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Additional capabilities of a compact neutron scatter camera: Active interrogation, time-correlated pulse-height multiplication measurements, and gamma imaging

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Monterial, Mateusz M.

Our previous conference report on this instrument emphasized its use for fast-neutron imaging spectroscopy. We describe here its additional measurement capabilities, namely active interrogation, time-correlated pulse-height multiplication measurements, and gamma imaging.

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System Construction of the Stilbene Compact Neutron Scatter Camera

Goldsmith, John E.; Gerling, Mark D.; Brennan, James S.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.; Helm, Jonathan I.

This report documents the construction of a stilbene-crystal-based compact neutron scatter camera. This system is essentially identical to the MINER (Mobile Imager of Neutrons for Emergency Responders) system previously built and deployed under DNN R&D funding,1 but with the liquid scintillator in the detection cells replaced by stilbene crystals. The availability of these two systems for side-by-side performance comparisons will enable us to unambiguously identify the performance enhancements provided by the stilbene crystals, which have only recently become commercially available in the large size required (3” diameter, 3” deep).

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MINER - A mobile imager of neutrons for emergency responders

2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014

Gerling, Mark D.; Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.

Our research group has been developing a fast neutron imaging platform to enhance the capabilities of emergency responders in the localization and characterization of special nuclear material. This mobile imager of neutrons for emergency responders (MINER) is a compact neutron scatter camera optimized to provide omni-directional (4-Pi) imaging with only a ~twofold decrease in sensitivity compared to our much larger neutron scatter cameras. The system performance is tuned for fission energy neutron imaging and spectroscopy, and it also can function as a Compton camera for gamma imaging. Results will be presented relating to detector response as well as several measurement campaigns at external facilities.

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A High-Sensitivity Fast Neutron Imager

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Mascarenhas, Nick M.; Reyna, David R.

A wide range of NSC (Neutron Scatter Camera) activities were conducted under this lifecycle plan. This document outlines the highlights of those activities, broadly characterized as system improvements, laboratory measurements, and deployments, and presents sample results in these areas. Additional information can be found in the documents that reside in WebPMIS.

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MINER - A Mobile Imager of Neutrons for Emergency Responders

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Gerling, Mark D.; Kiff, Scott D.; Mascarenhas, Nick M.; Van De Vreugde, James L.

We have developed a mobile fast neutron imaging platform to enhance the capabilities of emergency responders in the localization and characterization of special nuclear material. This mobile imager of neutrons for emergency responders (MINER) is based on the Neutron Scatter Camera, a large segmented imaging system that was optimized for large-area search applications. Due to the reduced size and power requirements of a man-portable system, MINER has been engineered to fit a much smaller form factor, and to be operated from either a battery or AC power. We chose a design that enabled omnidirectional (4π) imaging, with only a ~twofold decrease in sensitivity compared to the much larger neutron scatter cameras. The system was designed to optimize its performance for neutron imaging and spectroscopy, but it does also function as a Compton camera for gamma imaging. This document outlines the project activities, broadly characterized as system development, laboratory measurements, and deployments, and presents sample results in these areas. Additional information can be found in the documents that reside in WebPMIS.

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40 Results