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Operational modes of a 2.0 MWth chloride molten-salt pilot-scale system

AIP Conference Proceedings

Armijo, Kenneth M.; Carlson, Matthew D.; Dorsey, Dwight S.; Ortega, J.; Madden, Dimitri A.; Christian, Joshua M.; Turchi, Craig S.

The limit of traditional solar-salt thermal stability is around 600 °C with ambient air as the cover gas. Nitrate molten salt concentrating solar power (CSP) systems are currently deployed globally and are considered to be state-of the art heat transfer fluids (HTFs) for present day high-temperature operation. However, decomposition challenges occur with these salts for operation beyond 600. Although slightly higher limits may be possible with solar salt, to fully realize SunShot efficiency goals of $15/kWhth HTFs and an LCOE of 6¢/kWh, molten-salt technologies working at higher temperatures (e.g., 650 °C to 750 °C) will require an alternative salt chemistry composition, such as chlorides. In this investigation a 2.0MWth Pilot-scale CSP plant design is developed to assess thermodynamic performance potential for operation up to 720 . Here, an Engineering Equation Solver (EES) model is developed with respect to 14 state-points from the base of a solar tower at the Sandia National Laboratories, National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF), to solar receiver mounted 120 ft. above the ground. The system design considers a ternary chloride ternary chloride (20%NaCl/40%MgCl/40%KCl by mol%) salt as the HTF, with 6 hrs. of storage and a 1 MWth primary salt to sCO2 heat exchanger. Preliminary system modelling results indicate a minimum non-dimensional Cv of 60 required for both cold and hot-side throttle recirculation valves for the operational pump operating between speeds of 1800 and 2400 RPM. Further receiver comparison study results suggest that the ternary salt requires an average 15.2% higher receiver flux with a slightly lower calculated receiver efficiency when compared to a binary carnelite salt to achieve a 2.0 MWth desired input power design.

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Optical performance modeling and analysis of a tensile ganged heliostat concept

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Andraka, Charles E.; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Ortega, J.; Clair, Jim

Designs of conventional heliostats have been varied to reduce cost, improve optical performance or both. In one case, reflective mirror area on heliostats has been increased with the goal of reducing the number of pedestals and drives and consequently reducing the cost on those components. The larger reflective areas, however, increase torques due to larger mirror weights and wind loads. Higher cost heavy-duty motors and drives must be used, which negatively impact any economic gains. To improve on optical performance, the opposite may be true where the mirror reflective areas are reduced for better control of the heliostat pointing and tracking. For smaller heliostats, gravity and wind loads are reduced, but many more heliostats must be added to provide sufficient solar flux to the receiver. For conventional heliostats, there seems to be no clear cost advantage of one heliostat design over other designs. The advantage of ganged heliostats is the pedestal and tracking motors are shared between multiple heliostats, thus can significantly reduce the cost on those components. In this paper, a new concept of cable-suspended tensile ganged heliostats is introduced, preliminary analysis is performed for optical performance and incorporated into a 10 MW conceptual power tower plant where it was compared to the performance of a baseline plant with a conventional radially staggered heliostat field. The baseline plant uses conventional heliostats and the layout optimized in System Advisor Model (SAM) tool. The ganged heliostats are suspended on two guide cables. The cables are attached to rotations arms which are anchored to end posts. The layout was optimized offline and then transferred to SAM for performance evaluation. In the initial modeling of the tensile ganged heliostats for a 10 MW power tower plant, equal heliostat spacing along the guide cables was assumed, which as suspected leads to high shading and blocking losses. The goal was then to optimize the heliostat spacing such that annual shading and blocking losses are minimized. After adjusting the spacing on tensile ganged heliostats for minimal blocking losses, the annual block/shading efficiency was greater than 90% and annual optical efficiency of the field became comparable to the conventional field at slightly above 60%.

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On-sun tracking evaluation of a small-scale tensile ganged heliostat prototype

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Ortega, J.; Clair, Jim

Various ganged heliostat concepts have been proposed in the past. The attractive aspect of ganged heliostat concepts is multiple heliostats are grouped so that pedestals, tracking drives, and other components can be shared, thus reducing the number of components. The reduction in the number of components is thought to significantly reduce cost. However, since the drives and tracking mechanisms are shared, accurate on-sun tracking of grouped heliostats becomes challenging because the angular degrees-of-freedom are now limited for the multiple number of combined heliostats. In this paper, the preliminary evaluation of the on-sun tracking of a novel tensile-based cable suspended ganged heliostat concept is provided. In this concept, multiple heliostats are attached to two guide cables. The cables are attached to rotation spreader arms which are anchored to end posts on two ends. The guide cables form a catenary which makes tracking on-sun interesting and challenging. Tracking is performed by rotating the end plates that the two cables are attached to and rotating the individual heliostats in one axis. An additional degree-of-freedom can be added by differentially tensioning the two cables, but this may be challenging to do in practice. Manual on-sun tracking was demonstrated on small-scale prototypes. The rotation arms were coarsely controlled with linear actuators, and the individual heliostats were hand-adjusted in local pitch angle and locked in place with set screws. The coarse angle adjustments showed the tracking accuracy was 3-4 milli-radians. However, with better angle control mechanisms the tracking accuracy can be drastically improved. In this paper, we provide tracking data that was collected for a day, which showed feasibility for automated on-sun tracking. The next steps are to implement better angle control mechanisms and develop tracking algorithms so that the ganged heliostats can automatically track.

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Fractal-Like Materials Design with Optimized Radiative Properties for High-Efficiency Solar Energy Conversion

Ho, Clifford K.; Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ray, Daniel; Kelton, John; Peacock, Gregory W.; Andraka, Charles E.

Novel designs to increase light trapping and thermal efficiency of concentrating solar receivers at multiple length scales have been conceived, designed, and tested. The fractal-like geometries and features are introduced at both macro (meters) and meso (millimeters to centimeters) scales. Advantages include increased solar absorptance, reduced thermal emittance, and increased thermal efficiency. Radial and linear structures at the meso (tube shape and geometry) and macro (total receiver geometry and configuration) scales redirect reflected solar radiation toward the interior of the receiver for increased absorptance. Hotter regions within the interior of the receiver can reduce thermal emittance due to reduced local view factors to the environment, and higher concentration ratios can be employed with similar surface irradiances to reduce the effective optical aperture, footprint, and thermal losses. Coupled optical/fluid/thermal models have been developed to evaluate the performance of these designs relative to conventional designs. Modeling results showed that fractal-like structures and geometries can increase the effective solar absorptance by 5 – 20% and the thermal efficiency by several percentage points at both the meso and macro scales, depending on factors such as intrinsic absorptance. Meso-scale prototypes were fabricated using additive manufacturing techniques, and a macro-scale bladed receiver design was fabricated using Inconel 625 tubes. On-sun tests were performed using the solar furnace and solar tower at the National Solar Thermal Test facility. The test results demonstrated enhanced solar absorptance and thermal efficiency of the fractal-like designs.

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Fractal-like receiver geometries and features for increased light trapping and thermal efficiency

AIP Conference Proceedings

Ho, Clifford K.; Christian, Joshua M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ortega, J.; Andraka, Charles E.

Novel designs to increase light trapping and thermal efficiency of concentrating solar receivers at multiple length scales have been conceived and tested. The fractal-like geometries and features are introduced at both macro (meters) and meso (millimeters to centimeters) scales. Advantages include increased solar absorptance, reduced thermal emittance, and increased thermal efficiency. Radial and linear structures at the meso (tube shape and geometry) and macro (total receiver geometry and configuration) scales redirect reflected solar radiation toward the interior of the receiver for increased absorptance. Hotter regions within the interior of the receiver can reduce thermal emittance due to reduced local view factors to the environment, and higher concentration ratios can be employed with similar surface irradiances to reduce the effective optical aperture, footprint, and thermal losses. Coupled optical/fluid/thermal models have been developed to evaluate the performance of these designs relative to conventional designs, and meso-scale tests have been performed. Results show that fractal-like structures and geometries can increase the thermal efficiency by several percentage points at both the meso and macro scales, depending on factors such as intrinsic absorptance. The impact was more pronounced for materials with lower intrinsic solar absorptances (<0.9). The goal of this work is to increase the effective solar absorptance of oxidized substrate materials from ∼0.9 to 0.95 or greater using these fractal-like geometries without the need for coatings.

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Calorimetric evaluation of novel concentrating solar receiver geometries with enhanced effective solar absorptance

ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ortega, J.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.; Christian, Joshua M.; Andraka, Charles E.

Direct solar power receivers consist of tubular arrays, or panels, which are typically tubes arranged side by side and connected to an inlet and outlet manifold. The tubes absorb the heat incident on the surface and transfer it to the fluid contained inside them. To increase the solar absorptance, high temperature black paint or a solar selective coating is applied to the surface of the tubes. However, current solar selective coatings degrade over the lifetime of the receiver and must be reapplied, which reduces the receiver thermal efficiency and increases the maintenance costs. This work presents an evaluation of several novel receiver shapes which have been denominated as fractal like geometries (FLGs). The FLGs are geometries that create a light-trapping effect, thus, increasing the effective solar absorptance and potentially increasing the thermal efficiency of the receiver. Five FLG prototypes were fabricated out of Inconel 718 and tested in Sandia's solar furnace at two irradiance levels of ∼15 and 30 W/cm2 and two fluid flow rates. Photographic methods were used to capture the irradiance distribution on the receiver surfaces and compared to results from ray-tracing models. This methods provided the irradiance distribution and the thermal input on the FLGs. Air at nearly atmospheric pressure was used as heat transfer fluid. The air inlet and outlet temperatures were recorded, using a data acquisition system, until steady state was achieved. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, using the Discrete Ordinates (DO) radiation and the k-? Shear Stress Transport (SST) equations, were developed and calibrated, using the test data, to predict the performance of the five FLGs at different air flow rates and irradiance levels. The results showed that relative to a flat plate (base case), the new FLGs exhibited an increase in the effective solar absorptance from 0.86 to 0.92 for an intrinsic material absorptance of 0.86. Peak surface temperatures of ∼1000°C and maximum air temperature increases of ∼200°C were observed. Compared to the base case, the new FLGs showed a clear air outlet temperature increase. Thermal efficiency increases of ∼15%, with respect to the base case, were observed. Several tests, in different days, were performed to assess the repeatability of the results. The results obtained, so far, are very encouraging and display a very strong potential for incorporation in future solar power receivers.

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Structural analysis of a direct heated tubular solar receiver for supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Ho, Clifford K.

Closed-loop super-critical carbon dioxide (sCO2) Brayton cycles are being evaluated in combination with concentrating solar power to provide higher thermal-to-electric conversion efficiencies relative to conventional steam Rankine cycles. However, high temperatures (650-700°C) and pressures (20-25 MPa) are required in the solar receiver. In this study an extensive material review was performed along with a tube size optimization following the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and B31.1 and B313.3 codes respectively. Subsequently a thermal-structural model was developed using ANSYS Fluent and Structural to design and analyze the tubular receiver that could provide the heat input for a ∼2 MWth plant. The receiver will be required to provide an outlet temperature of 650°C (at 25 MPa) or 700°C (at 20 MPa). The induced thermal stresses were applied using a temperature gradient throughout the tube while a constant pressure load was applied on the inner wall. The resulting stresses have been validated analytically using constant surface temperatures. The cyclic loading analysis was performed using the Larson-Miller creep model in nCode Design Life to define the structural integrity of the receiver over the desired lifetime of ∼10,000 cycles. The results have shown that the stresses induced by the thermal and pressure load can be withstood by the tubes selected. The creep-fatigue analysis displayed the damage accumulation due to the cycling and the permanent deformation of the tubes. Nonetheless, they are able to support the required lifetime. As a result, a complete model to verify the structural integrity and thermal performance of a high temperature and pressure receiver has been developed. This work will serve as reference for future design and evaluation of future direct and indirect tubular receivers.

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Novel tubular receiver panel configurations for increased efficiency of high-temperature solar receivers

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Christian, Joshua M.; Ortega, J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Typical Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) central receiver power plants require the use of either an external or cavity receiver. Previous and current external receivers consist of a series of tubes connected to manifolds that form a cylindrical or rectangular shape such as in the cases of Solar One, Solar Two, and most recently the Ivanpah solar plant. These receivers operate at high surface temperatures (>600°C) at which point thermal re-radiation is significant. However, the geometric arrangement of these heat transfer tubes results in heat losses directly to the environment. This work focused on how to fundamentally reduce this heat loss through the manipulation of heat transfer tube configurations. Four receiver configurations are studied: flat receiver (base case study), a radial receiver with finned structures (fins arranged in a circular pattern on a cylinder), a louvered finned structure (horizontal and angled fins on a flat plate), and a vertical finned structure (fins oriented vertically along a flat plate). The thermal efficiency, convective heat loss patterns, and air flow around each receiver design is found using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code ANSYS FLUENT. Results presented in this paper show that alternative tubular configurations increase thermal efficiency by increasing the effective solar absorptance of these hightemperature receivers by increasing the light trapping effects of the receiver, reducing thermal emittance to the environment, and reducing the overall size of the receiver. Each receiver configuration has finned structures that take advantage of the directional dependence of the heliostat field resulting in a light trapping effect on the receiver. The finned configurations tend to lead to "hot" regions on the receiver, but the new configurations can take advantage of high local view factors (each surface can "see" another receiver surface) in these regions through the use of heat transfer fluid (HTF) flow patterns. The HTF reduces the temperatures in these regions increasing the efficiency of heat transfer to the fluid. Finally, the new receiver configurations have a lower overall optical intercept region resulting in a higher geometric concentration ratio for the receiver. Compared to the base case analysis (flat plate receiver), the novel tubular geometries results showed an increase in thermal efficiency.

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Design requirements for direct supercritical carbon dioxide receiver development and testing

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Khivsara, Sagar D.; Ho, Clifford K.

This paper establishes the design requirements for the development and testing of direct supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) solar receivers. Current design considerations are based on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). Section I (BPVC) considers typical boilers/superheaters (i.e. fired pressure vessels) which work under a constant low heat flux. Section VIII (BPVC) considers pressure vessels with operating pressures above 15 psig [2 bar] (i.e. unfired pressure vessels). Section III, Division I - Subsection NH (BPVC) considers a more detailed stress calculation, compared to Section I and Section VIII, and requires a creep-fatigue analysis. The main drawback from using the BPVC exclusively is the large safety requirements developed for nuclear power applications. As a result, a new set of requirements is needed to perform detailed thermal-structural analyses of solar thermal receivers subjected to a spatially-varying, high-intensity heat flux. The last design requirements document of this kind was an interim Sandia report developed in 1979 (SAND79-8183), but it only addresses some of the technical challenges in early-stage steam and molten-salt solar receivers but not the use of sCO2 receivers. This paper presents a combination of the ASME BPVC and ASME B31.1 Code modified appropriately to achieve the reliability requirements in sCO2 solar power systems. There are five main categories in this requirements document: Operation and Safety, Materials and Manufacturing, Instrumentation, Maintenance and Environmental, and General requirements. This paper also includes the modeling guidelines and input parameters required in computational fluid dynamics and structural analyses utilizing ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS Mechanical, and nCode Design Life. The main purpose of this document is to serve as a reference and guideline for design and testing requirements, as well as to address the technical challenges and provide initial parameters for the computational models that will be employed for the development of sCO2 receivers.

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Coupled optical-thermal-fluid and structural analyses of novel light-trapping tubular panels for concentrating solar power receivers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.

Traditional tubular receivers used in concentrating solar power are formed using tubes connected to manifolds to form panels; which in turn are arranged in cylindrical or rectangular shapes. Previous and current tubular receivers, such as the ones used in Solar One, Solar Two, and most recently the Ivanpah solar plants, have used a black paint coating to increase the solar absorptance of the receiver. However, these coatings degrade over time and must be reapplied, increasing the receiver maintenance cost. This paper presents the thermal efficiency evaluation of novel receiver tubular panels that have a higher effective solar absorptance due to a light-trapping effect created by arranging the tubes in each panel into unique geometric configurations. Similarly, the impact of the incidence angle on the effective solar absorptance and thermal efficiency is evaluated. The overarching goal of this work is to achieve effective solar absorptances of ∼90% and thermal efficiencies above 85% without using an absorptance coating. Several panel geometries were initially proposed and were down-selected based on structural analyses considering the thermal and pressure loading requirements of molten salt and supercritical carbon-dioxide receivers. The effective solar absorptance of the chosen tube geometries and panel configurations were evaluated using the ray-tracing modeling capabilities of SolTrace. The thermal efficiency was then evaluated by coupling computational fluid dynamics with the ray-tracing results using ANSYS Fluent. Compared to the base case analysis (flat tubular panel), the novel tubular panels have shown an increase in effective solar absorptance and thermal efficiency by several percentage points.

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Testing and optical modeling of novel concentrating solar receiver geometries to increase light trapping and effective solar absorptance

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.; Ortega, J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Andraka, Charles E.

Concentrating solar power receivers are comprised of panels of tubes arranged in a cylindrical or cubical shape on top of a tower. The tubes contain heat-transfer fluid that absorbs energy from the concentrated sunlight incident on the tubes. To increase the solar absorptance, black paint or a solar selective coating is applied to the surface of the tubes. However, these coatings degrade over time and must be reapplied, which reduces the system performance and increases costs. This paper presents an evaluation of novel receiver shapes and geometries that create a light-trapping effect, thereby increasing the effective solar absorptance and efficiency of the solar receiver. Several prototype shapes were fabricated from Inconel 718 and tested in Sandiaas solar furnace at an irradiance of ∼30 W/cm2. Photographic methods were used to capture the irradiance distribution on the receiver surfaces. The irradiance profiles were compared to results from raytracing models. The effective solar absorptance was also evaluated using the ray-tracing models. Results showed that relative to a flat plate, the new geometries could increase the effective solar absorptance from 86% to 92% for an intrinsic material absorptance of 86%, and from 60% to 73% for an intrinsic material absorptance of 60%.

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SERIIUS-MAGEEP Visiting Scholars Program

Ortega, J.

Recent studies have assessed closed-loop supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) Brayton cycles to be a higher energy-density system in comparison to equivalent superheated steam Rankine systems. At turbine inlet conditions of 700°C and 20 MPa, a cycle thermal efficiency of ~50% can be achieved. Achieving these high efficiencies will help concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies to become a competitive alternative to current power generation methods. To incorporate an s-CO2 Brayton power cycle in a solar power tower system, the development of a solar receiver capable of providing an outlet temperature of 700°C (at 20 MPa) is necessary. To satisfy the temperature requirements of an s-CO2 Brayton cycle with recuperation and recompression, the s-CO2 must undergo a temperature rise of ~200°C as it flows through the solar receiver. The main objective is to develop an optical-thermal-fluid and structural model to validate a tubular receiver that will receive a heat input ~0.33 MWth from the heliostat field at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF), Albuquerque, NM, USA. We also commenced the development of computational models and testing of air receivers being developed by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay (IIT-B). The helical tubular receiver is expected to counteract the effect of thermal expansion while using a cavity to reduce the radiative and convective losses. Initially, this receiver will be tested for a temperature range of 100-300°C under 1 MPa of pressurized air. The helical air receiver will be exposed to 10kWth to achieve a temperature rise of ~200°C. Preliminary tests to validate the modeling will be performed before the design and construction of a larger scale receiver. Lastly, I focused on the development of a new computational tool that would allow us to perform a nodal creep-fatigue analysis on the receivers and heat exchangers being developed. This tool was developed using MATLAB and is capable of processing the results obtained from ANSYS Fluent and Structural combined, which was limited when using commercial software. The main advantage of this code is that it can be modified to run in parallel making it more affordable and faster compared to commercial codes available. The code is in the process of validation and is currently being compared to nCode Design Life.

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Reduction of radiative heat losses for solar thermal receivers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Ho, Clifford K.; Christian, Joshua M.; Ortega, J.; Yellowhair, Julius; Mosquera, Matthew J.; Andraka, Charles E.

Solar thermal receivers absorb concentrated sunlight and can operate at high temperatures exceeding 600°C for production of heat and electricity. New fractal-like designs employing light-trapping structures and geometries at multiple length scales are proposed to increase the effective solar absorptance and efficiency of these receivers. Radial and linear structures at the micro (surface coatings and depositions), meso (tube shape and geometry), and macro (total receiver geometry and configuration) scales redirect reflected solar radiation toward the interior of the receiver for increased absorptance. Hotter regions within the interior of the receiver also reduce thermal emittance due to reduced local view factors in the interior regions, and higher concentration ratios can be employed with similar surface irradiances to reduce the effective optical aperture and thermal losses. Coupled optical/fluid/thermal models have been developed to evaluate the performance of these designs relative to conventional designs. Results show that fractal-like structures and geometries can reduce total radiative losses by up to 50% and increase the thermal efficiency by up to 10%. The impact was more pronounced for materials with lower inherent solar absorptances (< 0.9). Meso-scale tests were conducted and confirmed model results that showed increased light-trapping from corrugated surfaces relative to flat surfaces.

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High-temperature receiver designs for supercritical CO2 closed-loop Brayton cycles

ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2014 Collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ho, C.K.; Conboy, T.; Ortega, J.; Afrin, S.; Gray, A.; Christian, J.M.; Bandyopadyay, S.; Kedare, S.B.; Singh, S.; Wani, P.

High-temperature receiver designs for solar powered supercritical CO2Brayton cycles that can produce ∼1 MW of electricity are being investigated. Advantages of a supercritical CO2closed-loop Brayton cycle with recuperation include high efficiency (∼50%) and a small footprint relative to equivalent systems employing steam Rankine power cycles. Heating for the supercritical CO2system occurs in a high-temperature solar receiver that can produce temperatures of at least 700 °C. Depending on whether the CO2is heated directly or indirectly, the receiver may need to withstand pressures up to 20 MPa (200 bar). This paper reviews several high-temperature receiver designs that have been investigated as part of the SERIIUS program. Designs for direct heating of CO2include volumetric receivers and tubular receivers, while designs for indirect heating include volumetric air receivers, molten-salt and liquid-metal tubular receivers, and falling particle receivers. Indirect receiver designs also allow storage of thermal energy for dispatchable electricity generation. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative designs are presented. Current results show that the most viable options include tubular receiver designs for direct and indirect heating of CO2and falling particle receiver designs for indirect heating and storage.

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39 Results
39 Results