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LocOO3D User's Manual

Davenport, Kathy D.; Conley, Andrea C.; Downey, Nathan J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Begnaud, Mike B.

LocOO3D is a software tool that computes geographical locations for seismic events at regional to global scales. This software has a rich set of features, including the ability to use custom 3D velocity models, correlated observations and master event locations. The LocOO3D software is especially useful for research related to seismic monitoring applications, since it allows users to easily explore a variety of location methods and scenarios and is compatible with the CSS3.0 data format used in monitoring applications. The LocOO3D software, User's Manual, and Examples are available on the web at: For additional information on GeoTess, SALSA3D, RSTT, and other related software, please see:,,, and

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PCalc User's Manual

Conley, Andrea C.; Downey, Nathan J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Davenport, Kathy D.; Begnaud, Michael L.

PCalc is a software tool that computes travel-time predictions, ray path geometry and model queries. This software has a rich set of features, including the ability to use custom 3D velocity models to compute predictions using a variety of geometries. The PCalc software is especially useful for research related to seismic monitoring applications.

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GeoTess: A generalized Earth model software utility

Seismological Research Letters

Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Kraus, Brian; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Young, Christopher J.

GeoTess is a model parameterization and software support library that manages the construction, population, storage, and interrogation of data stored in 2D and 3D Earth models. The software is available in Java and C++, with a C interface to the C++ library. The software has been tested on Linux, Mac, Sun, and PC platforms. It is open source and is available online (see Data and Resources).

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A global 3D P-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location : SALSA3D

Ballard, Sanford B.; Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D version 1.5, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is {approx}50%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of SALSA3D to standard 1D models via location tests on a global event set with GT of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P picks from which we generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and ratios of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135 regardless of Pn to P ratio, with the improvement being most pronounced at higher azimuthal gaps.

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SALSA3D : a global 3D p-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location

Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D version 1.5, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is {approx}50%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of SALSA3D to standard 1D models via location tests on a global event set with GT of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P picks from which we generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and ratios of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135 regardless of Pn to P ratio, with the improvement being most pronounced at higher azimuthal gaps.

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A global 3D P-Velocity model of the Earth%3CU%2B2019%3Es crust and mantle for improved event location

Ballard, Sanford B.; Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Lewis, Jennifer E.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D (SAndia LoS Alamos) version 1.4, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is > 55%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method, as well as by directly estimating the diagonal of the model resolution matrix based on the technique developed by Bekas, et al. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of this model over standard 1D models. We perform location tests on a global, geographically-distributed event set with ground truth levels of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P phases from which we can generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and proportions of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135, especially with increasing azimuthal gap. The 3D model appears to perform better for locations based solely or dominantly on regional arrivals, which is not unexpected given that ak135 represents a global average and cannot therefore capture local and regional variations.

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A global 3D P-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location

Young, Christopher J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Lewis, Jennifer E.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D (SAndia LoS Alamos) version 1.4, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is > 55%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method, as well as by directly estimating the diagonal of the model resolution matrix based on the technique developed by Bekas, et al. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of this model over standard 1D models. We perform location tests on a global, geographically-distributed event set with ground truth levels of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P phases from which we can generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and proportions of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135, especially with increasing azimuthal gap. The 3D model appears to perform better for locations based solely or dominantly on regional arrivals, which is not unexpected given that ak135 represents a global average and cannot therefore capture local and regional variations.

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The 2004 knowledge base parametric grid data software suite

Ballard, Sanford B.; Chang, Marcus C.; Hipp, James R.; Jensen, Lee A.; Simons, Randall W.; Wilkening, Lisa K.

One of the most important types of data in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Research and Engineering (GNEM R&E) Knowledge Base (KB) is parametric grid (PG) data. PG data can be used to improve signal detection, signal association, and event discrimination, but so far their greatest use has been for improving event location by providing ground-truth-based corrections to travel-time base models. In this presentation we discuss the latest versions of the complete suite of Knowledge Base PG tools developed by NNSA to create, access, manage, and view PG data. The primary PG population tool is the Knowledge Base calibration integration tool (KBCIT). KBCIT is an interactive computer application to produce interpolated calibration-based information that can be used to improve monitoring performance by improving precision of model predictions and by providing proper characterizations of uncertainty. It is used to analyze raw data and produce kriged correction surfaces that can be included in the Knowledge Base. KBCIT not only produces the surfaces but also records all steps in the analysis for later review and possible revision. New features in KBCIT include a new variogram autofit algorithm; the storage of database identifiers with a surface; the ability to merge surfaces; and improved surface-smoothing algorithms. The Parametric Grid Library (PGL) provides the interface to access the data and models stored in a PGL file database. The PGL represents the core software library used by all the GNEM R&E tools that read or write PGL data (e.g., KBCIT and LocOO). The library provides data representations and software models to support accurate and efficient seismic phase association and event location. Recent improvements include conversion of the flat-file database (FDB) to an Oracle database representation; automatic access of station/phase tagged models from the FDB during location; modification of the core geometric data representations; a new multimodel representation for combining separate seismic data models that partially overlap; and a port of PGL to the Microsoft Windows platform. The Data Manager (DM) tool provides access to PG data for purposes of managing the organization of the generated PGL file database, or for perusing the data for visualization and informational purposes. It is written as a graphical user interface (GUI) that can directly access objects stored in any PGL file database and display it in an easily interpreted textual or visual format. New features include enhanced station object processing; low-level conversion to a new core graphics visualization library, the visualization toolkit (VTK); additional visualization support for most of the PGL geometric objects; and support for the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shape files (which are used to enhance the geographical context during visualization). The Location Object-Oriented (LocOO) tool computes seismic event locations and associated uncertainty based on travel time, azimuth, and slowness observations. It uses a linearized least-squares inversion algorithm (the Geiger method), enhanced with Levenberg-Marquardt damping to improve performance in highly nonlinear regions of model space. LocOO relies on PGL for all predicted quantities and is designed to fully exploit all the capabilities of PGL that are relevant to seismic event location. New features in LocOO include a redesigned internal architecture implemented to enhance flexibility and to support simultaneous multiple event location. Database communication has been rewritten using new object-relational features available in Oracle 9i.

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46 Results
46 Results