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Infrasound direction of arrival determination using a balloon-borne aeroseismometer

JASA Express Letters

Bowman, Daniel B.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Krishnamoorthy, S.K.; Silber, Elizabeth A.

Free-floating balloons are an emerging platform for infrasound recording, but they cannot host arrays sufficiently wide for multi-sensor acoustic direction finding techniques. Because infrasound waves are longitudinal, the balloon motion in response to acoustic loading can be used to determine the signal azimuth. This technique, called “aeroseismometry,” permits sparse balloon-borne networks to geolocate acoustic sources. This is demonstrated by using an aeroseismometer on a stratospheric balloon to measure the direction of arrival of acoustic waves from successive ground chemical explosions. A geolocation algorithm adapted from hydroacoustics is then used to calculate the location of the explosions.

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Modeling the Vertical Response of an Aeroseismometer Balloon System

Rouse, Jerry W.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Sinclair, Alexandra M.; Silber, Elizabeth A.

Aeroseismometery is a novel, cutting edge capability that involves balloon based systems for detecting and geolocating sources of infrasound. The incident infrasound from a range of sources such as volcanos, earthquakes, explosions, supersonic aircraft impinges upon the balloon system causing it to respond dynamically. The dynamic response is post-processed to locate the infrasound source. This report documents the derivation of an analytical model that predicts the balloon dynamics. Governing equations for the system are derived as well as a transfer function relating the infrasound signal to the net force on the balloon components. Experimental measurements of the infrasound signals are convolved with the transfer function and the governing equations numerically time integrated to obtain predictions of the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the balloon system. The predictions are compared to the experimental measurements with good agreement observed. The derivation focuses only on the vertical dynamics of the balloon system. Future work will develop governing equations for the swinging response of the balloon to the incident infrasound.

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Directional infrasound sensing using acoustic metamaterials

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Rouse, Jerry W.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Walsh, Timothy W.

Natural and anthropogenic infrasound may travel vast distances, making it an invaluable resource for monitoring phenomena such as nuclear explosions, volcanic eruptions, severe storms, and many others. Typically, these waves are captured using pressure sensors, which cannot encode the direction of arrival—critical information when the source location is not known beforehand. Obtaining this information therefore requires arrays of sensors with apertures ranging from tens of meters to kilometers depending on the wavelengths of interest. This is often impractical in locations that lack the necessary real estate (urban areas, rugged regions, or remote islands); in any case, it requires multiple power, digitizer, and telemetry deployments. Here, the theoretical basis behind a compact infrasound direction of arrival sensor based on the acoustic metamaterials is presented. This sensor occupies a footprint that is orders of magnitude smaller than the span of a typical infrasound array. The diminutive size of the unit greatly expands the locations where it can be deployed. The sensor design is described, its ability to determine the direction of arrival is evaluated, and further avenues of study are suggested.

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A Generalized Stress Inversion Approach with Application to Residual Stress Estimation

Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME

Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Reu, Phillip L.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Jared, Bradley H.; Bishop, Joseph E.

We develop a generalized stress inversion technique (or the generalized inversion method) capable of recovering stresses in linear elastic bodies subjected to arbitrary cuts. Specifically, given a set of displacement measurements found experimentally from digital image correlation (DIC), we formulate a stress estimation inverse problem as a partial differential equation-constrained optimization problem. We use gradient-based optimization methods, and we accordingly derive the necessary gradient and Hessian information in a matrix-free form to allow for parallel, large-scale operations. By using a combination of finite elements, DIC, and a matrix-free optimization framework, the generalized inversion method can be used on any arbitrary geometry, provided that the DIC camera can view a sufficient part of the surface. We present numerical simulations and experiments, and we demonstrate that the generalized inversion method can be applied to estimate residual stress.

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Development of a Generalized Residual Stress Inversion Technique

Johnson, Kyle J.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Reu, Phillip L.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Farias, Paul A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Susan, D.F.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Bellotti, Aurelio B.; Jacobs, Laurence J.

Residual stress is a common result of manufacturing processes, but it is one that is often overlooked in design and qualification activities. There are many reasons for this oversight, such as lack of observable indicators and difficulty in measurement. Traditional relaxation-based measurement methods use some type of material removal to cause surface displacements, which can then be used to solve for the residual stresses relieved by the removal. While widely used, these methods may offer only individual stress components or may be limited by part or cut geometry requirements. Diffraction-based methods, such as X-ray or neutron, offer non-destructive results but require access to a radiation source. With the goal of producing a more flexible solution, this LDRD developed a generalized residual stress inversion technique that can recover residual stresses released by all traction components on a cut surface, with much greater freedom in part geometry and cut location. The developed method has been successfully demonstrated on both synthetic and experimental data. The project also investigated dislocation density quantification using nonlinear ultrasound, residual stress measurement using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Hole Drilling, and validation of residual stress predictions in Additive Manufacturing process models.

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Benchmark analytical solutions for steady state high frequency broadband sound fields in three rectangular enclosures

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Raudales, David R.; Bliss, Donald B.; Michalis, Krista A.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Franzoni, Linda P.

Analytical solutions are presented for broadband sound fields in three rectangular enclosures with absorption applied on the floor and ceiling, rigid sidewalls, and a vertically oriented dipole source. The solutions are intended to serve as benchmarks that can be used to assess the performance of broadband techniques, particularly energy-based methods, in a relatively straightforward configuration with precisely specified boundary conditions. A broadband Helmholtz solution is developed using a frequency-by-frequency modal approach to determine the exact band averaged mean-square pressures along spatial trajectories within each enclosure. Due to the specific choice of enclosure configuration and absorption distribution, an approximate specular solution can be obtained through a summation of uncorrelated image sources. Comparisons between the band averaged Helmholtz solution and the uncorrelated image solution reveal excellent agreement for a wide range of absorption levels and improve the understanding of correlation effects in broadband sound fields. In conclusion, a boundary element solution with diffuse boundaries is also presented, which produces consistently higher mean-square pressures in comparison with the specular solution, emphasizing the careful attention that must be placed on correctly modeling reflecting boundary conditions and demonstrating the errors that can result from assuming a Lambertian surface.

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32 Results
32 Results