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Demonstration of a MOT in a sub-millimeter membrane hole

Scientific Reports

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We demonstrate the generation of a cold-atom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane, a so-called “membrane MOT”. With a sub-Doppler cooling process, the atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 μ K. The atom number inside the unbridged/bridged membrane hole is about 10 4 to 10 5, and the 1 / e2-diameter of the MOT cloud is about 180 μ m for a 400 μ m-diameter membrane hole. Such a membrane device can, in principle, efficiently load cold atoms into the evanescent-field optical trap generated by the suspended membrane waveguide for strong atom-light interaction and provide the capability of sufficient heat dissipation at the waveguide. This represents a key step toward the photonic atom trap integrated platform (ATIP).

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Characterization of suspended membrane waveguides towards a photonic atom trap integrated platform

Optics Express

Gehl, M.; Kindel, William K.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Orozco, Adrian S.; Musick, Katherine M.; Trotter, Douglas C.; Dallo, Christina M.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Leenheer, Andrew J.; DeRose, Christopher T.; Biedermann, Grant; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Lee, Jongmin L.

We demonstrate an optical waveguide device, capable of supporting the high, invacuum, optical power necessary for trapping a single atom or a cold atom ensemble with evanescent fields. Our photonic integrated platform, with suspended membrane waveguides, successfully manages optical powers of 6 mW (500 μm span) to nearly 30 mW (125 μm span) over an un-tethered waveguide span. This platform is compatible with laser cooling and magnetooptical traps (MOTs) in the vicinity of the suspended waveguide, called the membrane MOT and the needle MOT, a key ingredient for efficient trap loading. We evaluate two novel designs that explore critical thermal management features that enable this large power handling. This work represents a significant step toward an integrated platform for coupling neutral atom quantum systems to photonic and electronic integrated circuits on silicon.

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Membrane MOT: Trapping Dense Cold Atoms in a Sub-Millimeter Diameter Hole of a Microfabricated Membrane Device

Optics Letter

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant B.; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We present an implementation that can keep a coldatom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane. Based on the effective beam diameter of the magneto-optical trap (MOT), d = 400 mm-hole diameter, we measure the atom number that is 105 times higher than the predicted value using the conventional d6 scaling rule. Atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 mK with sub- Doppler cooling process and can be potentially coupled to the photonic/electronic integrated circuits that can be fabricated in the membrane device by taking a step toward the atom trap integrated platform.

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Lee, Jongmin L.; McGuinness, Hayden J.; Soh, Daniel B.; Christensen, Justin C.; Ding, Roger D.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Hoth, Gregory W.; Kindel, William K.; Little, Bethany J.; Rosenthal, Randy R.; Wendt, Joel R.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Eichenfield, Matthew S.; Gehl, M.; Kodigala, Ashok; Siddiqui, Aleem M.; Skogen, Erik J.; Vawter, Gregory A.; Ison, Aaron M.; Bossert, David B.; Fuerschbach, Kyle H.; Gillund, Daniel P.; Walker, Charles A.; De Smet, Dennis J.; Brashar, Connor B.; Berg, Joseph B.; Jhaveri, Prabodh M.; Smith, Tony G.; Kemme, S.A.; Schwindt, Peter S.; Biedermann, Grant B.

Abstract not provided.


Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant B.; McGuinness, Hayden J.; Soh, Daniel B.; Christensen, Justin C.; Ding, Roger D.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Hoth, Gregory W.; Kindel, Will K.; Little, Bethany J.; Rosenthal, Randy R.; Wendt, J.R.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Eichenfield, Matthew S.; Gehl, M.; Kodigala, Ashok; Siddiqui, Aleem M.; Skogen, Erik J.; Vawter, Gregory A.; Ison, Aaron M.; Bossert, David B.; Fuerschbach, Kyle H.; Gillund, Daniel P.; Walker, Charles A.; De Smet, Dennis J.; Brashar, Connor B.; Berg, Joseph B.; Jhaveri, Prabodh M.; Smith, Tony G.; Kemme, S.A.; Schwindt, Peter S.

Abstract not provided.

Demonstration of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder with Rydberg-dressed atoms

Physical Review A

Lee, Jongmin L.; Martin, Michael J.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Keating, Tyler; Deutsch, Ivan H.; Biedermann, Grant B.

We observe the nonlinearity of the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) ladder in the Autler-Townes spectroscopy of the hyperfine ground states for a Rydberg-dressed two-atom system. Here, the role of the two-level system in the JC model is played by the presence or absence of a collective Rydberg excitation, and the bosonic mode manifests as the number n of single-atom spin flips, symmetrically distributed between the atoms. We measure the normal-mode splitting and n nonlinearity as a function of detuning and Rabi frequency, thereby experimentally establishing the isomorphism with the JC model.

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29 Results
29 Results