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Atmospheric solids analysis probe mass spectrometry for the rapid identification of pollens and semi-quantification of flavonoid fingerprints

Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM

Xiao, Xiaoyin; Miller, Lance L.; Parchert, Kylea J.; Hayes, Dulce C.; Hochrein, James M.

RATIONALE: From allergies to plant reproduction, pollens have important impacts on the health of human and plant populations, yet identification of pollen grains remains difficult and time-consuming. Low-volatility flavonoids generated from pollens cannot be easily characterized and quantified with current analytical techniques. METHODS: Here we present the novel use of atmospheric solids analysis probe mass spectrometry (ASAP-MS) for the characterization of flavonoids in pollens. Flavonoid patterns were generated for pollens collected from different plant types (trees and bushes) in addition to bee pollens from distinct geographic regions. Standard flavonoids (kaempferol and rhamnazin) and those produced from pollens were compared and assessed with ASAP-MS using low-energy collision MS/MS. Results for a semi-quantitative method for assessing the amount of a flavonoid in pollens are also presented. RESULTS: Flavonoid patterns for pollen samples were distinct with variability in the number and relative abundance of flavonoids in each sample. Pollens contained 2-5 flavonoids, and all but Kochia scoparia contained kaempferol or kaempferol isomers. We establish this method as a reliable and applicable technique for analyzing low-volatility compounds with minimal sample preparation. Standard curves were generated using 0.2-5 μg of kaempferol; from these experiments, it was estimated that there is approximately 2 mg of kaempferol present in 1 g of P. nigra italica pollen. CONCLUSIONS: Pollens can be characterized with a simple flavonoid pattern rather than analyzing the whole product pattern or the products-temperature profiles. ASAP-MS is a rapid analytical technique that can be used to distinguish between plant pollens and between bee pollens originating from different regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Full Product Pattern Recognition in β-Carotene Thermal Degradation through Ionization Enhancement

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Xiao, Xiaoyin; Miller, Lance L.; Bernstein, Robert B.; Hochrein, James M.

The full product pattern including both volatile and nonvolatile compounds was presented for the first time for β-Carotene thermal degradation at variable temperatures up to 600°C. Solvent-enhanced ionization was used to confirm and distinguish between the dissociation mechanisms that lead to even and odd number mass products.

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Application of isotopic labeling, and gas chromatography mass spectrometry, to understanding degradation products and pathways in the thermal-oxidative aging of Nylon 6.6

Polymer Degradation and Stability

White II, Gregory V.; Hochrein, James M.

Nylon 6.6 containing 13C isotopic labels at specific positions along the macromolecular backbone has been subjected to extensive thermal-oxidative aging at 138 °C for time periods up to 243 days. In complementary experiments, unlabeled Nylon 6.6 was subjected to the same aging conditions under an atmosphere of 18O2. Volatile organic degradation products were analyzed by cryofocusing gas chromatography mass spectrometry (cryo-GC/MS) to identify the isotopic labeling. The labeling results, combined with basic considerations of free radical reaction chemistry, provided insights to the origin of degradation species, with respect to the macromolecular structure. A number of inferences on chemical mechanisms were drawn, based on 1) the presence (or absence) of the isotopic labels in the various products, 2) the location of the isotope within the product molecule, and 3) the relative abundance of products as indicated by large differences in peak intensities in the gas chromatogram. The overall degradation results can be understood in terms of free radical pathways originating from initial attacks on three different positions along the nylon chain which include hydrogen abstraction from: the (CH2) group adjacent to the nitrogen atom, at the (CH2) adjacent the carbonyl group, and direct radical attack on the carbonyl. Understanding the pathways which lead to Nylon 6.6 degradation ultimately provides new insight into changes that can be leveraged to detect and reduce early aging and minimize problems associated with material degradation.

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Identification of volatile butyl rubber thermal-oxidative degradation products by cryofocusing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (cryo-GC/MS)

Samberson, Jonell N.; White, Michael I.; Hochrein, James M.

Chemical structure and physical properties of materials, such as polymers, can be altered as aging progresses, which may result in a material that is ineffective for its envisioned intent. Butyl rubber formulations, starting material, and additives were aged under thermal-oxidative conditions for up to 413 total days at up to 124 ÀC. Samples included: two formulations developed at Kansas City Plant (KCP) (#6 and #10), one commercially available formulation (#21), Laxness bromobutyl 2030 starting material, and two additives (polyethylene AC-617 and Vanax MBM). The low-molecular weight volatile thermal-oxidative degradation products that collected in the headspace over the samples were preconcentrated, separated, and detected using cryofocusing gas chromatography mass spectrometry (cryo-GC/MS). The majority of identified degradation species were alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes. Observations for Butyl #10 aged in an oxygen-18 enriched atmosphere (18O2) were used to verify when the source of oxygen in the applicable degradation products was from the gaseous environment rather than the polymeric mixture. For comparison purposes, Butyl #10 was also aged under non-oxidative thermal conditions using an argon atmosphere.

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Development of a sensor for polypropylene degradation products

Dirk, Shawn M.; Sawyer, P.S.; Hochrein, James M.; Washburn, Cody M.; Howell, Stephen W.; Graf, Darin C.

This paper presents the development of a sensor to detect the oxidative and radiation induced degradation of polypropylene. Recently we have examined the use of crosslinked assemblies of nanoparticles as a chemiresistor-type sensor for the degradation products. We have developed a simple method that uses a siloxane matrix to fabricate a chemiresistor-type sensor that minimizes the swelling transduction mechanism while optimizing the change in dielectric response. These sensors were exposed with the use of a gas chromatography system to three previously identified polypropylene degradation products including 4-methyl-2-pentanone, acetone, and 2-pentanone. The limits of detection 210 ppb for 4-methy-2-pentanone, 575 ppb for 2-pentanone, and the LoD was unable to be determined for acetone due to incomplete separation from the carbon disulfide carrier.

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Radiation-oxidation mechanisms: Volatile organic degradation products from polypropylene having selective C-13 labeling studied by GC/MS

Polymer Degradation and Stability

Bernstein, Robert; Thornberg, Steven M.; Irwin, Adriane N.; Hochrein, James M.; Derzon, Dora K.; Klamo, Sara B.; Clough, Roger L.

PP samples, in which the three unique carbon atom positions along the chain were selectively labeled with C-13, have been subjected to γ-irradiation in the presence of oxygen, and the resulting organic volatile products analyzed by GC/MS. The isotopic labeling patterns in 33 organic degradation compounds have been assigned by comparison of the four mass spectra for each compound (from unlabeled PP, and from the three labeled PP materials). The volatile products have been "mapped" onto their positions of origin from the PP macromolecule, and insights have been gained into the chemistry through which these compounds must have formed. Most products show high specificity of isotopic labeling, indicating a single dominant reaction pathway. Oxidation chemistry occurred heavily at the C(2) tertiary carbon, with chemistry also at C(1) methylene. Methyl ketones are in abundance, along with alcohols, some aliphatic hydrocarbons, and other compound types. The C(3) methyl carbon remained attached to its original C(2) position in all catenated degradation products, and underwent no chemistry. However, products containing "non-catenated" carbons (i.e., not bonded to any other carbon atom) consisted entirely of a mix of C(3) and C(1). By examination of the labeling patterns, many products could be assigned to two successive chain scission events in close proximity, while others are clearly seen to arise from cleavage, followed by radical-radical recombination reactions. Interestingly, the former products (two chain scissions) are all found to have an odd number of carbon atoms along their chain, while the latter (scission followed by radical-radical reaction) all have an even number of carbons. An explanation of this odd/even phenomenon is provided in terms of the symmetry of the PP macromolecule.

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Method for creating gas standards form liquid HFE-7100 and FC-72

Irwin, Adriane N.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Brown, Jason R.; Hochrein, James M.

HFE-7100 and FC-72 fluorinert are two fluids used during weapon component manufacturing. HFE-7100 is a solvent used in the cleaning of parts, and FC-72 is the blowing agent of a polymeric removable foam. The presence of either FC-72 or HFE-7100 gas in weapon components can provide valuable information as to the stability of the materials. Therefore, gas standards are needed so HFE-7100 and FC-72 gas concentrations can be accurately measured. There is no current established procedure for generating gas standards of either HFE-7100 or FC-72. This report outlines the development of a method to generate gas standards ranging in concentration from 0.1 ppm to 10% by volume. These standards were then run on a Jeol GC-Mate II mass spectrometer and analyzed to produce calibration curves. We present a manifold design that accurately generates gas standards of HFE-7100 and FC-72 and a procedure that allows the amount of each to be determined.

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Nanoliter MEMS package gas sampling to determine hermeticity

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Thornberg, Steven M.; Hochrein, James M.; Padilla, Therese A.; Abraham, Ion C.

Maintaining the integrity of the internal atmosphere of a hermetic device is essential for long-term component reliability because it is within this environment that all internal materials age. As MEMS package sizes decrease with miniaturization, characterization of the internal atmosphere becomes increasingly difficult. Typical transistor metal cans (e.g., TO-5 type) and large MEMS devices have internal volumes of tenths of a milliliter. Last year, gas-sampling methods for smaller-sized MEMS packages were developed and successfully demonstrated on volumes as low as 3 microliters (package outside dimensions: ∼1 × 2 × 5 mm). This year, we present gas sampling methods and results for a much smaller MEMS package having an internal volume of 30 nanoliters, two orders of magnitude lower than the previous small package. After entirely redesigning the previous sampling manifold, several of the 30 nanoliter MEMS were gas sampled successfully and results showed the intended internal gas atmosphere of nitrogen was sealed inside the package. The technique is a radical jump from previous methods because not only were these MEMS packages sampled, but also the gas from each package was analyzed dozens of times over the course of about 20 minutes. Additionally, alternate methods for gas analyses not using helium or fluorinert will be presented.

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Composition of the essential oils from Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum), Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), and White Sage (Salvia apiana)

Borek, Theodore T.; Borek, Theodore T.; Hochrein, James M.; Irwin, Adriane N.

The essential oils of Juniperus scopulorum, Artemisia tridentata, and Salvia apiana obtained by steam extraction were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. For J. scopulorum, twenty-five compounds were identified which accounts for 92.43% of the oil. The primary constituents were sabinene (49.91%), {alpha}-terpinene (9.95%), and 4-terpineol (6.79%). For A. tridentata, twenty compounds were identified which accounts for 84.32% of the oil. The primary constituents were camphor (28.63%), camphene (16.88%), and 1,8-cineole (13.23%). For S. apiana, fourteen compounds were identified which accounts for 96.76% of the oil. The primary component was 1,8-cineole (60.65%).

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Composition of the essential oil of White sage, Salvia apiana

Proposed for publication in Flavor and Frangrance.

Borek, Theodore T.; Borek, Theodore T.; Hochrein, James M.; Irwin, Adriane N.

The essential oil of white sage, Salvia apiana, was obtained by steam distillation and analysed by GC-MS. A total of 13 components were identified, accounting for >99.9% of the oil. The primary component was 1,8-cineole, accounting for 71.6% of the oil.

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63 Results
63 Results