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Thermodynamic assessment of an electrically-enhanced thermochemical hydrogen production (EETHP) concept for renewable hydrogen generation

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Babiniec, Sean M.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Miller, James E.

A novel concept for coupling a thermochemical cycle with an electrochemical separation device for the generation of hydrogen from steam is reported and a thermodynamic analysis of the system is presented. In a conventional thermochemical cycle, an oxygen carrier material is thermally reduced, cooled, and then reoxidized in steam thereby generating hydrogen. However, this process often requires high temperatures (>1700 K) and/or low oxygen partial pressures (<0.001 atm) in order to meet thermodynamic requirements. Such extreme conditions can adversely affect the stability of the reactive oxides, reactor materials, and system efficiency. In our proposed technology, we seek to decrease the required reduction temperature by several hundred degrees Kelvin by relaxing the requirement for spontaneous oxidation reaction at atmospheric pressure. This is accomplished by incorporating a proton-conducting membrane (PCM) to separate hydrogen produced at equilibrium concentrations from reactant steam. We also suggest the use of mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) oxygen carrier materials that reduce through a continuum of oxidation states at lower temperatures (∼1200 °C). This concept allows the generation of a high-quality hydrogen stream while avoiding the challenging high temperatures/low partial pressures required in conventional water-splitting reaction schemes.

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Rigali, Mark J.; Miller, James E.; Altman, Susan J.; Biedermann, Laura B.; Brady, Patrick V.; Kuzio, Stephanie P.; Nenoff, T.M.; Rempe, Susan R.

Water is the backbone of our economy - safe and adequate supplies of water are vital for agriculture, industry, recreation, and human consumption. While our supply of water today is largely safe and adequate, we as a nation face increasing water supply challenges in the form of extended droughts, demand growth due to population increase, more stringent health-based regulation, and competing demands from a variety of users. To meet these challenges in the coming decades, water treatment technologies, including desalination, will contribute substantially to ensuring a safe, sustainable, affordable, and adequate water supply for the United States. This overview documents Sandia National Laboratories' (SNL, or Sandia) Water Treatment Program which focused on the development and demonstration of advanced water purification technologies as part of the larger Sandia Water Initiative. Projects under the Water Treatment Program include: (1) the development of desalination research roadmaps (2) our efforts to accelerate the commercialization of new desalination and water treatment technologies (known as the 'Jump-Start Program),' (3) long range (high risk, early stage) desalination research (known as the 'Long Range Research Program'), (4) treatment research projects under the Joint Water Reuse & Desalination Task Force, (5) the Arsenic Water Technology Partnership Program, (6) water treatment projects funded under the New Mexico Small Business Administration, (7) water treatment projects for the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (8) Sandia- developed contaminant-selective treatment technologies, and finally (9) current Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funded desalination projects.

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Doped calcium manganites for advanced high-temperature thermochemical energy storage

International Journal of Energy Research

Babiniec, Sean M.; Coker, Eric N.; Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.

Developing efficient thermal storage for concentrating solar power plants is essential to reducing the cost of generated electricity, extending or shifting the hours of operation, and facilitating renewable penetration into the grid. Perovskite materials of the CaBxMn1-xO3-δ family, where B=Al or Ti, promise improvements in cost and energy storage density over other perovskites currently under investigation. Thermogravimetric analysis of the thermal reduction and reoxidation of these materials was used to extract equilibrium thermodynamic parameters. The results demonstrate that these novel thermochemical energy storage media display the highest reaction enthalpy capacity for perovskites reported to date, with a reaction enthalpy of 390kJ/kg, a 56% increase over previously reported compositions.

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Considerations for the design of a high-temperature particle reoxidation reactor for extraction of heat in thermochemical energy storage systems

ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Babiniec, Sean M.; Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Stechel, Ellen; Coker, Eric N.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.; Ho, Clifford K.

In an effort to increase thermal energy storage densities and turbine inlet temperatures in concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, focus on energy storage media has shifted from molten salts to solid particles. These solid particles are stable at temperatures far greater than that of molten salts, allowing the use of efficient high-temperature turbines in the power cycle. Furthermore, many of the solid particles under development store heat via reversible chemical reactions (thermochemical energy storage, TCES) in addition to the heat they store as sensible energy. The heat-storing reaction is often the thermal reduction of a metal oxide. If coupled to an Air-Brayton system, wherein air is used as the turbine working fluid, the subsequent extraction of both reaction and sensible heat, as well as the transfer of heat to the working fluid, can be accomplished in a direct-contact, counter-flow reoxidation reactor. However, there are several design challenges unique to such a reactor, such as maintaining requisite residence times for reactions to occur, particle conveying and mitigation of entrainment, and the balance of kinetics and heat transfer rates to achieve reactor outlet temperatures in excess of 1200 °C. In this paper, insights to addressing these challenges are offered, and design and operational tradeoffs that arise in this highlycoupled system are introduced and discussed.

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High performance reduction/oxidation metal oxides for thermochemical energy storage (PROMOTES)

ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Babiniec, Sean M.; Coker, Eric N.; Ho, Clifford K.; Al-Ansary, Hany; Jeter, Sheldon M.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.; Johnson, Nathan G.; Stechel, Ellen B.

Thermochemical energy storage (TCES) offers the potential for greatly increased storage density relative to sensible-only energy storage. Moreover, heat may be stored indefinitely in the form of chemical bonds via TCES, accessed upon demand, and converted to heat at temperatures significantly higher than current solar thermal electricity production technology and is therefore well-suited to more efficient high-temperature power cycles. The PROMOTES effort seeks to advance both materials and systems for TCES through the development and demonstration of an innovative storage approach for solarized Air-Brayton power cycles and that is based on newly-developed redox-active metal oxides that are mixed ionic-electronic conductors (MIEC). In this paper we summarize the system concept and review our work to date towards developing materials and individual components.

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Results 1–25 of 35
Results 1–25 of 35