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Fractal-Like Materials Design with Optimized Radiative Properties for High-Efficiency Solar Energy Conversion

Ho, Clifford K.; Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ray, Daniel; Kelton, John; Peacock, Gregory W.; Andraka, Charles E.

Novel designs to increase light trapping and thermal efficiency of concentrating solar receivers at multiple length scales have been conceived, designed, and tested. The fractal-like geometries and features are introduced at both macro (meters) and meso (millimeters to centimeters) scales. Advantages include increased solar absorptance, reduced thermal emittance, and increased thermal efficiency. Radial and linear structures at the meso (tube shape and geometry) and macro (total receiver geometry and configuration) scales redirect reflected solar radiation toward the interior of the receiver for increased absorptance. Hotter regions within the interior of the receiver can reduce thermal emittance due to reduced local view factors to the environment, and higher concentration ratios can be employed with similar surface irradiances to reduce the effective optical aperture, footprint, and thermal losses. Coupled optical/fluid/thermal models have been developed to evaluate the performance of these designs relative to conventional designs. Modeling results showed that fractal-like structures and geometries can increase the effective solar absorptance by 5 – 20% and the thermal efficiency by several percentage points at both the meso and macro scales, depending on factors such as intrinsic absorptance. Meso-scale prototypes were fabricated using additive manufacturing techniques, and a macro-scale bladed receiver design was fabricated using Inconel 625 tubes. On-sun tests were performed using the solar furnace and solar tower at the National Solar Thermal Test facility. The test results demonstrated enhanced solar absorptance and thermal efficiency of the fractal-like designs.

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Experimental and numerical studies of air curtains for falling particle receivers

ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2014 Collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ho, Clifford K.; Christian, Joshua M.; Moya, Adam C.; Taylor, Josh; Ray, Daniel; Kelton, John

The use of an air curtain blowing across the aperture of a falling-particle receiver has been proposed to mitigate convective heat losses and to protect the flow of particles from external winds. This paper presents experimental and numerical studies that evaluate the impact of an air curtain on the performance of a falling particle receiver. Unheated experimental studies were performed to evaluate the impact of various factors (particle size, particle mass flow rate, particle release location, air-curtain flow rate, and external wind) on particle flow, stability, and loss through the aperture. Numerical simulations were performed to evaluate the impact of an air curtain on the thermal efficiency of a falling particle receiver at different operating temperatures. Results showed that the air curtain reduced particle loss when particles were released near the aperture in the presence of external wind, but the presence of the air curtain did not generally improve the flow characteristics and loss of the particles for other scenarios. Numerical results showed that the presence of an air curtain could reduce the convective heat losses, but only at higher temperatures (>600°C) when buoyant hot air leaving the aperture was significant.

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Design and evaluation of an on-sun prototype falling-particle cavity receiver

ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2014 Collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Christian, Joshua M.; Ho, Clifford K.; Kolb, William J.; Kelton, John; Ray, Daniel

Cavity receivers have been an integral part of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants for many years. However, falling solid particle receivers (SPR) which employ a cavity design are only in the beginning stages of on-sun testing and evaluation. A prototype SPR has been developed which will be fully integrated into a complete system to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology in the CSP sector. The receiver is a rectangular cavity with an aperture on the north side, open bottom (for particle collection), and a slot in the top (particle curtain injection). The solid particles fall from the top of the cavity through the solar flux and are collected after leaving the receiver. There are inherent design challenges with this type of receiver including particle curtain opacity, high wall fluxes, high wall temperatures, and high heat losses. CFD calculations using ANSYS FLUENT were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the current receiver design. The particle curtain mass flow rate needed to be carefully regulated such that the curtain opacity is high (to intercept as much solar radiation as possible), but also low enough to increase the average particle temperature by 200°C. Wall temperatures were shown to be less than 1200°C when the particle curtain mass flow rate is 2.7 kg/s/m which is critical for the receiver insulation. The size of the cavity was shown to decrease the incident flux on the cavity walls and also reduced the wall temperatures. A thermal efficiency of 92% was achieved, but was obtained with a higher particle mass flow rate resulting in a lower average particle temperature rise. A final prototype receiver design has been completed utilizing the computational evaluation and past CSP project experiences.

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4 Results
4 Results