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GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2022

Mariner, Paul M.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Fukuyama, David E.; Harvey, Jacob H.; LaForce, Tara; Leone, Rosemary C.; Perry, Frank V.; Swiler, Laura P.; TACONI, ANNA M.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), Office of Spent Fuel & Waste Disposition (SFWD) is conducting research and development (R&D) on geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level nuclear waste (HLW). A high priority for SFWST disposal R&D is disposal system modeling (Sassani et al. 2021). The SFWST Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) work package is charged with developing a disposal system modeling and analysis capability for evaluating generic disposal system performance for nuclear waste in geologic media. This report describes fiscal year (FY) 2022 advances of the Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) performance assessment (PA) development groups of the SFWST Campaign. The common mission of these groups is to develop a geologic disposal system modeling capability for nuclear waste that can be used to assess probabilistically the performance of generic disposal options and generic sites. The modeling capability under development is called GDSA Framework ( GDSA Framework is a coordinated set of codes and databases designed for probabilistically simulating the release and transport of disposed radionuclides from a repository to the biosphere for post-closure performance assessment. Primary components of GDSA Framework include PFLOTRAN to simulate the major features, events, and processes (FEPs) over time, Dakota to propagate uncertainty and analyze sensitivities, meshing codes to define the domain, and various other software for rendering properties, processing data, and visualizing results.

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Dramatic Enhancement of Rare-Earth Metal–Organic Framework Stability Via Metal Cluster Fluorination


Christian, Matthew S.; Fritzsching, Keith F.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Sava Gallis, Dorina F.; Nenoff, T.M.; Rimsza, Jessica R.

Rare-earth polynuclear metal–organic frameworks (RE-MOFs) have demonstrated high durability for caustic acid gas adsorption and separation based on gas adsorption to the metal clusters. The metal clusters in the RE-MOFs traditionally contain RE metals bound by μ3–OH groups connected via organic linkers. Recent studies have suggested that these hydroxyl groups could be replaced by fluorine atoms during synthesis that includes a fluorine-containing modulator. Here, a combined modeling and experimental study was undertaken to elucidate the role of metal cluster fluorination on the thermodynamic stability, structure, and gas adsorption properties of RE-MOFs. Through systematic density-functional theory calculations, fluorinated clusters were found to be thermodynamically more stable than hydroxylated clusters by up to 8–16 kJ/mol per atom for 100% fluorination. The extent of fluorination in the metal clusters was validated through a 19F NMR characterization of 2,5-dihydroxyterepthalic acid (Y-DOBDC) MOF synthesized with a fluorine-containing modulator. 19F magic-angle spinning NMR identified two primary peaks in the isotropic chemical shift (δiso) spectra located at -64.2 and -69.6 ppm, matching calculated 19F NMR δiso peaks at -63.0 and -70.0 ppm for fluorinated systems. Calculations also indicate that fluorination of the Y-DOBDC MOF had negligible effects on the acid gas (SO2, NO2, H2O) binding energies, which decreased by only ~4 kJ/mol for the 100% fluorinated structure relative to the hydroxylated structure. Additionally, fluorination did not change the relative gas binding strengths (SO2 > H2O > NO2). Therefore, for the first time the presence of fluorine in the metal clusters was found to significantly stabilize RE-MOFs without changing their acid-gas adsorption properties.

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Symbolic regression development of empirical equations for diffusion in Lennard-Jones fluids

Journal of Chemical Physics

Alam, Todd M.; Allers, Joshua P.; Leverant, Calen J.; Harvey, Jacob H.

Symbolic regression (SR) with a multi-gene genetic program has been used to elucidate new empirical equations describing diffusion in Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluids. Examples include equations to predict self-diffusion in pure LJ fluids and equations describing the finite-size correction for self-diffusion in binary LJ fluids. The performance of the SR-obtained equations was compared to that of both the existing empirical equations in the literature and to the results from artificial neural net (ANN) models recently reported. It is found that the SR equations have improved predictive performance in comparison to the existing empirical equations, even though employing a smaller number of adjustable parameters, but show an overall reduced performance in comparison to more extensive ANNs.

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Machine Learning Self-Diffusion Prediction for Lennard-Jones Fluids in Pores

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Leverant, Calen J.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Alam, Todd M.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

Predicting the diffusion coefficient of fluids under nanoconfinement is important for many applications including the extraction of shale gas from kerogen and product turnover in porous catalysts. Due to the large number of important variables, including pore shape and size, fluid temperature and density, and the fluid-wall interaction strength, simulating diffusion coefficients using molecular dynamics (MD) in a systematic study could prove to be prohibitively expensive. Here, we use machine learning models trained on a subset of MD data to predict the self-diffusion coefficients of Lennard-Jones fluids in pores. Our MD data set contains 2280 simulations of ideal slit pore, cylindrical pore, and hexagonal pore geometries. We use the forward feature selection method to determine the most useful features (i.e., descriptors) for developing an artificial neutral network (ANN) model with an emphasis on easily acquired features. Our model shows good predictive ability with a coefficient of determination (i.e., R2) of ∼0.99 and a mean squared error of ∼2.9 × 10-5. Finally, we propose an alteration to our feature set that will allow the ANN model to be applied to nonideal pore geometries.

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GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2021

Mariner, Paul M.; Berg, Timothy M.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Eckert, Aubrey C.; Harvey, Jacob H.; LaForce, Tara; Leone, Rosemary C.; Mills, Melissa M.; Nole, Michael A.; Park, Heeho D.; Perry, F.V.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Swiler, Laura P.; Chang, Kyung W.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), Office of Spent Fuel & Waste Disposition (SFWD) is conducting research and development (R&D) on geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and highlevel nuclear waste (HLW). A high priority for SFWST disposal R&D is disposal system modeling (DOE 2012, Table 6; Sevougian et al. 2019). The SFWST Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) work package is charged with developing a disposal system modeling and analysis capability for evaluating generic disposal system performance for nuclear waste in geologic media.

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Effects of nanoconfinement and surface charge on iron adsorption on mesoporous silica

Environmental Science: Nano

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Duncan, Tyler J.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Knight, Andrew W.

We present a combined molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic investigation of aqueous iron adsorption on nanoconfined amorphous silica surfaces. The simulation models examine the effects of pore size, pH (surface charge), iron valency, and counter-ion (chloride or hydroxide). The simulation methods were validated by comparing the coordination environment of adsorbed iron with coordination numbers and bond lengths derived from XAFS. In the MD models, nanoconfinement effects on local iron coordination were investigated by comparing results for unconfined silica surfaces and in confined domains within 2 nm, 4 nm, and 8 nm pores. Experimentally, coordination environments of iron adsorbed onto mesoporous silica with 4 nm and 8 nm pores at pH 7.5 were investigated. The effect of pH in the MD models was included by simulating Fe(ii) adsorption onto negatively charged SiO2surfaces and Fe(iii) adsorption on neutral surfaces. The simulation results show that iron adsorption depends significantly on silica surface charge, as expected based on electrostatic interactions. Adsorption on a negatively charged surface is an order of magnitude greater than on the neutral surface, and simulated surface coverages are consistent with experimental results. Pore size effects from the MD simulations were most notable in the adsorption of Fe(ii) at deprotonated surface sites (SiO−), but adsorption trends varied with concentration and aqueous Fe speciation. The coordination environment of adsorbed iron varied significantly with the type of anion. Considerable ion pairing with hydroxide anions led to the formation of oligomeric surface complexes and aqueous species, resulting in larger iron hydroxide clusters at higher surface loadings.

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Machine Learning-Based Upscaling of Finite-Size Molecular Dynamics Diffusion Simulations for Binary Fluids

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Leverant, Calen J.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Alam, Todd M.

Molecular diffusion coefficients calculated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations suffer from finite-size (i.e., finite box size and finite particle number) effects. Results from finite-sized MD simulations can be upscaled to infinite simulation size by applying a correction factor. For self-diffusion of single-component fluids, this correction has been well-studied by many researchers including Yeh and Hummer (YH); for binary fluid mixtures, a modified YH correction was recently proposed for correcting MD-predicted Maxwell-Stephan (MS) diffusion rates. Here we use both empirical and machine learning methods to identify improvements to the finite-size correction factors for both self-diffusion and MS diffusion of binary Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid mixtures. Using artificial neural networks (ANNs), the error in the corrected LJ fluid diffusion is reduced by an order of magnitude versus existing YH corrections, and the ANN models perform well for mixtures with large dissimilarities in size and interaction energies where the YH correction proves insufficient.

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Machine learning prediction of self-diffusion in Lennard-Jones fluids

Journal of Chemical Physics

Allers, Joshua P.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Garzon, Fernando; Alam, Todd M.

Different machine learning (ML) methods were explored for the prediction of self-diffusion in Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluids. Using a database of diffusion constants obtained from the molecular dynamics simulation literature, multiple Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Net (ANN) regression models were developed and characterized. The role and improved performance of feature engineering coupled to the RF model development was also addressed. The performance of these different ML models was evaluated by comparing the prediction error to an existing empirical relationship used to describe LJ fluid diffusion. It was found that the ANN regression models provided superior prediction of diffusion in comparison to the existing empirical relationships.

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Spectroscopically Resolved Binding Sites for the Adsorption of Sarin Gas in a Metal-Organic Framework: Insights beyond Lewis Acidity

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Harvey, Jacob H.; McEntee, Monica L.; Garibay, Sergio J.; Durke, Erin M.; DeCoste, Jared B.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Sava Gallis, Dorina F.

Here we report molecular level details regarding the adsorption of sarin (GB) gas in a prototypical zirconium-based metal-organic framework (MOF, UiO-66). By combining predictive modeling and experimental spectroscopic techniques, we unambiguously identify several unique bindings sites within the MOF, using the P=O stretch frequency of GB as a probe. Remarkable agreement between predicted and experimental IR spectrum is demonstrated. As previously hypothesized, the undercoordinated Lewis acid metal site is the most favorable binding site. Yet multiple sites participate in the adsorption process; specifically, the Zr-chelated hydroxyl groups form hydrogen bonds with the GB molecule, and GB weakly interacts with fully coordinated metals. Importantly, this work highlights that subtle orientational effects of bound GB are observable via shifts in characteristic vibrational modes; this finding has large implications for degradation rates and opens a new route for future materials design.

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Distinguishing between bulk and edge hydroxyl vibrational properties of 2 : 1 phyllosilicates via deuteration

Chemical Communications

Harvey, Jacob H.; Johnston, Cliff T.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

Observation of vibrational properties of phyllosilicate edges via a combined molecular modeling and experimental approach was performed. Deuterium exchange was utilized to isolate edge vibrational modes from their internal counterparts. The appearance of a specific peak within the broader D2O band indicates the presence of deuteration on the edge surface, and this peak is confirmed with the simulated spectra. These results are the first to unambiguously identify spectroscopic features of phyllosilicate edge sites.

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Insights into the solvent-Assisted degradation of organophosphorus compounds by a Zr-based metal-organic framework

Dalton Transactions

Harvey, Jacob H.; Pearce, Charles J.; Hall, Morgan G.; Bruni, Eric J.; Decoste, Jared B.; Sava Gallis, Dorina F.

The degradation of a chemical warfare agent simulant using a catalytically active Zr-based metal-organic framework (MOF) as a function of different solvent systems was investigated. Complementary molecular modelling studies indicate that the differences in the degradation rates are related to the increasing size in the nucleophile, which hinders the rotation of the product molecule during degradation. Methanol was identified as an appropriate solvent for non-Aqueous degradation applications and demonstrated to support the MOF-based destruction of both sarin and soman.

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43 Results
43 Results