer fluid is a promising approach to increasing the operating temperature of next generation CSP plants. The particle-to-supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger is a critical component in the development of this technology for transferring thermal energy from the heated ceramic particles to the sCO2 working fluid of the power cycle. The leading design for the particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger is a shell-and-plate configuration. Currently, design work is focused on optimizing the performance of the heat exchanger through reducing the plate spacing. However, the particle channel geometry is limited by uniformity and reliability of particle flow in narrow vertical channels. Results of high temperature experimental particle flow testing are presented in this paper.

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Heat Transfer Models of Moving Packed-Bed Particle-to-sCO2 Heat Exchangers

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) plants have been proposed to increase operating temperature for integration with higher efficiency power cycles using supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2). The majority of research to date has focused on the development of high-efficiency and high-temperature particle solar thermal receivers. However, system realization will require the design of a particle/sCO2 heat exchanger as well for delivering thermal energy to the power-cycle working fluid. Recent work has identified moving packed-bed heat exchangers as low-cost alternatives to fluidized-bed heat exchangers, which require additional pumps to fluidize the particles and recuperators to capture the lost heat. However, the reduced heat transfer between the particles and the walls of moving packed-bed heat exchangers, compared to fluidized beds, causes concern with adequately sizing components to meet the thermal duty. Models of moving packed-bed heat exchangers are not currently capable of exploring the design trade-offs in particle size, operating temperature, and residence time. The present work provides a predictive numerical model based on literature correlations capable of designing moving packed-bed heat exchangers as well as investigating the effects of particle size, operating temperature, and particle velocity (residence time). Furthermore, the development of a reliable design tool for moving packed-bed heat exchangers must be validated by predicting experimental results in the operating regime of interest. An experimental system is designed to provide the data necessary for model validation and/or to identify where deficiencies or new constitutive relations are needed. VC 2019 by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).

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Parametric analysis of particle CSP system performance and cost to intrinsic particle properties and operating conditions

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Bauer, Matthew L.; Ho, Clifford K.

The use of solid particles as a heat-transfer fluid and thermal storage media for concentrating solar power is a promising candidate for meeting levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) targets for next-generation CSP concepts. Meeting these cost targets for a given system concept will require optimization of the particle heat-transfer fluid with simultaneous consideration of all system components and operating conditions. This paper explores the trade-offs in system operating conditions and particle thermophysical properties on the levelized cost of electricity through parametric analysis. A steady-state modeling methodology for design point simulations dispatched against typical meteorological year (TMY) data is presented, which includes computationally efficient submodels of a falling particle receiver, moving packed-bed heat exchanger, storage bin, particle lift, and recompression supercritical CO2 (sCO2) cycle. The components selected for the baseline system configuration presents the most near-term realization of a particle-based CSP system that has been developed to date. However, the methodology could be extended to consider alternative particle receiver and heat exchanger concepts. The detailed system-level model coupled to component cost models is capable of propagating component design and performance information directly into the plant performance and economics. The system-level model is used to investigate how the levelized cost of electricity varies with changes in particle absorptivity, hot storage bin temperature, heat exchanger approach temperature, and sCO2 cycle operating parameters. Trade-offs in system capital cost and solar-to-electric efficiency due to changes in the size of the heliostat field, storage bins, primary heat exchanger, and receiver efficiency are observed. Optimal system operating conditions are reported, which approach levelized costs of electricity of $0.06 kWe-1hr-1

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Optimization of storage bin geometry for high temperature particle-based CSP systems

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Sment, Jeremy; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Ho, Clifford K.

Solid particle receivers provide an opportunity to run concentrating solar tower receivers at higher temperatures and increased overall system efficiencies. The design of the bins used for storing and managing the flow of particles creates engineering challenges in minimizing thermomechanical stress and heat loss. An optimization study of mechanical stress and heat loss was performed at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility at Sandia National Laboratories to determine the geometry of the hot particle storage hopper for a 1 MWt pilot plant facility. Modeling of heat loss was performed on hopper designs with a range of geometric parameters with the goal of providing uniform mass flow of bulk solids with no clogging, minimizing heat loss, and reducing thermomechanical stresses. The heat loss calculation included an analysis of the particle temperatures using a thermal resistance network that included the insulation and hopper. A plot of the total heat loss as a function of geometry and required thicknesses to accommodate thermomechanical stresses revealed suitable designs. In addition to the geometries related to flow type and mechanical stress, this study characterized flow related properties of CARBO HSP 40/70 and Accucast ID50-K in contact with refractory insulation. This insulation internally lines the hopper to prevent heat loss and allow for low cost structural materials to be used for bin construction. The wall friction angle, effective angle of friction, and cohesive strength of the bulk solid were variables that were determined from empirical analysis of the particles at temperatures up to 600°C.

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High-temperature flow testing and heat transfer for a moving packed-bed particle/sCO2 heat exchanger

AIP Conference Proceedings

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Experiments for measuring the heat transfer coefficients and visualization of dense granular flows in rectangular vertical channels are reported. The experiments are directed at the development of a moving packed-bed heat exchanger to transfer thermal energy from solar-heated particles to drive a supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycle. Particle-wall heat transfer coefficients are found to agree with Nusselt number correlations for plug flow in a parallel plate configuration. The plate spacing and particle properties in the prototype design result in experimentally measured particle-wall heat transfer coefficients of 200 W/m2-K at intermediate temperature and are expected to be higher at elevated temperature due to improved packed bed thermal conductivity. The high-temperature (600°C) visualization experiments indicate that uniform particle flow distribution through the vertical channels of a shell-and-plate heat exchanger can be achieved through a mass flow cone particle feeder. Uniform drawdown was experienced for both 77° and 72° feeder angles over a range of particle mass flow rates between 0.05 and 0.175 kg/s controlled by a slide gate to modulate the outlet flow cross-sectional area.

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Particle Mass Flow Control for High-Temperature Concentrating Solar Receivers

Ho, Clifford K.; Peacock, Gregory W.; Mills, Brantley M.; Christian, Joshua M.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ray, Daniel

This report summarizes the results of a two-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office (SuNLaMP 1506) to evaluate the performance of high-temperature (>700 °C) particle receivers for concentrating solar power (see Appendix A for project information). In the first year, novel particle release patterns were designed and tested to increase the effective solar absorptance of the particle curtain. Modeling results showed that increasing the magnitude and frequency of different wave-like patterns increased the effective absorptance and thermal efficiency by several percentage points, depending on the mass flow rate. Tests showed that triangular-wave, square-wave, and parallel-curtain particle release patterns could be implemented and maintained at flow rates of ~10 kg/s/m. The second year of the project focused on the development and testing of particle mass-flow control and measurement methods. An automated slide gate controlled by the outlet temperature of the particles was designed and tested. Testing demonstrated that the resolution accuracy of the slide-gate positioning was less than ~1 mm, and the speed of the slide gate enabled rapid adjustments to accommodate changes in the irradiance to maintain a desired outlet temperature range. Different in-situ particle mass-flow measurement techniques were investigated, and two were tested. The in-situ microwave sensor was found to be unreliable and sensitive to variations in particle flow patterns. However, the in-situ weigh hopper using load cells was found to provide reliable and repeatable measurements of real-time in-situ particle mass flow. On-sun tests were performed to determine the thermal efficiency of the receiver as a function of mass flow rate, particle temperature, and irradiance. Models of the tests were also developed and compared to the tests.

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75 Results
75 Results