An Overview of Wind Energy Systems and Future Research Opportunities
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The Big Adaptive Rotor (BAR) project was initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 2018 with the goal of identifying novel technologies that can enable large (>100 meter [m]) blades for low-specific-power wind turbines. Five distinct tasks were completed to achieve this goal: 1. Assessed the trends, impacts, and value of low-specific-power wind turbines; 2. Developed a wind turbine blade cost-reduction road map study; 3. Completed research-and-development opportunity screening; 4. Performed detailed design and analysis; and, 5. Assessed low-cost carbon fiber. These tasks were completed by the national laboratory team consisting of Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Many factors that influence the effect of leading edge erosion on annual energy production are uncertain, such as the time to initiation, damage growth rate, the blade design, operational conditions, and atmospheric conditions. In this work, we explore how the uncertain parameters that drive leading edge erosion impact wind turbine power performance using a combination of uncertainty quantification and wind turbine modelling tools, at both low and medium fidelity. Results will include the predicted effect of erosion on several example wind plant sites for representative ranges of wind turbine designs, with a goal of helping wind plant operators better decide mitigation strategies.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Improvements to the Sandia blade aeroelastic stability tool have been implemented to predict flutter for large, highly flexible wind turbine blade designs. The aerodynamic lift and moment caused by harmonic edge-wise motion are now included, but did not change the flutter solution, even for highly flexible blades. Flutter analysis of future, large blade designs is presented based on scaling trends. The analysis shows that flutter speed decreases at a rate similar to maximum rotor speed for increasing blade sizes: Ωflutter, α, Ω α, 1/L. This indicates the flutter margin is not directly affected by blade length. Rather, it was innovative design technology choices that predicted flutter in previous studies. A 100 m blade, flexible enough to be rail transported, was analyzed and it exhibited soft flutter below rated rotor speed. This indicated that excessive fatigue damage may occur due to limit cycle oscillations for blades that incorporate highly flexible designs.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory conducted a wake-steering field campaign at the Scaled Wind Farm Technology facility. The campaign included the use of two highly instrumented V27 wind turbines, an upstream met tower, and high-resolution wake measurements of the upstream wind turbine using a customized scanning lidar from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The present work investigates the impact of the upstream wake on the downstream turbine power and blade loads as the wake swept across the rotor in various waked conditions. The wake position was tracked using the DTU SpinnerLidar and synchronized to the met tower and turbine sensors. Fully and partially waked conditions reduced the power output and increased the fatigue loading on the downstream wind turbine. Partial wake impingement was found to result in a 10% increase in fatigue loading over the fully waked condition. Rotational sampling of the blade root bending moments revealed that the fatigue damage accrued during full turbine waking, was primarily caused by turbulence within the wake rather than velocity shear, while the partially waked turbine experienced a large 1-per revolution fatigue due to shear. The development of a power to fatigue load metric curve indicated the wake positions where shifting the wake has the most benefit for the waked turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Wind turbine yaw offset reduces power and alters the loading on a stand-alone wind turbine. The manner in which loads are affected by yaw offset has been analyzed and characterized based on atmospheric conditions in this paper using experimental data from the SWiFT facility to better understand the correlation between yaw offset and turbine performance.
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Deep - water offshore sites are an untapped opportunity to bring large - scale offshore wind energy to coastal population centers. The primary challenge has been the projected high costs for floating offshore wind systems. T his work presents a comprehensive investigat ion of a new opportunity for deep - water offshore wind using large - scale vertical axis wind turbines. Owing to inherent features of this technology , t here is a potential transformational opportunity to address the major cost drivers for floating w ind using vertical axis wind turbines . T he focus of this report is to evaluate the technical potential for this new technology. The approach to evaluating this potential wa s to perform system design studies focused on improving the understanding of technical performance parameters while l ooking for cost reduction opportunities. VAWT design codes we re developed in order to perform these design studies. To gain a better understanding of the desi gn space for floating VAWT systems , a comprehensive design study of multiple rotor configuration options was carried out . Floating platforms and moorings were then sized and evaluated for each of the candidate rotor configurations . Preliminary LCOE estimates and LCOE ranges were produced based on the design stu dy results for each of the major turbine and system components . The major outcomes of this study are a comprehensive technology assessment of VAWT performance and preliminary LCOE estimates that demonstrate that floating VAWTs may have favorable performanc e and costs in comparison to conventional HAWTs in the deep - water offshore environment where floating systems are required , indicating that this new technology warrants further study .
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Wind turbine blades pose a unique set of inspection challenges that span from very thick and attentive spar cap structures to porous bond lines, varying core material and a multitude of manufacturing defects of interest. The need for viable, accurate nondestructive inspection (NDI) technology becomes more important as the cost per blade, and lost revenue from downtime, grows. NDI methods must not only be able to contend with the challenges associated with inspecting extremely thick composite laminates and subsurface bond lines, but must also address new inspection requirements stemming from the growing understanding of blade structural aging phenomena. Under its Blade Reliability Collaborative program, Sandia Labs quantitatively assessed the performance of a wide range of NDI methods that are candidates for wind blade inspections. Custom wind turbine blade test specimens, containing engineered defects, were used to determine critical aspects of NDI performance including sensitivity, accuracy, repeatability, speed of inspection coverage, and ease of equipment deployment. The detection of fabrication defects helps enhance plant reliability and increase blade life while improved inspection of operating blades can result in efficient blade maintenance, facilitate repairs before critical damage levels are reached and minimize turbine downtime. The Sandia Wind Blade Flaw Detection Experiment was completed to evaluate different NDI methods that have demonstrated promise for interrogating wind blades for manufacturing flaws or in-service damage. These tests provided the Probability of Detection information needed to generate industry-wide performance curves that quantify: 1) how well current inspection techniques are able to reliably find flaws in wind turbine blades (industry baseline) and 2) the degree of improvements possible through integrating more advanced NDI techniques and procedures. _____________ S a n d i a N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r i e s i s a m u l t i m i s s i o n l a b o r a t o r y m a n a g e d a n d o p e r a t e d b y N a t i o n a l T e c h n o l o g y a n d E n g i n e e r i n g S o l u t i o n s o f S a n d i a , L L C , a w h o l l y o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f H o n e y w e l l I n t e r n a t i o n a l , I n c . , f o r t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f E n e r g y ' s N a t i o n a l N u c l e a r S e c u r i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n u n d e r c o n t r a c t D E - N A 0 0 0 3 5 2 5 .
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Leading edge erosion and roughness accumulation is an issue observed with great variability by wind plant operators, but with little understanding of the effect on wind turbine performance. In wind tunnels, airfoil models are typically tested with standard grit roughness and trip tape to simulate the effects of roughness and erosion observed in field operation, but there is a lack of established relation between field measurements and wind tunnel test conditions. A research collaboration between lab, academic, and industry partners has sought to establish a method to estimate the effect of erosion in wind turbine blades that correlates to roughness and erosion measured in the field. Measurements of roughness and erosion were taken off of operational utility wind turbine blades using a profilometer. The field measurements were statistically reproduced in the wind tunnel on representative tip and midspan airfoils. Simultaneously, a computational model was developed and calibrated to capture the effect of roughness and erosion on airfoil transition and performance characteristics. The results indicate that the effects of field roughness fall between clean airfoil performance and the effects of transition tape. Severe leading edge erosion can cause detrimental performance effects beyond standard roughness. The results also indicate that a heavily eroded wind turbine blade can reduce annual energy production by over 5% for a utility scale wind turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Vertical axis wind turbines are receiving significant attention for offshore siting. In general, offshore wind offers proximity to large populations centers, a vast & more consistent wind resource, and a scale-up opportunity, to name a few beneficial characteristics. On the other hand, offshore wind suffers from high levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and in particular high balance of system (BoS) costs owing to accessibility challenges and limited project experience. To address these challenges associated with offshore wind, Sandia National Laboratories is researching large-scale (MW class) offshore floating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). The motivation for this work is that floating VAWTs are a potential transformative technology solution to reduce offshore wind LCOE in deep-water locations. This paper explores performance and cost trade-offs within the design space for floating VAWTs between the configurations for the rotor and platform.
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