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Calibration strategies and modeling approaches for predicting load-displacement behavior and failure for multiaxial loadings in threaded fasteners

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

Mersch, J.P.; Smith, J.A.; Orient, George E.; Grimmer, Peter W.; Gearhart, Jhana S.

Multiple fastener reduced-order models and fitting strategies are used on a multiaxial dataset and these models are further evaluated using a high-fidelity analysis model to demonstrate how well these strategies predict load-displacement behavior and failure. Two common reduced-order modeling approaches, the plug and spot weld, are calibrated, assessed, and compared to a more intensive approach – a “two-block” plug calibrated to multiple datasets. An optimization analysis workflow leveraging a genetic algorithm was exercised on a set of quasistatic test data where fasteners were pulled at angles from 0° to 90° in 15° increments to obtain material parameters for a fastener model that best capture the load-displacement behavior of the chosen datasets. The one-block plug is calibrated just to the tension data, the spot weld is calibrated to the tension (0°) and shear (90°), and the two-block plug is calibrated to all data available (0°-90°). These calibrations are further assessed by incorporating these models and modeling approaches into a high-fidelity analysis model of the test setup and comparing the load-displacement predictions to the raw test data.

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The Sandia Fracture Challenge: How ductile failure predictions fare

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Boyce, Brad B.; Jones, Amanda; Gearhart, Jhana S.; Salzbrenner, Bradley S.

The Sandia Fracture Challenges provide the mechanics community a forum for assessing its ability to predict ductile fracture through a blind, round-robin format where computationalists are asked to predict the deformation and failure of an arbitrary geometry given experimental calibration data. This presentation will cover the three Sandia Fracture Challenges, with emphasis on the third. The third Challenge, issued in 2017, consisted of an additively manufactured 316L stainless steel tensile bar with through holes and internal cavities that could not have been conventionally machined. The volunteer prediction teams were provided extensive materials data from tensile tests of specimens printed on the same build tray to electron backscatter diffraction microstructural maps and micro-computed tomography scans of the Challenge geometry. The teams were asked a variety of questions, including predictions of variability in the resulting fracture response, as the basis for assessment of their predictive capabilities. This presentation will describe the Challenges and compare the experimental results to the predictions, identifying gaps in capabilities, both experimentally and computationally, to inform future investments. The Sandia Fracture Challenge has evolved into the Structural Reliability Partnership, where researchers will create several blind challenges covering a wider variety of topics in structural reliability. This presentation will also describe this new venture.

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V-Notched rail test for shear-dominated deformation of Ti-6A1-4V

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Laing, John R.; Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Gearhart, Jhana S.; Boyce, Brad B.

Evermore sophisticated ductile plasticity and failure models demand experimental material characterization of shear behavior; yet, the mechanics community lacks a widely accepted, standard test method for shear-dominated deformation and failure of ductile metals. We investigated the use of the V-notched rail test, borrowed from the ASTM D7078 standard for shear testing of composites, for shear testing of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheet material, considering sheet rolling direction and quasi-static and transient load rates. In this paper, we discuss practical aspects of testing, modifications to the specimen geometry, and the experimental shear behavior of Ti-6Al-4V. Specimen installation, machine compliance, specimen-grip slip during testing, and specimen V-notched geometry all influenced the measured specimen behavior such that repeatable shear-dominated behavior was initially difficult to obtain. We will discuss the careful experimental procedure and set of measurements necessary to extract meaningful shear information for Ti-6Al-4V. We also evaluate the merits and deficiencies, including practicality of testing for engineering applications and quality of results, of the V-notched rail test for characterization of ductile shear behavior.

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Effect of shell drilling stiffness on response calculations of rectangular plates and tubes of rectangular cross-section under compression

Corona, Edmundo C.; Gearhart, Jhana S.; Hales, Jason H.

This report considers the calculation of the quasi-static nonlinear response of rectangular flat plates and tubes of rectangular cross-section subjected to compressive loads using quadrilateralshell finite element models. The principal objective is to assess the effect that the shell drilling stiffness parameter has on the calculated results. The calculated collapse load of elastic-plastic tubes of rectangular cross-section is of particular interest here. The drilling stiffness factor specifies the amount of artificial stiffness that is given to the shell element drilling Degree of freedom (rotation normal to the plane of the element). The element formulation has no stiffness for this degree of freedom, and this can lead to numerical difficulties. The results indicate that in the problems considered it is necessary to add a small amount of drilling tiffness to obtain converged results when using both implicit quasi-statics or explicit dynamics methods. The report concludes with a parametric study of the imperfection sensitivity of the calculated responses of the elastic-plastic tubes with rectangular cross-section.

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15 Results
15 Results