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Thermal conductivity in nanocrystalline-SiC/C superlattices

Applied Physics Letters

Habermehl, Scott D.; Serrano, Justin R.

The formation of thin film superlattices consisting of alternating layers of nitrogen-doped SiC (SiC:N) and C is reported. Periodically terminating the SiC:N surface with a graphitic C boundary layer and controlling the SiC:N/C thickness ratio yield nanocrystalline SiC grains ranging in size from 365 to 23 nm. Frequency domain thermo-reflectance is employed to determine the thermal conductivity, which is found to vary from 35.5 W m-1 K-1 for monolithic undoped α-SiC films to 1.6 W m-1 K-1 for a SiC:N/C superlattice with a 47 nm period and a SiC:N/C thickness ratio of 11. A series conductance model is employed to explain the dependence of the thermal conductivity on the superlattice structure. The results indicate that the thermal conductivity is more dependent on the SiC:N/C thickness ratio than the SiC:N grain size, indicative of strong boundary layer phonon scattering.

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Raman and infrared thermometry for microsystems

Phinney, Leslie M.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Serrano, Justin R.

This paper compares measurements made by Raman and infrared thermometry on a SOI (silicon on insulator) bent-beam thermal microactuator. Both techniques are noncontact and used to experimentally measure temperatures along the legs and on the shuttle of the thermal microactuators. Raman thermometry offers micron spatial resolution and measurement uncertainties of {+-}10 K; however, typical data collection times are a minute per location leading to measurement times on the order of hours for a complete temperature profile. Infrared thermometry obtains a full-field measurement so the data collection time is much shorter; however, the spatial resolution is lower and calibrating the system for quantitative measurements is challenging. By obtaining thermal profiles on the same SOI thermal microactuator, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two techniques are assessed.

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Femtosecond pure-rotational coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering gas phase diagnostics

49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition

Kearney, Sean P.; Serrano, Justin R.

We discuss recent experiments for the characterization of our femtosecond purerotational CARS facility for observation of Raman transients in N 2 and atmospheric air. The construction of a simplified femtosecond four-wave mixing system with only a single laser source is presented. Pure-rotational Raman transients reveal well-ordered time-domain recurrence peaks associated with the near-uniform spacing of rotational Raman peaks in the spectral domain. Long-time, 100-ps duration observations of the transient Raman polarization are presented, and the observed transients are compared to simulated results. Fourier transformation of the transients reveals two distinct sets of beat frequencies. Simulation results for temperatures from 300-700 K are used to illustrate the temperature sensitivity of the time-domain transients and their Fourier-transform counterparts. And strategies for diagnostics are briefly discussed. These results are being utilized to develop gas-phase measurement strategies for temperature and species concentration.

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Raman and infrared thermometry for microsystems

Phinney, Leslie M.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Serrano, Justin R.

This paper compares measurements made by Raman and infrared thermometry on a SOI (silicon on insulator) bent-beam thermal microactuator. Both techniques are noncontact and used to experimentally measure temperatures along the legs and on the shuttle of the thermal microactuators. Raman thermometry offers micron spatial resolution and measurement uncertainties of {+-}10 K; however, typical data collection times are a minute per location leading to measurement times on the order of hours for a complete temperature profile. Infrared thermometry obtains a full-field measurement so the data collection time is much shorter; however, the spatial resolution is lower and calibrating the system for quantitative measurements is challenging. By obtaining thermal profiles on the same SOI thermal microactuator, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two techniques are assessed.

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Comparison of thermal conductivity and thermal boundary conductance sensitivities in continuous-wave and ultrashort-pulsed thermoreflectance analyses

International Journal of Thermophysics

Hopkins, Patrick E.; Serrano, Justin R.; Phinney, Leslie M.

Thermoreflectance techniques are powerful tools for measuring thermophysical properties of thin film systems, such as thermal conductivity, Λ, of individual layers, or thermal boundary conductance across thin film interfaces (G). Thermoreflectance pump-probe experiments monitor the thermoreflectance change on the surface of a sample, which is related to the thermal properties in the sample of interest. Thermoreflectance setups have been designed with both continuous wave (cw) and pulsed laser systems. In cw systems, the phase of the heating event is monitored, and its response to the heating modulation frequency is related to the thermophysical properties; this technique is commonly termed a phase sensitive thermoreflectance (PSTR) technique. In pulsed laser systems, pump and probe pulses are temporally delayed relative to each other, and the decay in the thermoreflectance signal in response to the heating event is related to the thermophysical properties; this technique is commonly termed a transient thermoreflectance (TTR) technique. In this work, mathematical models are presented to be used with PSTR and TTR techniques to determine the Λ and G of thin films on substrate structures. The sensitivities of the models to various thermal and sample parameters are discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique are elucidated from the results of the model analyses. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

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Measured and predicted temperature profiles along MEMS bridges at pressures from 0.05 to 625 torr

Phinney, Leslie M.; Serrano, Justin R.; Piekos, Edward S.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Gorby, Allen D.

We will present experimental and computational investigations of the thermal performance of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) as a function of the surrounding gas pressure. Lowering the pressure in MEMS packages reduces gas damping, providing increased sensitivity for certain MEMS sensors; however, such packaging also dramatically affects their thermal performance since energy transfer to the environment is substantially reduced. High-spatial-resolution Raman thermometry was used to measure the temperature profiles on electrically heated, polycrystalline silicon bridges that are nominally 10 microns wide, 2.25 microns thick, 12 microns above the substrate, and either 200 or 400 microns long in nitrogen atmospheres with pressures ranging from 0.05 to 625 Torr. Finite element modeling of the thermal behavior of the MEMS bridges is performed and compared to the experimental results. Noncontinuum gas effects are incorporated into the continuum finite element model by imposing temperature discontinuities at gas-solid interfaces that are determined from noncontinuum simulations. The experimental and simulation results indicate that at pressures below 0.5 Torr the gas-phase heat transfer is negligible compared to heat conduction through the thermal actuator legs. As the pressure increases above 0.5 Torr, the gas-phase heat transfer becomes more significant. At ambient pressures, gas-phase heat transfer drastically impacts the thermal performance. The measured and simulated temperature profiles are in qualitative agreement in the present study. Quantitative agreement between experimental and simulated temperature profiles requires accurate knowledge of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties, the device geometry, and the thermal accommodation coefficient.

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New topics in coherent anti-stokes raman scattering gas-phase diagnostics : femtosecond rotational CARS and electric-field measurements

Serrano, Justin R.; Barnat, Edward V.

We discuss two recent diagnostic-development efforts in our laboratory: femtosecond pure-rotational Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for thermometry and species detection in nitrogen and air, and nanosecond vibrational CARS measurements of electric fields in air. Transient pure-rotational fs-CARS data show the evolution of the rotational Raman polarization in nitrogen and air over the first 20 ps after impulsive pump/Stokes excitation. The Raman-resonant signal strength at long time delays is large, and we additionally observe large time separation between the fs-CARS signatures of nitrogen and oxygen, so that the pure-rotational approach to fs-CARS has promise for simultaneous species and temperature measurements with suppressed nonresonant background. Nanosecond vibrational CARS of nitrogen for electric-field measurements is also demonstrated. In the presence of an electric field, a dipole is induced in the otherwise nonpolar nitrogen molecule, which can be probed with the introduction of strong collinear pump and Stokes fields, resulting in CARS signal radiation in the infrared. The electric-field diagnostic is demonstrated in air, where the strength of the coherent infrared emission and sensitivity our field measurements is quantified, and the scaling of the infrared signal with field strength is verified.

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Raman thermometry measurements and thermal simulations for mems bridges at pressures from 0.05 to 625 TORR

Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2009, HT2009

Phinney, Leslie M.; Serrano, Justin R.; Piekos, Edward S.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Gorby, Allen D.

This paper reports on experimental and computational investigations into the thermal performance of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) as a function of the pressure of the surrounding gas. High spatial resolution Raman thermometry was used to measure the temperature profiles on electrically heated, polycrystalline silicon bridges that are nominally 10 μm wide, 2.25 μm thick, and either 200 or 400 μm long in nitrogen atmospheres with pressures ranging from 0.05 to 625 Torr. Finite element modeling of the thermal behavior of the MEMS bridges is performed and compared to the experimental results. Noncontinuum gas effects are incorporated into the continuum finite element model by imposing temperature discontinuities at gas-solid interfaces that are determined from noncontinuum simulations. The results indicate that gas-phase heat transfer is significant for devices of this size at ambient pressures but becomes minimal as the pressure is reduced below 5 Torr. The model and experimental results are in qualitative agreement, and better quantitative agreement requires increased accuracy in the geometrical and material property values. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.

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Simultaneous electronic and lattice characterization using coupled femtosecond spectroscopic techniques

Serrano, Justin R.; Hopkins, Patrick E.

High-power electronics are central in the development of radar, solid-state lighting, and laser systems. Large powers, however, necessitate improved heat dissipation as heightened temperatures deleteriously affect both performance and reliability. Heat dissipation, in turn, is determined by the cascade of energy from the electronic to lattice system. Full characterization of the transport then requires analysis of each. In response, this four-month late start effort has developed a transient thermoreflectance (TTR) capability that probes the thermal response of electronic carriers with 100 fs resolution. Simultaneous characterization of the lattice carriers with this electronic assessment was then investigated by equipping the optical arrangement to acquire a Raman signal from radiation discarded during the TTR experiment. Initial results show only tentative acquisition of a Raman response at these timescales. Using simulations of the response, challenges responsible for these difficulties are then examined and indicate that with outlined refinements simultaneous acquisition of TTR/Raman signals remains attainable in the near term.

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Results 1–25 of 44
Results 1–25 of 44