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A Fully Integrated Oven Controlled Microelectromechanical Oscillator - Part II: Characterization and Measurement

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Olsson, Roy H.

This paper, the second of two parts, reports the measurement and characterization of a fully integrated oven controlled microelectromechanical oscillator (OCMO). The OCMO takes advantage of high thermal isolation and monolithic integration of both aluminum nitride (AlN) micromechanical resonators and electronic circuitry to thermally stabilize or ovenize all the components that comprise an oscillator. Operation at microscale sizes allows implementation of high thermal resistance platform supports that enable thermal stabilization at very low-power levels when compared with the state-of-the-art oven controlled crystal oscillators. A prototype OCMO has been demonstrated with a measured temperature stability of -1.2 ppb/°C, over the commercial temperature range while using tens of milliwatts of supply power and with a volume of 2.3 mm3 (not including the printed circuit board-based thermal control loop). In addition, due to its small thermal time constant, the thermal compensation loop can maintain stability during fast thermal transients (>10 °C/min). This new technology has resulted in a new paradigm in terms of power, size, and warm up time for high thermal stability oscillators. [2015-0036].

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A Fully Integrated Oven Controlled Microelectromechanical Oscillator - Part I: Design and Fabrication

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Baker, Michael S.; Clews, Peggy J.; Olsson, Roy H.

This paper, the first of two parts, reports the design and fabrication of a fully integrated oven controlled microelectromechanical oscillator (OCMO). This paper begins by describing the limits on oscillator frequency stability imposed by the thermal drift and electronic properties (Q, resistance) of both the resonant tank circuit and feedback electronics required to form an electronic oscillator. An OCMO is presented that takes advantage of high thermal isolation and monolithic integration of both micromechanical resonators and electronic circuitry to thermally stabilize or ovenize all the components that comprise an oscillator. This was achieved by developing a processing technique where both silicon-on-insulator complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuitry and piezoelectric aluminum nitride, AlN, micromechanical resonators are placed on a suspended platform within a standard CMOS integrated circuit. Operation at microscale sizes achieves high thermal resistances (∼10 °C/mW), and hence thermal stabilization of the oscillators at very low-power levels when compared with the state-of-the-art ovenized crystal oscillators, OCXO. A constant resistance feedback circuit is presented that incorporates on platform resistive heaters and temperature sensors to both measure and stabilize the platform temperature. The limits on temperature stability of the OCMO platform and oscillator frequency imposed by the gain of the constant resistance feedback loop, placement of the heater and temperature sensing resistors, as well as platform radiative and convective heat losses are investigated. [2015-0035].

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Fully integrated switchable filter banks

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest

Crespin, Emily R.; Olsson, Roy H.; Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Branch, Darren W.; Clews, Peggy J.; Hurley, Richard B.; Gutierrez, J.

Fully integrated switchable filter have been successfully demonstrated using a ra CMOS SOI process in conjunction with an a (AlN) microresonator process. Single pole-mul were developed in the CMOS SOI process th multi-project wafer runs while the filters were aluminum nitride based microresonators. Each concurrent design cycles and was demonstrated to integration. After design improvements to bo full monolithic integration was implem microresonator filters with the CMOS switc compatibility of the two technologies. A four ch switchable bank of 7MHz bandwidth filters demonstrated exhibiting approximately 8 dB of 60dB of stop band rejection. © 2012 IEEE.

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Origins and mitigation of spurious modes in aluminum nitride microresonators

Olsson, Roy H.; Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Branch, Darren W.

Recently reported narrow bandwidth, <;2%, aluminum nitride microresonator filters in the 100-500 MHz range offer lower insertion loss, 100x smaller size, and elimination of large external matching networks, when compared to similar surface acoustic wave filters. While the initial results are promising, many microresonators exhibit spurious responses both close and far from the pass band which degrade the out of band rejection and prevent the synthesis of useful filters. This paper identifies the origins of several unwanted modes in overtone width extensional aluminum nitride microresonators and presents techniques for mitigating the spurious responses.

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Multi-frequency aluminum nitride micro-filters for advanced RF communications

Olsson, Roy H.; Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Tuck, Melanie R.; Stevens, James E.; Nordquist, Christopher N.

An AlN MEMS resonator technology has been developed, enabling massively parallel filter arrays on a single chip. Low-loss filter banks covering the 10 MHz--10-GHz frequency range have been demonstrated, as has monolithic integration with inductors and CMOS circuitry. The high level of integration enables miniature multi-bandm spectrally aware, and cognitive radios.

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Microresonant impedance transformers

Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

Olsson, Roy H.; Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Tuck, Melanie R.; Stevens, James E.

Widely applied to RF filtering, AlN microresonators offer the ability to perform additional functions such as impedance matching and single-ended-to- differential conversion. This paper reports microresonators capable of transforming the characteristic impedance from input to output over a wide range while performing low loss filtering. Microresonant transformer theory of operation and equivalent circuit models are presented and compared with measured 2 and 3-Port devices. Impedance transformation ratios as large as 18:1 are realized with insertion losses less than 5.8 dB, limited by parasitic shunt capacitance. These impedance transformers occupy less than 0.052 mm2, orders of magnitude smaller than competing technologies in the VHF and UHF frequency bands. ©2009 IEEE.

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Super high frequency width extensional aluminum nitride (AlN) MEMS resonators

Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Olsson, Roy H.; Nordquist, C.D.; Tuck, Melanie R.

Width extensional (WE) super high frequency (SHF) aluminum nitride (AlN) resonators have been fabricated using optical lithography. Solidly anchored WE resonators were shown to be superior to beam anchored resonators of the same size and it was verified that simply scaling resonator area does not improve insertion loss (IL). Resonators with an IL of -6.3 dB into 50 ohms at 4.1 GHz and -7.2 dB at 6.8 GHz have been demonstrated. This type of performance at 6.8 GHz is unprecedented for contour mode resonators and represents a 12.6 dB improvement over recently reported SHF AlN resonators. ©2009 IEEE.

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Post-cmos compatible aluminum nitride ring wave guide (RWG) resonators

Technical Digest - Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Olsson, Roy H.; Tuck, Melanie R.

This work presents a new type of MEMS resonator based on launching an acoustic wave around a ring. Its maximum frequency is set by electrode spacing and can therefore provide a means for developing resonators with center frequencies in the GHz. In addition since the center frequency is dependent on the average radius it is not subject to lithographic process variations in ring width. We have demonstrated several Ring Waveguide (RWG) Resonators with center frequencies at 484 MHz and 1 GHz. In addition we have demonstrated a 4th order filter based on a RWG design.

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24 Results
24 Results