GMS Configuration Guide
This document is a guide to setting the system and processing configuration for the Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) Station State-of-Health (SOH) Monitoring and Interactive Analysis (IAN) applications.
This document is a guide to setting the system and processing configuration for the Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) Station State-of-Health (SOH) Monitoring and Interactive Analysis (IAN) applications.
This document is a user’s manual for the Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) Station State of Health (SOH) Monitoring User Interface.
This document is a user’s manual for the Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) Interactive Analysis (IAN) User Interface.
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The Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) State-of-Health User Interface (SOH UI) is a web-based application that allows a user to view and acknowledge the SOH status of stations in the GMS system. The SOH UI will primarily be used by the System Controller, who monitors and controls the system and external data connections. The System Controller uses the station SOH UIs to monitor, detect, and troubleshoot problems with station data availability and quality.
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The GMS Station State-of-Health (SOH) monitoring capability provides the system controller the ability to view current SOH values and calculated statistics for stations and channels, view trend plots of SOH values, be notified when station SOH status changes, and acknowledge or quiet notifications while the station issues are being investigated. The SOH monitoring capability includes components to acquire CD 1.1 protocol station data, extract SOH information from the raw data packets, process the raw SOH information for display, store the SOH information, and display the SOH information in an interactive display. All these components use system and processing configuration to provide the system controller mission-relevant information about station health. This document is a guide to setting the processing configuration for GMS SOH monitoring.
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This document provides a "Build Guide" for a Generic Runnable System (GRS) of the Geophysical Monitoring Systems (GMS) common source code. This guide includes a list of software dependencies and licenses, hardware specifications, and instructions for how to build the system from the source code. The document is written for individuals who are experienced as administrators of Linux systems.
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This document contains 31 use cases generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect.
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This document describes a conceptual Data Model for use in the IDC Re-Engineering development project.
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This document contains 4 use case realizations generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect. These use case realizations are the current versions of the realizations originally delivered in Elaboration Iteration 3.
Sandia National Laboratories has prepared a budgetary cost estimate for planning for the IDC Re-engineering Phase 3 effort, based on leveraging a fully funded, Sandia executed NDC Modernization project. This report provides the budgetary cost estimate and describes the methodology, assumptions, and cost model details used to create the budgetary cost estimate. Budgetary Cost Estimate Disclaimer This cost estimate is based upon a documented work scope that may not be complete at this time. This estimate may be used to develop budgets, includes a contingency appropriate for a budget estimate and does not represent a commitment to the estimate. If the project proceeds and the scope becomes better defined, a definitive estimate will be developed.
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Sandia National Laboratories has prepared a project development plan that proposes how the parties interested in the IDC Re-Engineering system will coordinate its development, testing and transition to operations.
This document contains 21 use cases generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect.
This document contains 21 use cases generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect.
This document contains the system specifications derived to satisfy the system requirements found in the IDC System Requirements Document for the IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2 project. This System Specification Document (SSD) defines waveform data processing requirements for the International Data Centre (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The routine processing includes characterization of events with the objective of screening out events considered to be consistent with natural phenomena or non-nuclear, man-made phenomena. This document does not address requirements concerning acquisition, processing and analysis of radionuclide data but does include requirements for the dissemination of radionuclide data and products.
This document contains the specific updates that were made to the 28 storyboards (UIS) that were deliverd to the IDC in Elaboration 1 and Elaboration 2.
This System Requirements Document (SRD) defines waveform data processing requirements for the International Data Centre (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The IDC applies, on a routine basis, automatic processing methods and interactive analysis to raw International Monitoring System (IMS) data in order to produce, archive, and distribute standard IDC products on behalf of all States Parties. The routine processing includes characterization of events with the objective of screening out events considered to be consistent with natural phenomena or non-nuclear, man-made phenomena. This document does not address requirements concerning acquisition, processing and analysis of radionuclide data, but includes requirements for the dissemination of radionuclide data and products.
This document contains the specific updates that were made to the 42 use cases that were deliverd to the IDC in Elaboration 1 and Elaboration 2.
This document contains the glossary of terms used for the IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2 project. This version was created for Iteration E3. The IDC applies automatic processing methods in order to produce, archive, and distribute standard IDC products on behalf of all States Parties.
This document contains 4 use case realizations generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect. These use case realizations are the current versions of the realizations originally delivered in Elaboration Iteration 1.
This document contains 4 use case realizations generated from the model contained in Rational Software Architect. These use case realizations are the current versions of the realizations originally delivered in Elaboration Iteration 2.
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Abstract not provided.