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Survey of Current State of the Art Entity-Relation Extraction Tools

Ward, Katrina J.; Bisila, Jonathan B.; Cairns, Kelsey L.

In the area of information extraction from text data, there exists a number of tools with the capability of extracting entities, topics, and their relationships with one another from both structured and unstructured text sources. Such information has endless uses in a number of domains, however, the solutions to getting this information are still in early stages and has room for improvement. The topic has been explored from a research perspective by academic institutions, as well as formal tool creation from corporations but has not made much advancement since the early 2000's. Overall, entity extraction, and the related topic of entity linking, is common among these tools, though with varying degrees of accuracy, while relationship extraction is more difficult to find and seems limited to same sentence analysis. In this report, we take a look at the top state of the art tools currently available and identify their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. We explore the common algorithms in the successful approaches to entity extraction and their ability to efficiently handle both structured and unstructured text data. Finally, we highlight some of the common issues among these tools and summarize the current ability to extract relationship information.

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Collaborative analytics for biological facility characterization

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Caswell, Jacob C.; Cairns, Kelsey L.; Ting, Christina T.; Hansberger, Mark W.; Stoebner, Matthew A.; Brounstein, Tom R.; Cueller, Christopher R.; Jurrus, Elizabeth R.

Thousands of facilities worldwide are engaged in biological research activities. One of DTRA's missions is to fully understand the types of facilities involved in collecting, investigating, and storing biological materials. This characterization enables DTRA to increase situational awareness and identify potential partners focused on biodefense and biosecurity. As a result of this mission, DTRA created a database to identify biological facilities from publicly available, open-source information. This paper describes an on-going effort to automate data collection and entry of facilities into this database. To frame our analysis more concretely, we consider the following motivating question: How would a decision maker respond to a pathogen outbreak during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea? To address this question, we aim to further characterize the existing South Korean facilities in DTRA's database, and to identify new candidate facilities for entry, so that decision makers can identify local facilities properly equipped to assist and respond to an event. We employ text and social analytics on bibliometric data from South Korean facilities and a list of select pathogen agents to identify patterns and relationships within scientific publication graphs.

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5 Results
5 Results