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Reduced Order Modeling of Hypersonic Aerodynamics with Grid Tailoring

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

Ching, David C.; Blonigan, Patrick J.; Rizzi, Francesco N.; Fike, Jeffrey A.

High-fidelity hypersonic aerodynamic simulations require extensive computational resources, hindering their usage in hypersonic vehicle design and uncertainty quantification. Projectionbased reduced-order models (ROMs) are a computationally cheaper alternative to full-order simulations that can provide major speedup with marginal loss of accuracy when solving manyquery problems such as design optimization and uncertainty propagation. However, ROMs can present robustness and convergence issues, especially when trained over large ranges of input parameters and/or with few training samples. This paper presents the application of several different residual minimization-based ROMs to hypersonic flows around flight vehicles using less training data than in previous work. The ROM demonstrations are accompanied by a comparison to fully data-driven approaches including kriging and radial basis function interpolation. Results are presented for three test cases including one three-dimensional flight vehicle. We show that registration-based ROMs trained on grid-tailored solutions can compute quantities of interest more accurately than data driven approaches for a given sparse training set. We also find that the classic ℓ2 state error metric is not particularly useful when comparing different model reduction techniques on sparse training data sets.

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Model reduction for steady hypersonic aerodynamics via conservative manifold least-squares petrov–galerkin projection

AIAA Journal

Blonigan, Patrick J.; Rizzi, Francesco N.; Howard, Micah A.; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Carlberg, Kevin T.

High-speed aerospace engineering applications rely heavily on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for design and analysis. This reliance on CFD models necessitates performing accurate and reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the CFD models, which can be very expensive for hypersonic flows. Additionally, UQ approaches are many-query problems requiring many runs with a wide range of input parameters. One way to enable computationally expensive models to be used in such many-query problems is to employ projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs) in lieu of the (high-fidelity) full-order model (FOM). In particular, the least-squares Petrov–Galerkin (LSPG) ROM (equipped with hyper-reduction) has demonstrated the ability to significantly reduce simulation costs while retaining high levels of accuracy on a range of problems, including subsonic CFD applications. This allows LSPG ROM simulations to replace the FOM simulations in UQ studies, making UQ tractable even for large-scale CFD models. This work presents the first application of LSPG to a hypersonic CFD application, the Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation 1 (HIFiRE-1) in a three-dimensional, turbulent Mach 7.1 flow. This paper shows the ability of the ROM to significantly reduce computational costs while maintaining high levels of accuracy in computed quantities of interest.

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Model reduction for hypersonic aerodynamics via conservative LSPG projection and hyper-reduction

AIAA Scitech Forum

Blonigan, Patrick J.; Rizzi, Francesco N.; Howard, Micah A.; Fike, Jeffrey A.; carlberg, Kevin c.

High-speed aerospace engineering applications rely heavily on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for design and analysis due to the expense and difficulty of flight tests and experiments. This reliance on CFD models necessitates performing accurate and reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the CFD models. However, it is very computationally expensive to run CFD for hypersonic flows due to the fine grid resolution required to capture the strong shocks and large gradients that are typically present. Furthermore, UQ approaches are “many-query” problems requiring many runs with a wide range of input parameters. One way to enable computationally expensive models to be used in such many-query problems is to employ projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs) in lieu of the (high-fidelity) full-order model. In particular, the least-squares Petrov–Galerkin (LSPG) ROM (equipped with hyper-reduction) has demonstrated the ability to significantly reduce simulation costs while retaining high levels of accuracy on a range of problems including subsonic CFD applications. This allows computationally inexpensive LSPG ROM simulations to replace the full-order model simulations in UQ studies, which makes this many-query task tractable, even for large-scale CFD models. This work presents the first application of LSPG to a hypersonic CFD application. In particular, we present results for LSPG ROMs of the HIFiRE-1 in a three-dimensional, turbulent Mach 7.1 flow, showcasing the ability of the ROM to significantly reduce computational costs while maintaining high levels of accuracy in computed quantities of interest.

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Model reduction for hypersonic aerodynamics via conservative lspg projection and hyper-reduction

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Blonigan, Patrick J.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Rizzi, Francesco N.; Howard, Micah A.; Fike, Jeffrey A.

High-speed aerospace engineering applications rely heavily on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for design and analysis due to the expense and difficulty of flight tests and experiments. This reliance on CFD models necessitates performing accurate and reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the CFD models. However, it is very computationally expensive to run CFD for hypersonic flows due to the fine grid resolution required to capture the strong shocks and large gradients that are typically present. Additionally, UQ approaches are “many-query” problems requiring many runs with a wide range of input parameters. One way to enable computationally expensive models to be used in such many-query problems is to employ projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs) in lieu of the (high-fidelity) full-order model. In particular, the least-squares Petrov–Galerkin (LSPG) ROM (equipped with hyper-reduction) has demonstrated the ability to significantly reduce simulation costs while retaining high levels of accuracy on a range of problems including subsonic CFD applications [1, 2]. This allows computationally inexpensive LSPG ROM simulations to replace the full-order model simulations in UQ studies, which makes this many-query task tractable, even for large-scale CFD models. This work presents the first application of LSPG to a hypersonic CFD application. In particular, we present results for LSPG ROMs of the HIFiRE-1 in a three-dimensional, turbulent Mach 7.1 flow, showcasing the ability of the ROM to significantly reduce computational costs while maintaining high levels of accuracy in computed quantities of interest.

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Direct Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow using SPARC: Initial Evaluation

Wagnild, Ross M.; Bitter, Neal B.; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Howard, Micah A.

This report documents the initial testing of the Sandia Parallel Aerodynamics and Reentry Code (SPARC) to directly simulate hypersonic, turbulent boundary layer flow over a sharp 7- degree half-angle cone. This type of computation involves a tremendously large range of scales both in time and space, requiring a large number of grid cells and the efficient utilization of a large pool of resources. The goal of the simulation is to mimic and verify a wind tunnel experiment that seeks to measure the turbulent surface pressure fluctuations. These data are necessary for building a model to predict random vibration loading in the reentry flight environment. A low-dissipation flux scheme in SPARC is used on a 2.7 billion cell mesh to capture the turbulent fluctuations in the boundary layer flow. The grid is divided into 115200 partitions and simulated using the Knight's Landings (KNL) partition of the Trinity system. The parallel performance of SPARC is explored on the Trinity system, as well as some of the other new architectures. Extracting data from the simulation shows good agreement with the experiment as well as a colleague's simulation. The data provide a guide for which a new model can be built for better prediction of the reentry random vibration loads.

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Near-wall modeling using coordinate frame invariant representations and neural networks

AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum

Miller, Nathan M.; Barone, Matthew F.; Davis, Warren L.; Fike, Jeffrey A.

Near-wall turbulence models in Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) typically approximate near-wall behavior using a solution to the mean flow equations. This approach inevitably leads to errors when the modeled flow does not satisfy the assumptions surrounding the use of a mean flow approximation for an unsteady boundary condition. Herein, modern machine learning (ML) techniques are utilized to implement a coordinate frame invariant model of the wall shear stress that is derived specifically for complex flows for which mean near-wall models are known to fail. The model operates on a set of scalar and vector invariants based on data taken from the first LES grid point off the wall. Neural networks were trained and validated on spatially filtered direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. The trained networks were then tested on data to which they were never previously exposed and comparisons of the accuracy of the networks’ predictions of wall-shear stress were made to both a standard mean wall model approach and to the true stress values taken from the DNS data. The ML approach showed considerable improvement in both the accuracy of individual shear stress predictions as well as produced a more accurate distribution of wall shear stress values than did the standard mean wall model. This result held both in regions where the standard mean approach typically performs satisfactorily as well as in regions where it is known to fail, and also in cases where the networks were trained and tested on data taken from the same flow type/region as well as when trained and tested on data from different respective flow topologies.

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Advanced Fluid Reduced Order Models for Compressible Flow

Kalashnikova, Irina; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Barone, Matthew F.; Maddix, Danielle M.; Mussoni, Erin E.; Balajewicz, Maciej B.

This report summarizes fiscal year (FY) 2017 progress towards developing and implementing within the SPARC in-house finite volume flow solver advanced fluid reduced order models (ROMs) for compressible captive-carriage flow problems of interest to Sandia National Laboratories for the design and qualification of nuclear weapons components. The proposed projection-based model order reduction (MOR) approach, known as the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)/Least- Squares Petrov-Galerkin (LSPG) method, can substantially reduce the CPU-time requirement for these simulations, thereby enabling advanced analyses such as uncertainty quantification and de- sign optimization. Following a description of the project objectives and FY17 targets, we overview briefly the POD/LSPG approach to model reduction implemented within SPARC . We then study the viability of these ROMs for long-time predictive simulations in the context of a two-dimensional viscous laminar cavity problem, and describe some FY17 enhancements to the proposed model reduction methodology that led to ROMs with improved predictive capabilities. Also described in this report are some FY17 efforts pursued in parallel to the primary objective of determining whether the ROMs in SPARC are viable for the targeted application. These include the implemen- tation and verification of some higher-order finite volume discretization methods within SPARC (towards using the code to study the viability of ROMs on three-dimensional cavity problems) and a novel structure-preserving constrained POD/LSPG formulation that can improve the accuracy of projection-based reduced order models. We conclude the report by summarizing the key takeaways from our FY17 findings, and providing some perspectives for future work.

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Development of machine learning models for turbulent wall pressure fluctuations

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Ling, Julia L.; Barone, Matthew F.; Davis, Warren L.; Chowdhary, K.; Fike, Jeffrey A.

In many aerospace applications, it is critical to be able to model fluid-structure interactions. In particular, correctly predicting the power spectral density of pressure fluctuations at surfaces can be important for assessing potential resonances and failure modes. Current turbulence modeling methods, such as wall-modeled Large Eddy Simulation and Detached Eddy Simulation, cannot reliably predict these pressure fluctuations for many applications of interest. The focus of this paper is on efforts to use data-driven machine learning methods to learn correction terms for the wall pressure fluctuation spectrum. In particular, the non-locality of the wall pressure fluctuations in a compressible boundary layer is investigated using random forests and neural networks trained and evaluated on Direct Numerical Simulation data.

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The Aeras Next Generation Global Atmosphere Model

Bosler, Peter A.; Bova, S.W.; Demeshko, Irina P.; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Guba, Oksana G.; Overfelt, James R.; Roesler, Erika L.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Smith, Thomas M.; Kalashnikova, Irina; Watkins, Jerry E.

The Next Generation Global Atmosphere Model LDRD project developed a suite of atmosphere models: a shallow water model, an x - z hydrostatic model, and a 3D hydrostatic model, by using Albany, a finite element code. Albany provides access to a large suite of leading-edge Sandia high- performance computing technologies enabled by Trilinos, Dakota, and Sierra. The next-generation capabilities most relevant to a global atmosphere model are performance portability and embedded uncertainty quantification (UQ). Performance portability is the capability for a single code base to run efficiently on diverse set of advanced computing architectures, such as multi-core threading or GPUs. Embedded UQ refers to simulation algorithms that have been modified to aid in the quantifying of uncertainties. In our case, this means running multiple samples for an ensemble concurrently, and reaping certain performance benefits. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches here as a prelude to introducing them into ACME.

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Model Reduction for Compressible Cavity Simulations Towards Uncertainty Quantification of Structural Loading

Kalashnikova, Irina; Balajewicz, Maciej B.; Barone, Matthew F.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Fike, Jeffrey A.; Mussoni, Erin E.

This report summarizes FY16 progress towards enabling uncertainty quantification for compress- ible cavity simulations using model order reduction (MOR). The targeted application is the quan- tification of the captive-carry environment for the design and qualification of nuclear weapons systems. To accurately simulate this scenario, Large Eddy Simulations (LES) require very fine meshes and long run times, which lead to week -long runs even on parallel state-of-the-art super- computers. MOR can reduce substantially the CPU-time requirement for these simulations. We describe two approaches for model order reduction for nonlinear systems, which can yield sig- nificant speed-ups when combined with hyper-reduction: the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)/Galerkin approach and the POD/Least-Squares Petrov Galerkin (LSPG) approach. The im- plementation of these methods within the in-house compressible flow solver SPARC is discussed. Next, a method for stabilizing and enhancing low-dimensional reduced bases that was developed as a part of this project is detailed. This approach is based on a premise termed "minimal sub- space rotation", and has the advantage of yielding ROMs that are more stable and accurate for long-time compressible cavity simulations. Numerical results for some laminar cavity problems aimed at gauging the viability of the proposed model reduction methodologies are presented and discussed.

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Reduced Order Modeling for Prediction and Control of Large-Scale Systems

Kalashnikova, Irina; Arunajatesan, Srinivasan A.; Barone, Matthew F.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Fike, Jeffrey A.

This report describes work performed from June 2012 through May 2014 as a part of a Sandia Early Career Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project led by the first author. The objective of the project is to investigate methods for building stable and efficient proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)/Galerkin reduced order models (ROMs): models derived from a sequence of high-fidelity simulations but having a much lower computational cost. Since they are, by construction, small and fast, ROMs can enable real-time simulations of complex systems for onthe- spot analysis, control and decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. Of particular interest to Sandia is the use of ROMs for the quantification of the compressible captive-carry environment, simulated for the design and qualification of nuclear weapons systems. It is an unfortunate reality that many ROM techniques are computationally intractable or lack an a priori stability guarantee for compressible flows. For this reason, this LDRD project focuses on the development of techniques for building provably stable projection-based ROMs. Model reduction approaches based on continuous as well as discrete projection are considered. In the first part of this report, an approach for building energy-stable Galerkin ROMs for linear hyperbolic or incompletely parabolic systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) using continuous projection is developed. The key idea is to apply a transformation induced by the Lyapunov function for the system, and to build the ROM in the transformed variables. It is shown that, for many PDE systems including the linearized compressible Euler and linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations, the desired transformation is induced by a special inner product, termed the “symmetry inner product”. Attention is then turned to nonlinear conservation laws. A new transformation and corresponding energy-based inner product for the full nonlinear compressible Navier-Stokes equations is derived, and it is demonstrated that if a Galerkin ROM is constructed in this inner product, the ROM system energy will be bounded in a way that is consistent with the behavior of the exact solution to these PDEs, i.e., the ROM will be energy-stable. The viability of the linear as well as nonlinear continuous projection model reduction approaches developed as a part of this project is evaluated on several test cases, including the cavity configuration of interest in the targeted application area. In the second part of this report, some POD/Galerkin approaches for building stable ROMs using discrete projection are explored. It is shown that, for generic linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, a discrete counterpart of the continuous symmetry inner product is a weighted L2 inner product obtained by solving a Lyapunov equation. This inner product was first proposed by Rowley et al., and is termed herein the “Lyapunov inner product“. Comparisons between the symmetry inner product and the Lyapunov inner product are made, and the performance of ROMs constructed using these inner products is evaluated on several benchmark test cases. Also in the second part of this report, a new ROM stabilization approach, termed “ROM stabilization via optimization-based eigenvalue reassignment“, is developed for generic LTI systems. At the heart of this method is a constrained nonlinear least-squares optimization problem that is formulated and solved numerically to ensure accuracy of the stabilized ROM. Numerical studies reveal that the optimization problem is computationally inexpensive to solve, and that the new stabilization approach delivers ROMs that are stable as well as accurate. Summaries of “lessons learned“ and perspectives for future work motivated by this LDRD project are provided at the end of each of the two main chapters.

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Construction of reduced order models for the non-linear Navier-Stokes equations using the proper orthogonal fecomposition (POD)/Galerkin method

Fike, Jeffrey A.

The construction of stable reduced order models using Galerkin projection for the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations requires a suitable choice for the inner product. The standard L2 inner product is expected to produce unstable ROMs. For the non-linear Navier-Stokes equations this means the use of an energy inner product. In this report, Galerkin projection for the non-linear Navier-Stokes equations using the L2 inner product is implemented as a first step toward constructing stable ROMs for this set of physics.

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49 Results
49 Results