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United States Advanced Battery Consortium Battery Abuse Testing Manual for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Applications

Torres-Castro, Loraine T.; Lamb, Joshua H.

This report describes recommended abuse testing procedures for rechargeable energy storage systems (RESSs) for electric vehicles. This report serves as a revision to the USABC Electrical Energy Storage System Abuse Test Manual for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications (SAND99-0497).

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I.6.C Battery Safety Testing

Lamb, Joshua H.

Abuse tests are designed to determine the safe operating limits of HEV\PHEV energy storage devices. Testing is intended to achieve certain worst-case scenarios to yield quantitative data on cell\module\pack response, allowing for failure mode determination and guiding developers toward improved materials and designs. Standard abuse tests with defined start and end conditions are performed on all devices to provide comparison between technologies. New tests and protocols are developed and evaluated to more closely simulate real world failure conditions. While robust mechanical models for vehicles and vehicle components exist, there is a gap for mechanical modeling of EV batteries. The challenge with developing a mechanical model for a battery is the heterogeneous nature of the materials and components (polymers, metals, metal oxides, liquids).

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Investigating the Role of Energy Density in Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Accelerating Rate Calorimetry

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Lamb, Joshua H.; Torres-Castro, Loraine T.; Hewson, John C.; Shurtz, Randy S.; Preger, Yuliya P.

This work uses accelerating rate calorimetry to evaluate the impact of cell chemistry, state of charge, cell capacity, and ultimately cell energy density on the total energy release and peak heating rates observed during thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries. While the traditional focus has been using calorimetry to compare different chemistries in cells of similar sizes, this work seeks to better understand how applicable small cell data is to understand the thermal runaway behavior of large cells as well as determine if thermal runaway behaviors can be more generally tied to aspects of lithium-ion cells such as total stored energy and specific energy. We have found a strong linear correlation between the total enthalpy of the thermal runaway process and the stored energy of the cell, apparently independent of cell size and state of charge. We have also shown that peak heating rates and peak temperatures reached during thermal runaway events are more closely tied to specific energy, increasing exponentially in the case of peak heating rates.

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Predicting cell-to-cell failure propagation and limits of propagation in lithium-ion cell stacks

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Kurzawski, Andrew K.; Torres-Castro, Loraine T.; Shurtz, Randy S.; Lamb, Joshua H.; Hewson, John C.

Thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries is a risk that is magnified when stacks of lithium-ion cells are used for large scale energy storage. When limits of propagation can be identified so that systems can be designed to prevent large scale cascading failure even if a failure does occur, these systems will be safer. The prediction of cell-to-cell failure propagation and the propagation limits in lithium-ion cell stacks were studied to better understand and identify safe designs. A thermal-runaway model was considered based on recent developments in thermochemical source terms. Propagating failure was characterized by temperatures above which calorimetry data is available. Results showed high temperature propagating failure predictions are too rapid unless an intra-particle diffusion limit is included, introducing a Damköhler number limiter into the rate expression. This new model form was evaluated against cell-to-cell failure propagation where the end cell of a stack is forced into thermal runaway through a nail-induced short circuit. Limits of propagation for this configuration are identified. Results showed cell-to-cell propagation predictions are consistent with measurements over a range of cell states of charge and with the introduction of metal plates between cells to add system heat capacity representative of structural members. This consistency extends from scenarios where propagation occurs through scenarios where propagation is prevented.

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Results 1–25 of 153
Results 1–25 of 153