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Failure of a lithium-filled target and some implications for fusion components

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, D.L.; Michael, Joseph R.; Puskar, J.D.; Lutz, Thomas J.

In preparation for testing a lithium-helium heat exchanger at Sandia, unexpected rapid failure of the mild steel lithium preheater due to liquid metal embrittlement occurred when lithium at ~400 °C flowed into the preheater then at ~200 °C. This happened before the helium system was pressurized or heating with electron beams began. The paper presents an analysis of the preheater plus a discussion of some implications for fusion.

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Experiments and Modeling to Characterize Microstructure and Hardness in 304L

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

Deibler, Lisa A.; Brown, Arthur B.; Puskar, J.D.

Drawn 304L stainless steel tubing was subjected to 42 different annealing heat treatments with the goal of initializing a microstructural model to select a heat treatment to soften the tubing from a hardness of 305 Knoop to 225–275 Knoop. The amount of recrystallization and grain size caused by 18 heat treatments were analyzed via optical microscopy and image analysis, revealing the full range of recrystallization from 0 to 100%. The formation of carbides during the longer duration and higher-temperature heat treatments was monitored via transmission electron microscope evaluation. The experimental results informed a model which includes recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth to predict microstructure and hardness. After initialization of the model, it was able to predict hardness with a R2 value of 0.95 and recrystallization with an R2 value of 0.99. The model was then utilized in the design and testing of a heat treatment to soften the tubing.

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Fast neutron environments

Hattar, Khalid M.; Puskar, J.D.; Doyle, Barney L.; Boyce, Brad B.; Buchheit, Thomas E.; Foiles, Stephen M.; Lu, Ping L.; Clark, Blythe C.; Kotula, Paul G.; Goods, Steven H.

The goal of this LDRD project is to develop a rapid first-order experimental procedure for the testing of advanced cladding materials that may be considered for generation IV nuclear reactors. In order to investigate this, a technique was developed to expose the coupons of potential materials to high displacement damage at elevated temperatures to simulate the neutron environment expected in Generation IV reactors. This was completed through a high temperature high-energy heavy-ion implantation. The mechanical properties of the ion irradiated region were tested by either micropillar compression or nanoindentation to determine the local properties, as a function of the implantation dose and exposure temperature. In order to directly compare the microstructural evolution and property degradation from the accelerated testing and classical neutron testing, 316L, 409, and 420 stainless steels were tested. In addition, two sets of diffusion couples from 316L and HT9 stainless steels with various refractory metals. This study has shown that if the ion irradiation size scale is taken into consideration when developing and analyzing the mechanical property data, significant insight into the structural properties of the potential cladding materials can be gained in about a week.

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Solid state bonding of CuCrZr to 316L stainless steel for ITER applications

Fusion Engineering and Design

Goods, Steven H.; Puskar, J.D.

Dissimilar metal bonds between CuCrZr and 316L stainless steel were prepared using two different solid state joining techniques. In the first instance, hot isostatic pressing, a high temperature diffusion bonding process was used to join the copper alloy to the stainless steel substrate at temperatures near 1000 °C. In the second instance, explosion bonding at ambient temperature was employed. These two techniques both yielded mechanically robust joints, where the strength of the interface exceeded that of the copper alloy, the weaker of the two substrates. However, the two bonding techniques produced near-joint microstructures that were very different. The microstructure and mechanical performance of CuCrZr/316L stainless steel joints prepared via both techniques are compared. Microstructural analysis of the joints included scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and Auger spectroscopy techniques. The bulk mechanical properties of the substrate alloys were very different as well and are described. Particular emphasis is placed on the residual mechanical properties of the CuCrZr after thermal processing that simulate beryllium tile bonding since once the Be tiles are in place, the copper alloy cannot be solutionized and age-hardened to return it to full strength. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Nanocrystal-enabled solid state bonding

Holm, Elizabeth A.; Puskar, J.D.; Reece, Mark R.; Tikare, Veena T.

In this project, we performed a preliminary set of sintering experiments to examine nanocrystal-enabled diffusion bonding (NEDB) in Ag-on-Ag and Cu-on-Cu using Ag nanoparticles. The experimental test matrix included the effects of material system, temperature, pressure, and particle size. The nanoparticle compacts were bonded between plates using a customized hot press, tested in shear, and examined post mortem using microscopy techniques. NEDB was found to be a feasible mechanism for low-temperature, low-pressure, solid-state bonding of like materials, creating bonded interfaces that were able to support substantial loads. The maximum supported shear strength varied substantially within sample cohorts due to variation in bonded area; however, systematic variation with fabrication conditions was also observed. Mesoscale sintering simulations were performed in order to understand whether sintering models can aid in understanding the NEDB process. A pressure-assisted sintering model was incorporated into the SPPARKS kinetic Monte Carlo sintering code. Results reproduce most of the qualitative behavior observed in experiments, indicating that simulation can augment experiments during the development of the NEDB process. Because NEDB offers a promising route to low-temperature, low-pressure, solid-state bonding, we recommend further research and development with a goal of devising new NEDB bonding processes to support Sandia's customers.

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Accelerated testing of metal foil tape joints and their effect of photovoltaic module reliability

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Sorensen, N.R.; Quintana, Michael A.; Puskar, J.D.; Lucero, Samuel J.

A program is underway at Sandia National Laboratories to predict long-term reliability of photovoltaic (PV) systems. The vehicle for the reliability predictions is a Reliability Block Diagram (RBD), which models system behavior. Because this model is based mainly on field failure and repair times, it can be used to predict current reliability, but it cannot currently be used to accurately predict lifetime. In order to be truly predictive, physics-informed degradation processes and failure mechanisms need to be included in the model. This paper describes accelerated life testing of metal foil tapes used in thin-film PV modules, and how tape joint degradation, a possible failure mode, can be incorporated into the model. © 2009 SPIE Victor Karpov.

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Microstructure-based approach for predicting crack initiation and early growth in metals

Battaile, Corbett C.; Bartel, Timothy J.; Reedy, Earl D.; Cox, James C.; Foulk, James W.; Puskar, J.D.; Boyce, Brad B.; Emery, John M.

Fatigue cracking in metals has been and is an area of great importance to the science and technology of structural materials for quite some time. The earliest stages of fatigue crack nucleation and growth are dominated by the microstructure and yet few models are able to predict the fatigue behavior during these stages because of a lack of microstructural physics in the models. This program has developed several new simulation tools to increase the microstructural physics available for fatigue prediction. In addition, this program has extended and developed microscale experimental methods to allow the validation of new microstructural models for deformation in metals. We have applied these developments to fatigue experiments in metals where the microstructure has been intentionally varied.

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Development of joining processes and fabrication of US first wall qualification mockups for ITER

Proposed for publication in Fusion Engineering Design.

Puskar, J.D.; Watson, Roger M.; Ulrickson, M.A.

We report here the fabrication processes used to manufacture US Party Team First Wall Qualification Mockups along with the detailed microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of the Be/CuCrZr/316L HIP bonds. A companion submission to this conference describes details of the PMTF heat flux testing and the performance of the first US FWQM.

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Code case validation of Impulsively Loaded EDS subscale vessel

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Yip, Mien Y.; Haroldsen, Brent L.; Puskar, J.D.

The Explosive Destruction System (EDS) was developed by Sandia National Laboratories for the US Army Product Manager for Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel (PMNSCM) to destroy recovered, explosively configured,chemical munitions. PMNSCM currently has five EDS units that have processed over 850 items. The system uses linear and conical shaped charges to open munitions and attack the burster followed by chemical treatment of the agent. The main component of the EDS is a stainless steel, cylindrical vessel, which contais the explosion and the subsequent chemical treatment. Extensive modeling and testing have been, and continue to be used, to design and qualify the vessel for different applications and conditions. This has included explosive overtests using small, geometrically scaled vessels to study overloads, plastic deformation, and failure limits. Recently the ASME Task Group on Impulsively Loaded Vessels has developed a Code Case under Section VIII Division 3 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for the design of vessel like the EDS. In this article, a representative EDS subscale vessel is investigated against the ASME Design Codes for vessels subjected to impulsive loads. Topics include strain-based plastic collapse, fatigue and fracture analysis, and leak-before-burst. Vessel design validation is based on model results, where the high explosive (HE) pressure histories and subsequent vessel response (strain histories) are modeled using the analysis codes CTH and LSDYNA, respectively. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.

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Understanding the microstructure and properties of components fabricated by Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)

Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings

Griffith, M.L.; Ensz, M.T.; Puskar, J.D.; Robino, C.V.; Brooks, J.A.; Philliber, J.A.; Smugeresky, J.E.; Hofmeister, W.H.

Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) is a novel manufacturing process for fabricating metal parts directly from Computer Aided Design (CAD) solid models. The process is similar to rapid prototyping technologies in its approach to fabricate a solid component by layer additive methods. However, the LENS technology is unique in that fully dense metal components with material properties similar to wrought materials can be fabricated. The LENS process has the potential to dramatically reduce the time and cost required realizing functional metal parts. In addition, the process can fabricate complex internal features not possible using existing manufacturing processes. The real promise of the technology is the potential to manipulate the material fabrication and properties through precision deposition of the material, which includes thermal behavior control, layered or graded deposition of multi-materials, and process parameter selection.

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46 Results
46 Results