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Analysis Report documenting the Assessment of the Solubility of Lead, EDTA and other Organic Ligands in non-Sulfide systems performed under TP 08-02 and under TP 20-01

Jang, Jay J.; Hora, Priya I.; Kirkes, Leslie D.; Miller, Chammi S.; Zhang, Luzheng Z.

The objective of this report is to accept or reject the hypothesis that the experiments conducted under TP 08-02 Revision 0 (Ismail et al., 2008) were affected by CO2(g) intrusion and sample contamination. The test of the hypothesis is accomplished by comparing the experimental data collected under the protocols of TP 08-02 Revision O and TP 20-01 Revision O (Kirkes and Zhang, 2020). The protocols of TP 20-01 Revision 0 minimize the possibilities of CO2(g) intrusion and sample contamination. The experimental data sets obtained under both TPs will be assessed statistically to see if they are identical or not.

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Analysis Report documenting Solubility and Complexation of Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Neodymium, and Boron in the WIPP-Relevant Brines under TPs 06-03, 08-02, 12-02, 14-03, 14-05, 16-02, 19-01, and 20-01

Jang, Jay J.; Hora, Priya I.; Kirkes, Leslie D.; Miller, Chammi S.; Zhang, Luzheng Z.

This report analyzes experimental data from Test Plans TP 08-02, TP 12-02, and TP 20-01 to add new log K values and Pitzer interaction parameters for Fe, Pb, Mg, Nd and B reactions to the WIPP geochemical thermodynamic database, 1.

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Analysis Report for Determination of pH Correction Factors for Brines under AP-157 Rev.1

Kirkes, Leslie D.; Jang, Jay J.; Hora, Priya I.; Miller, Chammi S.; Zhang, Luzheng Z.; Jackson, Ryan S.; Arnold, Randall L.; Nielsen, Shelly R.; Triventi, Antonio T.

This Analysis Report (AR) documents the determination of pH correction factors for the observed pH readings. The correction factor converts the observed pH reading recorded from the brines used in geochemical studies in support of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) to a corrected pH value. The data analysis in this AR falls under AP-157 Rev. 1 Analysis Plan for Determination of pH Correction Factors in Brines (Kirkes et al, 2021). Measurement of pH in some solutions can be challenging due to numerous factors such as high ionic strength, elevated or lowered temperature, complex matrix composition, etc. (Knauss et al., 1990; and Rai et al., 1995). The measured pH can be corrected by applying the correction factor, empirically obtained from a specific test solution.

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Solubility Model for Ferrous Iron Hydroxide, Hibbingite, Siderite, and Chukanovite in High Saline Solutions of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Sulfate, and Sodium Carbonate

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

Kim, Sungtae K.; Marrs, Cassandra M.; Nemer, Martin N.; Jang, Jay J.

Here, a solubility model is presented for ferrous iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)2(s)), hibbingite (Fe2Cl(OH)3(s)), siderite (FeCO3(s)), and chukanovite (Fe2CO3(OH)2(s)). The Pitzer activity coefficient equation was utilized in developing the model to account for the excess free energies of aqueous species in the background solutions of high ionic strength. Solubility limiting minerals were analyzed before and after experiments using X-ray diffraction. Formation of Fe(OH)2(s) was observed in the experiments that were initiated with Fe2Cl(OH)3(s) in Na2SO4 solution. Coexistence of siderite and chukanovite was observed in the experiments in Na2CO3 + NaCl solutions. Two equilibrium constants that had been reported by us for the dissolution of Fe(OH)2(s) and Fe2Cl(OH)3(s) (Nemer et al.) were rederived in this paper, using newer thermodynamic data selected from the literature to maintain internal consistency of the series of our data analyses in preparation, including this paper. Three additional equilibrium constants for the following reactions were determined in this paper: dissolution of siderite and chukanovite and dissociation of the aqueous species Fe(CO3)2–2. Five Pitzer interaction parameters were derived in this paper: β(0), β(1), and Cφ parameters for the species pair Fe+2/SO4–2; β(0) and β(1) parameters for the species pair Na+/Fe(CO3)2–2. Our model predicts that, among the four inorganic ferrous iron minerals, siderite is the stable mineral in two WIPP-related brines (WIPP: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant), i.e., GWB and ERDA6 (Brush and Domski), and the electrochemical equilibrium between elemental iron and siderite provides a low oxygen fugacity (10–91.2 atm) that can keep the actinides at their lowest oxidation states. (Nemer et al., Brush and Domski; references numbered 1 and 2 in the main text).

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The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report

Sassani, David C.; Jang, Jay J.; Mariner, Paul M.; Price, Laura L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph R.; Stein, Emily S.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

The Waste Form Disposal Options Evaluation Report (SNL 2014) evaluated disposal of both Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel (CSNF) and DOE-managed HLW and Spent Nuclear Fuel (DHLW and DSNF) in the variety of disposal concepts being evaluated within the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign. That work covered a comprehensive inventory and a wide range of disposal concepts. The primary goal of this work is to evaluate the information needs for analyzing disposal solely of a subset of those wastes in a Defense Repository (DRep; i.e., those wastes that are either defense related, or managed by DOE but are not commercial in origin). A potential DRep also appears to be safe in the range of geologic mined repository concepts, but may have different concepts and features because of the very different inventory of waste that would be included. The focus of this status report is to cover the progress made in FY16 toward: (1) developing a preliminary DRep included inventory for engineering/design analyses; (2) assessing the major differences of this included inventory relative to that in other analyzed repository systems and the potential impacts to disposal concepts; (3) designing and developing an on-line waste library (OWL) to manage the information of all those wastes and their waste forms (including CSNF if needed); and (4) constraining post-closure waste form degradation performance for safety assessments of a DRep. In addition, some continuing work is reported on identifying potential candidate waste types/forms to be added to the full list from SNL (2014 – see Table C-1) which also may be added to the OWL in the future. The status for each of these aspects is reported herein.

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Deep Borehole Field Test Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Brady, Patrick V.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Heath, Jason; Herrick, Courtney G.; Jensen, Richard P.; Gardner, W.P.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Bryan, Charles R.; Jang, Jay J.; Stein, Emily S.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Daley, Tom D.; Freifeld, Barry M.; Birkholzer, Jens T.; Spane, Frank A.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of high-level radioactive wastes has been considered an option for geological isolation for many years (Hess et al. 1957). Recent advances in drilling technology have decreased costs and increased reliability for large-diameter (i.e., ≥50 cm [19.7”]) boreholes to depths of several kilometers (Beswick 2008; Beswick et al. 2014). These advances have therefore also increased the feasibility of the DBD concept (Brady et al. 2009; Cornwall 2015), and the current field test design will demonstrate the DBD concept and these advances. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste (DOE 2013) specifically recommended developing a research and development plan for DBD. DOE sought input or expression of interest from States, local communities, individuals, private groups, academia, or any other stakeholders willing to host a Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT). The DBFT includes drilling two boreholes nominally 200m [656’] apart to approximately 5 km [16,400’] total depth, in a region where crystalline basement is expected to begin at less than 2 km depth [6,560’]. The characterization borehole (CB) is the smaller-diameter borehole (i.e., 21.6 cm [8.5”] diameter at total depth), and will be drilled first. The geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical, geomechanical and thermal testing will take place in the CB. The field test borehole (FTB) is the larger-diameter borehole (i.e., 43.2 cm [17”] diameter at total depth). Surface handling and borehole emplacement of test package will be demonstrated using the FTB to evaluate engineering feasibility and safety of disposal operations (SNL 2016).

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28 Results
28 Results