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Scanning ultrafast electron microscopy reveals photovoltage dynamics at a deeply buried p-Si/Si O2 interface

Physical Review B

Ellis, S.R.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Léonard, F.; Celio, K.C.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Hughart, David R.; Garland, Diana; Marinella, M.J.; Michael, Joseph R.; Chandler, D.W.; Liao, B.; Talin, A.A.

The understanding and control of charge carrier interactions with defects at buried insulator/semiconductor interfaces is essential for achieving optimum performance in modern electronics. Here, we report on the use of scanning ultrafast electron microscopy (SUEM) to remotely probe the dynamics of excited carriers at a Si surface buried below a thick thermal oxide. Our measurements illustrate a previously unidentified SUEM contrast mechanism, whereby optical modulation of the space-charge field in the semiconductor modulates the electric field in the thick oxide, thus affecting its secondary electron yield. By analyzing the SUEM contrast as a function of time and laser fluence we demonstrate the diffusion mediated capture of excited carriers by interfacial traps.

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Failure of a lithium-filled target and some implications for fusion components

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, D.L.; Michael, Joseph R.; Puskar, J.D.; Lutz, Thomas J.

In preparation for testing a lithium-helium heat exchanger at Sandia, unexpected rapid failure of the mild steel lithium preheater due to liquid metal embrittlement occurred when lithium at ~400 °C flowed into the preheater then at ~200 °C. This happened before the helium system was pressurized or heating with electron beams began. The paper presents an analysis of the preheater plus a discussion of some implications for fusion.

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Ultrafast Electron Microscopy for Spatial-Temporal Mapping of Charge Carriers

Ellis, Scott R.; Chandler, D.W.; Michael, Joseph R.; Nakakura, Craig Y.

This LDRD supported efforts to significantly advance the scanning ultrafast electron microscope (SUEM) for spatial-temporal mapping of charge carrier dynamics in semiconductor materials and microelectronic devices. Sandia's SUEM capability in Livermore, CA, was built and demonstrated with previous LDRD funding; however, the stability and usability of the tool limited the throughput for analyzing samples. A new laser alignment strategy improved the stability of the SUEM, and the design and characterization of a new micro-channel plate (MCP)- based detector improved the signal-to-noise of the SUEM signal detection. These enhancements to the SUEM system improved throughput by over two orders of magnitude (before, a single time series of SUEM measurements would take several days to several weeks to acquire; now, the same measurements can be completed in~90 minutes in an automated fashion). The SUEM system can now be routinely used as an analytical instrument and will be a central part of several multi-year projects starting in FY22.

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Thermal Infrared Detectors: expanding performance limits using ultrafast electron microscopy

Talin, A.A.; Ellis, Scott R.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Leonard, Francois L.; Perez, Christopher P.; Celio, Km C.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Hughart, David R.; Garland, Diana; Marinella, Matthew J.; Michael, Joseph R.; Chandler, D.W.; Young, Steve M.; Smith, Sean M.; Kumar, Suhas K.

This project aimed to identify the performance-limiting mechanisms in mid- to far infrared (IR) sensors by probing photogenerated free carrier dynamics in model detector materials using scanning ultrafast electron microscopy (SUEM). SUEM is a recently developed method based on using ultrafast electron pulses in combination with optical excitations in a pump- probe configuration to examine charge dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution and without the need for microfabrication. Five material systems were examined using SUEM in this project: polycrystalline lead zirconium titanate (a pyroelectric), polycrystalline vanadium dioxide (a bolometric material), GaAs (near IR), InAs (mid IR), and Si/SiO 2 system as a prototypical system for interface charge dynamics. The report provides detailed results for the Si/SiO 2 and the lead zirconium titanate systems.

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The Effects of Annealing After Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) on Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of 49Fe-49Co-2V Alloy

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Kellogg, Rick A.; Carroll, Jay D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Karaman, I.

Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of 49Fe-49Co-2V, also known as Hiperco® 50A or Permendur-2V, greatly improves the strength and ductility of this alloy, while sacrificing soft magnetic performance. ECAE Hiperco specimens were subjected to post-ECAE annealing in order to improve soft magnetic properties. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and magnetic performance are summarized in this study. Annealing begins above 650 °C and a steep decline in yield strength is observed for heat treatments between 700 °C and 840 °C due to grain growth and the Hall–Petch effect, although some strength benefit is still observed in fully annealed ECAE material compared to conventionally processed bar. Soft magnetic properties were assessed through B–H hysteresis curves from which coercivity (Hc) values were extracted. Hc decreases rapidly with annealing above 650 °C as well, i.e., improved soft magnetic behavior. The observed trend is attributed to annealing and grain growth in this temperature regime, which facilitates magnetic domain wall movement. The coercivity vs grain size results generally follow the trend predicted in the literature. The magnetic behavior of annealed ECAE material compares favorably to conventional bar, possibly due to mild crystallographic texturing which enhances properties in the post-ECAE annealed material. Overall, this study highlights a definitive tradeoff between mechanical and magnetic properties brought about by post-ECAE annealing and grain growth.

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Ex Situ Photoelectron Emission Microscopy of Polycrystalline Bismuth and Antimony Telluride Surfaces Exposed to Ambient Oxidation

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Sharma, Peter A.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Brumbach, Michael T.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Michael, Joseph R.

The surfaces of textured polycrystalline N-type bismuth telluride and P-type antimony telluride materials were investigated using ex situ photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM). PEEM enabled imaging of the work function for different oxidation times due to exposure to air across sample surfaces. The spatially averaged work function was also tracked as a function of air exposure time. N-type bismuth telluride showed an increase in the work function around grain boundaries relative to grain interiors during the early stages of air exposure-driven oxidation. At longer time exposure to air, the surface became homogenous after a ∼5 nm-thick oxide formed. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy was used to correlate changes in PEEM imaging in real space and work function evolution to the progressive growth of an oxide layer. The observed work function contrast is consistent with the pinning of electronic surface states due to the defects at a grain boundary.

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Rethinking scaling laws in the high-cycle fatigue response of nanostructured and coarse-grained metals

International Journal of Fatigue

Heckman, Nathan H.; Padilla, Henry A.; Michael, Joseph R.; Barr, Christopher M.; Clark, Blythe C.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Boyce, Brad B.

The high-cycle fatigue life of nanocrystalline and ultrafine-grained Ni-Fe was examined for five distinct grain sizes ranging from approximately 50–600 nm. The fatigue properties were strongly dependent on grain size, with the endurance limit changing by a factor of 4 over this narrow range of grain size. The dataset suggests a breakdown in fatigue improvement for the smallest grain sizes <100 nm, likely associated with a transition to grain coarsening as a dominant rate-limiting mechanism. The dataset also is used to explore fatigue prediction from monotonic tensile properties, suggesting that a characteristic flow strength is more meaningful than the widely-utilized ultimate tensile strength.

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Role of defects on the surface properties of HfC

Applied Surface Science

Rimsza, Jessica R.; Foiles, Stephen; Michael, Joseph R.; Mackie, William; Larson, K.W.

HfC has shown promise as a material for field emission due to the low work function of the (100) surface and a high melting point. Recently, HfC tips have exhibited unexpected failure after field emission at 2200 K. Characterization of the HfC tips identified faceting of the parabolic tip dominated by coexisting (100) and (111) surfaces. To investigate this phenomenon, we used density functional theory (DFT) simulations to identify the role of defects and impurities (Ta, N, O) on HfC surface properties. Carbon vacancies increased the surface energy of the (100) surface from 2.35 J/m2 to 4.75 J/m2 and decreased the surface energy of the carbon terminated (111) surface from 8.75 J/m2 to 3.48 J/m2. Once 60% of the carbon on the (100) surface have been removed the hafnium terminated (111) surface becomes the lowest energy surface, suggesting that carbon depletion may cause these surfaces to coexist. The addition of Ta and N impurities to the surface are energetically favorable and decrease the work function, making them candidate impurities for improving field emission at high temperatures. Overall, DFT simulations have demonstrated the importance of understanding the role of defects on the surface structure and properties of HfC.

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Achieving high strength and ductility in traditionally brittle soft magnetic intermetallics via additive manufacturing

Acta Materialia

Babuska, Tomas F.; Wilson, Mark A.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Curry, John C.; Rodelas, Jeffrey R.; Atkinson, Cooper; Lu, Ping L.; Chandross, M.; Krick, Brandon A.; Michael, Joseph R.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Intermetallic alloys possess exceptional soft magnetic properties, including high permeability, low coercivity, and high saturation induction, but exhibit poor mechanical properties that make them impractical to bulk process and use at ideal compositions. We used laser-based Additive Manufacturing to process traditionally brittle Fe–Co and Fe–Si alloys in bulk form without macroscopic defects and at near-ideal compositions for electromagnetic applications. The binary Fe–50Co, as a model material, demonstrated simultaneous high strength (600–700 MPa) and high ductility (35%) in tension, corresponding to a ∼300% increase in strength and an order-of-magnitude improvement in ductility relative to conventionally processed material. Atomic-scale toughening and strengthening mechanisms, based on engineered multiscale microstructures, are proposed to explain the unusual combination of mechanical properties. This work presents an instance in which metal Additive Manufacturing processes are enabling, rather than limiting, the development of higher-performance alloys.

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Controlling the extent of atomic ordering in intermetallic alloys through additive manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

Kustas, Andrew K.; Fancher, Chris M.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Dagel, Daryl D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Susan, D.F.

Control of the atomic structure, as measured by the extent of the embrittling B2 chemically ordered phase, is demonstrated in intermetallic alloys through additive manufacturing (AM) and characterized using high fidelity neutron diffraction. As a layer-by-layer rapid solidification process, AM was employed to suppress the extent of chemically ordered B2 phases in a soft ferromagnetic Fe-Co alloy, as a model material system of interest to electromagnetic applications. The extent of atomic ordering was found to be insensitive to the spatial location within specimens and suggests that the thermal conditions within only a few AM layers were most influential in controlling the microstructure, in agreement with the predictions from a thermal model for welding. Analysis of process parameter effects on ordering found that suppression of B2 phase was the result of an increased average cooling rate during processing. AM processing parameters, namely interlayer interval time and build velocity, were used to systematically control the relative fraction of ordered B2 phase in specimens from 0.49 to 0.72. Hardness of AM specimens was more than 150% higher than conventionally processed bulk material. Implications for tailoring microstructures of intermetallic alloys are discussed.

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Equal channel angular extrusion for bulk processing of Fe-Co-2V soft magnetic alloys, part II: Texture analysis and magnetic properties

Journal of Materials Research

Kustas, Andrew K.; Michael, Joseph R.; Susan, D.F.; Karaman, Ibrahim; Jozaghi, Taymaz

In Part I, equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) was demonstrated as a novel, simple-shear deformation process for producing bulk forms of the low ductility Fe-Co-2V (Hiperco 50A®) soft ferromagnetic alloy with refined grain sizes. Microstructures and mechanical properties were discussed. In this Part II contribution, the crystallographic textures and quasi-static magnetic properties of ECAE-processed Hiperco were characterized. The textures were of a simple-shear character defined by partial {110} and (111) fibers inclined relative to the extrusion direction, in agreement with the expectations for simple-shear deformation textures of BCC metals. These textures were observed throughout all processing conditions and only slightly reduced in intensity by subsequent recrystallization heat treatments. Characterization of the magnetic properties revealed a lower coercivity and higher permeability for ECAE-processed Hiperco specimens relative to the conventionally processed and annealed Hiperco bar. The effects of the resultant microstructure and texture on the coercivity and permeability magnetic properties are discussed.

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Characterization of the Fe-Co-1.5V soft ferromagnetic alloy processed by Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)

Additive Manufacturing

Kustas, Andrew K.; Susan, D.F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Dagel, Daryl D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Keicher, David M.; Argibay, Nicolas A.

Processing of the low workability Fe-Co-1.5V (Hiperco ® equivalent) alloy is demonstrated using the Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) metals additive manufacturing technique. As an innovative and highly localized solidification process, LENS is shown to overcome workability issues that arise during conventional thermomechanical processing, enabling the production of bulk, near net-shape forms of the Fe-Co alloy. Bulk LENS structures appeared to be ductile with no significant macroscopic defects. Atomic ordering was evaluated and significantly reduced in as-built LENS specimens relative to an annealed condition, tailorable through selection of processing parameters. Fine equiaxed grain structures were observed in as-built specimens following solidification, which then evolved toward a highly heterogeneous bimodal grain structure after annealing. The microstructure evolution in Fe-Co is discussed in the context of classical solidification theory and selective grain boundary pinning processes. Magnetic properties were also assessed and shown to fall within the extremes of conventionally processed Hiperco ® alloys. Hiperco ® is a registered trademark of Carpenter Technologies, Readings, PA.

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Linking microstructural evolution and macro-scale friction behavior in metals

Journal of Materials Science

Argibay, Nicolas A.; Chandross, M.; Cheng, S.; Michael, Joseph R.

A correlation is established between the macro-scale friction regimes of metals and a transition between two dominant atomistic mechanisms of deformation. Metals tend to exhibit bi-stable friction behavior—low and converging or high and diverging. These general trends in behavior are shown to be largely explained using a simplified model based on grain size evolution, as a function of contact stress and temperature, and are demonstrated for self-mated pure copper and gold sliding contacts. Specifically, the low-friction regime (where µ < 0.5) is linked to the formation of ultra-nanocrystalline surface films (10–20 nm), driving toward shear accommodation by grain boundary sliding. Above a critical combination of stress and temperature—demonstrated to be a material property—shear accommodation transitions to dislocation dominated plasticity and high friction, with µ > 0.5. We utilize a combination of experimental and computational methods to develop and validate the proposed structure–property relationship. This quantitative framework provides a shift from phenomenological to mechanistic and predictive fundamental understanding of friction for crystalline materials, including engineering alloys.

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Domain imaging in ferroelectric thin films via channeling-contrast backscattered electron microscopy

Journal of Materials Science

Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Maria, Jon P.; Paisley, Elizabeth A.; Kitahara, Andrew R.

Ferroelastic domain walls provide opportunities for deterministically controlling mechanical, optical, electrical, and thermal energy. Domain wall characterization in micro- and nanoscale systems, where their spacing may be of the order of 100 nm or less is presently limited to only a few techniques, such as piezoresponse force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. These respective techniques cannot, however, independently characterize domain polarization orientation and domain wall motion in technologically relevant capacitor structures or in a non-destructive manner, thus presenting a limitation of their utility. In this work, we show how backscatter scanning electron microscopy utilizing channeling contrast yield can image the ferroelastic domain structure of ferroelectric films with domain wall spacing as narrow as 10 nm. Combined with electron backscatter diffraction to identify grain orientations, this technique provides information on domain orientation and domain wall type that cannot be readily measured using conventional non-destructive methods. In addition to grain orientation identification, this technique enables dynamic domain structure changes to be observed in functioning capacitors utilizing electrodes that are transparent to the high-energy backscattered electrons. This non-destructive, high-resolution domain imaging technique is applicable to a wide variety of ferroelectric thin films and a multitude of material systems where nanometer-scale crystallographic twin characterization is required.

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Development of Scanning Ultrafast Electron Microscope Capability

Michael, Joseph R.; Celio, Kimberlee C.; Talin, A.A.; Chandler, D.W.

Modern semiconductor devices rely on the transport of minority charge carriers. Direct examination of minority carrier lifetimes in real devices with nanometer-scale features requires a measurement method with simultaneously high spatial and temporal resolutions. Achieving nanometer spatial resolutions at sub-nanosecond temporal resolution is possible with pump-probe methods that utilize electrons as probes. Recently, a stroboscopic scanning electron microscope was developed at Caltech, and used to study carrier transport across a Si p-n junction [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . In this report, we detail our development of a prototype scanning ultrafast electron microscope system at Sandia National Laboratories based on the original Caltech design. This effort represents Sandia's first exploration into ultrafast electron microscopy.

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Microscopy & microanalysis 2016 in Columbus, Ohio

Microscopy Today

Michael, Joseph R.

The article provides information about an upcoming conference from the program chair. The Microscopy Society of America (MSA), the Microanalysis Society (MAS), and the International Metallographic Society (IMS) invite participation in Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, July 24 through July 28, 2016.

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Elevated temperature tribology of cobalt and tantalum-based alloys


Scharf, Thomas W.; Prasad, Somuri V.; Kotula, Paul G.; Michael, Joseph R.; Robino, C.V.

This paper describes the friction and wear behavior of a Co–Cr alloy sliding on a Ta–W alloy. Measurements were performed in a pin-on-flat configuration with a hemispherically tipped Co-base alloy pin sliding on a Ta–W alloy flat from ambient to 430 °C. Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to identify the friction-induced changes to the chemistry and crystal structure in the subsurface regions of wear tracks. During sliding contact, transfer of material varied as a function of the test temperature, either from pin-to-flat, flat-to-pin, or both, resulting in either wear loss and/or volume gain. Friction coefficients (μ) and wear rates also varied as a function of test temperature. The lowest friction coefficient (μ=0.25) and wear rate (1×10−4 mm3/N m) were observed at 430 °C in argon atmosphere. This was attributed to the formation of a Co-base metal oxide layer (glaze), predominantly (Co, Cr)O with Rocksalt crystal structure, on the pin surface. Part of this oxide film transferred to the wear track on Ta–W, providing a self-mated oxide-on-oxide contact. Once the oxide glaze is formed, it is able to provide friction reduction for the entire temperature range of this study, ambient to 430 °C. The results of this study indicate that glazing the surfaces of Haynes alloys with continuous layers of cobalt chrome oxide prior to wear could protect the cladded surfaces from damage.

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On the thermal stability of physical vapor deposited oxide-hardened nanocrystalline gold thin films

Journal of Applied Physics

Argibay, Nicolas A.; Mogonye, J.E.; Michael, Joseph R.; Goeke, Ronald S.; Kotula, Paul G.; Scharf, T.W.; Dugger, Michael T.; Prasad, Somuri V.

We describe a correlation between electrical resistivity and grain size for PVD synthesized polycrystalline oxide-hardened metal-matrix thin films in oxide-dilute (<5 vol. % oxide phase) compositions. The correlation is based on the Mayadas-Shatzkes (M-S) electron scattering model, predictive of grain size evolution as a function of composition in the oxide-dilute regime for 2 μm thick Au-ZnO films. We describe a technique to investigate grain boundary (GB) mobility and the thermal stability of GBs based on in situ electrical resistivity measurements during annealing experiments, interpreted using a combination of the M-S model and the Michels et al. model describing solute drag stabilized grain growth kinetics. Using this technique, activation energy and pre-exponential Arrhenius parameter values of Ea = 21.6 kJ/mol and Ao = 2.3 × 10-17 m2/s for Au-1 vol. % ZnO and Ea = 12.7 kJ/mol and Ao = 3.1 × 10-18 m2/s for Au-2 vol. % ZnO were determined. In the oxide-dilute regime, the grain size reduction of the Au matrix yielded a maximum hardness of 2.6 GPa for 5 vol. % ZnO. A combined model including percolation behavior and grain refinement is presented that accurately describes the composition dependent change in electrical resistivity throughout the entire composition range for Au-ZnO thin films. The proposed correlations are supported by microstructural characterization using transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction mapping for grain size determination.

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Room-temperature voltage tunable phonon thermal conductivity via reconfigurable interfaces in ferroelectric thin films

Nano Letters

Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Foley, Brian M.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Wallace, Margeaux; Trolier-Mckinstry, Susan; Hopkins, Patrick E.

Dynamic control of thermal transport in solid-state systems is a transformative capability with the promise to propel technologies including phononic logic, thermal management, and energy harvesting. A solid-state solution to rapidly manipulate phonons has escaped the scientific community. We demonstrate active and reversible tuning of thermal conductivity by manipulating the nanoscale ferroelastic domain structure of a Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 film with applied electric fields. With subsecond response times, the room-temperature thermal conductivity was modulated by 11%.

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Characterization of Tri-lab Tantalum Plate

Buchheit, Thomas E.; Cerreta, Ellen K.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Chen, Shu-Rong C.; Michael, Joseph R.

This report provides a detailed characterization Tri-lab Tantalum (Ta) plate jointly purchased from HCStark Inc. by Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. Data in this report was compiled from series of material and properties characterization experiments carried out at Sandia (SNL) and Los Alamos (LANL) Laboratories through a leveraged effort funded by the C2 campaign. Results include microstructure characterization detailing the crystallographic texture of the material and an increase in grain size near the end of the rolled plate. Mechanical properties evaluations include, compression cylinder, sub-scale tension specimen, micohardness and instrumented indentation testing. The plate was found to have vastly superior uniformity when compare with previously characterized wrought Ta material. Small but measurable variations in microstructure and properties were noted at the end, and at the top and bottom edges of the plate.

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The hardness and strength of metal tribofilms: An apparent contradiction between nanoindentation and pillar compression

Acta Materialia

Battaile, Corbett C.; Boyce, Brad L.; Weinberger, Christopher R.; Prasad, Somuri V.; Michael, Joseph R.; Clark, Blythe C.

After sliding contact of a hard spherical counterface on a metal surface, the resulting wear scar possesses a complex microstructure consisting of dislocations, dislocation cells, ultrafine or nanocrystalline grains, and material that has undergone dynamic recovery. There remains a controversy as to the mechanical properties of the tribolayer formed in this wear scar. To investigate the properties of this thin layer of damaged material in single crystal nickel, we employed two complementary techniques: pillar compression and nanoindentation. In both techniques, the tests were tailored to characterize the near surface properties associated with the top 500 nm of material, where the wear-induced damage was most extensive. Pillar compression indicated that the worn material was substantially softer than neighboring unworn base metal. However, nanoindentation showed that the wear track was substantially harder than the base metal. These apparently contradictory results are explained on the basis of source limited deformation. The worn pillars are softer than unworn pillars due to a pre-straining effect: undefected pillars are nearly free of dislocations, whereas worn pillars have pre-existing dislocations built in. Nanoindentation in worn material behaves harder than unworn single crystal nickel due to source length reduction from the fine-grained wear structure. © 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Understanding and predicting metallic whisker growth and its effects on reliability : LDRD final report

Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Grant, Richard P.; Yelton, William G.; Pillars, Jamin R.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

Tin (Sn) whiskers are conductive Sn filaments that grow from Sn-plated surfaces, such as surface finishes on electronic packages. The phenomenon of Sn whiskering has become a concern in recent years due to requirements for lead (Pb)-free soldering and surface finishes in commercial electronics. Pure Sn finishes are more prone to whisker growth than their Sn-Pb counterparts and high profile failures due to whisker formation (causing short circuits) in space applications have been documented. At Sandia, Sn whiskers are of interest due to increased use of Pb-free commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts and possible future requirements for Pb-free solders and surface finishes in high-reliability microelectronics. Lead-free solders and surface finishes are currently being used or considered for several Sandia applications. Despite the long history of Sn whisker research and the recently renewed interest in this topic, a comprehensive understanding of whisker growth remains elusive. This report describes recent research on characterization of Sn whiskers with the aim of understanding the underlying whisker growth mechanism(s). The report is divided into four sections and an Appendix. In Section 1, the Sn plating process is summarized. Specifically, the Sn plating parameters that were successful in producing samples with whiskers will be reviewed. In Section 2, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Sn whiskers and time-lapse SEM studies of whisker growth will be discussed. This discussion includes the characterization of straight as well as kinked whiskers. In Section 3, a detailed discussion is given of SEM/EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) techniques developed to determine the crystallography of Sn whiskers. In Section 4, these SEM/EBSD methods are employed to determine the crystallography of Sn whiskers, with a statistically significant number of whiskers analyzed. This is the largest study of Sn whisker crystallography ever reported. This section includes a review of previous literature on Sn whisker crystallography. The overall texture of the Sn films was also analyzed by EBSD. Finally, a short Appendix is included at the end of this report, in which the X-Ray diffraction (XRD) results are discussed and compared to the EBSD analyses of the overall textures of the Sn films. Sections 2, 3, and 4 have been or will be submitted as stand-alone papers in peer-reviewed technical journals. A bibliography of recent Sandia Sn whisker publications and presentations is included at the end of the report.

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Micropillar compression technique applied to micron-scale mudstone elasto-plastic deformation

Dewers, Thomas D.; Boyce, Brad B.; Buchheit, Thomas E.; Heath, Jason; Michael, Joseph R.

Mudstone mechanical testing is often limited by poor core recovery and sample size, preservation and preparation issues, which can lead to sampling bias, damage, and time-dependent effects. A micropillar compression technique, originally developed by Uchic et al. 2004, here is applied to elasto-plastic deformation of small volumes of mudstone, in the range of cubic microns. This study examines behavior of the Gothic shale, the basal unit of the Ismay zone of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation and potential shale gas play in southeastern Utah, USA. Precision manufacture of micropillars 5 microns in diameter and 10 microns in length are prepared using an ion-milling method. Characterization of samples is carried out using: dual focused ion - scanning electron beam imaging of nano-scaled pores and distribution of matrix clay and quartz, as well as pore-filling organics; laser scanning confocal (LSCM) 3D imaging of natural fractures; and gas permeability, among other techniques. Compression testing of micropillars under load control is performed using two different nanoindenter techniques. Deformation of 0.5 cm in diameter by 1 cm in length cores is carried out and visualized by a microscope loading stage and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Axisymmetric multistage compression testing and multi-stress path testing is carried out using 2.54 cm plugs. Discussion of results addresses size of representative elementary volumes applicable to continuum-scale mudstone deformation, anisotropy, and size-scale plasticity effects. Other issues include fabrication-induced damage, alignment, and influence of substrate.

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Hydrogen-Assisted fracture of low nickel content 304 and 316l austenitic stainless steels

18th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale

Marchi, C.S.; Yang, Nancy Y.; Headley, T.J.; Michael, Joseph R.

There has been significant debate in the literature about the role of strain-induced martensite in hydrogen-Assisted fracture of metastable austenitic stainless steels. It is clear that α'-martensite is not necessary for hydrogen-Assisted fracture since hydrogen affects the tensile ductility and fracture properties of stable austenitic stainless steels. Martensite, however, is believed to facilitate hydrogen transport in austenitic stainless steel and numerous studies propose that martensite contributes to fracture. Yet conclusive evidence that strain-induced α'-martensite plays an important mechanistic role on fracture processes in the presence of hydrogen has not been clearly articulated in the literature. In this study, we report microstructural evidence suggesting that α'-martensite does not play a primary role in hydrogen-Assisted fracture during tensile testing of metastable austenitic stainless steel. This microstructural evidence also suggests that thermal twin boundaries are susceptible sites for hydrogen-Assisted fracture.

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The role of crystallography and nanostructures on metallic friction

Prasad, Somuri V.; Michael, Joseph R.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Kotula, Paul G.

In ductile metals, sliding contact is often accompanied by severe plastic deformation localized to a small volume of material adjacent to the wear surface. During the initial run-in period, hardness, grain structure and crystallographic texture of the surfaces that come into sliding contact undergo significant changes, culminating in the evolution of subsurface layers with their own characteristic features. Here, a brief overview of our ongoing research on the fundamental phenomena governing the friction-induced recrystallization in single crystal metals, and how these recrystallized structures with nanometer-size grains would in turn influence metallic friction will be presented. We have employed a novel combination of experimental tools (FIB, EBSD and TEM) and an analysis of the critical resolved shear stress (RSS) on the twelve slip systems of the FCC lattice to understand the evolution of these friction-induced structures in single crystal nickel. The later part of the talk deals with the mechanisms of friction in nanocrystalline Ni films. Analyses of friction-induced subsurfaces seem to confirm that the formation of stable ultrafine nanocrystalline layers with 2-10 nm grains changes the deformation mechanism from the traditional dislocation mediated one to that is predominantly controlled by grain boundaries, resulting in significant reductions in the coefficient friction.

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Application of diamond-like nanocomposite tribological coatings on LIGA microsystem parts

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Prasad, Somuri V.; Scharf, Thomas W.; Kotula, Paul G.; Michael, Joseph R.; Christenson, Todd R.

The major focus of this study was to examine the feasibility of applying diamond-like nanocomposite (DLN) coatings on the sidewalls of Ni alloy parts fabricated using lithographie, galvanoformung and abformung (LIGA: a German acronym that means lithography, electroforming, and molding) for friction and wear control. Planar test coupons were employed to understand the friction mechanisms in regimes relevant to LIGA microsytems. Friction tests were conducted on planar test coupons as well as between LIGA-fabricated test structures in planar-sidewall and sidewall-sidewall configurations. Measurements were made in dry nitrogen and air with 50% relative humidity by enclosing the friction tester in an environmental chamber. In contrast to bare metal-metal contacts, minimal wear was exhibited for the DLN-coated LIGA NiMn alloy parts and test coupons. The low friction behavior of DLN was attributed to its ability to transfer to the rubbing counterface providing low interfacial shear at the sliding contact. The coating coverage and chemistry on the sidewalls and the substrate-coating interface integrity were examined by transmission electron microscopy, Automated eXpert Spectral Image Analysis, and electron backscatter diffraction on cross sections prepared by focused ion beam microscopy. The role of novel characterization techniques to evaluate the surface coatings for LIGA microsystems technology is highlighted. © 2009 IEEE.

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Characterization of the mechanical behavior of wear surfaces on single crystal nickel by nanomechanical techniques

Journal of Materials Research

Cordill, Megan J.; Moody, Neville R.; Prasad, Somuri V.; Michael, Joseph R.; Gerberich, W.W.

In ductile metals, sliding contact induces plastic deformation resulting in subsurfaces, the mechanical properties of which are different from those of the bulk. This article describes a novel combination of nanomechanical test methods and analysis techniques to evaluate the mechanical behavior of the subsurfaces generated underneath a wear surface. In this methodology, nanoscratch techniques were first used to generate wear patterns as a function of load and number of cycles using a Hysitron TriboIndenter. Measurements were made on a (001) single crystal plane along two crystallographic directions, <001> and <011>. Nanoindentation was then used to measure mechanical properties in each wear pattern. The results on the (001) single crystal nickel plane showed that there was a strong increase in hardness with increasing applied load that was accompanied by a change in surface deformation. The amount of deformation underneath the wear patterns was examined from focused ion beam cross-sections of the wear patterns. © 2009 Materials Research Society.

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Novel ultrafine grain size processing of soft magnetic materials

Michael, Joseph R.

High performance soft magnetic alloys are used in solenoids in a wide variety of applications. These designs are currently being driven to provide more margin, reliability, and functionality through component size reductions; thereby providing greater power to drive ratio margins as well as decreases in volume and power requirements. In an effort to produce soft magnetic materials with improved properties, we have conducted an initial examination of one potential route for producing ultrafine grain sizes in the 49Fe-49Co-2V alloy. The approach was based on a known method for the production of very fine grain sizes in steels, and consisted of repeated, rapid phase transformation cycling through the ferrite to austenite transformation temperature range. The results of this initial attempt to produce highly refined grain sizes in 49Fe-49Co-2V were successful in that appreciable reductions in grain size were realized. The as-received grain size was 15 {micro}m with a standard deviation of 9.5 {micro}m. For the temperature cycling conditions examined, grain refinement appears to saturate after approximately ten cycles at a grain size of 6 {micro}m with standard deviation of 4 {micro}m. The process also reduces the range of grain sizes present in these samples as the largest grain noted in the as received and treated conditions were 64 and 26 {micro}m, respectively. The results were, however, complicated by the formation of an unexpected secondary ferritic constituent and considerable effort was directed at characterizing this phase. The analysis indicates that the phase is a V-rich ferrite, known as {alpha}{sub 2}, that forms due to an imbalance in the partitioning of vanadium during the heating and cooling portions of the thermal cycle. Considerable but unsuccessful effort was also directed at understanding the conditions under which this phase forms, since it is conceivable that this phase restricts the degree to which the grains can be refined. Due to this difficulty and the relatively short timeframe available in the study, magnetic and mechanical properties of the refined material could not be evaluated. An assessment of the potential for properties improvement through the transformation cycling approach, as well as recommendations for potential future work, are included in this report.

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Spectrum Imaging Approaches for Bioforensics

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Ohlhausen, J.A.; Kotula, Paul G.; Michael, Joseph R.

Spectrum imaging combined with multivariate statistics is an approach to microanalysis that makes the maximum use of the large amount of data potentially collected in forensics analysis. Here, this study examines the efficacy of using spectrum imaging-enabled microscopies to identify chemical signatures in simulated bioagent materials. This approach allowed for the ready discrimination between all samples in the test. In particular, the spectrum imaging approach allowed for the identification of particles with trace elements that would have been missed with a more traditional approach to forensic microanalysis. Finally, the importance of combining signals from multiple length scales and analytical sensitivities is discussed.

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Results 1–200 of 242
Results 1–200 of 242