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MELCOR Accident Progression and Source Term Demonstration Calculations for a Heat Pipe Reactor

Wagner, Kenneth C.

MELCOR is an integrated thermal hydraulics, accident progression, and source term code for reactor safety analysis that has been developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) since the early 1980s. Though MELCOR originated as a light water reactor (LWR) code, development and modernization efforts have expanded its application scope to includ e non-LWR reactor concepts. Current MELCOR development efforts include providing the NRC with the analytical capabilities to support regulatory readiness for licensing non-LWR techno logies under Strategy 2 of the NRC?s near- term Implementation Action Plans. Beginning with the Next Generation Nuclear Project (NGNP), MELCOR has undergone a range of enha ncements to provide analytical capabilities for modeling the spectrum of advanced non-LWR concepts. This report describes the generic plant model developed to demonstrate MELCOR capabilities to perform heat pipe reactor (HPR) safety evaluations. The generic plant mode l is based on a publicly-available Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Megapower design as modified in the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Design A description. For plant aspects (e.g., reactor building size and leak rate) that are not described in the LANL and INL references , the analysts made assumptions needed to construct a MELCOR full-plant model. The HP R uses high assay, low-enrichment uranium (HALEU) fuel with steel cladding that uses heat pipes to transfer heat to a secondary Brayton air cycle. The core region is surrounded by a stainless-steel shroud, alumina reflector, core barrel and boron carbide neutron shield. The reactor is secured inside a below-grade cavity, with the operating floor located above the cavity. Example calculations are performed to show the plant response and MELCOR capabilities to characterize a range of accident conditions. The accidents selected for evaluation consider a range of degraded and failed modes of operation for key safety functions providing re activity control, the primary and secondary system heat removal, and the effectiveness of th e confinement natural circulation flow into the reactor cavity (i.e., a flow blockage).

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MELCOR Accident Progression and Source Term Demonstration Calculations for a HTGR

Wagner, Kenneth C.

MELCOR is an integrated thermal hydraulics, accident progression, and source term code for reactor safety analysis that has been developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) since the early 1980s. Though MELCOR originated as a light water reactor (LWR) code, development and modernization efforts over the past decades have expanded its application scope to include non-LWR reactor concepts. Current MELCOR development efforts include providing the NRC with the analytical capabilities to support regulatory readiness for licensing non-LWR technologies under Strategy 2 of the NRC's near-term Implementation Action Plans. Beginning with the Next Generation Nuclear Project (NGNP), MELCOR ha s undergone a range of enhancements to provide analytical capabilities for modeling the spectrum of advanced non-LWR concepts. This report describes the generic plant model developed to demonstrate MELCOR capabilities to perform high-temperature gas reactor (HTGR) safety evaluations. The generic plant model is based on publicly available PMBR-400 design information. For plant aspects (e.g., reactor building size and leak rate) that are not described in the PBMR-400 references, the analysts made assumptions needed to construct a MELCOR full-plant model. The HTGR model uses a TRi-structural ISOtropic (TRISO)-particle fuel pebble-bed reactor with a primary system rejecting heat to a recuperative heat exchange r. Surrounding the reactor vessel is a reactor cavity contained within a confinement room cooled by the Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS). Example calculations are performed to show the plant response and MELCOR capabilities to characterize a range of accident conditions. The accidents selected for evaluation consider a range of degraded and failed modes of operation for key safety functions providing reactivity control, primary system heat removal and reactor vessel decay heat removal, and confinement cooling.

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MELCOR Accident Progression and Source Term Demonstration Calculations for a FHR

Wagner, Kenneth C.

MELCOR is an integrated thermal hydraulics, accident progression, and source term code for reactor safety analysis that has been developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) since the early 1980s. Though MELCOR originated as a light water reactor (LWR) code, development and modernization efforts have expanded its application scope to include non-LWR reactor concepts. Current MELCOR development efforts include providing the NRC with the analytical capabilities to support regulatory readiness for licensing non-LWR technologies under Strategy 2 of the NRC's near- term Implementation Action Plans. Beginning with the Next Generation Nuclear Project (NGNP), MELCOR has undergone a range of enhancements to provide analytical capabilities for modeling the spectrum of advanced non-LWR concepts. This report describes the generic plant model developed to demonstrate MELCOR capabilities to perform fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR) safety evaluations. The generic plant model is based on publicly-available FHR design information. For plant aspects (e.g., reactor building leak rate and details of the cover-gas system) that are not described in the FHR references, the analysts made assumptions needed to construct a MELCOR full-plant model. The FHR model uses a TRi-structural ISOtropic (TRISO)-particle fuel pebble-bed reactor with a primary system rejecting heat to two coiled tube air heat ex changers. Three passive direct reactor auxiliary cooling systems provide heat removal to supplement or replace the emergency secondary system heat removal during accident conditions. Surrounding the reactor vessel is a low volume reactor cavity that insulates the reactor with fire bricks and thick concrete walls. A refractory reactor liner system provides water cooling to reduce the concrete wall temperatures. Example calculations are performed to show the plant response and MELCOR capabilities to characterize a range of accident conditions. The accidents selected for evaluation consider a range of degraded and failed modes of operation for key safety functions providing reactivity control, the primary system decay heat removal and also a piping leak of the line to the coolant drain tank.

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Bounding Radionuclide Release Estimates for a Hypothetical Power Reactor Accident

Wagner, Kenneth C.

The object of this study is to provide an estimate of bounding radionuclide releases from a nuclear power plant accident. The time frame of interest is the release phase from the initiating event through 30 days. The maximum credible initiating event includes an initial failure of the containment function with a primary system leak. All estimates include a complete loss-of-onsite power and no successful mitigative actions. The active safety injection systems are also assumed failed. The review considers the following commonly deployed reactor designs in the following order of interest: RBMK 1000, VVER-440, VVER-1000, 1000 MWe PWR, 1000 MWe BWR, BN-800, and the 600 MWe CANDU/PHWR. The review also considers spent fuel pool accident scenarios.

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Demonstration of MELCOR and MACCS Capabilities for Molten Salt Reactor Decay Heat Removal During both Normal Operations and Salt Spill Scenarios

Smith, Mariah L.; Leute, Jennifer E.; Wagner, Kenneth C.; Clavier, Kyle C.

This report provides a demonstration of MELCOR and MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS) capabilities to perform a dose assessment for a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) off-gas system. A primary containment system salt spill is used as the off-normal scenario, along with a normal operation dose assessment for comparison. This report discusses the tools, methods, and information used in this assessment so that it may be utilized as a starting point for future advanced reactor consequence analyses. This report also highlights several gaps, to include the need for reactor inventory information specific to advanced reactors, and the need for specific atmospheric transport models that take into account the unique deposition behaviors of tritium and carbon-14, and makes recommendations for closing these gaps. This report satisfies the DOE NE Milestone M4RD-21SN0601062.

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An Overview of the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Uncertainty Assessment Accident Progression Insights

Wagner, Kenneth C.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) have completed three uncertainty analyses (UAs) as part of the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) program. The SOARCA UAs included an integrated evaluation of uncertainty in accident progression, radiological release, and offsite health consequence projections. The UA for Peach Bottom, a boiling-water reactor (BWR) with a Mark I containment located in the State of Pennsylvania, analyzed the unmitigated long-term station blackout SOARCA scenario. The UA for Sequoyah, a 4-loop Westinghouse pressurized-water reactor (PWR) located in the State of Tennessee, analyzed the unmitigated short-term station blackout SOARCA scenario, with a focus on issues unique to the ice condenser containment and the potential for early containment failure due to hydrogen deflagration. The UA for Surry, a 3-loop Westinghouse PWR with a sub-atmospheric large dry containment located in the State of Virginia, analyzed the unmitigated short-term station blackout SOARCA scenario including the potential for thermally-induced steam-generator tube rupture. These three UAs are currently documented in three NUREG/CR reports. This report provides input to planned NRC documentation on the insights and findings from the SOARCA UA program. The purpose of the summary report is to provide a useful reference for regulatory applications that require the evaluation of offsite consequence risk from beyond design basis event severe accidents. This report focuses on the accident progression and source term insights developed from the MELCOR analyses. MELCOR is the NRC's best-estimate, severe accident computer code used in the SOARCA UAs. In anticipation of the SOARCA UA insights work, NRC and Sandia benchmarked the response of the Peach Bottom model to selected reference calculations from the Peach Bottom SOARCA UA. Peach Bottom was the first SOARCA UA performed and was completed in 2015 using the MELCOR 1.8.6 code. The PWR SOARCA UAs evolved the original methodology and utilized the updated MELCOR 2.2 computer code. The Peach Bottom model has been systematically updated for other NRC research efforts and has been updated to MELCOR 2.2. computer code. The findings from the new reference calculations using the updated model with the MELCOR 2.2 code are also integrated into the report. A second objective is an assessment of the applicability of the results to the other nuclear reactors in the U.S. As the key findings are reviewed, judgments are presented on the applicability of the results to other U.S. nuclear power plants. An important objective of the SOARCA program relied on high- fidelity plant-specific modeling. However, the nature of the insights and conclusions allowed judgements to be made on the applicability of the various insights to the same general classification of plant (i.e., BWR or PWR) or the entire fleet of plants. Finally, the results from the SOARCA UA accident progression calculations contain a wealth of information not previously documented in the NUREG/CRs. This report includes new but related information that can be used to benchmark past or support future regulatory decisions related to severe accidents. The new work includes a benchmark of the NUREG-1465 licensing source term definitions, the variability of key accident progression events and timing to radionuclide release, and an improved understanding of the timing and source terms from consequential steam generator tube ruptures. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Sandia authors gratefully acknowledge the significant technical and programmatic contributions from the NRC SOARCA team which are reflected throughout the report. Dr. Tina Ghosh has been involved throughout the SOARCA UAs, providing the primary managerial and technical oversight. The long lists of NRC and Sandia contributors from the SOARCA UAs are cited in the three NUREG/CRs and are also gratefully acknowledged by the small team of authors compiling the results of their efforts. Significant technical contributions, advice, and reviews were provided by Dr. Hossein Esmaili, Dr. Alfred Hathaway, and Dr. Edward Fuller (retired) of the NRC. Dr. Randal Gauntt (retired), Mr. Patrick Mattie, Mr. Joseph Jones (retired), and Dr. Doug Osborn from Sandia are recognized as the SOARCA UA managers guiding the past efforts. There is a comparable list of project managers at the NRC including Ms. Patricia Santiago, Dr. Salman Haq, and Mr. Jon Barr. Sadly, we have lost Mr. Charlie Tinkler and Mr. Robert Prato, who were important contributors to the original SOARCA project. Finally, Mr. Kyle Ross and Mr. Mark Leonard have also retired but were significant technical contributors. Mr. Kyle Ross was the technical lead on all three SOARCA UAs and the original pressurized water reactor SOARCA study. Mr. Leonard was the technical lead on the original boiling water reactor SOARCA study and a key contributor to the first Peach Bottom SOARCA UA. iv

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Melcor demonstration analysis of accident scenarios at a spent nuclear reprocessing plant

International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE

Wagner, Kenneth C.; Louie, David L.

The work presented in this paper applies the MELCOR code developed at Sandia National Laboratories to evaluate the source terms from potential accidents in non-reactor nuclear facilities. The present approach provides an integrated source term approach that would be well-suited for uncertainty analysis and probabilistic risk assessments. MELCOR is used to predict the thermal-hydraulic conditions during fires or explosions that includes a release of radionuclides. The radionuclides are tracked throughout the facility from the initiating event to predict the time-dependent source term to the environment for subsequent dose or consequence evaluations. In this paper, we discuss the MELCOR input model development and the evaluation of the potential source terms from the dominated fire and explosion scenarios for a spent fuel nuclear reprocessing plant.

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MELCOR Code Change History: Revision 11932 to 14959 Patch Release Addendum

Humphries, Larry; Phillips, Jesse P.; Schmidt, Rodney C.; Beeny, Bradley A.; Wagner, Kenneth C.; Louie, David L.

This document summarily provides brief descriptions of the MELCOR code enhancement made between code revision number 11932 and 14959. Revision 11932 represents the last official code release; therefore, the modeling features described within this document are provided to assist users that update to the newest official MELCOR code release, 14959. Along with the newly updated MELCOR Users' Guide [2] and Reference Manual [3], users will be aware and able to assess the new capabilities for their modeling and analysis applications. Following the official release an addendum section has been added to this report detailing modifications made to the official release which support the accompanying patch release. The addendums address user reported issues and previously known issues within the official code release which extends the original Quick look document to also support the patch release. Furthermore, the addendums section documents the recent changes to input records in the Users' Guide applicable to the patch release and corrects a few issues in the revision 14959 release as well. This page left blank.

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State-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses project uncertainty analyses: Insights on offsite consequences

PSA 2019 - International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis

Tina Ghosh, S.; Esmaili, Hossein; Hathaway, Alfred; Bixler, Nathan E.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Wagner, Kenneth C.

This paper is the third paper in a special session on the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Uncertainty Analyses (UAs), and summarizes offsite consequence insights from the three SOARCA UAs. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with Sandia National Laboratories has completed three UAs for particular station blackout scenarios as part of the SOARCA research project: for a boiling-water reactor with a Mark I containment in Pennsylvania State (Peach Bottom), for a pressurized-water reactor (PWR) with an ice condenser containment in Tennessee State (Sequoyah), and for a PWR with subatmospheric large dry containment in Virginia State (Surry). The Sequoyah and Surry SOARCA UAs focused on an unmitigated short-term station blackout (SBO) scenario involving an immediate loss of offsite and onsite AC power. In the Surry UA, induced steam generator tube rupture was also modeled. The Sequoyah study focused on issues unique to the ice condenser containment and the potential for early containment failure due to hydrogen combustion. The Peach Bottom UA focused on an unmitigated long-term SBO scenario, where battery power is initially available. The MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS) suite of codes was used for offsite radiological consequence modeling. This paper presents the offsite consequence results, individual latent cancer fatality risk and the individual early fatality risk, for the three SOARCA UAs and summarizes some of the insights and features of the analyses.

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Assessment of severe accident source terms in pressurized-water reactors with a 40% mixed-oxide and 60% low-enriched uranium core using MELCOR 1.8.5

Ashbaugh, Scott G.; Wagner, Kenneth C.; Longmire, Pamela L.; Gauntt, Randall O.; Powers, Dana A.

As part of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) research program to evaluate the impact of using mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in commercial nuclear power plants, a study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of the usage of MOX fuel on the consequences of postulated severe accidents. A series of 23 severe accident calculations was performed using MELCOR 1.8.5 for a four-loop Westinghouse reactor with an ice condenser containment. The calculations covered five basic accident classes that were identified as the risk- and consequence-dominant accident sequences in plant-specific probabilistic risk assessments for the McGuire and Catawba nuclear plants, including station blackouts and loss-of-coolant accidents of various sizes, with both early and late containment failures. Ultimately, the results of these MELCOR simulations will be used to provide a supplement to the NRC's alternative source term described in NUREG-1465. Source term magnitude and timing results are presented consistent with the NUREG-1465 format. For each of the severe accident release phases (coolant release, gap release, in-vessel release, ex-vessel release, and late in-vessel release), source term timing information (onset of release and duration) is presented. For all release phases except for the coolant release phase, magnitudes are presented for each of the NUREG-1465 radionuclide groups. MELCOR results showed variation of noble metal releases between those typical of ruthenium (Ru) and those typical of molybdenum (Mo); therefore, results for the noble metals were presented for Ru and Mo separately. The collection of the source term results can be used as the basis to develop a representative source term (across all accident types) that will be the MOX supplement to NUREG-1465.

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36 Results
36 Results