
27 Results
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Development of a time-resolved energy absorption measurement technique for laser beam spot welds

Welding Journal (Miami, Fla)

Norris, J.T.; Robino, C.V.; Perricone, M.J.; Hirschfeld, D.A.

A method has been developed to temporally characterize the power and energy absorbed in laser beam spot welding (LBSW). As a spot weld is created, the absorption of laser power changes as the surface of the weld pool changes from initial melting through the development of the keyhole. By relating the instantaneous delivered power and pulse energy to the scattered power during welding, a time-resolved description of the power and energy absorption can be obtained. The method uses two goldplated integrating spheres containing Nd:YAG notch-filtered photodiodes to capture and detect the scattered laser light. Under various welding parameters (pulse energy, duration, and shape), the level of scattered light changes with the y condition of the weld pool. For high depth-to-width aspect ratio keyhole mode welds, power transfer efficiency (or instantaneous energy transfer) ranges from -40 to 80% depending on the state of the weld pool. In contrast, low aspect ratio conduction mode welds maintain less than 50% transfer efficiency throughout the welding process. Overall energy transfer efficiencies measured by this method show good agreement with calorimetric (Refs. 1, 2) and thermal expansion measurements (Ref. 4). Time-resolved energy absorption was also evaluated for square and constant ramp down (CRD) pulse shapes. Through characterization of keyhole formation and transfer efficiency in relation to welding parameters, the laser welding process can be optimized, and insight into keyhole phenomena necessary for developing and improving modeling capabilities can be obtained.

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Laser concrete ablation scaling effects

Norris, J.T.

Surface scabbling of concrete by laser processing has been demonstrated in the literature for large-area problems ({approx}50 mm wide x 10 deep) using physically large, high-power consumption, multi-kW CW laser systems. With large spot diameters ({approx}50 mm) and low power densities ({approx} 300 W/cm{sup 2}), large volume thermal stresses are induced which promote concrete cracking. This process is highly power-density and heat-input (J/m) dependent. Too high power densities cause melting and generate potentially toxic fumes by vaporizing the cement matrix material. New applications require concrete removal with more portable, lower power equipment, and low particulate and fume generation. Recent results investigating the process for small-area ({approx} 2 x 2 mm) removal are examined and discussed. Tests performed were limited to < 700W output power. Ablation via thermal cracking was observed at larger spot sizes but as the spot size approached 10 mm (with constant power density) ablation ceased and melting predominated. Scaling effects involving temperature gradients through the ITZ (Interfacial Transition Zone), the probability of including an ITZ in the beam path at decreasing spot sizes, and the gradient effects on bulk properties between rock and sand zones will be presented and discussed.

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Pulse shaping effects on weld porosity in laser beam spot welds : contrast of long- & short- pulse welds

Norris, J.T.; Perricone, Matthew J.

Weld porosity is being investigated for long-pulse spot welds produced by high power continuous output lasers. Short-pulse spot welds (made with a pulsed laser system) are also being studied but to a much small extent. Given that weld area of a spot weld is commensurate with weld strength, the loss of weld area due to an undefined or unexpected pore results in undefined or unexpected loss in strength. For this reason, a better understanding of spot weld porosity is sought. Long-pulse spot welds are defined and limited by the slow shutter speed of most high output power continuous lasers. Continuous lasers typically ramp up to a simmer power before reaching the high power needed to produce the desired weld. A post-pulse ramp down time is usually present as well. The result is a pulse length tenths of a second long as oppose to the typical millisecond regime of the short-pulse pulsed laser. This study will employ a Lumonics JK802 Nd:YAG laser with Super Modulation pulse shaping capability and a Lasag SLS C16 40 W pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Pulse shaping will include square wave modulation of various peak powers for long-pulse welds and square (or top hat) and constant ramp down pulses for short-pulse welds. Characterization of weld porosity will be performed for both pulse welding methods.

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Evaluation of weld porosity in laser beam seam welds: optimizing continuous wave and square wave modulated processes

Norris, J.T.; Perricone, Matthew J.; Roach, R.A.

Nd:YAG laser joining is a high energy density (HED) process that can produce high-speed, low-heat input welds with a high depth-to-width aspect ratio. This is optimized by formation of a ''keyhole'' in the weld pool resulting from high vapor pressures associated with laser interaction with the metallic substrate. It is generally accepted that pores form in HED welds due to the instability and frequent collapse of the keyhole. In order to maintain an open keyhole, weld pool forces must be balanced such that vapor pressure and weld pool inertia forces are in equilibrium. Travel speed and laser beam power largely control the way these forces are balanced, as well as welding mode (Continuous Wave or Square Wave) and shielding gas type. A study into the phenomenon of weld pool porosity in 304L stainless steel was conducted to better understand and predict how welding parameters impact the weld pool dynamics that lead to pore formation. This work is intended to aid in development and verification of a finite element computer model of weld pool fluid flow dynamics being developed in parallel efforts and assist in weld development activities for the W76 and future RRW programs.

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Thin plate gap bridging study for Nd:YAG pulsed laser lap welds

Norris, J.T.; Roach, R.A.; Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Bernal, John E.

In an on going study of gap bridging for thin plate Nd:YAG laser lap welds, empirical data, high speed imaging, and computer modeling were utilized to better understand surface physics attributed to the formation and solidification of a weld pool. Experimental data indicates better gap bridging can be achieved through optimized laser parameters such as pulse length, duration, and energy. Long pulse durations at low energies generating low peak powers were found to create the highest percent of gap bridging ability. At constant peak power, gap-bridging ability was further improved by using a smaller spot diameter resulting in higher irradiances. Hence, welding in focus is preferable for bridging gaps. Gas shielding was also found to greatly impact gap-bridging ability. Gapped lap welds that could not be bridged with UHP Argon gas shielding, were easily bridged when left unshielded and exposed to only air. Incident weld angle and joint offset were also investigated for their ability to improve gap bridging. Optical filters and brightlight surface illumination enabled high-speed imaging to capture the fluid dynamics of a forming and solidifying weld pool. The effects of various laser parameters and the weld pool's interaction with the laser beam could also be observed utilizing the high-speed imaging. The work described is used to develop and validate a computer model with improved weld pool physics. Finite element models have been used to derive insight into the physics of gap bridging. The dynamics of the fluid motion within the weld pool in conjunction with the free surface physics have been the primary focus of the modeling efforts. Surface tension has been found to be a more significant factor in determining final weld pool shape than expected.

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Thin plate gap bridging study for Nd:YAG pulsed laser lap welds

ASM Proceedings of the International Conference: Trends in Welding Research

Norris, J.T.; Roach, R.A.; Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Bernal, J.

Gap bridging of thin plate pulsed Nd:YAG lap welds is optimized by focused welding at low peak powers without gas shielding. High speed images reveal effects of varying welding parameters and weld pool and laser beam interactions. Improved bridging with out gas shielding is attributed to changes in Marangoni convective flow. Development and verification of finite element models for weld pool physics is being conducted. Copyright © 2006 ASM International®.

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Development and evaluation of an in-situ beam measurement for spot welding lasers

Welding Journal (Miami, Fla)

Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Norris, J.T.; Dykhuizen, Ronald C.; Mahoney, Alan R.

A straightforward and accurate method for measuring the laser beam diameter at focus is desired in order to develop fundamental understanding and for routine process control. These measurements are useful for laser materials processing by assuring laser performance consistency at the workpiece. By employing multiple-shot exposures on Kapton™ film, an unambiguous and precise measurement of the focused Nd:YAG laser beam diameter for spot welding lasers was obtained. A comparison of focused beam measurements produced with the Prometec laserscope and an ISO variable aperture method found that these two methods, which both measure the 86% energy contour, do closely agree. In contrast, Kapton film was found to measure the 99% beam energy contour and to diverge from measurements made with the other two methods. The divergence between Kapton and the other two methods was shown to be due to changes in the laser irradiance distribution that do not affect the location of the 99% energy contour. Since the 86% beam diameter was seen to not always be representative of the true beam diameter, the 99% Kapton film diameter can provide a more representative measurement of the focused laser for in-situ process control.

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Understanding metal vaporizaiton from laser welding

Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Norris, J.T.

The production of metal vapor as a consequence of high intensity laser irradiation is a serious concern in laser welding. Despite the widespread use of lasers in manufacturing, little fundamental understanding of laser/material interaction in the weld pool exists. Laser welding experiments on 304 stainless steel have been completed which have advanced our fundamental understanding of the magnitude and the parameter dependence of metal vaporization in laser spot welding. Calculations using a three-dimensional, transient, numerical model were used to compare with the experimental results. Convection played a very important role in the heat transfer especially towards the end of the laser pulse. The peak temperatures and velocities increased significantly with the laser power density. The liquid flow is mainly driven by the surface tension and to a much less extent, by the buoyancy force. Heat transfer by conduction is important when the liquid velocity is small at the beginning of the pulse and during weld pool solidification. The effective temperature determined from the vapor composition was found to be close to the numerically computed peak temperature at the weld pool surface. At very high power densities, the computed temperatures at the weld pool surface were found to be higher than the boiling point of 304 stainless steel. As a result, vaporization of alloying elements resulted from both total pressure and concentration gradients. The calculations showed that the vaporization was concentrated in a small region under the laser beam where the temperature was very high.

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An investigation of laser spot weld variability in Kovar lap joints

ICALEO 2003 - 22nd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings

Fuerschbach, Phillip W.; Norris, J.T.; Pressly, Gary

An experimental study of laser spotweld variability for 0.10 mm thick Kovar fillet lap joints has been completed. A fixture was fabricated to vary weld joint gap continuously between 0.0 and 0.25 mm. The maximum gap bridged was determined from many samples and used to evaluate the effect of changes in the independent process variables. An array of process parameters including pulse energy, duration, temporal shaping, beam diameter, and shielding gas were selected for the experiment. It was observed that changes in most process parameters did not improve gap bridging. Images of successful and unsuccessful fillet lap welds are presented. It is thought that due to surface tension effects, increasing or decreasing weld size did not provide additional molten metal to close the gap between the top and bottom plates. Some improvement in gap bridging was observed when the incident beam was angled to the weld joint at 30°, and when the beam was significantly offset towards the top plate side of the joint.

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27 Results
27 Results