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Background measurement methods for opacity experiments conducted at the Z facility

Review of Scientific Instruments

Dunham, Gregory S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, Guillaume P.

Laboratory experiments typically test opacity models by measuring spectrally resolved transmission of a sample using bright backlight radiation. A potential problem is that any unaccounted background signal contaminating the spectrum will artificially reduce the inferred opacity. Methods developed to measure background signals in opacity experiments at the Sandia Z facility are discussed. Preliminary measurements indicate that backgrounds are 9%–11% of the backlight signal at wavelengths less than 10 Å. Background is thus a relatively modest correction for all Z opacity data published to date. Future work will determine how important background is at longer wavelengths.

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Experimental methods for laboratory measurements of helium spectral line broadening in white dwarf photospheres

Physics of Plasmas

Schaeuble, Marc-Andre S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Dunlap, B.H.; Patel, Sonal P.

White Dwarf (WD) stars are the most common stellar remnant in the universe. WDs usually have a hydrogen or helium atmosphere, and helium WD (called DB) spectra can be used to solve outstanding problems in stellar and galactic evolution. DB origins, which are still a mystery, must be known to solve these problems. DB masses are crucial for discriminating between different proposed DB evolutionary hypotheses. Current DB mass determination methods deliver conflicting results. The spectroscopic mass determination method relies on line broadening models that have not been validated at DB atmosphere conditions. We performed helium benchmark experiments using the White Dwarf Photosphere Experiment (WDPE) platform at Sandia National Laboratories' Z-machine that aims to study He line broadening at DB conditions. Using hydrogen/helium mixture plasmas allows investigating the importance of He Stark and van der Waals broadening simultaneously. Accurate experimental data reduction methods are essential to test these line-broadening theories. In this paper, we present data calibration methods for these benchmark He line shape experiments. We give a detailed account of data processing, spectral power calibrations, and instrument broadening measurements. Uncertainties for each data calibration step are also derived. We demonstrate that our experiments meet all benchmark experiment accuracy requirements: WDPE wavelength uncertainties are <1 Å, spectral powers can be determined to within 15%, densities are accurate at the 20% level, and instrumental broadening can be measured with 20% accuracy. Fulfilling these stringent requirements enables WDPE experimental data to provide physically meaningful conclusions about line broadening at DB conditions.

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Hβ and Hγ Absorption-line Profile Inconsistencies in Laboratory Experiments Performed at White Dwarf Photosphere Conditions

Astrophysical Journal

Schaeuble, Marc-Andre S.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Gomez, T.A.; Winget, D.E.

The spectroscopic method relies on hydrogen Balmer absorption lines to infer white dwarf (WD) masses. These masses depend on the choice of atmosphere model, hydrogen atomic line shape calculation, and which Balmer series members are included in the spectral fit. In addition to those variables, spectroscopic masses disagree with those derived using other methods. Here we present laboratory experiments aimed at investigating the main component of the spectroscopic method: hydrogen line shape calculations. These experiments use X-rays from Sandia National Laboratories' Z-machine to create a uniform ∼15 cm3 hydrogen plasma and a ∼4 eV backlighter that enables recording high-quality absorption spectra. The large plasma, volumetric X-ray heating that fosters plasma uniformity, and the ability to collect absorption spectra at WD photosphere conditions are improvements over past laboratory experiments. Analysis of the experimental absorption spectra reveals that electron density (ne ) values derived from the Hγ line are ∼34% ± 7.3% lower than from Hβ. Two potential systematic errors that may contribute to this difference were investigated. A detailed evaluation of self-emission and plasma gradients shows that these phenomena are unlikely to produce any measurable Hβ-Hγ ne difference. WD masses inferred with the spectroscopic method are proportional to the photosphere density. Hence, the measured Hβ-Hγ n rm e difference is qualitatively consistent with the trend that WD masses inferred from their Hβ line are higher than that resulting from the analysis of Hβ and Hγ. This evidence may suggest that current hydrogen line shape calculations are not sufficiently accurate to capture the intricacies of the Balmer series.

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Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy for warm dense matter studies and ICF plasma diagnostics

Physics of Plasmas

Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, P.F.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.

The burning core of an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) plasma produces bright x-rays at stagnation that can directly diagnose core conditions essential for comparison to simulations and understanding fusion yields. These x-rays also backlight the surrounding shell of warm, dense matter, whose properties are critical to understanding the efficacy of the inertial confinement and global morphology. We show that the absorption and fluorescence spectra of mid-Z impurities or dopants in the warm dense shell can reveal the optical depth, temperature, and density of the shell and help constrain models of warm, dense matter. This is illustrated by the example of a high-resolution spectrum collected from an ICF plasma with a beryllium shell containing native iron impurities. Analysis of the iron K-edge provides model-independent diagnostics of the shell density (2.3 × 1024 e/cm3) and temperature (10 eV), while a 12-eV red shift in Kβ and 5-eV blue shift in the K-edge discriminate among models of warm dense matter: Both shifts are well described by a self-consistent field model based on density functional theory but are not fully consistent with isolated-atom models using ad-hoc density effects.

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Opacity data for stellar models and its uncertainties

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Benchmark Experiment for Photoionized Plasma Emission from Accretion-Powered X-Ray Sources

Physical Review Letters

Loisel, G.P.; Bailey, James E.; Liedahl, D.A.; Fontes, C.J.; Kallman, T.R.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Rochau, G.A.; Mancini, R.C.; Lee, R.W.

The interpretation of x-ray spectra emerging from x-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei accreted plasmas relies on complex physical models for radiation generation and transport in photoionized plasmas. These models have not been sufficiently experimentally validated. We have developed a highly reproducible benchmark experiment to study spectrum formation from a photoionized silicon plasma in a regime comparable to astrophysical plasmas. Ionization predictions are higher than inferred from measured absorption spectra. Self-emission measured at adjustable column densities tests radiation transport effects, demonstrating that the resonant Auger destruction assumption used to interpret black hole accretion spectra is inaccurate.

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The Differential Absorption Hard X-Ray Spectrometer at the Z Facility

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Bell, Kate S.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Ampleford, David A.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Moy, Kenneth

The differential absorption hard X-ray (DAHX) spectrometer is a diagnostic developed to measure time-resolved radiation between 60 keV and 2 MeV at the Z Facility. It consists of an array of seven Si PIN diodes in a tungsten housing that provides collimation and coarse spectral resolution through differential filters. DAHX is a revitalization of the hard X-ray spectrometer that was fielded on Z prior to refurbishment in 2006. DAHX has been tailored to the present radiation environment in Z to provide information on the power, spectral shape, and time profile of the hard emission by plasma radiation sources driven by the Z machine.

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Numerical investigations of potential systematic uncertainties in iron opacity measurements at solar interior temperatures

Physical Review E

Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, G.P.; Rochau, G.A.; Macfarlane, J.J.; Golovkin, I.E.

Iron opacity calculations presently disagree with measurements at an electron temperature of ∼180-195 eV and an electron density of (2-4)×1022cm-3, conditions similar to those at the base of the solar convection zone. The measurements use x rays to volumetrically heat a thin iron sample that is tamped with low-Z materials. The opacity is inferred from spectrally resolved x-ray transmission measurements. Plasma self-emission, tamper attenuation, and temporal and spatial gradients can all potentially cause systematic errors in the measured opacity spectra. In this article we quantitatively evaluate these potential errors with numerical investigations. The analysis exploits computer simulations that were previously found to reproduce the experimentally measured plasma conditions. The simulations, combined with a spectral synthesis model, enable evaluations of individual and combined potential errors in order to estimate their potential effects on the opacity measurement. The results show that the errors considered here do not account for the previously observed model-data discrepancies.

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Measuring the radiative properties of astrophysical matter using the Z x-ray source

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Brief overview of opacity measurements for stellar interior conditions

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Systematic measurements of opacity dependence on temperature density and atomic number at stellar interior conditions

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Systematic measurements of opacity dependence on temperature density and atomic number at stellar interior conditions

Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Bailey, James E.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; MacFarlane, J.J.M.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pradham, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Systematic measurements of opacity dependence on temperature density and atomic number at stellar interior conditions

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Measuring the radiative properties of astrophysical matter using the Z x-ray source

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Iron Opacity Measurements at Solar Interior Temperatures

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Demonstration of space-resolved x-ray Thomson scattering capability for warm dense matter experiments on the Z accelerator

High Energy Density Physics

Ao, Tommy A.; Harding, Eric H.; Bailey, James E.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Smith, Ian C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Maurer, A.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Romero, D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Rochau, G.A.; Benage, John F.

Experiments on the Sandia Z pulsed-power accelerator have demonstrated the ability to produce warm dense matter (WDM) states with unprecedented uniformity, duration, and size, which are ideal for investigations of fundamental WDM properties. For the first time, space-resolved x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) spectra from shocked carbon foams were recorded on Z. The large (>20 MA) electrical current produced by Z was used to launch Al flyer plates up to 25 km/s. The impact of the flyer plate on a CH2 foam target produced a shocked state with an estimated pressure of 0.75 Mbar, density of 0.52 g/cm3, and temperature of 4.3 eV. Both unshocked and shocked portions of the foam target were probed with 6.2 keV x-rays produced by focusing the Z-Beamlet laser onto a nearby Mn foil. The data are composed of three spatially distinct spectra that were simultaneously captured with a single spectrometer with high spectral (4.8 eV) and spatial (190 μm) resolutions. Detailed spectral information from three target locations is provided simultaneously: the incident x-ray source, the scattered signal from unshocked foam, and the scattered signal from shocked foam.

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Measuring the opacity of stellar interior matter in terrestrial laboratories

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Iron Opacity Measurements at Solar Interior Temperatures

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Measuring opacities for high energy density matter

Stockpile Stewardship Quarterly

Bailey, James E.

How does energy propagate from the solar core to the surface of the sun, where it emerges to warm the Earth? How old are the stellar systems that host the numerous exoplanets that have now been discovered outside our solar system? How does radiation penetrate and heat an inertial fusion capsule? The answers to these seemingly disparate questions hinge on knowledge of the fundamental material property that controls the absorption of radiation: opacity. Opacity plays a critical role for many high energy density (HED) systems and is highly important for the NNSA stewardship mission. In addition, laboratory astrophysics research serves as a conduit for establishing collaborations between the NNSA laboratories, between the NNSA laboratories and universities, and between the NNSA laboratories and our international partners. Exposure to open peer review sharpens the research capabilities and interactions of NNSA scientists with students and professors as a natural path for recruiting the next generation of stockpile stewards.

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Astrophysical Journal

Falcon, Ross E.; Rochau, G.A.; Bailey, James E.; Gomez, T.A.; Winget, D.E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.

We spectroscopically measure multiple hydrogen Balmer line profiles from laboratory plasmas to investigate the theoretical line profiles used in white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models. X-ray radiation produced at the Z Pulsed Power Facility at Sandia National Laboratories initiates plasma formation in a hydrogen-filled gas cell, replicating WD photospheric conditions. Here we present time-resolved measurements of Hβ and fit this line using different theoretical line profiles to diagnose electron density, ne, and n = 2 level population, n2. Aided by synthetic tests, we characterize the validity of our diagnostic method for this experimental platform. During a single experiment, we infer a continuous range of electron densities increasing from ne ∼ 4 to ∼30 × 1016 cm-3 throughout a 120-ns evolution of our plasma. Also, we observe n2 to be initially elevated with respect to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE); it then equilibrates within ∼55 ns to become consistent with LTE. This supports our electron-temperature determination of Te ∼ 1.3 eV (∼15,000 K) after this time. At ne 1017 cm-3, we find that computer-simulation-based line-profile calculations provide better fits (lower reduced χ2) than the line profiles currently used in the WD astronomy community. The inferred conditions, however, are in good quantitative agreement. This work establishes an experimental foundation for the future investigation of relative shapes and strengths between different hydrogen Balmer lines.

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Measurements of iron plasma opacity at solar interior temperatures


Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; MacFarlane, J.J.M.; Mancini, R.C.M.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-CP.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Conceptual designs of 300-TW and 800-TW pulsed-power accelerators

Stygar, William A.; Fowler, William E.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Harmon, Roger L.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Huber, Dale L.; Hutsel, Brian T.; Bailey, James E.; Jones, Michael J.; Jones, Peter A.; Leckbee, Joshua L.; Lee, James R.; Lewis, Scot A.; Long, Finis W.; Lopez, Mike R.; Lucero, Diego J.; Matzen, M.K.; Mazarakis, Michael G.; McBride, Ryan D.; McKee, George R.; Nakhleh, Charles N.; Owen, Albert C.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Wakeland, P.; Cuneo, M.E.; Flicker, Dawn G.; Focia, Ronald J.

Abstract not provided.

Integration of MHD load models with circuit representations the Z generator

Ampleford, David A.; Savage, Mark E.; Moore, James M.; Jones, Brent M.; McBride, Ryan D.; Bailey, James E.; Jones, Michael J.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Cuneo, M.E.; Nakhleh, Charles N.; Stygar, William A.

MHD models of imploding loads fielded on the Z accelerator are typically driven by reduced or simplified circuit representations of the generator. The performance of many of the imploding loads is critically dependent on the current and power delivered to them, so may be strongly influenced by the generators response to their implosion. Current losses diagnosed in the transmission lines approaching the load are further known to limit the energy delivery, while exhibiting some load dependence. Through comparing the convolute performance of a wide variety of short pulse Z loads we parameterize a convolute loss resistance applicable between different experiments. We incorporate this, and other current loss terms into a transmission line representation of the Z vacuum section. We then apply this model to study the current delivery to a wide variety of wire array and MagLif style liner loads.

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Pinned, optically aligned diagnostic dock for use on the Z facility

Review of Scientific Instruments

Gomez, Matthew R.; Rochau, G.A.; Bailey, James E.; Dunham, Gregory S.; Kernaghan, M.D.; Gard, P.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Owen, A.C.; Argo, J.W.; Nielsen, D.S.; Lake, Patrick W.

The pinned optically aligned diagnostic dock (PODD) is a multi-configuration diagnostic platform designed to measure x-ray emission on the Z facility. The PODD houses two plasma emission acquisition (PEA) systems, which are aligned with a set of precision machined pins. The PEA systems are modular, allowing a single diagnostic housing to support several different diagnostics. The PEA configurations fielded to date include both time-resolved and time-integrated, 1D spatially resolving, elliptical crystal spectrometers, and time-integrated, 1D spatially resolving, convex crystal spectrometers. Additional proposed configurations include time-resolved, monochromatic mirrored pinhole imagers and arrays of filtered x-ray diodes, diamond photo-conducting diode detectors, and bolometers. The versatility of the PODD system will allow the diagnostic configuration of the Z facility to be changed without significantly adding to the turn-around time of the machine. Additionally, the PODD has been designed to allow instrument setup to be completed entirely off-line, leaving only a refined alignment process to be performed just prior to a shot, which is a significant improvement over the instrument the PODD replaces. Example data collected with the PODD are presented. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Pulsed-power driven inertial confinement fusion development at Sandia National Laboratories

Proposed for publication in 5th Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Z-Pinch Plasmas.

Cuneo, M.E.; Mazarakis, Michael G.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Kaye, Ronald J.; Nakhleh, Charles N.; Bailey, James E.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; McBride, Ryan D.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Lopez, A.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Ampleford, David A.; Jones, Michael J.; Savage, Mark E.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Slutz, Stephen A.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Christenson, Peggy J.; Sweeney, Mary A.; Jones, Brent M.; Yu, Edmund Y.; McPherson, Leroy A.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Awe, Thomas J.; Stygar, William A.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Mckenney, John M.; Owen, Albert C.; McKee, George R.; Matzen, M.K.; Leifeste, Gordon T.; Atherton, B.W.; Vesey, Roger A.; Smith, Ian C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Rovang, Dean C.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Spectroscopic study of z-pinch stagnation on Z

Rochau, G.A.; Bailey, James E.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Ampleford, David A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Jones, Brent M.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Hansen, Stephanie B.

Fast z-pinches provide intense 1-10 keV photon energy radiation sources. Here, we analyze time-, space-, and spectrally-resolved {approx}2 keV K-shell emissions from Al (5% Mg) wire array implosions on Sandia's Z machine pulsed power driver. The stagnating plasma is modeled as three separate radial zones, and collisional-radiative modeling with radiation transport calculations are used to constrain the temperatures and densities in these regions, accounting for K-shell line opacity and Doppler effects. We discuss plasma conditions and dynamics at the onset of stagnation, and compare inferences from the atomic modeling to three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic simulations.

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Measurements of radiative material properties for astrophysical plasmas

Bailey, James E.

The new generation of z-pinch, laser, and XFEL facilities opens the possibility to produce astrophysically-relevant laboratory plasmas with energy densities beyond what was previously possible. Furthermore, macroscopic plasmas with uniform conditions can now be created, enabling more accurate determination of the material properties. This presentation will provide an overview of our research at the Z facility investigating stellar interior opacities, AGN warm-absorber photoionized plasmas, and white dwarf photospheres. Atomic physics in plasmas heavily influence these topics. Stellar opacities are an essential ingredient of stellar models and they affect what we know about the structure and evolution of stars. Opacity models have become highly sophisticated, but laboratory tests have not been done at the conditions existing inside stars. Our research is presently focused on measuring Fe at conditions relevant to the base of the solar convection zone, where the electron temperature and density are believed to be 190 eV and 9 x 10{sup 22} e/cc, respectively. The second project is aimed at testing atomic kinetics models for photoionized plasmas. Photoionization is an important process in many astrophysical plasmas and the spectral signatures are routinely used to infer astrophysical object's characteristics. However, the spectral synthesis models at the heart of these interpretations have been the subject of very limited experimental tests. Our current research examines photoionization of neon plasma subjected to radiation flux similar to the warm absorber that surrounds active galactic nuclei. The third project is a recent initiative aimed at producing a white dwarf photosphere in the laboratory. Emergent spectra from the photosphere are used to infer the star's effective temperature and surface gravity. The results depend on knowledge of H, He, and C spectral line profiles under conditions where complex physics such as quasi-molecule formation may be important. These profiles have been studied in past experiments, but puzzles emerging from recent white dwarf analysis have raised questions about the accuracy of the line profile models. Proof-of-principle data has been acquired that indicates radiation-heated quiescent plasmas can be produced with {approx} 1 eV temperature and 10{sup 17}-10{sup 19} e/cc densities, in an {approx} 20cm{sup 3} volume. Such plasmas would provide a valuable platform for investigating numerous line profile questions.

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Doppler effects on 3-D non-LTE radiation transport and emission spectra

Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jones, Brent M.; Ampleford, David A.; Bailey, James E.; Rochau, G.A.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Spatially and temporally resolved X-ray emission lines contain information about temperatures, densities, velocities, and the gradients in a plasma. Extracting this information from optically thick lines emitted from complex ions in dynamic, three-dimensional, non-LTE plasmas requires self-consistent accounting for both non-LTE atomic physics and non-local radiative transfer. We present a brief description of a hybrid-structure spectroscopic atomic model coupled to an iterative tabular on-the-spot treatment of radiative transfer that can be applied to plasmas of arbitrary material composition, conditions, and geometries. The effects of Doppler line shifts on the self-consistent radiative transfer within the plasma and the emergent emission and absorption spectra are included in the model. Sample calculations for a two-level atom in a uniform cylindrical plasma are given, showing reasonable agreement with more sophisticated transport models and illustrating the potential complexity - or richness - of radially resolved emission lines from an imploding cylindrical plasma. Also presented is a comparison of modeled L- and K-shell spectra to temporally and radially resolved emission data from a Cu:Ni plasma. Finally, some shortcomings of the model and possible paths for improvement are discussed.

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Radiative properties of astrophysical matter : a quest to reproduce astrophysical conditions on earth

Bailey, James E.

Experiments in terrestrial laboratories can be used to evaluate the physical models that interpret astronomical observations. The properties of matter in astrophysical objects are essential components of these models, but terrestrial laboratories struggle to reproduce the extreme conditions that often exist. Megajoule-class DOE/NNSA facilities such as the National Ignition Facility and Z can create unprecedented amounts of matter at extreme conditions, providing new capabilities to test astrophysical models with high accuracy. Experiments at these large facilities are challenging, and access is very competitive. However, the cylindrically-symmetric Z source emits radiation in all directions, enabling multiple physics experiments to be driven with a single Z discharge. This helps ameliorate access limitations. This article describes research efforts under way at Sandia National Laboratories Z facility investigating radiation transport through stellar interior matter, population kinetics of atoms exposed to the intense radiation emitted by accretion powered objects, and spectral line formation in white dwarf (WD) photospheres. Opacity quantifies the absorption of radiation by matter and strongly influences stellar structure and evolution, since radiation dominates energy transport deep inside stars. Opacity models have become highly sophisticated, but laboratory tests at the conditions existing inside stars have not been possible - until now. Z research is presently focused on measuring iron absorption at conditions relevant to the base of the solar convection zone, where the electron temperature and density are 190 eV and 9 x 10{sup 22} e/cc, respectively. Creating these conditions in a sample that is sufficiently large, long-lived, and uniform is extraordinarily challenging. A source of radiation that streams through the relatively-large samples can produce volumetric heating and thus, uniform conditions, but to achieve high temperatures a strong source is required. Z dynamic hohlraums provide such a megajoule-class source. Initial Z experiments measured transmission through iron samples ionized to the same charge states that exist at the solar convection zone base. The resulting data made it possible to test challenging aspects of the opacity calculations such as the ionization balance and the completeness and accuracy of the atomic energy level description. However, the density was too low to provide a definitive test of the physics at the solar convection zone base. Recent experiments have reached higher densities, and opacity model tests for stellar interiors now appear within reach. Accretion powered objects, including active galactic nuclei, x-ray binaries, and black hole accretion disks, are the most luminous objects in the universe. Astrophysical models for these objects rely largely on comparing spectroscopic predictions with observations. A dilemma arises because the spectra originate from plasmas that are bathed in the enormous photon flux from the accretion disk and photoionization dominates the atomic ionization and energy level populations. Thus, constraining astrophysical models depends on accurate atomic models for photoionized plasmas. Unfortunately, to date the ionization in almost all laboratory experiments is collision-dominated and very few tests of photoionized plasma atomic kinetics exist. Megajoule class high-energy-density facilities can help because they generate higher x-ray fluence over larger spatial scales and longer times. Expanded iron foils and pre-filled neon gas cells have been used in experiments at Z to study photoionized atomic kinetics in two elements commonly observed in astrophysical objects. In these experiments, low density samples are exposed to a measured intense x-ray spectrum, emergent emission or absorption spectra are recorded, and the results are compared to predictions made with spectral synthesis codes used by astrophysicists. Initial experiments focused on testing models used to interpret spectra from the 'warm absorber,' a plasma observed in the vicinity of some active galactic nuclei. In future experiments, spectra from plasmas exposed to higher radiation intensities will be measured, possibly leading to improved understanding of the plasma in the immediate vicinity of the accretion disk. WDs are the oldest stars and can serve as cosmic clocks, since the universe must be at least as old as the objects within it. Astrophysicists determine WD ages using stellar models combined with effective temperature (T{sub eff}) and mass inferred from spectral observations of WD photospheres. Many line profiles in the observed spectra are dominated by Stark broadening, a process sensitive to the photosphere density and related to the total mass through the stellar model. Accurate Stark broadening theory is, therefore, critical to the precise determination of the WD properties and the inferred ages.

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Design of dynamic Hohlraum opacity samples to increase measured sample density on Z

Review of Scientific Instruments

Nash, Thomas J.; Rochau, G.A.; Bailey, James E.

We are attempting to measure the transmission of iron on Z at plasma temperatures and densities relevant to the solar radiation and convection zone boundary. The opacity data published by us to date has been taken at an electron density about a factor of 10 below the 9× 1022/cm3 electron density of this boundary. We present results of two-dimensional (2D) simulations of the heating and expansion of an opacity sample driven by the dynamic Hohlraum radiation source on Z. The aim of the simulations is to design foil samples that provide opacity data at increased density. The inputs or source terms for the simulations are spatially and temporally varying radiation temperatures with a Lambertian angular distribution. These temperature profiles were inferred on Z with on-axis time-resolved pinhole cameras, x-ray diodes, and bolometers. A typical sample is 0.3 μm of magnesium and 0.078 μm of iron sandwiched between 10 μm layers of plastic. The 2D LASNEX simulations indicate that to increase the density of the sample one should increase the thickness of the plastic backing. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.

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Laboratory tests of stellar interior opacity models

Bailey, James E.

The internal structure of stars depends on the radiative opacity of the stellar matter. However, opacity models have never been experimentally tested at the conditions that exist inside stars. Experiments at the Sandia Z facility are underway to measure the x-ray transmission of iron, an important stellar constituent, at temperature and density high enough to evaluate the physical underpinnings of stellar opacity models. Initial experiments provided information on the charge state distribution and the energy level structure for the iron ions that exist at the solar radiation/convection boundary. Data analysis and new experiments at higher densities and temperatures will be described.

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Quantitative extraction of spectral line intensities and widths from x-ray spectra recorded with gated microchannel plate detectors

Review of Scientific Instruments

Dunham, Greg; Bailey, James E.; Rochau, G.A.; Lake, Patrick W.; Nielsen-Weber, L.B.

Plasma spectroscopy requires determination of spectral line intensities and widths. At Sandia National Laboratories Z facility we use elliptical crystal spectrometers equipped with gated microchannel plate detectors to record time and space resolved spectra. We collect a large volume of data typically consisting of five to six snapshots in time and five to ten spectral lines with 30 spatial elements per frame, totaling to more than 900 measurements per experiment. This large volume of data requires efficiency in processing. We have addressed this challenge by using a line fitting routine to automatically fit each spectrum using assumed line profiles and taking into account photoelectron statistics to efficiently extract line intensities and widths with uncertainties. We verified that the random data noise obeys Poisson statistics. Rescale factors for converting film exposure to effective counts required for understanding the photoelectron statistics are presented. An example of the application of these results to the analysis of spectra recorded in Z experiments is presented. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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Twin-elliptical-crystal time- and space-resolved soft x-ray spectrometer

Review of Scientific Instruments

Lake, Patrick W.; Bailey, James E.; Rochau, G.A.; Gard, P.; Petmecky, D.; Bump, M.; Joseph, N.R.; Moore, T.C.; Nielsen-Weber, L.B.

Elliptical crystal spectrometers equipped with time-gated microchannel plate (MCP) detectors provide time-, space-, and spectrally resolved data. A common problem is that the number of time resolution elements is limited by the number of MCP frames. The number of frames that fit on a given MCP is limited by the image size and the alignment tolerance. At the Z facility these problems have been addressed with twin-elliptical-crystal spectrometers. Using two crystals and detectors doubles the number of frames available. This enables measurements with ∼350 ps time resolution while still recording data from an ∼4 ns wide time window. Alternatively, the twin crystal design allows simultaneous measurements with different crystals to investigate different spectral regimes. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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Measurement and analysis of x-ray absorption in Al and MgF2 plasmas heated by Z-pinch radiation

Proposed for publication in Physical Review E.

Bailey, James E.

High-power Z pinches on Sandia National Laboratories Z facility can be used in a variety of experiments to radiatively heat samples placed some distance away from the Z-pinch plasma. In such experiments, the heating radiation spectrum is influenced by both the Z-pinch emission and the re-emission of radiation from the high-Z surfaces that make up the Z-pinch diode. To test the understanding of the amplitude and spectral distribution of the heating radiation, thin foils containing both Al and MgF{sub 2} were heated by a 100-130 TW Z pinch. The heating of these samples was studied through the ionization distribution in each material as measured by x-ray absorption spectra. The resulting plasma conditions are inferred from a least-squares comparison between the measured spectra and calculations of the Al and Mg 1s {yields} 2p absorption over a large range of temperatures and densities. These plasma conditions are then compared to radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the sample dynamics and are found to agree within 1{sigma} to the best-fit conditions. This agreement indicates that both the driving radiation spectrum and the heating of the Al and MgF{sub 2} samples is understood within the accuracy of the spectroscopic method.

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Crystal spectroscopy of silicon aero-gel end-caps driven by a dynamic hohlraum on Z

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer

Nash, Thomas J.; Sanford, T.W.L.; Mock, R.C.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Bailey, James E.; Mckenney, John M.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Seaman, J.F.; McGurn, John S.; Schroen, D.; Russell, C.; Lake, P.E.; Jobe, D.O.; Gilliland, Terrance L.; Nielsen, D.S.; Lucas, J.; Moore, T.; Torres, J.A.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Apruzese, J.P.; Chrien, R.; Idzorek, G.; Peterson, D.L.; Watt, R.

We present results from crystal spectroscopic analysis of silicon aero-gel foams heated by dynamic hohlraums on Z. The dynamic hohlraum on Z creates a radiation source with a 230-eV average temperature over a 2.4-mm diameter. In these experiments silicon aero-gel foams with 10 - mg/cm3 densities and 1.7-mm lengths were placed on both ends of the dynamic hohlraum. Several crystal spectrometers were placed both above and below the z-pinch to diagnose the temperature of the silicon aero-gel foam using the K-shell lines of silicon. The crystal spectrometers were (1) temporally integrated and spatially resolved, (2) temporally resolved and spatially integrated, and (3) both temporally and spatially resolved. The results indicate that the dynamic hohlraum heats the silicon aero-gel to approximately 150-eV at peak power. As the dynamic hohlraum source cools after peak power the silicon aero-gel continues to heat and jets axially at an average velocity of approximately 50-cm/μs. The spectroscopy has also shown that the reason for the up/down asymmetry in radiated power on Z is that tungsten enters the line-of-sight on the bottom of the machine much more than on the top. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Time- and space-resolved spectroscopy of dynamic hohlraum interiors

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

Bailey, James E.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Rochau, G.A.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Lake, Patrick W.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.

A dynamic hohlraum is created when an annular z-pinch plasma implodes onto a cylindrical 0.014 g/cc 6-mm-diameter CH{sub 2} foam. The impact launches a radiating shock that propagates toward the axis at {approx}350 {micro}m/ns. The radiation trapped by the tungsten z-pinch plasma forms a {approx}200 eV hohlraum that provides X-rays for indirect drive inertial confinement fusion capsule implosion experiments. We are developing the ability to diagnose the hohlraum interior using emission and absorption spectroscopy of Si atoms added as a tracer to the central portion of the foam. Time- and space-resolved Si spectra are recorded with an elliptical crystal spectrometer viewing the cylindrical hohlraum end-on. A rectangular aperture at the end of the hohlraum restricts the field of view so that the 1D spectrometer resolution corresponds approximately to the hohlraum radial direction. This enables distinguishing between spectra from the unshocked radiation-heated foam and from the shocked foam. Typical spectral lines observed include the Si Ly{alpha} with its He-like satellites and the He-like resonance sequence including He{alpha}, He{beta}, and He{gamma}, along with some of their associated Li-like satellites. Work is in progress to infer the hohlraum conditions using collisional-radiative modeling that accounts for the radiation environment and includes both opacity effects and detailed Stark broadening calculations. These 6-mm-scale radiation-heated plasmas might eventually also prove suitable for testing Stark broadening line profile calculations or for opacity measurements.

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Amplitude reduction of nonuniformities induced by magnetic Rayleigh Taylor instabilities in z-pinch dynamic hohlraums

Proposed for publication in Physics of Plasmas.

Lemke, Raymond W.; Bailey, James E.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Nash, Thomas J.; Slutz, Stephen A.

Z-pinch plasmas are susceptible to the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability. The Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum (ZPDH), as implemented on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories, is composed of an annular tungsten plasma that implodes onto a coaxial foam convertor. The collision between tungsten Z pinch and convertor launches a strong shock in the foam. Shock heating generates radiation that is trapped by the tungsten Z pinch. The radiation can be used to implode a fuel-filled, inertial confinement fusion capsule. Hence, it is important to understand the influence that the MRT instability has on shock generation. This paper presents results of an investigation to determine the affect that the MRT instability has on characteristics of the radiating shock in a ZPDH. Experiments on Z were conducted in which a 1.5 cm tall, nested array (two arrays with initial diameters of 2.0 and 4.0 cm), tungsten wire plasma implodes onto a 5 mg/cc, CH{sub 2} foam convertor to create a {approx}135 eV dynamic hohlraum. X-ray pinhole cameras viewing along the ZPDH axis recorded time and space resolved images of emission produced by the radiating shock. These measurements showed that the shock remained circular to within +/-30-60 {micro}m as it propagated towards the axis, and that it was highly uniform along its height. The measured emission intensities are compared with synthetic x-ray images obtained by postprocessing two-dimensional, radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations in which the amplitude of MRT perturbations is varied. These simulations accurately reproduce the measured shock trajectory and spatial profiles of the dynamic hohlraum interior emission as a function of time, even for large MRT amplitudes. Furthermore, the radiating shock remains relatively uniform in the axial direction regardless of the MRT amplitude because nonuniformities are tamped by the interaction of the tungsten Z-pinch plasma with the foam. These results suggest that inertial confinement fusion implosions driven by a ZPDH should be relatively free from random radiation symmetry variations produced by Z-pinch instabilities.

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Progress in Z-Pinch driven dynamic-hohlraums for high-temperature radiation-flow and ICF experiments at Sandia National Laboratories

Sanford, Thomas W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Matzen, M.K.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Nash, Thomas J.; Stygar, William A.; Olson, Richard E.; Olson, Craig L.; Bliss, David E.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Bailey, James E.; Chandler, Gordon A.

Progress in understanding the physics of dynamic-hohlraums is reviewed for a system capable of generating 13 TW of axial radiation for high temperature (>200 eV) radiation-flow experiments and ICF capsule implosions.

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Hot Dense Capsule-Implosion Cores Produced by [Formula presented]-Pinch Dynamic Hohlraum Radiation

Physical Review Letters

Bailey, James E.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Slutz, S.A.; Golovkin, I.; Lake, Patrick W.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, R.C.; Burris-Mog, T.J.; Cooper, G.; Leeper, R.J.; Mehlhorn, T.A.; Moore, T.C.; Nash, Thomas J.; Nielsen, D.S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Schroen, D.G.; Varnum, W.A.

Hot dense capsule implosions driven by [Formula presented]-pinch x rays have been measured using a [Formula presented] dynamic hohlraum to implode 1.7–2.1 mm diameter gas-filled CH capsules. The capsules absorbed up to [Formula presented] of x rays. Argon tracer atom spectra were used to measure the [Formula presented] electron temperature and the [Formula presented] electron density. Spectra from multiple directions provide core symmetry estimates. Computer simulations agree well with the peak emission values of [Formula presented], [Formula presented], and symmetry, indicating reasonable understanding of the hohlraum and implosion physics. © 2004 The American Physical Society.

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Hugoniot, reverberating wave, and mechanical re-shock measurements of liquid deuterium to 400 GPa using plate impact techniques

Proposed for publication in Physical Review B.

Knudson, Marcus D.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Bailey, James E.; Hall, Clint A.; Asay, James R.; Deeney, Christopher D.

The high-pressure response of cryogenic liquid deuterium (LD{sub 2}) has been studied to pressures of {approx}400GPa and densities of {approx}1.5g/cm{sup 3}. Using intense magnetic pressure produced by the Sandia National Laboratories Z accelerator, macroscopic aluminum or titanium flyer plates, several mm in lateral dimensions and a few hundred microns in thickness, have been launched to velocities in excess of 22 km/s, producing constant pressure drive times of approximately 30 ns in plate impact, shock wave experiments. This flyer plate technique was used to perform shock wave experiments on LD{sub 2} to examine its high-pressure equation of state. Using an impedance matching method, Hugoniot measurements of LD{sub 2} were obtained in the pressure range of {approx}22-100GPa. Results of these experiments indicate a peak compression ratio of approximately 4.3 on the Hugoniot. In contrast, previously reported Hugoniot states inferred from laser-driven experiments indicate a peak compression ratio of approximately 5.5-6 in this same pressure range. The stiff Hugoniot response observed in the present impedance matching experiments was confirmed in simultaneous, independent measurements of the relative transit times of shock waves reverberating within the sample cell, between the front aluminum drive plate and the rear sapphire window. The relative timing was found to be sensitive to the density compression along the principal Hugoniot. Finally, mechanical reshock measurements of LD{sub 2} using sapphire, aluminum, and {alpha}-quartz anvils were made. These results also indicate a stiff response, in agreement with the Hugoniot and reverberating wave measurements. Using simple model-independent arguments based on wave propagation, the principal Hugoniot, reverberating wave, and sapphire anvil reshock measurements are shown to be internally self-consistent, making a strong case for a Hugoniot response with a maximum compression ratio of {approx}4.3-4.5. The trends observed in the present data are in very good agreement with several ab initio models and a recent chemical picture model for LD{sub 2}, but in disagreement with previously reported laser-driven shock results. Due to this disagreement, significant emphasis is placed on the discussion of uncertainties, and the potential systematic errors associated with each measurement.

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