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Optimization of Zero Emission Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry Design With Comparisons to the SF-BREEZE

Pratt, Joseph W.; Klebanoff, Leonard E.

Zero emission hydrogen fuel cell technology has the potential to drastically reduce total "well - to - waves" maritime emissions. Through realistic design studies of five commercially - relevant passenger vessels, this study examines the most cost - effective ent ry points in the US fleet for deploying today' s available technology, and includes analysis of resulting well - to - waves emission profiles. The results show that per - passenger mile vessel energy use is directly correlated to increased emissions, capital cos ts, and operating costs. As a consequence, low speed, large capacity vessels offer a cost - effective starting place today. Increases in vessel efficiency through such measures as hull design and light - weighting can have large impacts in reducing cost and emissions of these systems. Overall this work showed all five vessel types to be feasible with today's hydrogen fuel cell technology and presents more options to fleets that are committed to reducing maritime emissions in cost effective ways.

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Informing hazardous zones for on-board maritime hydrogen liquid and gas systems

Blaylock, Myra L.; Pratt, Joseph W.; Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Proctor, Camron P.

The significantly higher buoyancy of hydrogen compared to natural gas means that hazardous zones defined in the IGF code may be inaccurate if applied to hydrogen. This could place undue burden on ship design or could lead to situations that are unknowingly unsafe. We present dispersion analyses to examine three vessel case studies: (1) abnormal external vents of full blowdown of a liquid hydrogen tank due to a failed relief device in still air and with crosswind; (2) vents due to naturally-occurring boil-off of liquid within the tank; and (3) a leak from the pipes leading into the fuel cell room. The size of the hydrogen plumes resulting from a blowdown of the tank depend greatly on the wind conditions. It was also found that for normal operations releasing a small amount of "boil- off" gas to regulate the pressure in the tank does not create flammable concentrations.

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Practical Application Limits of Fuel Cells and Batteries for Zero Emission Vessels

Pratt, Joseph W.; Minnehan, John J.; Pratt, Joseph W.

Batteries and hydrogen fuel cells provide zero emission power at the point of use. They are studied as an alternative powerplant for maritime vessels by considering 14 case studies of various ship sizes and routes varying from small passenger vessels to the largest cargo ships. The method used was to compare the mass and volume of the required zero emission solution to the available mass and volume on an existing vessel considering its current engine and fuel storage systems. The results show that it is practically feasible to consider these zero emission technologies for most vessels in the world's fleet. Hydrogen fuel cells proved to be the most capable while battery systems showed an advantage for high power, short duration missions. The results provide a guide to ship designers to determine the most suitable types of zero emission powerplants to fit a ship based on its size and energy requirements.

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Maritime Fuel Cell Generator Project

Pratt, Joseph W.

Fuel costs and emissions in maritime ports are an opportunity for transportation energy efficiency improvement and emissions reduction efforts. Ocean-going vessels, harbor craft, and cargo handling equipment are still major contributors to air pollution in and around ports. Diesel engine costs continually increase as tighter criteria pollutant regulations come into effect and will continue to do so with expected introduction of carbon emission regulations. Diesel fuel costs will also continue to rise as requirements for cleaner fuels are imposed. Both aspects will increase the cost of diesel-based power generation on the vessel and on shore. Although fuel cells have been used in many successful applications, they have not been technically or commercially validated in the port environment. One opportunity to do so was identified in Honolulu Harbor at the Young Brothers Ltd. wharf. At this facility, barges sail regularly to and from neighbor islands and containerized diesel generators provide power for the reefers while on the dock and on the barge during transport, nearly always at part load. Due to inherent efficiency characteristics of fuel cells and diesel generators, switching to a hydrogen fuel cell power generator was found to have potential emissions and cost savings.

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Comparison of the greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions from the SF-BREEZE high-speed fuel-cell ferry with a diesel ferry

Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment

Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Pratt, Joseph W.

A theoretical comparison is made of the “well to waves” (WTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutant emissions from the SF-BREEZE high-speed hydrogen PEM fuel cell ferry and the VALLEJO ferry powered by traditional diesel engine technology but constrained to Tier 4 emissions standards. The emissions were calculated for a common maritime mission, the current ferry route between Vallejo CA and San Francisco CA. Calculations are made of the energy required for the SF-BREEZE and VALLEJO to perform the mission route profile. The SF-BREEZE requires 10.1% more fuel energy than the VALLEJO, primarily due to the SF-BREEZE being heavier. Estimates are made for the SF-BREEZE GHG emissions associated with five LH2 fuel production pathways including renewable and non-renewable (fossil-fuel based) methods. Estimates are also made for GHG emissions associated with fossil-diesel production and delivery as well as those for biodiesel, which can be considered a renewable “drop-in” fuel replacement for conventional diesel fuel. We find that the GHG emissions for the SF-BREEZE using non-renewable LH2 are significantly higher than for the Tier 4 diesel-fueled VALLEJO on a per passenger basis. However, using renewable LH2, the GHG emissions for the SF-BREEZE ferry are reduced 75.8% compared to the diesel-fueled VALLEJO operating at Tier 4 emissions standards. We also compare the criteria pollutant emissions (NOx, HC, PM10) for the SF-BREEZE to that of the VALLEJO held to Tier 4 emissions standards fueled by diesel fuel or biodiesel. Hydrogen PEM fuel cell technology dramatically reduces NOx and HC emissions below the most advanced Tier 4 criteria pollutant emissions requirements regardless of whether the LH2 is made by NG reforming or via water electrolysis using 70% renewable energy. Renewable LH2 made with greater than 84% renewable process energy is needed to also drop the SF-BREEZE PM10 emissions below that of Tier 4 for high-speed fuel cell ferry transportation. Overall, the results show that operating a hydrogen fuel cell ferry on nearly 100% renewable hydrogen provides the dramatic reduction in GHG and criteria pollutant emissions commensurate with the problems of global climate change and maritime air pollution worldwide.

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Maritime fuel cell generator project

Pratt, Joseph W.; Chan, Shuk H.

A first-of-its kind hydrogen fuel cell power generator for marine applications was designed, built, and demonstrated to verify increased energy efficiency at part loads and reduced emissions. The project goals were to demonstrate the use of the generator in the maritime environment, identify areas requiring additional research and development, analyze the business case, and address regulatory and other market barriers. A 100 kW generator with 72 kg of hydrogen storage was designed and built by Hydrogenics with safety and regulatory reviews by the Hydrogen Safety Panel, US Coast Guard, and American Bureau of Shipping. Young Brothers operated the generator for 10 months powering refrigerated containers in Honolulu, HI. The project showed it is possible to increase energy efficiency by up to 30% at part load and reduce emissions to zero through the use of hydrogen fuel cells, and identified paths forward to wider adoption of the technology in this sector.

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Comparison of conventional vs. modular hydrogen refueling stations and on-site production vs. delivery

Hecht, Ethan S.; Pratt, Joseph W.

To meet the needs of public and private stakeholders involved in the development, construction, and operation of hydrogen fueling stations needed to support the widespread roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, this work presents publicly available station templates and analyses. These ‘Reference Stations’ help reduce the cost and speed the deployment of hydrogen stations by providing a common baseline with which to start a design, enable quick assessment of potential sites for a hydrogen station, identify contributors to poor economics, and suggest areas of research. This work presents layouts, bills of materials, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and detailed analyses of five new station designs. In the near term, delivered hydrogen results in a lower cost of hydrogen compared to on-site production via steam methane reforming or electrolysis, although the on-site production methods have other advantages. Modular station concepts including on-site production can reduce lot sizes from conventional assemble-on-site stations.

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Comparison of conventional vs. modular hydrogen refueling stations, and on-site production vs. delivery

Hecht, Ethan S.; Pratt, Joseph W.

To meet the needs of public and private stakeholders involved in the development, construction, and operation of hydrogen fueling stations needed to support the widespread roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, this work presents publicly available station templates and analyses. These 'Reference Stations' help reduce the cost and speed the deployment of hydrogen stations by providing a common baseline with which to start a design, enable quick assessment of potential sites for a hydrogen station, identify contributors to poor economics, and suggest areas of research. This work presents layouts, bills of materials, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and detailed analyses of five new station designs. In the near term, delivered hydrogen results in a lower cost of hydrogen compared to on-site production via steam methane reforming or electrolysis, although the on-site production methods have other advantages. Modular station concepts including on-site production can reduce lot sizes from conventional assemble-on-site stations.

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H2FIRST: A partnership to advance hydrogen fueling station technology driving an optimal consumer experience

Moen, Christopher D.; Dedrick, Daniel E.; Pratt, Joseph W.; Balfour, Bruce B.; Noma, Edwin Y.; Somerday, Brian P.; San Marchi, Christopher W.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Office of Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) is establishing the Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Research and Station Technology (H2FIRST) partnership, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). FCTO is establishing this partnership and the associated capabilities in support of H2USA, the public/private partnership launched in 2013. The H2FIRST partnership provides the research and technology acceleration support to enable the widespread deployment of hydrogen infrastructure for the robust fueling of light-duty fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV). H2FIRST will focus on improving private-sector economics, safety, availability and reliability, and consumer confidence for hydrogen fueling. This whitepaper outlines the goals, scope, activities associated with the H2FIRST partnership.

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Vessel Cold-Ironing Using a Barge Mounted PEM Fuel Cell: Project Scoping and Feasibility

Pratt, Joseph W.; Harris, Aaron P.

A barge-mounted hydrogen-fueled proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system has the potential to reduce emissions and fossil fuel use of maritime vessels in and around ports. This study determines the technical feasibility of this concept and examines specific options on the U.S. West Coast for deployment practicality and potential for commercialization.The conceptual design of the system is found to be straightforward and technically feasible in several configurations corresponding to various power levels and run times.The most technically viable and commercially attractive deployment options were found to be powering container ships at berth at the Port of Tacoma and/or Seattle, powering tugs at anchorage near the Port of Oakland, and powering refrigerated containers on-board Hawaiian inter-island transport barges. Other attractive demonstration options were found at the Port of Seattle, the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet, the California Maritime Academy, and an excursion vessel on the Ohio River.

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Analysis of H2 storage needs for early market non-motive fuel cell applications

Pratt, Joseph W.

Hydrogen fuel cells can potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the United States dependence on foreign oil, but issues with hydrogen storage are impeding their widespread use. To help overcome these challenges, this study analyzes opportunities for their near-term deployment in five categories of non-motive equipment: portable power, construction equipment, airport ground support equipment, telecom backup power, and man-portable power and personal electronics. To this end, researchers engaged end users, equipment manufacturers, and technical experts via workshops, interviews, and electronic means, and then compiled these data into meaningful and realistic requirements for hydrogen storage in specific target applications. In addition to developing these requirements, end-user benefits (e.g., low noise and emissions, high efficiency, potentially lower maintenance costs) and concerns (e.g., capital cost, hydrogen availability) of hydrogen fuel cells in these applications were identified. Market data show potential deployments vary with application from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of units.

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Composite Materials for Hazard Mitigation of Reactive Metal Hydrides

Pratt, Joseph W.; Cordaro, Joseph G.; Sartor, George B.; Dedrick, Daniel E.

In an attempt to mitigate the hazards associated with storing large quantities of reactive metal hydrides, polymer composite materials were synthesized and tested under simulated usage and accident conditions. The composites were made by polymerizing vinyl monomers using free-radical polymerization chemistry, in the presence of the metal hydride. Composites with vinyl-containing siloxane oligomers were also polymerized with and without added styrene and divinyl benzene. Hydrogen capacity measurements revealed that addition of the polymer to the metal hydride reduced the inherent hydrogen storage capacity of the material. The composites were found to be initially effective at reducing the amount of heat released during oxidation. However, upon cycling the composites, the mitigating behavior was lost. While the polymer composites we investigated have mitigating potential and are physically robust, they undergo a chemical change upon cycling that makes them subsequently ineffective at mitigating heat release upon oxidation of the metal hydride. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following people who participated in this project: Ned Stetson (U.S. Department of Energy) for sponsorship and support of the project. Ken Stewart (Sandia) for building the flow-through calorimeter and cycling test stations. Isidro Ruvalcaba, Jr. (Sandia) for qualitative experiments on the interaction of sodium alanate with water. Terry Johnson (Sandia) for sharing his expertise and knowledge of metal hydrides, and sodium alanate in particular. Marcina Moreno (Sandia) for programmatic assistance. John Khalil (United Technologies Research Corp) for insight into the hazards of reactive metal hydrides and real-world accident scenario experiments. Summary In an attempt to mitigate and/or manage hazards associated with storing bulk quantities of reactive metal hydrides, polymer composite materials (a mixture of a mitigating polymer and a metal hydride) were synthesized and tested under simulated usage and accident conditions. Mitigating the hazards associated with reactive metal hydrides during an accident while finding a way to keep the original capability of the active material intact during normal use has been the focus of this work. These composites were made by polymerizing vinyl monomers using free-radical polymerization chemistry, in the presence of the metal hydride, in this case a prepared sodium alanate (chosen as a representative reactive metal hydride). It was found that the polymerization of styrene and divinyl benzene could be initiated using AIBN in toluene at 70°C. The resulting composite materials can be either hard or brittle solids depending on the cross-linking density. Thermal decomposition of these styrene-based composite materials is lower than neat polystyrene indicating that the chemical nature of the polymer is affected by the formation of the composite. The char-forming nature of cross-linked polystyrene is low and therefore, not an ideal polymer for hazard mitigation. To obtain composite materials containing a polymer with higher char-forming potential, siloxane-based monomers were investigated. Four vinyl-containing siloxane oligomers were polymerized with and without added styrene and divinyl benzene. Like the styrene materials, these composite materials exhibited thermal decomposition behavior significantly different than the neat polymers. Specifically, the thermal decomposition temperature was shifted approximately 100 °C lower than the neat polymer signifying a major chemical change to the polymer network. Thermal analysis of the cycled samples was performed on the siloxane-based composite materials. It was found that after 30 cycles the siloxane-containing polymer composite material has similar TGA/DSC-MS traces as the virgin composite material indicating that the polymer is physically intact upon cycling. Hydrogen capacity measurements revealed that addition of the polymer to the metal hydride in the form of a composite material reduced the inherent hydrogen storage capacity of the material. This reduction in capacity was observed to be independent of the amount of charge/discharge cycles except for the composites containing siloxane, which showed less of an impact on hydrogen storage capacity as it was cycled further. While the reason for this is not clear, it may be due to a chemically stabilizing effect of the siloxane on the metal hydride. Flow-through calorimetry was used to characterize the mitigating effectiveness of the different composites relative to the neat (no polymer) material. The composites were found to be initially effective at reducing the amount of heat released during oxidation, and the best performing material was the siloxane-containing composite which reduced the heat release to less than 50% of the value of the neat material. However, upon cycling the composites, all mitigating behavior was lost. The combined results of the flow-through calorimetry, hydrogen capacity, and thermogravimetric analysis tests lead to the proposed conclusion that while the polymer composites have mitigating potential and are physically robust under cycling, they undergo a chemical change upon cycling that makes them ineffective at mitigating heat release upon oxidation of the metal hydride.

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Results 1–50 of 60
Results 1–50 of 60