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Incorporating the effects of objects in an approximate model of light transport in scattering media

Optics Letters

Bentz, Brian Z.; Pattyn, Christian A.; Vander Laan, John D.; Redman, Brian J.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Westlake, Karl W.; Wright, Jeremy B.

A computationally efficient radiative transport model is presented that predicts a camera measurement and accounts for the light reflected and blocked by an object in a scattering medium. The model is in good agreement with experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber Facility (SNLFC). The model is applicable in computational imaging to detect, localize, and image objects hidden in scattering media. Here, a statistical approach was implemented to study object detection limits in fog.

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Facile microwave synthesis of zirconium metal-organic framework thin films on gold and silicon and application to sensor functionalization

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Appelhans, Leah A.; Hughes, Lindsey G.; McKenzie, Bonnie; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Griego, J.J.M.; Briscoe, Jayson B.; Moorman, Matthew W.; Frederick, Esther F.; Wright, Jeremy B.

Zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks, including UiO-66 and related frameworks, have become the focus of considerable research in the area of chemical warfare agent (CWA) decontamination. However, little work has been reported exploring these metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for CWA sensing applications. For many sensing approaches, the growth of high-quality thin films of the active material is required, and thin film growth methods must be compatible with complex device architectures. Several approaches to synthesize thin films of UiO-66 have been described but many of these existing methods are complex or time consuming. We describe the development of a simple and rapid microwave assisted synthesis of oriented UiO-66 thin films on unmodified silicon (Si) and gold (Au) substrates. Thin films of UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2 can be grown in as little as 2 min on gold substrates and 30 min on Si substrates. The film morphology and orientation are characterized and the effects of reaction time and temperature on thin film growth on Au are investigated. Both reaction time and temperature impact the overgrowth of protruding discrete crystallites in the thin film layer but, surprisingly, no strong correlation is observed between film thickness and reaction time or temperature. We also briefly describe the synthesis of Zr/Ce solid solution thin films of UiO-66 on Au and report the first synthesis of a solid solution thin film MOF. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the microwave method for the facile functionalization of two sensor architectures, plasmonic nanohole arrays and microresonators, with UiO-66 thin films.

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Light transport with weak angular dependence in fog

Optics Express

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

Random scattering and absorption of light by tiny particles in aerosols, like fog, reduce situational awareness and cause unacceptable down-time for critical systems or operations. Computationally efficient light transport models are desired for computational imaging to improve remote sensing capabilities in degraded optical environments. To this end, we have developed a model based on a weak angular dependence approximation to the Boltzmann or radiative transfer equation that appears to be applicable in both the moderate and highly scattering regimes, thereby covering the applicability domain of both the small angle and diffusion approximations. An analytic solution was derived and validated using experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The evolution of the fog particle density and size distribution were measured and used to determine macroscopic absorption and scattering properties using Mie theory. A three-band (0.532, 1.55, and 9.68 μm) transmissometer with lock-in amplifiers enabled changes in fog density of over an order of magnitude to be measured due to the increased transmission at higher wavelengths, covering both the moderate and highly scattering regimes. The meteorological optical range parameter is shown to be about 0.6 times the transport mean free path length, suggesting an improved physical interpretation of this parameter.

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Optimization and Prediction of Spectral Response of Metasurfaces Using Artificial Intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahoue, Emily D.; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Optimization and prediction of spectral response of metasurfaces using artificial intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahue, Emily; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Investigating relationship between surface topography and emissivity of metallic additively manufactured parts

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

Taylor, Samantha; Wright, Jeremy B.; Forrest, Eric C.; Jared, Bradley H.; Koepke, Joshua R.; Beaman, Joseph

Due to the direct relationship between thermal history and mechanical behavior, in situ thermal monitoring is key in gauging quality of parts produced with additive manufacturing (AM). Accurate monitoring of temperatures in an AM process requires knowledge of environment and object parameters including object emissivity. The emissivity is dependent on several variables, including: wavelength, material composition, temperature, and surface topography. Researchers have been concerned with the thermal emissivity dependence on temperature since large ranges are seen in metal powder bed processes, but there is also an extensive range of surfaces produced by AM. This work focused on discovering what roughness characteristics control thermal emissivity through investigation of prototypic 316 stainless steel AM samples produced with a range of build conditions on a laser powder bed fusion machine. Through experimental measurements of emissivity using hemispherical directional reflectance (HDR), guided by simulations using a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) Maxwell solver, it was found that combinations of existing roughness parameters describing both height and slope of the surface correlate well with emissivity changes. These parameters work well due to their apt description of surface features encouraging internal reflection, which is the phenomenon that increases emissivity when a surface falls under the geometric optical region conditions.

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Towards computational imaging for intelligence in highly scattering aerosols

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

This communication reports progress towards the development of computational sensing and imaging methods that utilize highly scattered light to extract information at greater depths in degraded visual environments like fog for improved situational awareness. As light propagates through fog, information is lost due to random scattering and absorption by micrometer sized water droplets. Computational diffuse optical imaging shows promise for interpreting the detected scattered light, enabling greater depth penetration than current methods. Developing this capability requires verification and validation of diffusion models of light propagation in fog. We report models that were developed and compared to experimental data captured at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The diffusion approximation to the radiative transfer equation was found to predict light propagation in fog under the appropriate conditions.

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Results 1–25 of 121
Results 1–25 of 121