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Locating Seismic Events with Local-Distance Data

Davenport, Kathy D.

As the seismic monitoring community advances toward detecting, identifying, and locating ever-smaller natural and anthropogenic events, the need is constantly increasing for higher resolution, higher fidelity data, models, and methods for accurately characterizing events. Local-distance seismic data provide robust constraints on event locations, but also introduce complexity due to the significant geologic heterogeneity of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle, and the relative sparsity of data that often occurs with small events recorded on regional seismic networks. Identifying the critical characteristics for improving local-scale event locations and the factors that impact location accuracy and reliability is an ongoing challenge for the seismic community. Using Utah as a test case, we examine three data sets of varying duration, finesse, and magnitude to investigate the effects of local earth structure and modeling parameters on local-distance event location precision and accuracy. We observe that the most critical elements controlling relocation precision are azimuthal coverage and local-scale velocity structure, with tradeoffs based on event depth, type, location, and range.

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LocOO3D User's Manual

Davenport, Kathy D.; Conley, Andrea C.; Downey, Nathan J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Begnaud, Mike B.

LocOO3D is a software tool that computes geographical locations for seismic events at regional to global scales. This software has a rich set of features, including the ability to use custom 3D velocity models, correlated observations and master event locations. The LocOO3D software is especially useful for research related to seismic monitoring applications, since it allows users to easily explore a variety of location methods and scenarios and is compatible with the CSS3.0 data format used in monitoring applications. The LocOO3D software, User's Manual, and Examples are available on the web at: For additional information on GeoTess, SALSA3D, RSTT, and other related software, please see:,,, and

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PCalc User's Manual

Conley, Andrea C.; Downey, Nathan J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Davenport, Kathy D.; Begnaud, Michael L.

PCalc is a software tool that computes travel-time predictions, ray path geometry and model queries. This software has a rich set of features, including the ability to use custom 3D velocity models to compute predictions using a variety of geometries. The PCalc software is especially useful for research related to seismic monitoring applications.

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5 Results