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Background measurement methods for opacity experiments conducted at the Z facility

Review of Scientific Instruments

Dunham, Gregory S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, Guillaume P.

Laboratory experiments typically test opacity models by measuring spectrally resolved transmission of a sample using bright backlight radiation. A potential problem is that any unaccounted background signal contaminating the spectrum will artificially reduce the inferred opacity. Methods developed to measure background signals in opacity experiments at the Sandia Z facility are discussed. Preliminary measurements indicate that backgrounds are 9%–11% of the backlight signal at wavelengths less than 10 Å. Background is thus a relatively modest correction for all Z opacity data published to date. Future work will determine how important background is at longer wavelengths.

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Experimental methods for laboratory measurements of helium spectral line broadening in white dwarf photospheres

Physics of Plasmas

Schaeuble, Marc-Andre S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Dunlap, B.H.; Patel, Sonal P.

White Dwarf (WD) stars are the most common stellar remnant in the universe. WDs usually have a hydrogen or helium atmosphere, and helium WD (called DB) spectra can be used to solve outstanding problems in stellar and galactic evolution. DB origins, which are still a mystery, must be known to solve these problems. DB masses are crucial for discriminating between different proposed DB evolutionary hypotheses. Current DB mass determination methods deliver conflicting results. The spectroscopic mass determination method relies on line broadening models that have not been validated at DB atmosphere conditions. We performed helium benchmark experiments using the White Dwarf Photosphere Experiment (WDPE) platform at Sandia National Laboratories' Z-machine that aims to study He line broadening at DB conditions. Using hydrogen/helium mixture plasmas allows investigating the importance of He Stark and van der Waals broadening simultaneously. Accurate experimental data reduction methods are essential to test these line-broadening theories. In this paper, we present data calibration methods for these benchmark He line shape experiments. We give a detailed account of data processing, spectral power calibrations, and instrument broadening measurements. Uncertainties for each data calibration step are also derived. We demonstrate that our experiments meet all benchmark experiment accuracy requirements: WDPE wavelength uncertainties are <1 Å, spectral powers can be determined to within 15%, densities are accurate at the 20% level, and instrumental broadening can be measured with 20% accuracy. Fulfilling these stringent requirements enables WDPE experimental data to provide physically meaningful conclusions about line broadening at DB conditions.

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Hβ and Hγ Absorption-line Profile Inconsistencies in Laboratory Experiments Performed at White Dwarf Photosphere Conditions

Astrophysical Journal

Schaeuble, Marc-Andre S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Gomez, T.A.; Winget, D.E.

The spectroscopic method relies on hydrogen Balmer absorption lines to infer white dwarf (WD) masses. These masses depend on the choice of atmosphere model, hydrogen atomic line shape calculation, and which Balmer series members are included in the spectral fit. In addition to those variables, spectroscopic masses disagree with those derived using other methods. Here we present laboratory experiments aimed at investigating the main component of the spectroscopic method: hydrogen line shape calculations. These experiments use X-rays from Sandia National Laboratories' Z-machine to create a uniform ∼15 cm3 hydrogen plasma and a ∼4 eV backlighter that enables recording high-quality absorption spectra. The large plasma, volumetric X-ray heating that fosters plasma uniformity, and the ability to collect absorption spectra at WD photosphere conditions are improvements over past laboratory experiments. Analysis of the experimental absorption spectra reveals that electron density (ne ) values derived from the Hγ line are ∼34% ± 7.3% lower than from Hβ. Two potential systematic errors that may contribute to this difference were investigated. A detailed evaluation of self-emission and plasma gradients shows that these phenomena are unlikely to produce any measurable Hβ-Hγ ne difference. WD masses inferred with the spectroscopic method are proportional to the photosphere density. Hence, the measured Hβ-Hγ n rm e difference is qualitatively consistent with the trend that WD masses inferred from their Hβ line are higher than that resulting from the analysis of Hβ and Hγ. This evidence may suggest that current hydrogen line shape calculations are not sufficiently accurate to capture the intricacies of the Balmer series.

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Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy for warm dense matter studies and ICF plasma diagnostics

Physics of Plasmas

Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, P.F.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.

The burning core of an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) plasma produces bright x-rays at stagnation that can directly diagnose core conditions essential for comparison to simulations and understanding fusion yields. These x-rays also backlight the surrounding shell of warm, dense matter, whose properties are critical to understanding the efficacy of the inertial confinement and global morphology. We show that the absorption and fluorescence spectra of mid-Z impurities or dopants in the warm dense shell can reveal the optical depth, temperature, and density of the shell and help constrain models of warm, dense matter. This is illustrated by the example of a high-resolution spectrum collected from an ICF plasma with a beryllium shell containing native iron impurities. Analysis of the iron K-edge provides model-independent diagnostics of the shell density (2.3 × 1024 e/cm3) and temperature (10 eV), while a 12-eV red shift in Kβ and 5-eV blue shift in the K-edge discriminate among models of warm dense matter: Both shifts are well described by a self-consistent field model based on density functional theory but are not fully consistent with isolated-atom models using ad-hoc density effects.

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Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Benchmark Experiment for Photoionized Plasma Emission from Accretion-Powered X-Ray Sources

Physical Review Letters

Loisel, G.P.; Bailey, James E.; Liedahl, D.A.; Fontes, C.J.; Kallman, T.R.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Rochau, G.A.; Mancini, R.C.; Lee, R.W.

The interpretation of x-ray spectra emerging from x-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei accreted plasmas relies on complex physical models for radiation generation and transport in photoionized plasmas. These models have not been sufficiently experimentally validated. We have developed a highly reproducible benchmark experiment to study spectrum formation from a photoionized silicon plasma in a regime comparable to astrophysical plasmas. Ionization predictions are higher than inferred from measured absorption spectra. Self-emission measured at adjustable column densities tests radiation transport effects, demonstrating that the resonant Auger destruction assumption used to interpret black hole accretion spectra is inaccurate.

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The Differential Absorption Hard X-Ray Spectrometer at the Z Facility

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Bell, Kate S.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Ampleford, David A.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Moy, Kenneth

The differential absorption hard X-ray (DAHX) spectrometer is a diagnostic developed to measure time-resolved radiation between 60 keV and 2 MeV at the Z Facility. It consists of an array of seven Si PIN diodes in a tungsten housing that provides collimation and coarse spectral resolution through differential filters. DAHX is a revitalization of the hard X-ray spectrometer that was fielded on Z prior to refurbishment in 2006. DAHX has been tailored to the present radiation environment in Z to provide information on the power, spectral shape, and time profile of the hard emission by plasma radiation sources driven by the Z machine.

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Numerical investigations of potential systematic uncertainties in iron opacity measurements at solar interior temperatures

Physical Review E

Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, G.P.; Rochau, G.A.; Macfarlane, J.J.; Golovkin, I.E.

Iron opacity calculations presently disagree with measurements at an electron temperature of ∼180-195 eV and an electron density of (2-4)×1022cm-3, conditions similar to those at the base of the solar convection zone. The measurements use x rays to volumetrically heat a thin iron sample that is tamped with low-Z materials. The opacity is inferred from spectrally resolved x-ray transmission measurements. Plasma self-emission, tamper attenuation, and temporal and spatial gradients can all potentially cause systematic errors in the measured opacity spectra. In this article we quantitatively evaluate these potential errors with numerical investigations. The analysis exploits computer simulations that were previously found to reproduce the experimentally measured plasma conditions. The simulations, combined with a spectral synthesis model, enable evaluations of individual and combined potential errors in order to estimate their potential effects on the opacity measurement. The results show that the errors considered here do not account for the previously observed model-data discrepancies.

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Measuring the radiative properties of astrophysical matter using the Z x-ray source

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Brief overview of opacity measurements for stellar interior conditions

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Results 1–50 of 212
Results 1–50 of 212