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Science and Engineering of Cybersecurity by Uncertainty quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) (Final Report)

Pinar, Ali P.; Tarman, Thomas D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Gearhart, Jared L.; Hart, Derek H.; Vugrin, Eric D.; Cruz, Gerardo C.; Arguello, Bryan A.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Hanson, Seth T.; Outkin, Alexander V.; Thorpe, Jamie T.; Hart, William E.; Sahakian, Meghan A.; Gabert, Kasimir G.; Glatter, Casey J.; Johnson, Emma S.; Punla-Green, She?ifa P.

This report summarizes the activities performed as part of the Science and Engineering of Cybersecurity by Uncertainty quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) Grand Challenge LDRD project. We provide an overview of the research done in this project, including work on cyber emulation, uncertainty quantification, and optimization. We present examples of integrated analyses performed on two case studies: a network scanning/detection study and a malware command and control study. We highlight the importance of experimental workflows and list references of papers and presentations developed under this project. We outline lessons learned and suggestions for future work.

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Science & Engineering of Cyber Security by Uncertainty Quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) HANDBOOK

Pinar, Ali P.; Tarman, Thomas D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Gearhart, Jared L.; Hart, Derek H.; Vugrin, Eric D.; Cruz, Gerardo C.; Arguello, Bryan A.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Hanson, Seth T.; Outkin, Alexander V.; Thorpe, Jamie T.; Hart, William E.; Sahakian, Meghan A.; Gabert, Kasimir G.; Glatter, Casey J.; Johnson, Emma S.; Punla-Green, She?ifa P.

Abstract not provided.

A Unifying Framework to Identify Dense Subgraphs on Streams: Graph Nuclei to Hypergraph Cores

WSDM 2021 - Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining

Gabert, Kasimir G.; Pinar, Ali P.; Çatalyürek, Ümit V.

Finding dense regions of graphs is fundamental in graph mining. We focus on the computation of dense hierarchies and regions with graph nuclei - -a generalization of k-cores and trusses. Static computation of nuclei, namely through variants of 'peeling', are easy to understand and implement. However, many practically important graphs undergo continuous change. Dynamic algorithms, maintaining nucleus computations on dynamic graph streams, are nuanced and require significant effort to port between nuclei, e.g., from k-cores to trusses. We propose a unifying framework to maintain nuclei in dynamic graph streams. First, we show no dynamic algorithm can asymptotically beat re-computation, highlighting the need to experimentally understand variability. Next, we prove equivalence between k-cores on a special hypergraph and nuclei. Our algorithm splits the problem into maintaining the special hypergraph and maintaining k-cores on it. We implement our algorithm and experimentally demonstrate improvements up to 108 x over re-computation. We show algorithmic improvements on k-cores apply to trusses and outperform truss-specific implementations.

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Shared-Memory Scalable k-Core Maintenance on Dynamic Graphs and Hypergraphs

2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2021 - In conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2021

Gabert, Kasimir G.; Pinar, Ali P.; Catalyurek, Umit V.

Computing k-cores on graphs is an important graph mining target as it provides an efficient means of identifying a graph's dense and cohesive regions. Computing k-cores on hypergraphs has seen recent interest, as many datasets naturally produce hypergraphs. Maintaining k-cores as the underlying data changes is important as graphs are large, growing, and continuously modified. In many practical applications, the graph updates are bursty, both with periods of significant activity and periods of relative calm. Existing maintenance algorithms fail to handle large bursts, and prior parallel approaches on both graphs and hypergraphs fail to scale as available cores increase.We address these problems by presenting two parallel and scalable fully-dynamic batch algorithms for maintaining k-cores on both graphs and hypergraphs. Both algorithms take advantage of the connection between k-cores and h-indices. One algorithm is well suited for large batches and the other for small. We provide the first algorithms that experimentally demonstrate scalability as the number of threads increase while sustaining high change rates in graphs and hypergraphs.

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Staghorn: An Automated Large-Scale Distributed System Analysis Platform

Gabert, Kasimir G.; Burns, Ian B.; Elliott, Steven E.; Kallaher, Jenna M.; Vail, Adam R.

Conducting experiments on large-scale distributed computing systems is becoming significantly easier with the assistance of emulation. Researchers can now create a model of a distributed computing environment and then generate a virtual, laboratory copy of the entire system composed of potentially thousands of virtual machines, switches, and software. The use of real software, running at clock rate in full virtual machines, allows experiments to produce meaningful results without necessitating a full understanding of all model components. However, the ability to inspect and modify elements within these models is bound by the limitation that such modifications must compete with the model, either running in or alongside it. This inhibits entire classes of analyses from being conducted upon these models. We developed a mechanism to snapshot an entire emulation-based model as it is running. This allows us to \freeze time" and subsequently fork execution, replay execution, modify arbitrary parts of the model, or deeply explore the model. This snapshot includes capturing packets in transit and other input/output state along with the running virtual machines. We were able to build this system in Linux using Open vSwitch and Kernel Virtual Machines on top of Sandia's emulation platform Firewheel. This primitive opens the door to numerous subsequent analyses on models, including state space exploration, debugging distributed systems, performance optimizations, improved training environments, and improved experiment repeatability.

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Complex Systems Models and Their Applications: Towards a New Science of Verification, Validation & Uncertainty Quantification

Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Kleban, S.D.; Naugle, Asmeret B.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Swiler, Laura P.; Johnson, Curtis M.; Smith, Mark A.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Vugrin, Eric D.; Gabert, Kasimir G.; Lave, Matthew S.; Chen, Wei C.; DeLaurentis, Daniel D.; Hubler, Alfred H.; Oberkampf, Bill O.

This report contains the written footprint of a Sandia-hosted workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22-23, 2016 on “Complex Systems Models and Their Applications: Towards a New Science of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification,” as well as of pre-work that fed into the workshop. The workshop’s intent was to explore and begin articulating research opportunities at the intersection between two important Sandia communities: the complex systems (CS) modeling community, and the verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) community The overarching research opportunity (and challenge) that we ultimately hope to address is: how can we quantify the credibility of knowledge gained from complex systems models, knowledge that is often incomplete and interim, but will nonetheless be used, sometimes in real-time, by decision makers?

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Exploration of cloud computing late start LDRD #149630 : Raincoat. v. 2.1

Edgett, Patrick G.; Gabert, Kasimir G.; Echeverria, Victor T.; Metral, Michael D.; Leger, Michelle A.; Thai, Tan Q.

This report contains documentation from an interoperability study conducted under the Late Start LDRD 149630, Exploration of Cloud Computing. A small late-start LDRD from last year resulted in a study (Raincoat) on using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to enhance security in a hybrid cloud environment. Raincoat initially explored the use of OpenVPN on IPv4 and demonstrates that it is possible to secure the communication channel between two small 'test' clouds (a few nodes each) at New Mexico Tech and Sandia. We extended the Raincoat study to add IPSec support via Vyatta routers, to interface with a public cloud (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)), and to be significantly more scalable than the previous iteration. The study contributed to our understanding of interoperability in a hybrid cloud.

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26 Results
26 Results