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Development of an aerial imaging system for heliostat canting assessments

AIP Conference Proceedings

Yellowhair, Julius; Apostolopoulos, Pavlos A.; Small, Daniel E.; Novick, David K.; Mann, Micah

The heliostat collector field is the front-end of large solar power tower plants. Any negative performance impacts on the collector field will propagate down the stream of subsystems, which can negatively impact energy production and financial revenues. An underperforming collector field will provide insufficient solar flux to the receiver resulting in the receiver running at below capacity and not producing the thermal energy required for thermal storage and to run the power block at optimum efficiency. It is prudent to have an optimally operating collector field especially for future Gen3+ plants. The performance of a deployed collector field can be impacted by mirror quality (surface and shape), mirror canting errors, tracking errors, and soiling. Any of these error sources can exist during installation and further degrade over time and, if left unattended, can drastically reduce the overall performance of the plant. Concentrating solar power (CSP) plant operators require information about the collector field performance to quickly respond with corrections, if needed, and maintain optimum plant performance. This type of fast response is especially critical for future Gen3+ plants, which require high collector field performance consistently. However, power tower operators have struggled with finding or developing the right tools to assess and subsequently fix canting errors on in-field heliostats efficiently and accurately. Sandia National Laboratories National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) is developing an aerial imaging system to evaluate facet canting quality on in-situ and offline heliostats. The imaging system is mounted on an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to collect images of targets structures in reflection. Image processing on the collected images is then performed to get estimates of the heliostat canting errors. The initial work is to develop the system definition that achieves the required measurement sensitivities, which is on the order of 0.25-0.5 mrad for canting errors. The goal of the system is to measure heliostat canting errors to <0.5 mrad accuracy and provide data on multiple heliostats within a day. In this paper, the development of the system, a sensitivity analysis, and initial measurement results on two NSTTF heliostats are provided.

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Datasets for material ignition from high radiant flux

Fire Safety Journal

Brown, Alexander L.; Engerer, Jeffrey D.; Ricks, Allen J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Yellowhair, Julius

High heat flux (>500 kW/m2) ignitions occur in scenarios involving metal fires, propellants, lightning strikes, above ground nuclear weapon use, etc. Data for material response in such environments is primarily limited to experimental programs in the 1950s and 1960s. We have recently obtained new data in this environment using concentrated solar energy. A portion of the experimental data were taken with the objective that the data be useful for model validation. To maximize the utility of the data for validation of predictive codes, additional focus is placed on repeatability of the data, reduction of uncertainties, and characterization of the environment. We illustrate here a portion of the data and methods used to assess environmental and response parameters. The data we present are novel in the flux range and materials tested, and these data constitute progress in the ability to characterize fires from high flux events.

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Nishati Prototype 72-Cell Endurance Modules (Test Report)

King, Bruce H.; Yellowhair, Julius; Robinson, Charles D.

US Manufacturer Nishati provided three prototype, 72-cell photovoltaic modules to Sandia for characterization under the US Department of Energy Small Business Voucher program. Nishati is developing the Endurance© product to address the stringent requirements associated with PV system installations sited near airports and military bases. These prototype modules are uniquely constructed of a polymeric matrix and an internal honeycomb structural element. Target features of the module design are reduced reflectivity from the front surface and reduced weight. Sandia applied a variety of in-house characterization methods to these modules with the goal of validating performance and identifying any areas for improvement. Reflectance testing revealed extremely low specular reflection, dramatically surpassing the performance of industry standard PV panels. Electrical performance testing validated performance in line with expectations for similar size and power class modules. Complimentary to reflection testing, outdoor angle of incidence testing indicated performance far exceeding expectations for industry standard PV panels. It is possible that the extremely low reflectance properties of these modules will convey an advantage in annual energy production in comparison to industry standard modules. Detailed performance modeling and experimental field validation would be required to verify this possible advantage. During the course of this testing, no obvious deficiencies in this module design were discovered. It is recommended that Nishati and Sandia proceed to the final Task associated with the SBV award. This final task will involve fielding modules at Sandia for reliability and energy production validation.

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High Temperature Silicon Carbide Receiver Tubes for Concentrating Solar Power

Walker, Matthew W.; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.; Bohinsky, Amy B.; Halfinger, Jeff H.; Feinroth, Herb F.

In order for Concentrating Solar Power plants (CSP) to achieve the desired cost breakpoint, significant improvement in performance is required resulting in the need to increase temperatures of fluid systems. A US DOE Small Business Voucher project was established at Sandia to explore the performance characteristics of Ceramic Tubular Products (CTP) silicon carbide TRIPLEX tubes in key categories relating to its performance as a solar receiver in next generation CSP plants. Along these lines, the following research tasks were completed : (1) Solar Spectrum Testing, (2) Corrosion Testing in Molten Chloride Salt, (3) Mechanical Shock Testing, and (4) Thermal Shock Testing. Through the completion of these four tasks, it has been found that the performance of CTP's material across all of these categories is promising, and merits further investigation beyond this initial investigation. Through 50 solar aging cycles, the CTP material exhibited excellent stability to high temperatures in air, exhibited at or above 0.95 absorptance, and had measured emittances within the range of 0.88-0.90. Through molten salt corrosion testing at 750degC it was found that SiC exhibits significantly lower mass change (-- 90 times lower) than Haynes 230 during 108 hours of salt exposure. The CTP TRIPLEX material performed significantly better than the SiC monolithic tube material in mechanical shock testing, breaking at an average height of 3 times that for the monolithic tubes. Through simulated rain thermal shock testing of CTP composite tubes at 800degC it was found that CTP's SiC composite tubes were able to survive thermal shock, while the SiC monolithic tubes did not. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * US Department of Energy Office of EERE for sponsorship of this project * Andrew Dawson of the DOE Office of EERE for Project Management, including the excellent technical insights that he provided throughout the project * Ken Armijo lead the Thermal Shock Testing activities * Cliff Ho and Julius Yellowhair led the Solar Spectrum Testing activities * Jeff Halfinger prepared the CTP specimens for each of the research tasks * Herb Feinroth provided guidance and input into the preparation for the test specimens and the associated research tasks * Alan Kruizenga collaborated with CTP to apply for and be awarded this project from DOE EERE. The scope for the project was developed by Alan together with CTP. * Rio Hatton and Jesus Ortega (student interns) helped with portions of the solar simulator testing, reflectance/emittance data collection, and image (including microscope) collection. * Kent Smith helped design and fabricate the high temperature molten salt corrosion setup * Jeff Chames and Javier Cebrian completed the microscopy for the molten salt corrosion test specimens * Amy Bohinsky (student intern) and Kevin Nelson helped complete the mechanical shock testing for the monolithic and composite tubes, including organizing the results for the final report. * Josh Christian and Daniel Ray helped with portions of the Thermal Shock Testing * Mark Stavig completed the polyethylene plug testing associated with the Thermal Shock Testing

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Optical ray-tracing performance modeling of quartz half-shell tubes aperture cover for falling particle receiver

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.

A 1 MWt falling particle receiver prototype was designed, built and is being evaluated at Sandia National Laboratories, National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF). The current prototype has a 1 m2 aperture facing the north field. The current aperture configuration is susceptible to heat and particle losses through the receiver aperture. Several options are being considered for the next design iteration to reduce the risk of heat and particle losses, in addition to improving the receiver efficiency to target levels of ~90%. One option is to cover the receiver aperture with a highly durable and transmissive material such as quartz glass. Quartz glass has high transmittance for wavelengths less than 2.5 microns and low transmittance for wavelengths greater than 2.5 microns to help trap the heat inside the receiver. To evaluate the receiver optical performance, ray-tracing models were set up for several different aperture cover configurations. The falling particle receiver is modeled as a box with a 1 m2 aperture on the north side wall. The box dimensions are 1.57 m wide x 1.77 m tall x 1.67 m deep. The walls are composed of RSLE material modeled as Lambertian surfaces with reflectance of either 0.9 for the pristine condition or 0.5 for soiled walls. The quartz half-shell tubes are 1.46 m long with 105 mm and 110 mm inner and outer diameters, respectively. The half-shell tubes are arranged vertically and slant forward at the top by 30 degrees. Four configurations were considered: concave side of the half-shells facing away from the receiver aperture with (1) no spacing and (2) high spacing between the tubes, and concave side of the half-shells facing the aperture with (3) no spacing and (4) high spacing between the tubes. The particle curtain, in the first modeling approach, is modeled as a diffuse surface with transmittance, reflectance, and absorptance values, which are based on estimates from previous experiments for varying particle flow rates. The incident radiation is from the full NSTTF heliostat field with a single aimpoint at the center of the receiver aperture. The direct incident rays and reflected and scattered rays off the internal receiver surfaces are recorded on the internal walls and particle curtain surfaces as net incident irradiance. The net incident irradiances on the internal walls and particle curtain for the different aperture cover configuration are compared to the baseline configuration. In all cases, just from optical performance alone, the net incident irradiance is reduced from the baseline. However, it is expected that the quartz half-shells will reduce the convective and thermal radiation losses through the aperture. These ray-tracing results will be used as boundary conditions in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses to determine the net receiver efficiency and optimal configuration for the quartz half-shells that minimize heat losses and maximize thermal efficiency.

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Optical performance modeling and analysis of a tensile ganged heliostat concept

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Andraka, Charles E.; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Ortega, J.; Clair, Jim

Designs of conventional heliostats have been varied to reduce cost, improve optical performance or both. In one case, reflective mirror area on heliostats has been increased with the goal of reducing the number of pedestals and drives and consequently reducing the cost on those components. The larger reflective areas, however, increase torques due to larger mirror weights and wind loads. Higher cost heavy-duty motors and drives must be used, which negatively impact any economic gains. To improve on optical performance, the opposite may be true where the mirror reflective areas are reduced for better control of the heliostat pointing and tracking. For smaller heliostats, gravity and wind loads are reduced, but many more heliostats must be added to provide sufficient solar flux to the receiver. For conventional heliostats, there seems to be no clear cost advantage of one heliostat design over other designs. The advantage of ganged heliostats is the pedestal and tracking motors are shared between multiple heliostats, thus can significantly reduce the cost on those components. In this paper, a new concept of cable-suspended tensile ganged heliostats is introduced, preliminary analysis is performed for optical performance and incorporated into a 10 MW conceptual power tower plant where it was compared to the performance of a baseline plant with a conventional radially staggered heliostat field. The baseline plant uses conventional heliostats and the layout optimized in System Advisor Model (SAM) tool. The ganged heliostats are suspended on two guide cables. The cables are attached to rotations arms which are anchored to end posts. The layout was optimized offline and then transferred to SAM for performance evaluation. In the initial modeling of the tensile ganged heliostats for a 10 MW power tower plant, equal heliostat spacing along the guide cables was assumed, which as suspected leads to high shading and blocking losses. The goal was then to optimize the heliostat spacing such that annual shading and blocking losses are minimized. After adjusting the spacing on tensile ganged heliostats for minimal blocking losses, the annual block/shading efficiency was greater than 90% and annual optical efficiency of the field became comparable to the conventional field at slightly above 60%.

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On-sun tracking evaluation of a small-scale tensile ganged heliostat prototype

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Ortega, J.; Clair, Jim

Various ganged heliostat concepts have been proposed in the past. The attractive aspect of ganged heliostat concepts is multiple heliostats are grouped so that pedestals, tracking drives, and other components can be shared, thus reducing the number of components. The reduction in the number of components is thought to significantly reduce cost. However, since the drives and tracking mechanisms are shared, accurate on-sun tracking of grouped heliostats becomes challenging because the angular degrees-of-freedom are now limited for the multiple number of combined heliostats. In this paper, the preliminary evaluation of the on-sun tracking of a novel tensile-based cable suspended ganged heliostat concept is provided. In this concept, multiple heliostats are attached to two guide cables. The cables are attached to rotation spreader arms which are anchored to end posts on two ends. The guide cables form a catenary which makes tracking on-sun interesting and challenging. Tracking is performed by rotating the end plates that the two cables are attached to and rotating the individual heliostats in one axis. An additional degree-of-freedom can be added by differentially tensioning the two cables, but this may be challenging to do in practice. Manual on-sun tracking was demonstrated on small-scale prototypes. The rotation arms were coarsely controlled with linear actuators, and the individual heliostats were hand-adjusted in local pitch angle and locked in place with set screws. The coarse angle adjustments showed the tracking accuracy was 3-4 milli-radians. However, with better angle control mechanisms the tracking accuracy can be drastically improved. In this paper, we provide tracking data that was collected for a day, which showed feasibility for automated on-sun tracking. The next steps are to implement better angle control mechanisms and develop tracking algorithms so that the ganged heliostats can automatically track.

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Tower illuminance model (TIM): Interactive real-time flyover simulation tool to evaluate glare and avian-flux hazards

AIP Conference Proceedings

Sims, Cianan A.; Ho, Clifford K.; Horstman, Luke; Wendelin, Timothy; Yellowhair, Julius

Solar glare reflections and avian solar-flux hazards are an important concern for concentrating solar installations. Reflected sunlight from "standby" heliostats has been noted by pilots as potentially hazardous, and reports of birds being singed by concentrated sunlight has created concern. This paper presents the Tower Illuminance Model ("TIM"), a software application developed to investigate glare and avian-flux hazards at concentrating solar power towers in a convenient and interactive manner. TIM simulates a field of heliostats in standby mode, wherein sunlight is not reflected toward the central receiver but at some location in the airspace around the receiver. The user can select a range of aiming strategies and field configurations and can navigate the simulated airspace above the heliostat field in real-time using an interactive 3D interface. As the user "flies" through the airspace, TIM calculates the irradiance, glare hazard, and potential avian flux hazard. TIM is currently undergoing validation and industry testing.

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Tools to Address Glare and Avian Flux Hazards from Solar Energy Systems

Ho, Clifford K.; Sims, Cianan A.; Yellowhair, Julius; Wendelin, Tim W.

This report describes software tools that can be used to evaluate and mitigate potential glare and avian-flux hazards from photovoltaic and concentrating solar power (CSP) plants. Enhancements to the Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool (SGHAT) include new block-space receptor models, integration of PVWatts for energy prediction, and a 3D daily glare visualization feature. Tools and methods to evaluate avian-flux hazards at CSP plants with large heliostat fields are also discussed. Alternative heliostat standby aiming strategies were investigated to reduce the avian-flux hazard and minimize impacts to operational performance. Finally, helicopter flyovers were conducted at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility and at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System to evaluate the alternative heliostat aiming strategies and to provide a basis for model validation. Results showed that the models generally overpredicted the measured results, but they were able to simulate the trends in irradiance values with distance. A heliostat up-aiming strategy is recommended to alleviate both glare and avian-flux hazards, but operational schemes are required to reduce the impact on heliostat slew times and plant performance. Future studies should consider the trade-offs and collective impacts on these three factors of glare, avian-flux hazards, and plant operations and performance.

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Results 1–25 of 87
Results 1–25 of 87