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Fabrication and field emission properties of vertical, tapered GaN nanowires etched via phosphoric acid


Kazanowska, Barbara A.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Lu, Ping L.; Talin, A.A.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Jones, Kevin S.; Wang, George T.

The controlled fabrication of vertical, tapered, and high-aspect ratio GaN nanowires via a two-step top-down process consisting of an inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etch followed by a hot, 85% H3PO4 crystallographic wet etch is explored. The vertical nanowires are oriented in the [0001] direction and are bound by sidewalls comprising of 3362 ¯ } semipolar planes which are at a 12° angle from the [0001] axis. High temperature H3PO4 etching between 60 °C and 95 °C result in smooth semipolar faceting with no visible micro-faceting, whereas a 50 °C etch reveals a micro-faceted etch evolution. High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging confirms nanowire tip dimensions down to 8–12 nanometers. The activation energy associated with the etch process is 0.90 ± 0.09 eV, which is consistent with a reaction-rate limited dissolution process. The exposure of the 3362 ¯ } type planes is consistent with etching barrier index calculations. The field emission properties of the nanowires were investigated via a nanoprobe in a scanning electron microscope as well as by a vacuum field emission electron microscope. The measurements show a gap size dependent turn-on voltage, with a maximum current of 33 nA and turn-on field of 1.92 V nm−1 for a 50 nm gap, and uniform emission across the array.

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Controlled Formation of Stacked Si Quantum Dots in Vertical SiGe Nanowires

Nano Letters

Turner, Emily M.; Campbell, Quinn C.; Pizarro, Joaquín; Yang, Hongbin; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Lu, Ping L.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Wang, George T.; Jones, Kevin S.

We demonstrate the ability to fabricate vertically stacked Si quantum dots (QDs) within SiGe nanowires with QD diameters down to 2 nm. These QDs are formed during high-temperature dry oxidation of Si/SiGe heterostructure pillars, during which Ge diffuses along the pillars' sidewalls and encapsulates the Si layers. Continued oxidation results in QDs with sizes dependent on oxidation time. The formation of a Ge-rich shell that encapsulates the Si QDs is observed, a configuration which is confirmed to be thermodynamically favorable with molecular dynamics and density functional theory. The type-II band alignment of the Si dot/SiGe pillar suggests that charge trapping on the Si QDs is possible, and electron energy loss spectra show that a conduction band offset of at least 200 meV is maintained for even the smallest Si QDs. Our approach is compatible with current Si-based manufacturing processes, offering a new avenue for realizing Si QD devices.

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A New Route to Quantum-Scale Structures through a Novel Enhanced Germanium Diffusion Mechanism

Wang, George T.; Lu, Ping L.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Campbell, Quinn C.; Schultz, Peter A.; Jones, Kevin S.; Turner, Emily M.; Sharrock, Chappel J.; Law, Mark E.; Yang, Hongbin Y.

This project sought to develop a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms underlying a newly observed enhanced germanium (Ge) diffusion process in silicon germanium (SiGe) semiconductor nanostructures during thermal oxidation. Using a combination of oxidationdiffusion experiments, high resolution imaging, and theoretical modeling, a model for the enhanced Ge diffusion mechanism was proposed. Additionally, a nanofabrication approach utilizing this enhanced Ge diffusion mechanism was shown to be applicable to arbitrary 3D shapes, leading to the fabrication of stacked silicon quantum dots embedded in SiGe nanopillars. A new wet etch-based method for preparing 3D nanostructures for highresolution imaging free of obscuring material or damage was also developed. These results enable a new method for the controlled and scalable fabrication of on-chip silicon nanostructures with sub-10 nm dimensions needed for next generation microelectronics, including low energy electronics, quantum computing, sensors, and integrated photonics.

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Ultralow Voltage GaN Vacuum Nanodiodes in Air

Nano Letters

Sapkota, Keshab R.; Leonard, Francois L.; Talin, A.A.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Kazanowska, Barbara A.; Jones, Kevin S.; Wang, George T.

The III-nitride semiconductors have many attractive properties for field-emission vacuum electronics, including high thermal and chemical stability, low electron affinity, and high breakdown fields. Here, we report top-down fabricated gallium nitride (GaN)-based nanoscale vacuum electron diodes operable in air, with record ultralow turn-on voltages down to ∼0.24 V and stable high field-emission currents, tested up to several microamps for single-emitter devices. We leverage a scalable, top-down GaN nanofabrication method leading to damage-free and smooth surfaces. Gap-dependent and pressure-dependent studies provide new insights into the design of future, integrated nanogap vacuum electron devices. The results show promise for a new class of high-performance and robust, on-chip, III-nitride-based vacuum nanoelectronics operable in air or reduced vacuum.

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Nonvolatile voltage controlled molecular spin‐state switching for memory applications


Ekanayaka, Thilini K.; Hao, Guanhua; Mosey, Aaron; Dale, Ashley S.; Jiang, Xuanyuan; Yost, Andrew J.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Wang, George T.; Zhang, Jian; N’Diaye, Alpha T.; Marshall, Andrew; Cheng, Ruihua; Naeemi, Azad; Xu, Xiaoshan; Dowben, Peter A.

Nonvolatile, molecular multiferroic devices have now been demonstrated, but it is worth giving some consideration to the issue of whether such devices could be a competitive alternative for solid‐state nonvolatile memory. For the Fe (II) spin crossover complex [Fe{H2B(pz)2}2(bipy)], where pz = tris(pyrazol‐1‐yl)‐borohydride and bipy = 2,2′‐bipyridine, voltage‐controlled isothermal changes in the electronic structure and spin state have been demonstrated and are accompanied by changes in conductance. Higher conductance is seen with [Fe{H2B(pz)2}2(bipy)] in the high spin state, while lower conductance occurs for the low spin state. Plausibly, there is the potential here for low‐cost molecular solid‐state memory because the essential molecular thin films are easily fabricated. However, successful device fabrication does not mean a device that has a practical value. Here, we discuss the progress and challenges yet facing the fabrication of molecular multiferroic devices, which could be considered competitive to silicon.

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Strong Coupling in All-Dielectric Intersubband Polaritonic Metasurfaces

Nano Letters

Sarma, Raktim S.; Nookala, Nishant; Reilly, Kevin J.; Liu, Sheng; De Ceglia, Domenico; Carletti, Luca; Goldflam, Michael G.; Campione, Salvatore; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Green, Huck; Wang, George T.; Klem, John F.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Belkin, Mikhail A.; Brener, Igal B.

Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces are excellent candidates for both fundamental studies related to light-matter interactions and for numerous applications ranging from holography to sensing to nonlinear optics. To date, however, most applications using Mie metasurfaces utilize only weak light-matter interaction. Here, we go beyond the weak coupling regime and demonstrate for the first time strong polaritonic coupling between Mie photonic modes and intersubband (ISB) transitions in semiconductor heterostructures. Furthermore, along with demonstrating ISB polaritons with Rabi splitting as large as 10%, we also demonstrate the ability to tailor the strength of strong coupling by engineering either the semiconductor heterostructure or the photonic mode of the resonators. Unlike previous plasmonic-based works, our new all-dielectric metasurface approach to generate ISB polaritons is free from ohmic losses and has high optical damage thresholds, thereby making it ideal for creating novel and compact mid-infrared light sources based on nonlinear optics.

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Wet-chemical etching of FIB lift-out TEM lamellae for damage-free analysis of 3-D nanostructures


Turner, Emily M.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Hatem, Christopher; Lu, Ping L.; Wang, George T.; Jones, Kevin S.

Reducing ion beam damage from the focused ion beam (FIB) during fabrication of cross sections is a well-known challenge for materials characterization, especially cross sectional characterization of nanostructures. To address this, a new method has been developed for cross section fabrication enabling high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of 3-D nanostructures free of surrounding material and free of damage detectable by TEM analysis. Before FIB processing, nanopillars are encapsulated in a sacrificial oxide which acts as a protective layer during FIB milling. The cross sectional TEM lamella containing the nanopillars is then mounted and thinned with some modifications to conventional FIB sample preparation that provide stability for the lamella during the following wet-chemical dip etch. The wet-chemical etch of the TEM lamella removes the sacrificial oxide layer, freeing the nanopillars from any material that would obscure TEM imaging. Both high resolution TEM and aberration corrected scanning TEM images of Si/SiGe pillars with diameters down to 30 nm demonstrate the successful application of this approach.

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Topological Quantum Materials for Quantum Computation

Nenoff, T.M.; Chou, Stanley S.; Dickens, Peter D.; Modine, N.A.; Yu, Wenlong Y.; Lee, Stephen R.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Wang, George T.; Wendt, J.R.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Leonard, Francois L.; Pan, Wei P.

Recent years have seen an explosion in research efforts discovering and understanding novel electronic and optical properties of topological quantum materials (TQMs). In this LDRD, a synergistic effort of materials growth, characterization, electrical-magneto-optical measurements, combined with density functional theory and modeling has been established to address the unique properties of TQMs. Particularly, we have carried out extensive studies in search for Majorana fermions (MFs) in TQMs for topological quantum computation. Moreover, we have focused on three important science questions. 1) How can we controllably tune the properties of TQMs to make them suitable for quantum information applications? 2) What materials parameters are most important for successfully observing MFs in TQMs? 3) Can the physical properties of TQMs be tailored by topological band engineering? Results obtained in this LDRD not only deepen our current knowledge in fundamental quantum physics but also hold great promise for advanced electronic/photonic applications in information technologies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work at Sandia National Labs was supported by a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project. Device fabrication was performed at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. We are grateful to many people inside and outside Sandia for their support and fruitful collaborations. This report describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

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Top-Down Etch Processes for III-Nitride Nanophotonics

2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2019 - Proceedings

Wang, George T.; Leung, Benjamin; Tsai, Miao C.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Kazanowska, Barbara A.; Jones, Kevin S.

Three-dimensional chemical etch processes for III-nitride (AlGaInN) materials and devices remain significantly underdeveloped due to its apparent inertness to common wet etchants. Further knowledge and development of anisotropic and three-dimensional top-down etch techniques are needed to fully realize the potential of the III-nitrides in new electronic and photonic nano and micro device concepts. Here, we explore the etch characteristics of GaN, AlGaN, and AlN using a two-step dry plus wet etch approach, which allows for the exposure of crystal facets with non-zero and differing etch rates. We apply general geometric principles of crystallographic dissolution processes to enable the prediction of facet-determined etch structures, including high aspect ratio nanowires and nanowalls.

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High temperature synthesis and characterization of ultrathin tellurium nanostructures

APL Materials

Sapkota, Keshab R.; Lu, Ping L.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Wang, George T.

Thin tellurium (Te) has been predicted as a potential two dimensional system exhibiting superior thermoelectric and electrical properties. Here, we report the synthesis of high quality ultrathin Te nanostructures and the study of their electrical properties at room temperature. High quality ultrathin Te nanostructures are obtained by high temperature vapor phase deposition on c-plane sapphire substrates. The obtained nanostructures are as thin as 3 nm and exhibit α-Te phase with trigonal crystal structure. Room temperature electrical measurements show significantly higher electrical conductivity compared to prior reports of Te in bulk form or in nanostructure form synthesized by low temperature vapor deposition or wet chemical methods. Additionally, these nanostructures exhibit high field effect hole mobility comparable to black-phosphorous measured previously under similar conditions.

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Creation of nanoscale magnetic fields using nano-magnet arrays

AIP Advances

Sapkota, Keshab R.; Eley, S.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Harris, C.T.; Maurer, Leon M.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.

We present the fabrication of nano-magnet arrays, comprised of two sets of interleaving SmCo5 and Co nano-magnets, and the subsequent development and implementation of a protocol to program the array to create a one-dimensional rotating magnetic field. We designed the array based on the microstructural and magnetic properties of SmCo5 films annealed under different conditions, also presented here. Leveraging the extremely high contrast in coercivity between SmCo5 and Co, we applied a sequence of external magnetic fields to program the nano-magnet arrays into a configuration with alternating polarization, which based on simulations creates a rotating magnetic field in the vicinity of nano-magnets. Our proof-of-concept demonstration shows that complex, nanoscale magnetic fields can be synthesized through coercivity contrast of constituent magnetic materials and carefully designed sequences of programming magnetic fields.

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Nonvolatile voltage controlled molecular spin state switching

Applied Physics Letters

Hao, G.; Mosey, A.; Jiang, X.; Yost, A.J.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Wang, George T.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.; N'Diaye, A.T.; Cheng, R.; Xu, X.; Dowben, P.A.

Voltage-controlled room temperature isothermal reversible spin crossover switching of [Fe{H 2 B(pz) 2 } 2 (bipy)] thin films is demonstrated. This isothermal switching is evident in thin film bilayer structures where the molecular spin crossover film is adjacent to a molecular ferroelectric. The adjacent molecular ferroelectric, either polyvinylidene fluoride hexafluoropropylene or croconic acid (C 5 H 2 O 5 ), appears to lock the spin crossover [Fe{H 2 B(pz) 2 } 2 (bipy)] molecular complex largely in the low or high spin state depending on the direction of ferroelectric polarization. In both a planar two terminal diode structure and a transistor structure, the voltage controlled isothermal reversible spin crossover switching of [Fe{H 2 B(pz) 2 } 2 (bipy)] is accompanied by a resistance change and is seen to be nonvolatile, i.e., retained in the absence of an applied electric field. The result appears general, as the voltage controlled nonvolatile switching can be made to work with two different molecular ferroelectrics: croconic acid and polyvinylidene fluoride hexafluoropropylene.

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Quantum Nanofabrication: Mechanisms and Fundamental Limits

Wang, George T.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Lu, Ping L.; Miller, Philip R.; Leung, Benjamin L.; Xiao, Xiaoyin X.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Leonard, Francois L.; Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Koleske, Daniel D.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Balakrishnan, Ganesh B.; Addamane, Sadhvikas A.; Nelson, Jeffrey S.

Quantum-size-controlled photoelectrochemical (QSC-PEC) etching, which uses quantum confinement effects to control size, can potentially enable the fabrication of epitaxial quantum nanostructures with unprecedented accuracy and precision across a wide range of materials systems. However, many open questions remain about this new technique, including its limitations and broader applicability. In this project, using an integrated experimental and theoretical modeling approach, we pursue a greater understanding of the time-dependent QSC-PEC etch process and to uncover the underlying mechanisms that determine its ultimate accuracy and precision. We also seek to broaden our understanding of the scope of its ultimate applicability in emerging nanostructures and nanodevices.

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33 Results
33 Results