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Navier-Stokes Equations Do Not Describe the Smallest Scales of Turbulence in Gases

Physical Review Letters

McMullen, Ryan M.; Krygier, Michael K.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.

In turbulent flows, kinetic energy is transferred from the largest scales to progressively smaller scales, until it is ultimately converted into heat. The Navier-Stokes equations are almost universally used to study this process. Here, by comparing with molecular-gas-dynamics simulations, we show that the Navier-Stokes equations do not describe turbulent gas flows in the dissipation range because they neglect thermal fluctuations. We investigate decaying turbulence produced by the Taylor-Green vortex and find that in the dissipation range the molecular-gas-dynamics spectra grow quadratically with wave number due to thermal fluctuations, in agreement with previous predictions, while the Navier-Stokes spectra decay exponentially. Furthermore, the transition to quadratic growth occurs at a length scale much larger than the gas molecular mean free path, namely in a regime that the Navier-Stokes equations are widely believed to describe. In fact, our results suggest that the Navier-Stokes equations are not guaranteed to describe the smallest scales of gas turbulence for any positive Knudsen number.

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Bubble Behavior in a Vertically Vibrating Enclosed, Liquid-Filled Cylinder

AIAA Journal

Obenauf, Dayna G.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Kunzler, W.M.; Farias, Paul A.; Torczynski, J.R.

When subjected to certain harmonic oscillations, the gas bubble in a partially liquid-filled, closed, vertical cylinder will break up. Under certain conditions, some of the gas will migrate to the bottom due to Bjerknes forces. At sufficiently large amplitudes, the bubble will break up into gas bubbles at the top and bottom ends of the cylinder. High-speed imaging captured the dynamics of bubble breakup and gas migration. Several parameters were investigated: oscillation frequency, oscillation acceleration, gas volume fraction, and liquid viscosity.

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Gas-kinetic simulations of compressible turbulence over a mean-free-path-scale porous wall

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

McMullen, Ryan M.; Krygier, Michael K.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.

We report flow statistics and visualizations from gas-kinetic simulations using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of compressible turbulent Couette flow over a porous substrate composed of an array of circular cylinders for which the Knudsen number is O(10-1). Comparisons are made with both smooth-wall DSMC simulations and direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations for the same conditions. Roughness, permeability, and noncontinuum effects are assessed.

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Evaluation of the Barracuda Software Package for Simulating Bubble Motion in Vibrating Liquid-Filled Containers

McMullen, Ryan M.; Torczynski, J.R.

The commercial software package Barracuda, developed by CPFD Software for simulating particle-laden fluid flows, is evaluated as a means to simulate the motion of bubbles in vibrating liquid-filled containers. Demonstration simulations of bubbles rising due to buoyancy forces in a cylinder filled with silicone oil and angled at 0, 30, 45, and 60 degrees from the vertical were performed by CPFD Software. The results of these simulations are discussed, and the capabilities of Barracuda for simulating bubble motion are assessed. It was determined that at present Barracuda does not meet the needs of the desired application. Further developments that would enable its use for this application are highlighted.

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Feasibility of the LAMMPS SPH Package for Simulating Bubble Motion in Vibrating Containers

McMullen, Ryan M.; Torczynski, J.R.

The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) package within LAMMPS is explored as a possible tool for simulating the motion of bubbles in a vibrating liquid-filled container. As an initial test case, the unphysical but computationally less intense situation of a two-dimensional single bubble rising in a quiescent liquid under the influence of gravity is considered herein. Although physically plausible behavior was obtained under certain conditions, this behavior depends strongly on the system parameters. Moreover, the large density ratio between the liquid and bubble requires extremely small timesteps, which make the simulations undesirably computationally expensive. Ultimately, it was determined that this method is not feasible for providing quantitatively accurate results for the desired application.

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Effect of slip on vortex shedding from a circular cylinder in a gas flow

Physical Review Fluids

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.

Most studies of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder in a gas flow have explicitly or implicitly assumed that the no-slip condition applies on the cylinder surface. To investigate the effect of slip, vortex shedding is simulated using molecular gas dynamics (the direct simulation Monte Carlo method) and computational fluid dynamics (the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a slip boundary condition). A Reynolds number of 100, a Mach number of 0.3, and a corresponding Knudsen number of 0.0048 are examined. For these conditions, compressibility effects are small, and periodic laminar vortex shedding is obtained. Slip on the cylinder is varied using combinations of diffuse and specular molecular reflections with accommodation coefficients from zero (maximum slip) to unity (minimum slip). Although unrealistic, bounce-back molecular reflections are also examined because they approximate the no-slip boundary condition (zero slip). The results from both methods are in reasonable agreement. The shedding frequency increases slightly as the accommodation coefficient is decreased, and shedding ceases at low accommodation coefficients (large slip). The streamwise and transverse forces decrease as the accommodation coefficient is decreased. Based on the good agreement between the two methods, computational fluid dynamics is used to determine the critical accommodation coefficient below which vortex shedding ceases for Reynolds numbers of 60-100 at a Mach number of 0.3. Conditions to observe the effect of slip on vortex shedding appear to be experimentally realizable, although challenging.

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Molecular-level simulation of compressible turbulence

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Gallis, Michail A.; Bitter, Neal B.; Torczynski, J.R.

The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics (MGD) has been used for more than 50 years to simulate rarefied gas flows. Modern supercomputers have brought higher-density near-continuum flows within range. In the present paper, DSMC is used to study compressible turbulence in the Taylor-Green (TG) vortex flow. The DSMC results are compared to available numerical results from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the (continuum) Navier-Stokes equations.

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Gas-Induced Motion of a Piston in a Vibrated Liquid-Filled Housing

Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Torczynski, J.R.; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Clausen, Jonathan C.; Koehler, Timothy P.

Models and experiments are developed to investigate how a small amount of gas can cause large rectified motion of a piston in a vibrated liquid-filled housing when piston drag depends on piston position so that damping is nonlinear even for viscous flow. Two bellows serve as surrogates for the upper and lower gas regions maintained by Bjerknes forces. Without the bellows, piston motion is highly damped. With the bellows, the piston, the liquid, and the two bellows move together so that almost no liquid is forced through the gaps between the piston and the housing. This Couette mode has low damping and a strong resonance: the piston and the liquid vibrate against the spring formed by the two bellows (like the pneumatic spring formed by the gas regions). Near this resonance, the piston motion becomes large, and the nonlinear damping produces a large rectified force that pushes the piston downward against its spring suspension. A recently developed model based on quasi-steady Stokes flow is applied to this system. A drift model is developed from the full model and used to determine the equilibrium piston position as a function of vibration amplitude and frequency. Corresponding experiments are performed for two different systems. In the two-spring system, the piston is suspended against gravity between upper and lower springs. In the spring-stop system, the piston is pushed up against a stop by a lower spring. Model and experimental results agree closely for both systems and for different bellows properties.

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DSMC simulations of turbulent flows at moderate Reynolds numbers

AIP Conference Proceedings

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Bitter, Neal B.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Moore, Stan G.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Papadakis, G.

The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method has been used for more than 50 years to simulate rarefied gases. The advent of modern supercomputers has brought higher-density near-continuum flows within range. This in turn has revived the debate as to whether the Boltzmann equation, which assumes molecular chaos, can be used to simulate continuum flows when they become turbulent. In an effort to settle this debate, two canonical turbulent flows are examined, and the results are compared to available continuum theoretical and numerical results for the Navier-Stokes equations.

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Direct simulation Monte Carlo on petaflop supercomputers and beyond

Physics of Fluids

Plimpton, Steven J.; Moore, Stan G.; Borner, A.; Stagg, Alan K.; Koehler, T.P.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.

The gold-standard definition of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is given in the 1994 book by Bird [Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows (Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1994)], which refined his pioneering earlier papers in which he first formulated the method. In the intervening 25 years, DSMC has become the method of choice for modeling rarefied gas dynamics in a variety of scenarios. The chief barrier to applying DSMC to more dense or even continuum flows is its computational expense compared to continuum computational fluid dynamics methods. The dramatic (nearly billion-fold) increase in speed of the largest supercomputers over the last 30 years has thus been a key enabling factor in using DSMC to model a richer variety of flows, due to the method's inherent parallelism. We have developed the open-source SPARTA DSMC code with the goal of running DSMC efficiently on the largest machines, both current and future. It is largely an implementation of Bird's 1994 formulation. Here, we describe algorithms used in SPARTA to enable DSMC to operate in parallel at the scale of many billions of particles or grid cells, or with billions of surface elements. We give a few examples of the kinds of fundamental physics questions and engineering applications that DSMC can address at these scales.

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Gas-kinetic simulation of sustained turbulence in minimal Couette flow

Physical Review Fluids

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Bitter, Neal B.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Papadakis, G.

We provide a demonstration that gas-kinetic methods incorporating molecular chaos can simulate the sustained turbulence that occurs in wall-bounded turbulent shear flows. The direct simulation Monte Carlo method, a gas-kinetic molecular method that enforces molecular chaos for gas-molecule collisions, is used to simulate the minimal Couette flow at Re=500. The resulting law of the wall, the average wall shear stress, the average kinetic energy, and the continually regenerating coherent structures all agree closely with corresponding results from direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. These results indicate that molecular chaos for collisions in gas-kinetic methods does not prevent development of molecular-scale long-range correlations required to form hydrodynamic-scale turbulent coherent structures.

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Molecular-Level Simulations of Turbulence and Its Decay

Physical Review Letters

Gallis, Michail A.; Bitter, Neal B.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Torczynski, J.R.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Papadakis, G.

We provide the first demonstration that molecular-level methods based on gas kinetic theory and molecular chaos can simulate turbulence and its decay. The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, a molecular-level technique for simulating gas flows that resolves phenomena from molecular to hydrodynamic (continuum) length scales, is applied to simulate the Taylor-Green vortex flow. The DSMC simulations reproduce the Kolmogorov -5/3 law and agree well with the turbulent kinetic energy and energy dissipation rate obtained from direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations using a spectral method. This agreement provides strong evidence that molecular-level methods for gases can be used to investigate turbulent flows quantitatively.

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Gas-induced motion of an object in a liquid-filled housing during vibration: II. Experiments

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM

O'Hern, Timothy J.; Torczynski, J.R.; Clausen, Jonathan C.; Koehler, Timothy P.

We develop an idealized experimental system for studying how a small amount of gas can cause large net (rectified) motion of an object in a vibrated liquid-filled housing when the drag on the object depends strongly on its position. Its components include a cylindrical housing, a cylindrical piston fitting closely within this housing, a spring suspension that supports the piston, a post penetrating partway through a hole through the piston (which produces the position-dependent drag), and compressible bellows at both ends of the housing (which are well characterized surrogates for gas regions). In this system, liquid can flow from the bottom to the top of the piston and vice versa through the thin annular gaps between the hole and the post (the inner gap) and between the housing and the piston (the outer gap). When the bellows are absent, the piston motion is highly damped because small piston velocities produce large liquid velocities and large pressure drops in the Poiseuille flows within these narrow gaps. However, when the bellows are present, the piston, the liquid, and the bellows execute a collective motion called the Couette mode in which almost no liquid is forced through the gaps. Since its damping is low, the Couette mode has a strong resonance. Near this frequency, the piston motion becomes large, and the nonlinearity associated with the position-dependent drag of the inner gap produces a net (rectified) force on the piston that can cause it to move downward against its spring suspension. Experiments are performed using two variants of this system. In the single-spring setup, the piston is pushed up against a stop by its lower supporting spring. In the two-spring setup, the piston is suspended between upper and lower springs. The equilibrium piston position is measured as a function of the vibration frequency and acceleration, and these results are compared to corresponding analytical results (Torczynski et al., 2017). A quantitative understanding of the nonlinear behavior of this system may enable the development of novel tunable dampers for sensing vibrations of specified amplitudes and frequencies.

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Gas-induced motion of an object in a liquid-filled housing during vibration: I. Analysis

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM

Torczynski, J.R.; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Clausen, Jonathan C.; Koehler, Timothy P.

Models and simulations are employed to analyze the motion of a spring-supported piston in a vibrated liquid-filled cylinder. The piston motion is damped by forcing liquid through a narrow gap between a hole through the piston and a post fixed to the housing. As the piston moves, the length of this gap changes, so the piston damping coefficient depends on the piston position. This produces a nonlinear damper, even for highly viscous flow. When gas is absent, the vibration response is overdamped. However, adding a little gas changes the response of this springmass-damper system to vibration. During vibration, Bjerknes forces cause some of the gas to migrate below the piston. The resulting pneumatic spring enables the liquid to move with the piston so as to force very little liquid through the gap. Thus, this "Couette mode" has low damping and a strong resonance near the frequency given by the pneumatic spring constant and the total mass of the piston and the liquid. Near this frequency, the amplitude of the piston motion is large, so the nonlinear damper produces a large net force on the piston. To analyze the effect of this nonlinear damper in detail, a surrogate system is developed by modifying the original system in two ways. First, the gas regions are replaced by upper and lower bellows with similar compressibility to give a well-defined "pneumatic" spring. Second, the upper stop against which the piston is pushed by its lower supporting spring is replaced with an upper spring, thereby removing the nonlinearity from the stop. An ordinary-differential-equation (ODE) drift model based on quasi-steady Stokes flow is used to produce a regime map of the vibration amplitudes and frequencies for which the piston is up or down for conditions of experimental interest. These results agree fairly well with Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) simulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) equations for the liquid and Newton's 2nd Law for the piston and bellows. A quantitative understanding of this nonlinear behavior may enable the development of novel tunable dampers for sensing vibrations of specified amplitudes and frequencies.

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Direct simulation monte carlo investigation of hydrodynamic instabilities in gases

AIP Conference Proceedings

Gallis, Michail A.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Torczynski, J.R.; Plimpton, Steven J.

The Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) is investigated using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Here, two-dimensional and three-dimensional DSMC RTI simulations are performed to quantify the growth of flat and single-mode-perturbed interfaces between two atmospheric-pressure monatomic gases. The DSMC simulations reproduce all qualitative features of the RTI and are in reasonable quantitative agreement with existing theoretical and empirical models in the linear, nonlinear, and self-similar regimes. At late times, the instability is seen to exhibit a self-similar behavior, in agreement with experimental observations. For the conditions simulated diffusion can influence the initial instability growth significantly.

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Direct simulation Monte Carlo investigation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability

Physical Review Fluids

Gallis, Michail A.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Torczynski, J.R.; Plimpton, Steven J.

In this paper, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) is investigated using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Here, fully resolved two-dimensional DSMC RTI simulations are performed to quantify the growth of flat and single-mode perturbed interfaces between two atmospheric-pressure monatomic gases as a function of the Atwood number and the gravitational acceleration. The DSMC simulations reproduce many qualitative features of the growth of the mixing layer and are in reasonable quantitative agreement with theoretical and empirical models in the linear, nonlinear, and self-similar regimes. In some of the simulations at late times, the instability enters the self-similar regime, in agreement with experimental observations. Finally, for the conditions simulated, diffusion can influence the initial instability growth significantly.

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Gas-Enabled Resonance and Rectified Motion of a Piston in a Vibrated Housing Filled with a Viscous Liquid

Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Romero, L.A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Clausen, Jonathan C.; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Benavides, Gilbert L.

We show how introducing a small amount of gas can completely change the motion of a solid object in a viscous liquid during vibration. We analyze an idealized system exhibiting this behavior: a piston in a liquid-filled housing with narrow gaps between piston and housing surfaces that depend on the piston position. Recent experiments have shown that vibration causes some gas to move below the piston and the piston to subsequently move downward against its supporting spring. We analyze the analogous but simpler situation in which the gas regions are replaced by bellows with similar pressure-volume relationships. We show that the spring formed by these bellows (analogous to the pneumatic spring formed by the gas regions) enables the piston and the liquid to oscillate in a mode with low damping and a strong resonance. We further show that, near this resonance, the dependence of the gap geometry on the piston position produces a large rectified (net) force on the piston. This force can be much larger than the piston weight and tends to move the piston in the direction that decreases the flow resistance of the gap geometry.

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Multiphase effects in dynamic systems under vibration

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM

O'Hern, Timothy J.; Torczynski, J.R.; Clausen, Jonathan C.

Analysis, simulations, and experiments are performed for a piston in a vibrated liquid-filled cylinder, where the damping caused by forcing liquid through narrow gaps depends almost linearly on the piston position. Adding a little gas completely changes the dynamics of this spring-mass-damper system when it is subject to vibration. When no gas is present, the piston's vibrational response is highly overdamped due to the viscous liquid being forced through the narrow gaps. When a small amount of gas is added, Bjerknes forces cause some gas to migrate below the piston. The resulting pneumatic spring enables the liquid to move with the piston so that little liquid is forced through the gaps. This "Couette mode" thus has low damping and a strong resonance near the frequency given by the pneumatic spring constant and the piston mass. Near this frequency, the piston response is large, and the nonlinearity from the varying gap length produces a net force on the piston. This "rectified" force can be many times the piston's weight and can cause the piston to compress its supporting spring. A surrogate system in which the gas regions are replaced by upper and lower bellows with similar compressibility is studied. A recently developed theory for the piston and bellows motions is compared to finite element simulations. The liquid obeys the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the piston and the bellows obey Newton's 2nd Law. Due to the large piston displacements near resonance, an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) technique with a sliding-mesh scheme is used to limit mesh distortion. Theory and simulation results for the piston motion are in good agreement. Experiments are performed with liquid only, with gas present, and with upper and lower bellows replacing the gas. Liquid viscosity, bellows compressibility, vibration amplitude, and gap geometry are varied to determine their effects on the frequency at which the rectified force makes the piston move down. This critical frequency is found to depend on whether the frequency is increased or decreased with time.

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Results 1–50 of 174
Results 1–50 of 174