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An Overview of Gemma FY20 Verification Activities

Krueger, Aaron M.; Hamel, Jack R.; Matula, Neil M.; Freno, Brian A.

Gemma verification activities for FY20 can be divided into three categories: the development of specialized quadrature rules, initial progress towards the development of manufactured solutions for code verification, and automated code-verification testing. In the method-of-moments implementation of the electric-field integral equation, the presence of a Green’s function in the four-dimensional integrals yields singularities in the integrand when two elements are nearby. To address these challenges, we have developed quadrature rules to integrate the functions through which the singularities can be characterized. Code verification is necessary to develop confidence in the implementation of the numerical methods in Gemma. Therefore, we have begun investigating the use of manufactured solutions to more thoroughly verify Gemma. Manufactured solutions provide greater flexibility for testing aspects of the code; however, the aforementioned singularities provide challenges, and existing work is limited in rigor and quantity. Finally, we have implemented automated code-verification testing using the VVTest framework to automate the mesh refinement and execution of a Gemma simulation to generate mesh convergence data. This infrastructure computes the observed order of accuracy from these data and compares it with the theoretical order of accuracy to either develop confidence in the implementation of the numerical methods or detect coding errors.

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