Survey of Retired Metallic Structural Repairs
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AIP Conference Proceedings
Sandia National Laboratories Airworthiness Assurance Nondestructive Inspection Validation Center (AANC) implemented two crack probability of detection (POD) experiments to compare in a quantitative manner the ability of Sonic Infrared (IR) Imaging and fluorescent penetrant inspection (FPI) to reliably detect cracks. Blind Sonic IR and FPI inspections were performed on titanium and Inconel® specimens having statistically relevant flaw profiles. Inspector hit/miss data was collected and POD curves for each technique were generated and compared. In addition, the crack lengths for a number of titanium and Inconel® reference standards were measured before and after repeated Sonic IR inspections to determine if crack growth occurred. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
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AIP Conference Proceedings
Sandia National Laboratories Airworthiness Assurance Nondestructive Inspection Validation Center (AANC) provides independent and quantitative evaluations of new and enhanced inspection, to developers, users, and regulators of aircraft. Wayne State University (WSU) has developed and patented an inspection technique using high-power ultrasonic excitation and infrared technology to detect defects in a variety of materials. AANC and WSU are working together as part of the FAA Sonic Infrared Technology Transfer Program. The ultimate goal of the program is to implement Sonic IR in the aviation field where appropriate. The capability of Sonic IR imaging to detect cracks in components commonly inspected with magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection in the field is of interest to industry. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
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Abstract not provided.