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Incorporating the effects of objects in an approximate model of light transport in scattering media

Optics Letters

Bentz, Brian Z.; Pattyn, Christian A.; Vander Laan, John D.; Redman, Brian J.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Westlake, Karl W.; Wright, Jeremy B.

A computationally efficient radiative transport model is presented that predicts a camera measurement and accounts for the light reflected and blocked by an object in a scattering medium. The model is in good agreement with experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber Facility (SNLFC). The model is applicable in computational imaging to detect, localize, and image objects hidden in scattering media. Here, a statistical approach was implemented to study object detection limits in fog.

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Facile microwave synthesis of zirconium metal-organic framework thin films on gold and silicon and application to sensor functionalization

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Appelhans, Leah A.; Hughes, Lindsey G.; McKenzie, Bonnie; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Griego, J.J.M.; Briscoe, Jayson B.; Moorman, Matthew W.; Frederick, Esther F.; Wright, Jeremy B.

Zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks, including UiO-66 and related frameworks, have become the focus of considerable research in the area of chemical warfare agent (CWA) decontamination. However, little work has been reported exploring these metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for CWA sensing applications. For many sensing approaches, the growth of high-quality thin films of the active material is required, and thin film growth methods must be compatible with complex device architectures. Several approaches to synthesize thin films of UiO-66 have been described but many of these existing methods are complex or time consuming. We describe the development of a simple and rapid microwave assisted synthesis of oriented UiO-66 thin films on unmodified silicon (Si) and gold (Au) substrates. Thin films of UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2 can be grown in as little as 2 min on gold substrates and 30 min on Si substrates. The film morphology and orientation are characterized and the effects of reaction time and temperature on thin film growth on Au are investigated. Both reaction time and temperature impact the overgrowth of protruding discrete crystallites in the thin film layer but, surprisingly, no strong correlation is observed between film thickness and reaction time or temperature. We also briefly describe the synthesis of Zr/Ce solid solution thin films of UiO-66 on Au and report the first synthesis of a solid solution thin film MOF. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the microwave method for the facile functionalization of two sensor architectures, plasmonic nanohole arrays and microresonators, with UiO-66 thin films.

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Light transport with weak angular dependence in fog

Optics Express

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

Random scattering and absorption of light by tiny particles in aerosols, like fog, reduce situational awareness and cause unacceptable down-time for critical systems or operations. Computationally efficient light transport models are desired for computational imaging to improve remote sensing capabilities in degraded optical environments. To this end, we have developed a model based on a weak angular dependence approximation to the Boltzmann or radiative transfer equation that appears to be applicable in both the moderate and highly scattering regimes, thereby covering the applicability domain of both the small angle and diffusion approximations. An analytic solution was derived and validated using experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The evolution of the fog particle density and size distribution were measured and used to determine macroscopic absorption and scattering properties using Mie theory. A three-band (0.532, 1.55, and 9.68 μm) transmissometer with lock-in amplifiers enabled changes in fog density of over an order of magnitude to be measured due to the increased transmission at higher wavelengths, covering both the moderate and highly scattering regimes. The meteorological optical range parameter is shown to be about 0.6 times the transport mean free path length, suggesting an improved physical interpretation of this parameter.

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Optimization and Prediction of Spectral Response of Metasurfaces Using Artificial Intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahoue, Emily D.; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Optimization and prediction of spectral response of metasurfaces using artificial intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahue, Emily; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Investigating relationship between surface topography and emissivity of metallic additively manufactured parts

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

Taylor, Samantha; Wright, Jeremy B.; Forrest, Eric C.; Jared, Bradley H.; Koepke, Joshua R.; Beaman, Joseph

Due to the direct relationship between thermal history and mechanical behavior, in situ thermal monitoring is key in gauging quality of parts produced with additive manufacturing (AM). Accurate monitoring of temperatures in an AM process requires knowledge of environment and object parameters including object emissivity. The emissivity is dependent on several variables, including: wavelength, material composition, temperature, and surface topography. Researchers have been concerned with the thermal emissivity dependence on temperature since large ranges are seen in metal powder bed processes, but there is also an extensive range of surfaces produced by AM. This work focused on discovering what roughness characteristics control thermal emissivity through investigation of prototypic 316 stainless steel AM samples produced with a range of build conditions on a laser powder bed fusion machine. Through experimental measurements of emissivity using hemispherical directional reflectance (HDR), guided by simulations using a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) Maxwell solver, it was found that combinations of existing roughness parameters describing both height and slope of the surface correlate well with emissivity changes. These parameters work well due to their apt description of surface features encouraging internal reflection, which is the phenomenon that increases emissivity when a surface falls under the geometric optical region conditions.

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Towards computational imaging for intelligence in highly scattering aerosols

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

This communication reports progress towards the development of computational sensing and imaging methods that utilize highly scattered light to extract information at greater depths in degraded visual environments like fog for improved situational awareness. As light propagates through fog, information is lost due to random scattering and absorption by micrometer sized water droplets. Computational diffuse optical imaging shows promise for interpreting the detected scattered light, enabling greater depth penetration than current methods. Developing this capability requires verification and validation of diffusion models of light propagation in fog. We report models that were developed and compared to experimental data captured at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The diffusion approximation to the radiative transfer equation was found to predict light propagation in fog under the appropriate conditions.

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Nonpolar InGaN/GaN Core-Shell Single Nanowire Lasers

Nano Letters

Li, Changyi; Wright, Jeremy B.; Liu, Sheng L.; Lu, Ping L.; Figiel, J.J.; Leung, Benjamin; Chow, Weng W.; Brener, Igal B.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Luk, Ting S.; Feezell, Daniel F.; Brueck, S.R.J.; Wang, George T.

We report lasing from nonpolar p-i-n InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well core-shell single-nanowire lasers by optical pumping at room temperature. The nanowire lasers were fabricated using a hybrid approach consisting of a top-down two-step etch process followed by a bottom-up regrowth process, enabling precise geometrical control and high material gain and optical confinement. The modal gain spectra and the gain curves of the core-shell nanowire lasers were measured using micro-photoluminescence and analyzed using the Hakki-Paoli method. Significantly lower lasing thresholds due to high optical gain were measured compared to previously reported semipolar InGaN/GaN core-shell nanowires, despite significantly shorter cavity lengths and reduced active region volume. Mode simulations show that due to the core-shell architecture, annular-shaped modes have higher optical confinement than solid transverse modes. The results show the viability of this p-i-n nonpolar core-shell nanowire architecture, previously investigated for next-generation light-emitting diodes, as low-threshold, coherent UV-visible nanoscale light emitters, and open a route toward monolithic, integrable, electrically injected single-nanowire lasers operating at room temperature.

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Particle distribution variation on linear and circular polarization persistence in fog environments

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Vander Laan, John D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Kemme, S.A.

Scattering environment conditions, such as fog, pose a challenge for many detection and surveillance active sensing operations in both ground and air platforms. For example, current autonomous vehicles rely on a range of optical sensors that are affected by degraded visual environments. Real-world fog conditions can vary widely depending on the location and environmental conditions during its creation. In our previous work we have shown benefits for increasing signal and range through scattering environments such as fog utilizing polarized light, specifically circular polarization. In this work we investigate the effect of changing fog particle sizes and distributions on polarization persistence for both circularly and linearly polarized light via simulation. We present polarization tracking Monte Carlo results for a range of realistic monodisperse particle sizes as well as varying particle size distributions as a model of scattering environments. We systematically vary the monodisperse particle size, mean particle size of a distribution, particle size distribution width, and number of distribution lobes (bi-modal), as they affect polarized light transmission through a scattering environment. We show that circular polarization signal persists better than linear polarization signal for most variations of the particle distribution parameters.

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Optical characterization of the Sandia fog facility

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Wright, Jeremy B.; Vander Laan, John D.; Sanchez, A.L.; Kemme, S.A.; Scrymgeour, David S.

Degraded visual environments are a serious concern for modern sensing and surveillance systems. Fog is of interest due to the frequency of its formation along our coastlines disrupting border security and surveillance. Fog presents hurdles in intelligence and reconnaissance by preventing data collection with optical systems for extended periods. We will present recent results from our work in operating optical systems in our controlled fog experimental chamber. This facility is a 180-foot-long, 10-foot-wide, and 10-foot-Tall structure that has over 60 spray nozzles to achieve uniform aerosol coverage with various particle size, distributions, and densities. We will discuss the physical formation of fog in nature and how our generated fog compares. In addition, we will discuss fog distributions and characterization techniques. We will investigate the biases of different methods and discuss the different techniques that are appropriate for realistic environments. Finally, we will compare the data obtained from our characterization studies against accepted models (e.g., MODTRAN) and validate the usage of this unique capability as a controlled experimental realization of natural fog formations. By proving the capability, we will enable the testing and validation of future fog penetrating optical systems and providing a platform for performing optical propagation experimentation in a known, stable, and controlled environment.

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Effects of collection geometry variations on linear and circular polarization persistence in both isotropic-scattering and forward-scattering environments

Applied Optics

Vander Laan, John D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Kemme, S.A.; Dereniak, Eustace L.

We present simulation and experimental results showing circular polarization is more tolerant of optical collection geometry (field of view and collection area) variations than linear polarization for forward-scattering environments. Circular polarization also persists superiorly in the forward-scattering environment compared to linear polarization by maintaining its degree of polarization better through increasing optical thicknesses. In contrast, both linear and circular polarizations are susceptible to collection geometry variations for isotropic-scattering (Rayleigh regime) environments, and linear polarization maintains a small advantage in polarization persistence. Simulations and measurements are presented for laboratory-based environments of polystyrene microspheres in water. Particle diameters were 0.0824 μm (for isotropic-scattering) and 1.925 μm (for forward-scattering) with an illumination wavelength of 543.5 nm.

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Imaging LIDAR through Fog and Dust for Maritime Surveillance

Wright, Jeremy B.; Vander Laan, John D.; Kemme, S.A.

This work supports Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) for tactical situational awareness in challenging environments with modified imaging LIDAR (light detection and ranging). LIDAR produces an irradiance-based scene with high, three-dimensional, spatial resolution; differentiating reflecting surfaces and surface textures not just for target detection, but also target recognition. LIDAR is generally prevented from working through all weather; as the traditional source wavelengths are scattered and/or absorbed by fog, clouds, and dust known as degraded visual environments (DVEs). This work identifies and quantifies improved optical wavelength regimes and polarization strategies that should open this otherwise denied operating window for LIDAR. We demonstrate modified imaging LIDAR's utility and ability to produce images in environments that have been challenging for traditional LIDAR (fog, dust) systems. We utilize a state-of-the-art Geiger mode avalanche photodiode (GMAPD) 32X32 detecting array for imaging with an integrated fast timing circuit ROIC per imaging detector pixel. This GMAPD is equivalent to 1024 radar receivers and produces a 3-D point cloud scene for each %3Clnsec laser interrogation pulse. Through this work, we have demonstrated Sandia's first imaging LIDAR system. We developed significant software to scan the GMAPD array, control data acquisition, and stitch an arbitrary number of images for greater lateral spatial resolution. We designed and built an optical system to evaluate performance, in the laboratory and in field tests, and relate to the performance at tactically important distances. Our use of this system is to study and characterize techniques that extend the range of useful imaging through fog for applications in a maritime environment. We quantify, with simulations, broad wavelength regimes and illuminating polarizations that have benefit in propagating through fog. In particular, we identify circular polarization over broad wavebands as a superior persisting signal technique in extending the useful range of active LIDAR in forward-scattering environments. Finally, we characterize the performance of our LIDAR system and confirm our theoretical predictions in the field and directly evaluate this system as a function of polarization in Sandia's medium-range Fog Tunnel Facility. This technology has potential impacts in improved ISR in maritime environments, but with further development could be revolutionary in tactical ISR by providing real-time three-dimensional full motion video (3D FMV) in DVEs.

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Variation of linear and circular polarization persistence for changing field of view and collection area in a forward scattering environment

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Vander Laan, John D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Kemme, S.A.; Dereniak, Eustace L.

We present experimental and simulation results for a laboratory-based forward-scattering environment, where 1 μm diameter polystyrene spheres are suspended in water to model the optical scattering properties of fog. Circular polarization maintains its degree of polarization better than linear polarization as the optical thickness of the scattering environment increases. Both simulation and experiment quantify circular polarization's superior persistence, compared to that of linear polarization, and show that it is much less affected by variations in the field of view and collection area of the optical system. Our experimental environment's lateral extent was physically finite, causing a significant difference between measured and simulated degree of polarization values for incident linearly polarized light, but not for circularly polarized light. Through simulation we demonstrate that circular polarization is less susceptible to the finite environmental extent as well as the collection optic's limiting configuration.

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Evolution of circular and linear polarization in scattering environments

Optics Express

Vander Laan, John D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Kemme, S.A.; Dereniak, Eustace L.

This work quantifies the polarization persistence and memory of circularly polarized light in forward-scattering and isotropic (Rayleigh regime) environments; and for the first time, details the evolution of both circularly and linearly polarized states through scattering environments. Circularly polarized light persists through a larger number of scattering events longer than linearly polarized light for all forward-scattering environments; but not for scattering in the Rayleigh regime. Circular polarization's increased persistence occurs for both forward and backscattered light. The simulated environments model polystyrene microspheres in water with particle diameters of 0.1 μm, 2.0 μm, and 3.0 μm. The evolution of the polarization states as they scatter throughout the various environments are illustrated on the Poincaré sphere after one, two, and ten scattering events.

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Electrically Injected UV-Visible Nanowire Lasers

Wang, George T.; Li, Changyi L.; Li, Qiming L.; Liu, Sheng L.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Luk, Ting S.; Chow, Weng W.; Leung, Benjamin L.; Figiel, J.J.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.

There is strong interest in minimizing the volume of lasers to enable ultracompact, low-power, coherent light sources. Nanowires represent an ideal candidate for such nanolasers as stand-alone optical cavities and gain media, and optically pumped nanowire lasing has been demonstrated in several semiconductor systems. Electrically injected nanowire lasers are needed to realize actual working devices but have been elusive due to limitations of current methods to address the requirement for nanowire device heterostructures with high material quality, controlled doping and geometry, low optical loss, and efficient carrier injection. In this project we proposed to demonstrate electrically injected single nanowire lasers emitting in the important UV to visible wavelengths. Our approach to simultaneously address these challenges is based on high quality III-nitride nanowire device heterostructures with precisely controlled geometries and strong gain and mode confinement to minimize lasing thresholds, enabled by a unique top-down nanowire fabrication technique.

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Nonpolar InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well core-shell nanowire lasers

CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015

Li, Changyi; Wright, Jeremy B.; Liu, Sheng L.; Lu, Ping L.; Figiel, J.J.; Leung, Benjamin L.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.; Feezell, Daniel; Brueck, S.R.J.; Wang, George T.

Lasing is demonstrated from nonpolar III-nitride core-shell multi-quantum-well nanowires. The nanowire lasers were fabricated by coupling a top-down and bottom-up methodology and achieved lasing at wavelengths below the GaN bandedge. © OSA 2015.

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Controlled Growth of Ordered III-Nitride Core–Shell Nanostructure Arrays for Visible Optoelectronic Devices

Journal of Electronic Materials

Rishinaramangalam, Ashwin K.; Ul Masabih, Saadat M.; Fairchild, Michael N.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Shima, Darryl M.; Balakrishnan, Ganesh; Brener, Igal; Brueck, S.R.J.; Feezell, Daniel F.

We demonstrate the growth of ordered arrays of nonpolar $$\{ 10\bar{1}0\} $${101¯0} core–shell nanowalls and semipolar $$ \{ 10\bar{1}1\}$${101¯1} core–shell pyramidal nanostripes on c-plane (0001) sapphire substrates using selective-area epitaxy and metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The nanostructure arrays are controllably patterned into LED mesa regions, demonstrating a technique to impart secondary lithography features into the arrays. We study the dependence of the nanostructure cores on the epitaxial growth conditions and show that the geometry and morphology are strongly influenced by growth temperature, V/III ratio, and pulse interruption time. We also demonstrate the growth of InGaN quantum well shells on the nanostructures and characterize the structures by using micro-photoluminescence and cross-section scanning tunneling electron microscopy.

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Gallium nitride nanotube lasers

Applied Physics Letters

Li, Changyi L.; Liu, Sheng L.; Hurtado, Antonio H.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Xu, Huiwen X.; Luk, Ting S.; Figiel, J.J.; Brener, Igal B.; Brueck, S.R.; Wang, George T.

Lasing is demonstrated from gallium nitride nanotubes fabricated using a two-step top-down technique. By optically pumping, we observed characteristics of lasing: a clear threshold, a narrow spectral, and guided emission from the nanotubes. In addition, annular lasing emission from the GaN nanotube is also observed, indicating that cross-sectional shape control can be employed to manipulate the properties of nanolasers. The nanotube lasers could be of interest for optical nanofluidic applications or application benefitting from a hollow beam shape.

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III-Nitride Nanowire Lasers

Wright, Jeremy B.

In recent years there has been a tremendous interest in nanoscale optoelectronic devices. Among these devices are semiconductor nanowires whose diameters range from 10-100 nm. To date, nanowires have been grown using many semiconducting material systems and have been utilized as light emitting diodes, photodetectors, and solar cells. Nanowires possess a relatively large index contrast relative to their dielectric environment and can be used as lasers. A key gure of merit that allows for nanowire lasing is the relatively high optical con nement factor. In this work, I discuss the optical characterization of 3 types of III-nitride nanowire laser devices. Two devices were designed to reduce the number of lasing modes to achieve singlemode operation. The third device implements low-group velocity mode lasing with a photonic crystal constructed of an array of nanowires. Single-mode operation is necessary in any application where high beam quality and single frequency operation is required. III-Nitride nanowire lasers typically operate in a combined multi-longitudinal and multi-transverse mode state. Two schemes are introduced here for controlling the optical modes and achieving single-mode op eration. The rst method involves reducing the diameter of individual nanowires to the cut-o condition, where only one optical mode propagates in the wire. The second method employs distributed feedback (DFB) to achieve single-mode lasing by placing individual GaN nanowires onto substrates with etched gratings. The nanowire-grating substrate acted as a distributed feedback mirror producing single mode operation at 370 nm with a mode suppression ratio (MSR) of 17 dB. The usage of lasers for solid state lighting has the potential to further reduce U.S. lighting energy usage through an increase in emitter e ciency. Advances in nanowire fabrication, speci cally a two-step top-down approach, have allowed for the demonstration of a multi-color array of lasers on a single chip that emit vertically. By tuning the geometrical properties of the individual lasers across the array, each individual nanowire laser produced a di erent emission wavelength yielding a near continuum of laser wavelengths. I successfully fabricated an array of emitters spanning a bandwidth of 60 nm on a single chip. This was achieved in the blue-violet using III-nitride photonic crystal nanowire lasers.

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The Energy Frontier Research Center for Solid-State Lighting Science: Exploring New Materials Architectures and Light Emission Phenomena

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Coltrin, Michael E.; Subramania, Ganapathi S.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Wang, George T.; Wierer, Jonathan W.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Brener, Igal B.; Chow, Weng W.; Crawford, Mary H.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Martin, James E.; Rohwer, Lauren E.

Abstract not provided.

Optical magnetic mirrors without metals


Liu, Sheng; Sinclair, Michael B.; Mahony, Thomas S.; Jun, Young C.; Campione, Salvatore; Ginn, James; Bender, Daniel A.; Wendt, J.R.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Clem, Paul G.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.

The reflection of an optical wave from metal, arising from strong interactions between the optical electric field and the free carriers of the metal, is accompanied by a phase reversal of the reflected electric field. A far less common route to achieving high reflectivity exploits strong interactions between the material and the optical magnetic field to produce a “magnetic mirror” that does not reverse the phase of the reflected electric field. At optical frequencies, the magnetic properties required for strong interaction can be achieved only by using artificially tailored materials. Here, we experimentally demonstrate, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the magnetic mirror behavior of a low-loss all-dielectric metasurface at infrared optical frequencies through direct measurements of the phase and amplitude of the reflected optical wave. The enhanced absorption and emission of transverse-electric dipoles placed close to magnetic mirrors can lead to exciting new advances in sensors, photodetectors, and light sources.

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Gallium nitride nanowire distributed feedback lasers

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest

Wright, Jeremy B.; Campione, Salvatore; Liu, Sheng L.; Martinez, Julio A.; Xu, Huiwen; Luk, Ting S.; Li, Qiming; Wang, George T.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Brener, Igal B.

We have demonstrated single-mode lasing in a single gallium nitride nanowire using distributed feedback by external coupling to a dielectric grating. By adjusting the nanowire grating alignment we achieved a mode suppression ratio of 17dB.

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Ultralow-loss silicon ring resonators

Optics Letters

Biberman, Aleksandr; Shaw, Michael J.; Timurdogan, Erman; Wright, Jeremy B.; Watts, Michael R.

We experimentally demonstrate silicon ring resonators with internal quality factors of Q0 = 2.2 × 107, corresponding to record 2.7 dB/m propagation losses. Importantly, we show that these propagation losses are limited by bend loss, indicating that the propagation loss limit for silicon has not yet been reached. © 2012 Optical Society of America.

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Single-mode GaN nanowire lasers

Optics Express

Li, Qiming L.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Chow, Weng W.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.; Lester, Luke F.; Wang, George T.

We demonstrate stable, single-frequency output from single, asfabricated GaN nanowire lasers operating far above lasing threshold. Each laser is a linear, double-facet GaN nanowire functioning as gain medium and optical resonator, fabricated by a top-down technique that exploits a tunable dry etch plus anisotropic wet etch for precise control of the nanowire dimensions and high material gain. A single-mode linewidth of ∼0.12 nm and >18dB side-mode suppression ratio are measured. Numerical simulations indicate that single-mode lasing arises from strong mode competition and narrow gain bandwidth. © 2012 Optical Society of America.

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Top-down fabrication of GaN-based nanorod LEDs and lasers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Wang, George T.; Li, Qiming L.; Wierer, Jonathan W.; Figiel, J.J.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.

Although planar heterostructures dominate current optoelectronic architectures, 1D nanowires and nanorods have distinct and advantageous properties that may enable higher efficiency, longer wavelength, and cheaper devices. We have developed a top-down approach for fabricating ordered arrays of high quality GaN-based nanorods with controllable height, pitch and diameter. This approach avoids many of the limitations of bottom-up synthesis methods. In addition to GaN nanorods, the fabrication and characterization of both axial and radial-type GaN/InGaN nanorod LEDs have been achieved. The precise control over nanorod geometry achiveable by this technique also enables single-mode single nanowire lasing with linewidths of less than 0.1 nm and low lasing thresholds of ∼250kW/cm 2. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

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Room temperature detector array technology for the terahertz to far-infrared

Shaner, Eric A.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Kadlec, Emil A.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Rakich, Peter T.; Camacho, Ryan C.

Thermal detection has made extensive progress in the last 40 years, however, the speed and detectivity can still be improved. The advancement of silicon photonic microring resonators has made them intriguing for detection devices due to their small size and high quality factors. Implementing silicon photonic microring or microdisk resonators as a means of a thermal detector gives rise to higher speed and detectivity, as well as lower noise compared to conventional devices with electrical readouts. This LDRD effort explored the design and measurements of silicon photonic microdisk resonators used for thermal detection. The characteristic values, consisting of the thermal time constant ({tau} {approx} 2 ms) and noise equivalent power were measured and found to surpass the performance of the best microbolometers. Furthermore the detectivity was found to be D{sub {lambda}} = 2.47 x 10{sup 8} cm {center_dot} {radical}Hz/W at 10.6 {mu}m which is comparable to commercial detectors. Subsequent design modifications should increase the detectivity by another order of magnitude. Thermal detection in the terahertz (THz) remains underdeveloped, opening a door for new innovative technologies such as metamaterial enhanced detectors. This project also explored the use of metamaterials in conjunction with a cantilever design for detection in the THz region and demonstrated the use of metamaterials as custom thin film absorbers for thermal detection. While much work remains to integrate these technologies into a unified platform, the early stages of research show promising futures for use in thermal detection.

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Thermal Microphotonic Focal Plane Array (TM-FPA)

Lentine, Anthony L.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Peters, D.W.; Zortman, William A.; McCormick, Frederick B.

The advent of high quality factor (Q) microphotonic-resonators has led to the demonstration of high-fidelity optical sensors of many physical phenomena (e.g. mechanical, chemical, and biological sensing) often with far better sensitivity than traditional techniques. Microphotonic-resonators also offer potential advantages as uncooled thermal detectors including significantly better noise performance, smaller pixel size, and faster response times than current thermal detectors. In particular, microphotonic thermal detectors do not suffer from Johnson noise in the sensor, offer far greater responsivity, and greater thermal isolation as they do not require metallic leads to the sensing element. Such advantages make the prospect of a microphotonic thermal imager highly attractive. Here, we introduce the microphotonic thermal detection technique, present the theoretical basis for the approach, discuss our progress on the development of this technology and consider future directions for thermal microphotonic imaging. Already we have demonstrated viability of device fabrication with the successful demonstration of a 20{micro}m pixel, and a scalable readout technique. Further, to date, we have achieved internal noise performance (NEP{sub Internal} < 1pW/{radical}Hz) in a 20{micro}m pixel thereby exceeding the noise performance of the best microbolometers while simultaneously demonstrating a thermal time constant ({tau} = 2ms) that is five times faster. In all, this results in an internal detectivity of D*{sub internal} = 2 x 10{sup 9}cm {center_dot} {radical}Hz/W, while roughly a factor of four better than the best uncooled commercial microbolometers, future demonstrations should enable another order of magnitude in sensitivity. While much work remains to achieve the level of maturity required for a deployable technology, already, microphotonic thermal detection has demonstrated considerable potential.

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